Magic Academy's Bastard Instructor-Chapter 68: Memoir [2]
At this point, Astrid’s consciousness was blocked from the present. The spirit, Abyss, had gathered enough data to confidently take full control.
With a sickly mother, a busy father, and siblings much older than her, Astrid often felt lonely growing up.
Her closest companions were the maids.
"Your stigmata is wonderful, Alexia!"
"Shh," Alexia, her closest maid, pressed a finger to her lips. "It’s supposed to be a secret, Princess."
"Oh, I’m sorry…."
Alexia smiled gently. "No need to apologize, Princess. My stigmata isn’t anything special anyway…."
Astrid shook her head. "Not at all! This is my first time seeing so many birds up close. They’re usually too quick to flutter away. But now that I can see them like this, they’re actually very cute."
A small bird landed gently on Alexia’s fingertips.
"Birds are free, Princess," Alexia said. "They belong to no one, and yet they bring joy wherever they go. To me, they represent freedom. It is precious, even if it’s fleeting."
Astrid tilted her head in curiosity. "But what about someone like me? A princess isn’t free, right?"
"Even a princess has her own kind of freedom, Princess. You might not choose your responsibilities, but you can choose how you carry them. Like the birds, it’s not about who or where you are, it’s about how you soar."
Astrid fell silent, unable to comprehend what Alexia just said. She was only nine years old.
The bird on Alexia’s fingertips flapped its wings, and suddenly, as if on cue, all the birds scattered into the sky, displaying a chaotic yet beauty.
Astrid gasped as her eyes followed the flurry of wings until they disappeared into the horizon.
Alexia chuckled. "Remember, Princess, even in a cage, a bird can still sing."
Years passed, and Astrid’s life remained peaceful. Her siblings often visited their home, and Astrid greeted them with excitement.
"Sister!" she would call out.
"Oh, Astrid~! You’ve grown so much!"
Astrid shared a close bond with Irene. Though Irene’s visits were rare due to her busy schedule, she always made time when the opportunity arose.
However, her relationship with her brother, the heir, was a bit distant.
While there were no complications in their relationship, a clear boundary existed due to the age gap and his status. Astrid admired him but often felt intimidated by his presence.
To— Tok.
Astrid knocked on the door.
"Mother, it’s Astrid."
——Come in.
Astrid entered and approached the bed where her mother, Julia Barielle, the Imperial Queen, lay.
Her health had deteriorated over the years due to something called Mana Core Degeneration Syndrome, a condition diagnosed by the royal physicians.
——How was your day, Astrid?
"It was great, Mother," Astrid responded, smiling cheerfully. "I learned a new spell at the academy today. It’s amazing what magic can do!"
"That’s wonderful," her mother said, reaching out to cup Astrid’s cheek. "I’m glad you’re embracing your studies."
"Yes, and I even helped a classmate with a difficult spell. One day, I hope to create a spell that can cure you."
Meanwhile, Vanitas stood nearby, watching the mother and daughter interact.
He found himself in a rather unusual situation.
He was disguised as a maid in the household.
But that wasn’t important at the moment.
’Mana Core Degeneration Syndrome….’
This illness hadn’t been detailed in the narrative. Vanitas only knew that Astrid’s mother had succumbed to an illness, but its specifics had never been revealed before.
As the mother and daughter continued to converse, another knock echoed on the door.
To— Tok.
——The Doctor is here, Lady Julia.
A maid announced.
——Come in.
Julia then turned to Astrid.
——You should go back to your studies now, dear.
Astrid nodded reluctantly and gave her mother a quick hug before leaving the room. The doctor entered just as she was exiting, carrying a case of medical instruments.
Vanitas’s brows scrunched up.
’This doctor….’
He was known in the underworld as Zelliel, a madman obsessed with experiments and unorthodox medicine.
The chance to treat a rare condition like Mana Core Degeneration Syndrome must have been exhilarating for him, enough to risk his life by venturing deep into Imperial Territory.
In other words, he was a criminal.
But not much was known about him.
At the beginning of the game, he was already dead.
Chae Eun-woo had learned about him through his underworld experiences as a player.
To those in the underworld, he was a legend.
