Magic Gems Gourmet-Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Winter is approaching even in Ishtalica, and it’s already cold enough for someone to catch a cold if they don’t wear a jacket when they go outside.

The sky was a little bit cloudy and the weather was not clear either. But in such weather, he came out to the courtyard.

「You guys really eat a lot, aren’t you?」

It had been five months since the Sea Dragon incident as it was already getting cold outside. But in the castle’s courtyard, Ainz was watching his twin pets eating their meal. It would be wrong to say that the twins had a good nature, but they were completely harmless and had become the mascot of the castle.

「「Hagu hagu hagu!」」

(*munching SFX)

After overcoming some difficulties, he was then allowed to keep the twin Sea Dragon. At their current size, they could be kept in the water area in the courtyard, so they were being kept here.

There’s also a quite large waterhole that was connected to the multiple waterways that even pass through the castle gate.

For that reason, it’s quite convenient for the Sea Dragon twins.

「El and Al are looking good today too, right, Ainz-sama?」

El and Al. That’s what the name that Ainz had come up with for them, thinking that it would be easy to call them like that. El was female, and Al was male. They were twins of different genders.

「It is as you said, Marche-san. It’s nice to see that they eat a lot」

「I was worried about what would they eat, but my worries were for naught」

There is no such thing as a proven record of raising sea dragons. So, what they eat and how to raise them are yet to be studied. But there was no particular problem with their food. They ate fish or livestock like cows and pigs. They would also eat the meat of monsters that live on land, and all the vegetables they wanted to eat without any problems.

They had prepared two types of water for them, seawater and freshwater, but they don’t seem to have any problem with freshwater. That’s why it was fine to release them in the waterhole in the castle.

Right now, three waiters, including Marche, were feeding the twins. Their menu was a well-balanced selection of meat, fish, and vegetables.

「Don’t worry. We still have another one」

「Good boy, good boy. Hey look, he’s thanking me!」

Watching the two waiters feeding them was somewhat comforting. When it was first decided that he was allowed to keep the Sea Dragons, the people in the castle were very scared of it. But when Marche made up her mind and took the food to them, the fear was easily erased when they started to squeak and squeal in a cute voice. After that, she was put on duty among the waiters who took turns feeding them.

Ainz was their owner, but when he couldn’t take time off as a crown prince or when he went to the academy, he often had the waiters to help him.



They cried out a word, perhaps as a thank you for the meal, and then began to dive into the water.

「Aah, they’re gone…」

「Haah, they must have had enough. Shall we go back then… Ainz-sama, please excuse us」

「Okay, thanks」

Then, leaving Marche behind, the two waiters went on to their next task.

「They look cute when they are eating. But their movement when they after diving into the water was really like a Sea Dragon」

「It may be small, but they’re still a Sea Dragon」

They are probably also born with the Ocean Current skills. Because when he saw their movement, he could see that without them moving their bodies, they could move by manipulating the water flowing through the waterways.

Even when Ainz walks in the water, his body is being carried along by the current without swimming which makes it look a little silly but also adorable.

「Well then. I guess I’d better get going too」

「Understood… Did you have something to do?」

「Grandfather wanted to see me, so I’m gonna meet him now」

「I understand, let’s get there together then. I will prepare the tea」

Ainz was having fun watching the twins. Today was a holiday for him, but Sylvird had called him to meet him after lunch. But he decided to get there early so that he wouldn’t be late and make Sylvird wait.


「Grandfather, I’ve come to see you」

「Good. Unlike Kadyma, you’re a good boy who is always on time, aren’t you?」

Ainz did not take Kadyma who was easily dissed as his example. He then sat down in the seat in front of Sylvird. There’s also the usual two people, Warren and Lloyd, waiting in this room with Sylvird.

There’s also Chris who sat down on Ainz’s side, making a total of five people gathered.

