I've Become a Genius Actor-Chapter 98:

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Chapter 98:

Lee Hyejin's family had ordered late-night snacks and were all seated in front of the television, the KVN channel on display. With a remote in one hand and her phone in the other, Hyejin was ready to defend the remote control from her family members.

"Can't we watch something else?"

"If you don't like it, don't eat the pizza."


Hyejin had willingly opened her wallet for tonight's gathering. She quickly silenced any differing opinions and focused on the logo appearing on the screen as the commercials ended.

The KVN Acting Awards.

Unlike the usual end-of-year acting awards hosted by broadcasting stations, KVN's Acting Awards were held in mid-December. While there was less of the excitement of the approaching New Year, the ratings were still high. In recent years, the awards had gained a reputation for tension and credibility by reducing joint awards and removing minor, unheard-of categories that had sparked controversies.

"It's starting!"

Hyejin adjusted her seating position. The KVN Acting Awards' title appeared on screen along with the unchanged graphics from years past, and hosts Lee Kanghoon and Lee Bohee were introduced.

It's been a while, Bohee!

Yes, it's great to see you after so long.

But why didn't you contact me sooner!

You didn't give me your contact, senior~

As Hyejin was setting down the potato pizza on the table and preparing to eat, her family teased her.

"How come you're only this quick when it's time to eat?"

"Stop teasing your sister."

Bohee, you received your first Best New Actress award right here at the KVN Acting Awards, didn't you?

As the hosts' banter continued, the camera panned to the actors sitting at tables covered with white cloths. Hyejin, searching intently for Han Yooil, gasped involuntarily.


The camera captured the cast of "The Sun and the Moon," revealing Han Yooil. He was dressed in a black suit with his hair styled to reveal half of his forehead. His fair skin and partially swept-back hair accentuated his features.

"He's unreal."

Even the fan accounts dedicated to Han Yooil on BlueChat, watching the Acting Awards live, were actively posting.

[@yuulll_33 Look at Han Yooil]

[@dsdlf_tdbs Just screamed the moment I saw Yool's face]

Every time the camera caught Han Yooil, he met the lens head-on with a gentle smile. Thanks to that, Hyejin had to catch her breath even while eating her pizza.

"Ah wish they'd just get to the announcements"

Caught between the desire to see Han Yooil's face longer and her impatience, a performance by a rookie girl idol group began. Ever since the incident a few years back when actors showed indifferent attitudes towards performers, it had become common to see actors enjoying the performances.

Look at Moon Yuhwa's eyes,,

So warm

Han Yooil is clapping so enthusiastically lol

Nice to see

Finally, the moment Hyejin had been waiting for arrivedthe announcement of the Best New Actor nominees.


There were five nominees, including Han Yooil, each having shown remarkable performances in either daily dramas or miniseries. The candidates were formidable, reflecting the resurgence of KVN's golden era in drama.

And the Best New Actor at this year's KVN Acting Awards goes to

Lee Hyejin stared intently at the card that held the winner's name.


A few seconds of suffocating silence passed before the announcer's lips parted.

Han Yooil!


As Han Yooil's name was announced, Lee Hyejin screamed and jumped for joy. Her mother and brother grumbled beside her, but their voices were lost on her at that moment.

On the screen, Yooil looked stunned as he slowly stood up. Beyond the empty seat of Kang Hyesung, Lee Bohee was seen patting Yooil's arm in congratulations.




Congrats, congrats

Honestly, knew he would win

Han Yooil captured the hearts of viewers with his charismatic and solid performance in The Sun and the Moon.' Congratulations on your award.

With a vibrant voice, Yooil was seen walking up to the stage. Accepting the trophy and bouquet with a slightly stiff face, he stood before the microphone.

So handsome

Seems nervous

Now he finally looks like a newcomer

Yooil's lips parted after he scanned the surroundings.

I really didn't expect to receive this award. Thank you.

He expressed his gratitude to the staff, fellow actors, the agency, and his fans. Although he paused occasionally as if nervous, Yooil continued his speech calmly.

And to my aunt, who always believes in me. I love you.

Yooil's gaze met the camera once more before he spoke again.

I'm fully aware of my shortcomings and how fortunate I am. I will strive to be a learner.

"Are you crying?"


Normally, Lee Hyejin would have retorted with a curse, but she couldn't this time. Tears had indeed formed in her eyes.

After the announcement of the Best New Actress, Lee Hyejin managed to shake off the lingering emotions of the Best New Actor award. She lifted the pizza again, savoring the overwhelming happiness as she took a big bite.

Now, we have a special performance prepared. The splendid actors who were nominated for the Best New Actor and Actress will present a special stage.