The crazy quack who was involved with the Queen’s death.
——You may step outside too, Vanessa.
Julia addressed Vanitas, who was currently disguised as Vanessa, the Queen’s personal maid.
"Understood, Lady Julia."
Vanitas bowed deeply and stepped outside.
Yet, the conversation inside could still be heard.
——Take this for now, Lady Julia.
That mad doctor was likely offering some sort of unapproved medicine from his lab.
——....You eavesdropping too, Vanessa?
Vanitas flinched and turned, seeing Alexia, Astrid’s personal maid, also listening in.
"Yes, though I was asked to step outside, I must remain vigilant for my Lady."
——So you’re suspicious too.
"To serve the Imperial Family, I must be wary of outsiders."
Wait, too?
"What about you, Alexia, what do you think?" Vanitas thought to ask.
——Yes, I am. If he is a threat to the Lady, it is our duty to eliminate him.
Most of the staff working for the Imperial Family could be called assassins, who also took on dangerous tasks for the Imperial Family themselves.
This was also the relationship between Irene and Zia.
——The background checks on him didn’t show much. There was nothing suspicious on the surface, but that in itself is suspicious. You know about Mana Core Degeneration Syndrome, right?
——Yes, the documents had probably been divulged. But I understand you’ve been too busy to check. Anyway, the Imperial Family hasn’t noticed anything. But it is our job as independent chasers.
A secret unit working independently, trusted to carry out tasks that benefit only their employers.
To build such a case, they must first gather complete and relevant information before presenting it to their busy employers.
In other words, a role that was reserved for the truly loyal ones.
And these maids embodied the very definition of loyalty to the Imperial Family.
"That’s right."
They continued eavesdropping. Zelliel was speaking highly technical terms, but they were probably a bunch of nonsense.
Alexia turned to him.
——I’ve been talking to a journalist investigating Zelliel’s inner circle. What about you?
"Trying to get the Princess out of this nightmare."
——....Fix your phrasing.
He had been trying to drop subtle clues and hints, even trying to forcefully drag Astrid out when no one was watching. It proved to be challenging since Astrid’s awareness of the present was blocked.
Despite several attempts, he hadn’t made any progress and didn’t want to risk being removed from this scenario and forced to assume another disguise.
After all, Vanessa was an ideal cover. She had connections with all the chasers within the Imperial Family and was often the first to receive any crucial information.
"Let me know when you meet the journalist. I want to be there"
"....Are you sure this is the right guy?"
The journalist seemed questionable. There were no significant cases to his name.
Alexia nodded.
——He might look unimpressive, but that’s just a front. He’s actually an informant with deep connections in the underworld. His journalist role is just a cover.
"Is that so?"
They walked over to the journalist who was sitting alone at a table.
After exchanging a few pleasantries, the journalist spread out a series of documents on the table. They detailed people whom Zelliel frequently met.
As Vanitas looked through the papers, his brows furrowed.
The words were all blurred, making it unreadable to him.
But it made sense, considering Astrid wouldn’t know anything to this extent.
No, but how would she know Alexia had met this person in the first place?
Everything seemed uncanny, like it actually happened in real life.
Which person did Abyss peer through to know this much?
Alexia pointed at a specific document. Still, Vanitas couldn’t see it.
——This person…. isn’t he somewhat well-known?
The journalist responded.
——Yes, he’s known to have survived the Black Hollow Massacre
Vanitas remained silent.
Black Hollow Massacre.
The tragic examination where many mages and crusaders from Silver Tower University had lost their lives.
Just who…?
It couldn’t be, right?
Astrid wandered around the Imperial mansion. The rain outside fell steadily and the air was cold, but she stayed focused on her studies as she entered her room.
She flipped through the pages of her book. Just as she started to write down notes, a scream tore through the air.
Astrid froze. Her pen fell from her hand.
Her instincts kicked in, and she bolted out of her room.
The scream’s source was clear. It came from her mother’s quarters. Astrid’s heart raced.
When she reached the door, she hesitated for a moment. Her breathing was shallow, and her hands shook as she reached for the handle.
She pushed the door open.
The sight made her gasp. Her mother was on the floor, clutching her chest. Her pale face contorted in pain. A maid knelt beside her, frantically calling for help.