「For this much important person to be gathered in here, is something happen?」

「Warren, please explain it to him」

「Yes. Ainz-sama, you know that you’re a Crown Prince, right?」

Prompted by Sylvird, Warren began to explain.

「Yes, I know」

「As I have explained to you many times in the past, the Crown Prince must travels on behalf of His Majesty on many official duties」

「I know that too. So, does that mean you’ve decided something for me?」

「It is as you say」

He gave his affirmation to Ainz, and then Warren handed a few documents to both Ainz and Chris.

「Warren-sama, what is this?」

「First, please take a look at the first page. The numbers in there are a summary of the movement of gold in our trading with Euro」

“Why Euro?” Ainz wondered, but did as he was told and looked at the contents.

「…It’s going pretty well, isn’t it?」

「Yes. It’s as Ainz-sama said, and there seems to be a lot of mining going on」

「I am glad that both of you noticed that. As you said, the mining is going well. Under the surface, we are also working on a new project for a new magic tool. But at present, the sea crystals from Euro are more important for Ishtalica. But I never imagined that we would be able to achieve such results」

「Hmm… Surely, a deal this big would be important for Ishtalica」

「I must also say that there is no guarantee that the new magic tool will be created. Development has progressed significantly over the past few years, but we’re not yet certain that it would be finished any soon」

Ishtalica makes use of magic tools in everything. Without magic tools, harmful substances from magic stones would get into the human body and cause serious harm, and that magic tools require sea crystal to operate. That’s why sea crystal is such an important resource for Ishtalica.

「For that reason. We decided to take our relationship with Euro to the next level of intimacy after all that has been accomplished」

「Then, do you mean I have to go to Euro…?」

If the destination had been Hyme, other feelings and thoughts might have crossed his mind.

But there would be no problem if it was to Euro. So Ainz was relieved to know that he doesn’t need to experience that feeling.

He just realized that he had grown up.

「It’s as Ainz-sama says. I also thought it would be too much for your first official duty as a representative. However, after we discussed it, we decided that it would be fine for you to go as our representative. After all, it would be too complicated to go to Euro, so it was decided that you would go to Euro in my place」

「Bu-but Grandfather… This is so sudden. What about the academy?」

「Hmm. I know that the regular exams are scheduled for next week, but as the Highest Director of the academy, I’ll allow you. But as soon as you return, you’ll be required to take the same exams, so there should be no problem. You can rest assured that the demotion of your group will be decided after the exam」

He doesn’t need to worry about the academy as he was allowed to take the exam as soon as he returns home. He was also relieved to hear that he would not be demoted from his group. Well, he could still be demoted if his exam results were not good though…

Ainz knew that one day he would take on official duty as a representative. But even so, he never thought that his first official duty would be a trip to Euro.

「Is it alright for me to go to Euro? There might be a problem with the succession to the throne if something should happen to me…」

「Chris and the entire Kings guard as well as Dill will accompany you. Warren’s men would also be with you so there would be no problem. I know it was bad to lose the King’s guard from the castle, but even so, we wouldn’t be able to maintain our full strength at all times. So, I’ll raise the castle’s alert level significantly, so there should be no problem for either of us」

「Aah… I feel safe if you’d go to that extent to protect me」

The Knights of the kings guard. They are a group of the most talented knights in Ishtalica. Not only are they skilled in battle, but they’re also smart. They were raised so that each of them could act as a commander in an emergency. And Chris and Dill who boast a sufficient escort capability would come with him as his escort.

「So, when do I had to go?」

「It’ll be at the end of next week. Are you okay with that?」

「That’s too sudden too…」

He was a little disheartened by the suddenness of the task. But there was no point in complaining.

「Warren, Chris. Please take care of Ainz for me」

「As you will」


「Eh? Warren-san will be going too?」

It’s reassuring that Warren is coming with them. That’s what Ainz thought. He couldn’t think of anyone more reliable than him for a business like this.

