Leveling Up Alone-Chapter 314 – Clash! (3)

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Chapter 314 – Clash! (3)


The Void Executioner seized the two scythe-arms of the giant monster.

Han-Yeol’s Cold Chain and the Void Executor had now restricted the monster’s movements. Ironically, the giant creature failed to realize that it had been rendered completely immobile by its adversaries.

‘This is the end for you! Light Exorcist Sword!’


A sword forged from light materialized in Han-Yeol’s hands, accompanied by four large floating swords of light trailing behind him.


[The rank of ‘Light Exorcist Sword’ has risen.]

Additionally, the skill, Light Exorcist Sword, ranked up just in time.

‘Heh. What perfect timing.’


The giant monster, Haschio, tilted its head in confusion, thoughts racing: ‘T-This mana is…?’

He instinctively understood that it would be curtains for him if caught by that attack and he had to evade it at all costs.


“Gwuuu Oooh!”

The giant monster contorted its massive body in an attempt to dodge the attack, but…


[Where do you think you’re going?]

The Void Executor tightened his grip on the monster and refused to let go.

‘L-Let go!’

Bam! Bam!

The giant monster unleashed a flurry of punches at the Void Executor, hoping to break free.


The Void Executor, while formidable, was a demon summoned in the first dimension, making it challenging for him to handle an intermediate-ranking sorcerer alone. Nevertheless, his current role was straightforward, and he was clear on what needed to be done.

[This is the end. If our paths cross again in the future, I will be the one to end you.]

The Void Executor was confident that the giant monster's fate was sealed.



The roar of the giant monster and Haschio's scream blended into one deafening sound.

“Die!” Han-Yeol shouted.


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Puuuk! Puuuuk! Puuuk! Puuuk!

He drove the sword in his hand into the giant monster’s neck, and the four floating swords behind him descended, embedding themselves into the creature too.

Puuuk! Puuuk! Puuuk! Puuuk!

The Light Exorcist Swords effortlessly pierced the giant monster’s skin.

‘As expected, this skill is highly effective against these creatures,’ Han-Yeol thought, impressed by its prowess.



The light mana from the swords spread throughout the giant monster’s entire body, eliciting agonized screams from Haschio.

Haschio sensed his body burning to ashes, mirroring the giant monster’s slow dissolution.


Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Han-Yeol’s system began to go into overdrive as well.


The Hyena Sorcerers, who had been leisurely observing the battle, were stunned by the sight of the giant monster melting away.

‘T-They defeated an intermediate-ranking sorcerer?!’

‘H-How is this possible?!’

Low-ranking Hyena Sorcerers were incomparable to intermediate-ranking ones. Typically tasked with controlling corrupted soldiers, their combat utility was limited to that role.

The defeat of an intermediate-ranking sorcerer signaled an imminent defeat for them as well.

[L-Let’s run away!]

[B-But Haschio-nim is…]

[Our mission is to search for the Light Faction survivors! Our lord will remain unaware if we perish here! We must hurry and relay this information!]

[Y-You’re right! Let’s run!]

The low-ranking sorcerers swiftly geared up to flee, yet...

Whoosh! Whoosh!

[Where do you think you’re going?]

[Yes yes, deserting in war isn’t an option, is it?]

[Hoho! It’s been ages since our faction tasted victory in battle!]


None of them noticed when Riru, Kandir, and Taichin appeared behind them, effectively cutting off their retreat. The Hyena Sorcerers had fixated so intensely on the battle between the giant monster and the immense mana-made creature that they entirely missed the encircling enemy force.

Ironically, the intermediate-ranking sorcerer, Haschio, inadvertently aided the Bastro Warriors by utilizing all the formidable corrupted soldiers in his fight against the Void Executor, leaving only the weaker ones to face the Bastro Warriors.

Naturally, the Bastro Warriors easily overwhelmed the feeble corrupted soldiers.