"Mother!" Astrid cried, rushing to her side.
The maid looked up, panic evident in her expression. There were several maids in the room.
Astrid dropped to her knees. Her mother’s labored breathing made her heart grow heavy.
Astrid gripped her hand tighter, as if holding on would keep her from slipping away.
"Mother, I’m here. Please, hold on." Astrid’s voice was shaky.
Another scream pierced the air.
The sudden sound made Astrid flinch. The maids around her froze. Their heads snapped toward the source of the scream.
——Stay with the Princess and the Queen!
One of the senior maids announced before rushing toward the noise. A few others followed quickly behind.
The Imperial mansion was in chaos. Echoes of hurried footsteps and panicked voices filled the corridors.
Astrid stayed by her mother’s side as she listened to the distant commotion.
Then came a heavy silence.
The kind of silence that made Astrid’s stomach twist.
——Oh, my….
——How could this happen?!
The sound of weeping and gasps began to rise.
Astrid’s heart pounded as she looked toward the doorway.
She didn’t want to leave her mother, but the voices only grew louder, filled with grief and confusion.
A maid who had gone to investigate stumbled back into the room. Her face was as pale as a ghost.
——Princess…. It’s Alexia. She…. she took her own life.
Astrid’s breath caught in her throat.
——She’s…. she’s in the servant’s quarters. Hanging.… from the rafters.
Astrid felt the room spin around her. Alexia? The same Alexia who had been helping her with her studies just this morning? The maid she was closest to?
"How…. Alexia...?" Astrid murmured, staring at the maid, but no one had an answer.
The mansion descended further into chaos. Shouts echoed as staff and guards were alerted. Confusion and grief filled every corner of the Imperial halls.
Meanwhile, Astrid stayed frozen by her mother’s side.
Vanitas stood still, baffled but not alarmed.
In front of him, Alexia hung from the rafters with a rope tightly wrapped around her neck.
The next moment passed in a blur. When he blinked, he found himself seated on a train.
He glanced out the window. The familiar scenery rushing by confirmed his suspicion.
The train was heading for Estelle.
As he looked down at himself, he quickly realized he was still wearing a maid’s uniform.
He was still Vanessa.
From a few seats ahead, a voice caught his attention.
——....Y-Yes, I’m bound for Estelle right now. Yes? My seat? I-I’m in seat 17C, near the window.
Vanitas’s gaze shifted forward. Someone was speaking into a communication crystal with a shaky voice.
It was Zelliel.
The doctor was here, trying to escape his crimes to Estelle—a haven of scholars and neutrality. A place where the Four Empires’ reach could not extend.
The perfect place to hide.
Zelliel paused. His eyes widened suddenly.
——W-What? You’re…. you’re here too? Okay, I’ll wait.
He turned, scanning the train car with wide, frightened eyes. Then he shrank back into his seat, gripping the crystal as though it could protect him.
It was then.
Vanitas couldn’t see what had happened, but blood sprayed from Zelliel’s seat. A moment later, his head hit the floor with a heavy thud.
Vanitas’s eyes widened in shock.
"What the…?"
Before he could react further, everything around him froze.
Time itself seemed suspended. The train no longer moved, the scenery outside was still, and even the commotion of the passengers was silenced.
Nothing moved.
Nothing at all.
"I understand now."
Vanitas stood up from his seat and walked toward Zelliel’s lifeless body.
"Come out, Abyss."
Cr… Crack——!
Everything began to crack. The train, the scenery, the passengers, even the sky—it all shattered like fragile glass.
A hollow voice echoed in the silence.
——You knew?
"It’s obvious."
——Arrogant. Just as Chronoa said.
The entire scenario.
The estate, the train, Vanessa, Astrid, Julia, Alexia, Zelliel—it hadn’t been the spirits meddling with Astrid’s consciousness, nor Vanitas interfering.
It was him.
It was all in his mind.
And the spirit responsible, the one who had entered his consciousness the moment everything it clicked its tongue was Abyss himself.
"What’s the point of showing me all this?"