「This is an important business after all. Your Highness the Crown Prince and I, the Prime Minister are going to go there on behalf of His Majesty. I’m sure that they’ll understand the meaning of it as well」

These members were selected to show the sincerity and the seriousness of Ishtalica.

In the meeting before, there were many opinions that there was no need to go that far for a rural nation. The strength of the country is overwhelmingly in Ishtalica’s favor, and many of them have such an attitude that it is unacceptable to let them think that they are underhanded. That’s why this is the result of both sides’ opinions.

Warren and Ainz will go there to prove that they are serious. At the same time, they would also show off Ishtalica’s strength to them.

That’s why, the ship that Ainz and the others would ride to head for Euro this time would be…

「Ainz. I give you permission to use the White King in my name. Let’s show our seriousness and the strength of Ishtalica to them」

They would board the White King to Euro… The largest battleship in Ishtalica, which has been inherited by successive Ishtalica Kings.

After that, Ein ran around trying to persuade the women around him.

The first was Olivia. He managed to stop her from going to Sylvird to recant the sudden story. After that, he spent the rest of the day in Olivia’s room until morning, and managed to get her permission by having a talk and some tea with her.

Then, there was Claune, who was not as much as troublesome as Olivia. But when he returned home, he had promised to accompany her shopping for a few days. She also left him a letter.

『I want you to give it to my father. I want it to reach the Augusto’s house via Euro』

Hearing that, Ainz readily agreed. He promised to deliver the letter for her.

Ainz then thought that he’d better get ready for his trip, but as expected of Marche, she was really capable. The day before they were to leave, she had already made all the necessary preparations and taken his luggage to the port.

On the day of their departure, Ainz boarded a private train without any major disturbance, and safely arrived at the port town of Magna with Chris, Dill, Warren, and the others, and then boarded to the White King.

Ainz had seen the ship before, but had never boarded it. Once onboard, he was amazed by the luxurious decorations and the many weapons the ship was armed with, and he couldn’t help but want to explore the ship. Warren smiles when he looks at him and guides him around the ship.


Here in Euro, the cold wind is blowing through the sea as winter approaches. Especially since the castle where the Duke of Amur lives faces the sea, he could feel the sea breeze piercing his skin.

Because something even more nerve-wracking is about to happen.

「Uwaah… Lord Amur. I never have imagined for it to be that amazing」

「…I-is that really something that people have built…!?」

Three ships are docked at the harbor in Euro, near the castle where the Duke of Amur lives. On the opposite side of the cape from the castle, another Ishtalica ship was anchored. The three ships were more than twice as big as the ones that had surprised him, and the one in the middle was even bigger and more beautiful.

It was the ship on which the officials of Ishtalica, who had just arrived for the meeting with Euro, had boarded.

And the battleship that was lined on its sides were boarded by the knights escorting the officials.

Of the three ships, the one that particularly caught the attention of those present was the one with the greatest presence.

「That must be the famous private battleship of the King of Ishtalica… The White King」

「E-Ed… I-is there anything wrong with my appearance? I-I’m not being rude, right?」

「There’s nothing wrong with your appearance. Besides, they are from a country that prides itself on its high culture. So, if we sincerely tell them what we think, they will not be offended. So, you don’t have to worry」

The Duke of Amur, having forgotten his position, was on the edge of his seat. The sheer strength of Ishtalica was so overwhelming that even he was trying his best not to lose his mind any further. Beside him, Ed was trying to calm him down.

Then suddenly, a loud whistle sounded. It came from the huge battleships anchored on both sides of the White King. As if on cue, a group of well-dressed knights emerged from the two battleships and disembarked with an orderly walk. Then they lined up in two rows across the White King and opened the center.