The next moment, as the stage came into view, Lee Hyejin nearly dropped the pizza slice in her hand.

The live reactions were no different.



What is this?

* * *

A few days earlier, Yooil was taken aback by unexpected news.


"How about the Best New Actor nominees put on a celebratory stage performance?"

The writer looked at Yooil with sparkling eyes. There were five nominees in total, and with only two days of practice before the performance, time was of the essence. However, the real concern was something else.

"A musical?"

Seeing Yooil's face, the writer smiled brightly and said,

"No need to worry! You don't have to do it perfectly. Just think of it as providing fan service, like an early Christmas present!"

That's even more pressure.'

Luckily, Yooil knew one of the other nominees.

"It's been a while."

Ji Eunho, who had become more chiseled, appeared. Recently seen in a KVN miniseries, Ji Eunho had solidified his image as an acting idol, especially after "Sing in High School." The other three actors also seemed just as uncomfortable with the sudden preparation for the performance.

"But I can't sing, is that okay?"

When one actor expressed his concern, the writer dismissed it with a wave of the hand.

"Oh, it's totally fine! Just be comfortable."

Yooil noticed Ji Eunho's expression hardening in real time.

They were to perform a musical called "That Winter Night," a staple Christmas musical about a family who, not wanting to disappoint a child waiting for Christmas, all dress up as Santa and visit the child, leading to a series of comical events as the child meets five different Santas.

The writer had chosen the musical's most famous and climactic song, "I Am Santa."

"We thought of proceeding with a custom number for you actors. Would you like to see the modified lyrics we've prepared?"

The actors, full of enthusiasm, quickly became silent as they read through the revised lyrics.


"Yes, actor!"

As one actor opened his mouth to speak, his resolve faded upon making eye contact with the writer's beaming face.

Ji Eunho was the quickest to grasp the situation.

"Let's start practicing."

It was a moment fitting for the leader of a top idol group. Yooil quietly stood up and began the rehearsal.

* * *

And now, Lee Hyejin was watching the result of their two days of intense practice live.

Wow, what's this?

A musical?

'That Winter Night' is my all-time favorite.


The surprise of the viewers soon turned into worry.

But they're doing this for a celebratory stage?

The prelude of the musical number began, and the five actors in suits took their places on the stage.

Han Yooil was standing at the far right of the stage, casually leaning on a chair and gazing into the distance.

The number was lively, but the atmosphere among the actors on stage was serious.

In the middle of the silence, observed by actors seated at the award ceremony and those watching on screen,

the first verse was heard.

[I am an actor!]

It was Han Yooil.

He kicked the chair away and stood up, starting to sing with a smooth voice. The number was a twist on "I am Santa," now turned into "I am an Actor."

[Acting, face, voice! Nothing is missing]


The earnest singing of the actors continued.

[Are you an actor?]

[Me, an actor!]

Seriously, LOL

Are you crazy


Contrary to the comments filled with laughter, the faces of the actors on stage were very serious.

And it was surprisingly pleasant to listen to. Especially during the harmony part in the highlight, where Ji Eunho and Han Yooils voices blended quite well.

[We are actors!]

[The acting that will take care of this winter]

[Leave it to us]

The actors seated started to laugh and clap to the familiar melody and simplistic lyrics.

The congratulatory performance video, posted on the KVN YouTube channel after the Acting Awards, went viral, making it to the trending videos in just a few days.

They all are real actors (Likes: 1.2k)

Ji Eunho is indeed an idol (Likes: 234)

Why are they so good LOL (Likes: 1.4k)

Freshness of a newcomer + audacious lines + solid skills despite being rough around the edges (Likes: 893)

Truly legendary

Ji Eunho is understandable, but Han Yooil is really good (Likes: 453)

It's not for nothing that he did a musical drama

But why are Han Yooils ears so red LOL (Likes: 763)

Did someone light a fire on Yooils ears?

LOL, I wouldn't have noticed if not for this comment

* * *

Tsk. Thats not good.

Yooil, who was reading the script, snatched the Best Newcomer trophy from Malang.

Fortunately, there were no teeth marks, but the gold trophy was wet with drool.


The puppy, deprived of its toy, looked at Yooil with eyes like those of a deer.

While Yooil was diverting Malang's attention with a carrot-shaped toy, his phone rang.

Yooil, who thought it would be Min Woojin, was proven wrong.

Wrong number.


Yes, senior. This is Han Yooil.

A cheerful voice came from the other end of the phone.

Do you have a moment?

Upon hearing what followed, Yooil had no choice but to get up.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.𝒄𝒐𝙢