——It’s fascinating, isn’t it? How one can appear ignorant, yet remain bound by the invisible threads of fate. These webs connect everything. Life, reality, all that is and will be. Everyone is tied to something, to someone, and whether they accept it or not, they are woven into the narrative known as life.
——Fate is not a chain, as so many believe. It is a web. Complex, and inescapable. Each thread you touch trembles through others, creating narratives you may never see. You, Vanitas, are no different.
"What are you trying to say?"
Abyss merely chuckled at his confusion. The hell is wrong with this guy?
——You’ll understand in due time. The pieces will fall into place when the moment comes. But for now, tell me. Have you reached a conclusion?
The puzzle’s final piece, the key to the exit.
"The murders, Alexia, Julia. On the surface, all the evidence points to Zelliel."
Vanitas’s eyes shifted to a nearby seat. The seat he once sat in. But there was someone else there, frozen in time.
"But no. It wasn’t Zelliel. He was nothing more than a pawn."
——Then who do you think it was?
A single, decisive answer.
"And I suspect that’s the extent of what you know," Vanitas continued. "You played with her consciousness and trapped her in your little games. But when she broke free and escaped your puzzles, you lost sight of her. You don’t know what happened after."
The silence that followed felt heavy. The cracks in the world gradually spread like a spiderweb.
"Even you spirits have limits."
Abyss chuckled.
——But even limits have their uses.
"This narrative garnered your interest," Vanitas said. "And you’re eager to see how it ends, aren’t you?"
Abyss had woven this narrative, piecing together fragments of consciousness, Vanessa, Astrid, all to create this disjointed memory filled with gaps waiting to be filled.
On that day, Vanessa wasn’t supposed to be by Alexia’s side while she met with the journalist.
No, Vanessa had been there, sitting quietly at a distance, listening to their conversation.
Vanessa couldn’t see the documents the journalist shared, leaving a blur in the Abyss’s narrative.
Alexia had never boarded the train. Zelliel had already been killed before the spirits began their game.
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There was no other explanation.
Vanessa had been the hidden passenger, the person who Zelliel had called in his communication device, and ultimately, the one who silenced him.
In simpler terms, Vanessa had killed Julia, Alexia, and Zelliel.
But one question remained.
"Where is Vanessa now?"
——That’s for you to find out.
"Tsk, shit."
Vanitas felt a jolt in his hand. When he opened his eyes, Astrid was staring at him, her grip on his hand tightening.
"P–Professor," she stammered. "You’re back.…"
Vanitas pulled his hand away, rubbing his temple. A headache was already forming.
"How long have you been free?" he asked.
"Uh…. since…." Astrid hesitated. "Since you appeared as Ezra, Professor. That was you, wasn’t it?"
Still rubbing his temple, Vanitas muttered, "Maybe."
He stood up, brushing himself off.
"Professor…. thank you. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve been trapped there forever…."
Vanitas remained silent as he stared at her with an impassive look.
He had seen glimpses of her childhood, a narrative barely touched upon in the game. A part of her that most didn’t know.
Gently, he placed a hand on her head.
Astrid flinched but closed her eyes.
"You’re a good kid, Astrid," he said softly. "Whatever happens, don’t lose sight of yourself."
Astrid blinked in confusion, holding her head.
Despite losing two people dear to her on the same day, Astrid remained determined.
If anything, that day had fueled her drive—to become a doctor, so she would never feel the regret of being powerless while her mother suffered from a terminal illness, and to become a mage, strong enough to prevent deaths like Alexia’s from happening again.
Just as he was about to leave, his eyes landed on the book on her lap.
[Spellcraft Fundamentals: Astrea Series]
"Astrid," he said. "Could you do me a favor?"
"Burn that book as soon as possible."
With that, he fixed his collar and stepped out of the VIP compartment.
He found an empty seat in the cargo area and sat.
There was another question now, one that seemed far more intriguing than Vanessa’s whereabouts.
"Who was that journalist?"
And more importantly.
"Where is he now?"
「Special Act: Spirit Entanglement」
「Rewards Obtained:」
◆ Understanding: +30%
「Boundless Reservoir」
◆ Understanding: 0%
◆ Capacity: 13000/13000
◆ Fosters continuous growth in mana reserves, allowing mana capacity to expand and evolve over time.