「…They probably were the best Knight Order in the Unified Nation of Ishtalica, the King’s Guard. Look at that splendid move, their unity without a single flaw is nothing short of magnificent」

「If they invade us at this moment, this castle is probably going to fall in an instant…」

「Don’t say something like that, Lord Amur」

「B-but he’s right… This castle would fall in an instant」

「This castle even might already fall as soon as those three ships get close」

Lord Amur was disappointed when he was told that, but it was true. Three of the best ships in Ishtalica, equipped with numerous artillery and magic tools. They know which side would win if they tried to resist.

While they were talking like that, four people descended from the White King. They walked among the Kings guard and began to make their way to Lord Amur and the others.

「Lord Amur, please be resolute」


Somehow, the Duke of Amur managed to regain his composure and prepared himself to receive them. When he sees them coming towards him step by step, he feels as if his heartbeat was getting louder and louder.

And finally, the moment of encounter has come.

「It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Warren, and I am the Prime Minister of Ishtalica」

「L-likewise… I am Amur von Euro, the head of the state here at Euro」

「Warren-sama, I’ve even heard your name here in Euro. My name is Ed, and I have no family name… I am an old vassal who has served the Lord of Amur since I was a child」

「So, you’re Ed-dono? I’m honored to receive your praise, and I’ve also heard your name as well. I heard that you won a tournament the other day where fierce fighters from all over the continent gathered」

Ed’s eyebrows twitched for a moment. He wondered if he even had a good grasp of his Lord’s vassal information as well, even though they were on a distant continent.

「Pardon me for the long talks. But let me introduce you to this person… This person here was here on behalf of His Majesty the King, Sylvird. He is the Crown Prince, Ainz-sama」

「Lord Amur, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ainz von Ishtalica. I’ve come here to Euro on behalf of His Majesty the King. And I hope that this meeting will be fruitful, so I look forward to be working with you」

Ainz had received some guidance from Warren on the ship.

He doesn’t have to clearly show their superiority. So, he asked him to behave in a way that would make him seem slightly superior, but not completely equal.

Ainz found it a little difficult, but he was careful to behave as he had been told to.

「I am grateful for the opportunity to meet His Highness Ainz here. Well then, as it would be uncomfortable for us to remain in this place for too long, let’s guide you to the castle」

An important meeting is about to begin for both sides. There will be a lot of speculation going on in the talks as both sides seek mutual prosperity in the future.


Ainz and the others from Ishtalica were entering the castle of the Duke of Amur when it happened.

Disturbances come without warning. And this time was no different.

In the Dukedom of Amur in Euro. In the nearby town, a guest from a certain country had shown up.

The people of Euro in the city were looking at the wagons and wondered what was going on, but could not understand who was in them. They couldn’t understand what was going on.

「Yo-Your Highness…! I-I think y-you’re being a bit forceful this time!」

One little boy expressed his opinion to his lord.

「I don’t care! We, the royalty of Hyme, are coming, and we will not be ignored, even by Euro! Just give them some time and they’ll forget this! So, we must get there as quickly as possible!」

「U-understood! Come on, guys! Hasten the horses!」

Tigre, the third prince of Hyme, has a young escort apprentice with him this year.

He’s Grint, the next head of the Roundheart family, the son of the great general of Hyme. Because of his talent and the fact that he was born with a Holy Knight job, he was assigned to accompany the third prince, Tigre, as his apprentice escort, even though he’s still very young.


The group hurried their horses further and headed for the castle.

It was finally, finally, from the clues they had gathered, they knew that the last place she had been was in Euro.

Ever since he got this clue, he has been making various arrangements for him to go to Euro. And today, he has finally arrived at Euro and will soon reach the castle of the Duke of Amur.

「…We’re almost there. I’ll definitely find you, Claune!」

No one knows how his passionate desire will turn out. There, Ainz and the others, who are connected by a strange connection, are waiting for him.

…The Crown Prince of Ishtalica, and the Prince of Hyme. There is probably no one who would like to see them encounter each other, and that would be for the best for both of them… But actually, it would be for the best for Hyme.

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