[Damn it…]

The Hyena Sorcerers realized that escape wouldn’t come easily, but they refused to give up.


They rallied the remaining corrupted soldiers around them, attempting to break through the ranks of the Bastro Warriors.

“Gwuoh! Gwuoh! Gwuoh!”


[Geez, these guys can be quite stubborn.]

The majority of corrupted soldiers were either defeated or engaged on the frontlines, resulting in a limited number available to protect the Hyena Sorcerers. A mere few dozen corrupted soldiers certainly wouldn’t stand a chance against the dimension’s strongest trio of Bastro Warriors.


[I’ll kill you all!]



Kandir and Riru let out howls, buffing themselves as their bodies reddened slightly and expanded.

“Gwuoh! Gwuoh! Gwuoh!”

The corrupted soldiers surged forward, prompting a smirk from one of the Hyena Sorcerers.

‘Keke! It’s over for you lot!’

The sorcerer still harbored a hidden trick—Corrupted Explosion! This skill involved sacrificing a corrupted soldier to trigger a powerful explosion. While it demanded immense mana, it promised to be highly effective in situations demanding escape.

This confidence sustained the low-ranking sorcerers in their belief that they could flee.

As the corrupted soldiers and the three Bastro Warriors were on the brink of clashing...

“Purification Light!”

Han-Yeol’s voice could be heard from above.


[W-What’s this?!]

[T-This light is…!]

It was the first time the Hyena Sorcerers had witnessed this light, yet they instinctively recognized its nature.


The dozens of corrupted soldiers halted abruptly, howling in agony upon exposure to the light.

“Gwuu Oooh!”


The Hyena Sorcerers, overwhelmed with despair, covered their faces and screamed. However, what ensued next left them utterly stunned.


Thud…! Thud…! Thud…!

Some of the corrupted soldiers had their blackened skin washed away, revealing their original colors. Gasping like Bastrolings rather than corrupted soldiers, they then lost consciousness.

[T-That is?!]

[Don’t tell me…!]

Kandir, Riru, and Taichin were shocked by the sudden turn of events. Swiftly, they checked the Bastrolings that had regained their colors and collapsed on the ground.

Huff… Huff…

Badump! Badump! Badump! Badump!

Though unconscious, they were breathing normally, their hearts beating steadily. Most importantly, they no longer emitted the stench of evil mana.

In other words, they were no longer corrupted.

[T-The corruption is…]

[It’s gone?]

It was a miracle.

The Bastrolings had thought reversing the corruption inflicted by the hyenas was impossible, given the absence of any precedent. Yet, this common knowledge was shattered today.

Not everyone survived the 'purification'; over half had already perished. However, the fact that nearly half of them had survived after being 'purified' confirmed it as nothing short of a miracle.

[H-How can this be…?]

The Hyena Sorcerers trembled, feeling as if they were losing their minds. How could it make sense that their most powerful weapon, corruption, had been purified?


[Yes, Han-Yeol-nim?]

Kandir reverted from addressing Han-Yeol as Harkan back to using his name, Han-Yeol.

“Can I leave the rest to you?”


Kandir responded with a smirk. The visage of a werewolf smirking appeared quite sinister, yet it added a touch of coolness to Kandir's demeanor.

[Most certainly, Han-Yeol-nim.]

“Then I’ll leave it to you,” Han-Yeol said, waving his hand, and then assuming a lowered stance.

‘Is he planning to jump?’ Kandir wondered.

Han-Yeol's posture resembled that of someone preparing for a great leap, but Kandir's assumption was completely off.


A pair of white wings sprouted from Han-Yeol's back.

‘W-What?!’ Kandir couldn't believe his eyes, staring dumbfounded at this illogical sight.


Han-Yeol flapped his wings and soared into the distance.


Kandir laughed in disbelief, tears streaming down his face once more. These weren’t tears of pain, sorrow, or anger; they were tears of joy.

