Master Of None-Chapter 1725 1725. Immortal?

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The chains along the metal crate contained light elemental mana. They clearly had been made with materials that could channel it to contain and purify mamas. However, there were still parts of the metal crate that had begun to degrade and rust away.

"So these undead are able to make metal rot and decay. They have powerful mana within them." Mordant approached the edge of the metal crate before the soldier could open it. He used his darkness mana to probe it slightly as if he was looking at an interesting new toy.

"If it has darkness mana that is so powerful, should I be ready to use some light elemental mana?" Walker have a wave to Alice who could start dining. He also nodded at Rise who could call up powerful light elemental mana to help push away the decay.

"It's better safe than sorry. I want to see this monster too now." Mordant was very curious. From what he could feel, it was not just darkness mana within. It was a mixture of mana that was stopping him from controlling the darkness mana and taking it for himself. This made things very odd for him since he was a royal dragon and not used to the feeling of being unable to control mana he was suited to.

Feeling this, Walker mentally prepared himself for worse. He knew that if Mordant was being cautious then it meant a lot. Mordant had been very trusting and even very open to new ideas. Walker had grown to feel very close with Mordant, especially since Mordant had wanted to connect himself and Walker when it came to their relationships as dragons and leaders in their own societies.

Beyond that, the darkness that Walker could sense was also not at all in control, however, he could sense the addition of another mana. A darker and more mysterious mana. "I guess this solidifies it, death energy or other energies are definitely their own kinds of mana. Just harder to grasp." Walker mumbled to himself.

From the time that Midnight had experienced death energy through the immortal kings' tricks to now, he had not been able to grasp such a concept for certain. Walker had made theories and worked on things that related but had remained focused on natural and elemental manas. But with the perfect example of an outer force that might be greater than just the basic elemental manas before him, he was presented with death. A mana that was unknown for the most part.

A small thought reached Walker while he tried to grasp a little of this concept better. Death mana was somehow related to darkness mana because of whatever reason. It could be the people that made it or the control it had over things. However, death was also part of the natural flow. Darkness mana appeared where death was because rotting things would breed new life in to a forest. The rotting leaves could feed the newest growth. Didn't that mean that life mana would also appear in the same place at some point?

Unfortunately, the metal crate shook while Walker tried to grasp this small theory. The tiny thought that could have become a great meditation theory. The shaking metal crate came as soon as the soldiers began to remove the light affinity chains.

Both archangels watched carefully with their stances showing that they would not hesitate to attack. They needed to be certain that this monster would not escape and cause harm all around them along the border. It wasn't just the Fel empire that feared this. The Rize empire could sense the manas within the crate and knew that the Fel empire had not made up this threat just to bolster forces.

"You appear to have brought a creature of strength here." The Rize empire archangel mused this point for a moment.

"No, this is a weak one. Just a pawn that was risen from one of the many tombs we found. The desert we hunt is now filled with these things." That alone made the entire group of soldiers prepare. Such A powerful mana was coming from a weak being? How could the Fel empire handle such a threat? However, compared to the wyverns, it made sense. They were equal threats. One was brutal in killing and the other was organized and held unknown secrets.

The metal crate fell apart revealing a skeletal figure with many white chains wrapped around it. They were slowly turning darker and darker as they rotted right there in place. The skeletal figure was wrapped with dark gray bandages which seemed to be immune to the mana that was rotting the chains. However, there were clear red eyes and sharper teeth that showed from the head of the skeletal figure.

'Mummified worshiper

This undead is considered the weakest of those that once worshiped the great kings of their civilization. The small amount of dragon blood in the veins of a once powerful race made them obsessed with strength. This pushed them to try to keep the bloodline pure, having fewer and fewer children.

Upon realizing this, the worshipers ran to their powerful leaders and begged for eternal life to fix this issue. In this means, they gave their minds and souls to be kept alive in death. They are just mindless pawns of a greater undead that allows them to gain more mana and subordinates.

The strong darkness mana is a side effect of the forced death mana in to their bodies. This results in everything they touch beginning to rot away in decay. However, their bodies are kept solid by the death mana within them. They can be reduced to dust and slowly reform over time until their controller of them is defeated. The time it takes depends on the damage they receive. It could be hours or years.'

The information was a lot. The all around appraisal had not given the best specific information about the mummified worshiper. Yet, it was enough to raise the eyebrows of everyone watching. But for the moment, everyone was focused on the struggling mummified worshiper that was about to escape the white chains. 𝗳r𝗲𝙚w𝐞𝚋𝘯𝚘ѵ𝗲l.𝑐om

"Ignus, burn this for us?" Mordant was sure that this would give them the most time. Especially since he wanted to see if the darkness mana would dissipate if the mummy was brought to dust.

"I dislike this thing as well. I am acting to purify the world, not for you." Ignus seemed annoyed but his serious expression proved that he was also wary of this monster. An undead that could reform its body was a terrifying idea. Especially since they all knew of a powerful undead hiding in their own continent.

A powerful red flame appeared in Ignus's hands. He slowly pushed it on the head of the mummified worshiper. No one needed to see more. They knew that nothing would survive the flame that Ignus had created out of nothing.

The flames slowly melted and even destroyed the light affinity chains. By the time that there was only dust remaining, everyone had already absorbed the information from Walker's all around appraisal. But Mordant was still looking at the dust.

"The mana is trapped in it. Even though it is all dust, the mana is trapped there." Mordant could see that the darkness and death mana was still there. It was somehow condensed right in to the dust. It changed shape easily without even making waves around it.

"That means it can really come back. We will have to trap it again." The Fel empire archangel seemed to be grinning. He had seen something pretty amazing in the way that Ignus had used flames. But so had the Rize empire archangel. He too was interested in the depth of elemental knowledge that the dragons possessed. It was beyond what he had seen.

"Do you understand a little more now? You can trust us since we can handle these things to a degree. But because you haven't defeated the one controlling them, they will come back again. That means your problem lies in the most powerful undead. And now, I want to see a wyvern." Walker maintained a cool and calm attitude. But it seemed that his words had a greater effect than before. Now that he had gleaned information from an undead, the two archangels had accepted him more.

Neither had understood what genesis was or what it could do. Unfortunately, that had been the angel's fault. If they wanted to even grasp a little of the knowledge they were missing, they would have to give more to genesis. That was clear. Walker knew this and now the angels did. Their deals would have to change while the wars between the two empires might have to cease for longer and longer.

"I should have a wyvern body here soon. We will learn from it as well." The Rize archangel did not hesitate to reassure Walker and the others.


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