[It is an honor to serve you once again, my lord. I will never, ever, let go of you again. If that were ever to happen, I would gladly sacrifice my life to save yours.]


Kandir raised his fist in a gesture of utmost respect to Han-Yeol.


Then, he turned around, glaring at the hyenas with eyes seething with anger.


[Yes, Riru-nim?]

[Where’s Harkan?]

[He went to handle things over there,] Kandir replied, gesturing toward the frontlines where the Bastro Warriors were still engaged in combat against the corrupted soldiers.

[I see, that’s good,] Riru responded with a nod.

Meanwhile, the sound of flesh being struck could be heard nearby.

Bam! Pukeok! Puk!


[You damn hyena bastards!]

Taichin vented her anger at the Hyena Sorcerers, who were now left defenseless without the protection of the corrupted soldiers.

Initially, the Hyena Sorcerers attempted to retaliate with the few skills they possessed and endeavored to cast their corruption spell on Taichin, but...

Whoosh! Bam! Crack…!


There was no way a group of low-ranking sorcerers could hope to catch the most powerful Feline Warrior in the Bastro Dimension.

Ultimately, the low-ranking sorcerers exhausted all their options and were now on the brink of being beaten to death by Taichin.

Though furious, Taichin ensured she inflicted just enough punishment to incapacitate them without delivering fatal blows.

Bam! Bam! Puuuk!



[Just kill us already!]


Tayarana swung her sword at the corrupted soldiers.


“Gwuok!” a corrupted soldier groaned before collapsing lifeless.

As Tayarana prepared for the next attack, she noticed something peculiar. “Hmm?”

The corrupted soldiers suddenly ceased their assault.


[No way… Is it possible that…?]

Some of the Feline Warriors recognized this occurrence. They had participated in earlier wars against the hyenas and knew that if the Hyena Sorcerers were dead or incapacitated, the black mana controlling the corrupted soldiers would be interrupted, causing the soldiers to freeze in place.

However, this didn’t imply automatic death or dissolution; the corrupted soldiers simply stood still, awaiting the next command.

[This is our chance! Let’s get rid of them!]


The Jaguar Warriors recognized this as their opportunity to eliminate the corrupted soldiers. Initially, they refrained from killing the corrupted soldiers that had ceased moving in the early days of the war. However, they soon regretted that decision when another Hyena Sorcerer appeared and took control of them.


Just as the Jaguar Warriors were poised to massacre the corrupted soldiers, a voice halted them.

“Wait! Stop!”

The command came from above, and it was none other than…

“Wow…” Tayarana murmured in awe.

“H-Han-Yeol-nim…?” Mariam muttered in disbelief.

They couldn't help but stare at Han-Yeol, hovering in the air with a pair of white wings on his back, appearing majestic like a god.

‘R… Ra…’

‘It’s as if I’m looking at the embodiment of Ra…’

The most powerful god in Egyptian Mythology was Ra, revered by all Egyptians as the Sun God. Han-Yeol bore an uncanny resemblance to the Sun God as described in mythology.


The Jaguar Warriors were equally astounded by the sight of Han-Yeol.

“Halt. I’ll take it from here,” Han-Yeol commanded.

He realized there was no need to speak respectfully to the Bastrolings anymore.

[W-What are you doing? We need to kill them before another sorcerer comes to control them!]

“Haha! Just watch and learn.”


Surprisingly, the Jaguar Warriors didn’t argue with him. Although they hadn't witnessed the Purification Light, they had seen Han-Yeol summon a strange creature that fought on par with the intermediate-ranking Hyena Sorcerer.

Moreover, they understood that their victory in this battle, where they were vastly outnumbered, was primarily due to Han-Yeol's strategy.

The Bastro Warriors had a culture of following the commands of a strong warrior, their way of displaying respect. This encounter convinced the Jaguar Warriors that physical strength wasn’t the sole factor defining a warrior as ‘strong’.

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