I've Become a Genius Actor-Chapter 95:

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Chapter 95:

Kang Hana: Yooil are you okay?

Hwang Riu: Huh?

Hwang Riu: What happened?

Kang Hana: (link)

Hwang Riu: ???

Before Yooil could click on the link, Brion opened a translucent window. What Brion showed was an article.

-[Exclusive] Kang Hyesung Breaks Silence Amidst Controversy "At least I havent done anything shameful"

[Actor Kang Hyesung, who has been embroiled in various controversies recently, has finally spoken up. 38 days ago, he clarified his stance regarding the controversies surrounding him through News DK.]


Yooil quickly scanned the content of the article.

[Q: Youve been mentioned in various controversies, why haven't you addressed them directly?

A: Being a celebrity, an actor, means inevitably facing many controversies. There were times when I deliberately chose not to comment and let things pass. There were misunderstandings and instances where things were blown out of proportion, but I didnt want to speak up and cause harm to others.


Q: The controversy started with a video shot on the set of The Sun and Moon.

A: Thats right. To be honest, I wasnt feeling well that day. I was going through some personal difficulties. (Here, Kang Hyesung paused to wipe away tears.) The other actor insisted on multiple retakes that day.

Q: Was there a reason?

A: Perhaps they felt the scene was lacking. Of course, the director was okay with the first take but it seems it wasn't up to the actor's standards. In fact, this had happened a few times before.]

As he read the article, Han Yooil's head slightly tilted.

Are you okay?

Yooil slowly shook his head.

Whats there to be not okay about.

It was surprising. Unsettling even.

But the first thought that came to Han Yooil wasnt about Kang Hyesung or the reactions on social media.

Was the next scene Scene 32?

Han Yooil closed his eyes and painstakingly replayed the scene 32 in his mind. It would have been something Kang Hyesung would have hit the wall for multiple times if he knew.

Then, outside the waiting room, a voice called for Han Yooil.

Were going in for the shoot~

Yooil loosened up his body and started walking.

* * *

Meanwhile, at the same time.

The fans of Han Yooil, filled with excitement while waiting for season 2 of Shadows of Faith,' were about to encounter an unexpected event.

Kang Hyesung's Clarification Interview Released



Can someone summarize?

Explained about the leaked video from the set of The Sun and Moon.

Apparently, he was physically exhausted, but Han Yooil insisted on retaking several times.


Lying in bed for some late-night fandom activities, an office worker felt fully awakened and sat up straight.

Whats this?

The office worker forgot about having to go to work the next day and dived into the community forum.

Didnt address the controversy about mistreating the staff.

He posted an apology on Shasta, didnt he?

The point is not whether he apologized, but the reason behind Kang Hyesung's anger in the controversial video that started it all.

How is that not important? The deflection is real lol.

Must be that actors fan lol.

What exactly is going on?

The interview was a chance for Kang Hyesung's fans to turn the tide of public opinion.

So, was the other actor at fault in the first place?

When the controversy broke, they went from neutral to outright bashing lol.

Just thinking about my actor going through all this alone makes me tear up

As time went on, not a few expressed their anger in more aggressive ways.

The real problem child is someone else, but theyre picking on the wrong person;;

I mean, I would be annoyed too, right? lol

When their own fans were causing trouble, they were all over the place, but now they say we need to hear both sides, real double standards lol.

Kang Hyesung's interview was shared on SNS and community forums, becoming a hot topic overnight and trending in real-time searches. Confused fans of Han Yooil, angry fans of Kang Hyesung, and even those who were just enjoying the drama, started to get involved.

It was chaos.

But regardless of what was happening online, Han Yooil was focused on the shoot.


Just before sunrise, the final scene was wrapped up.

You all worked really hard today~

Thank you for your hard work~

The actors, with tired eyes, exchanged greetings.

Im really sorry for the dawn shoot on the first day~

Haha, it's all good if the bonus is generous!

Park Taeil, who responded to Director Go Jinho with a laugh, nodded at Yooil with a wink.

Great acting today, Yooil.

After leaving the set and heading to the van, Yooil met Min Woojin who was waiting for him.


Seeing Min Woojin's face, like a puppy caught in the rain, Yooil gave a faint smile.

You know, that

Im fine, hyung.

You saw it.

Min Woojin began frantically messing up his already fluffy hair with both hands.

Hyung, youll tangle your hair.

At Yooil's words, Min Woojin lowered his hands with a sullen face.

Truth is, its already all tangled

Hyung, you had to cut your hair last time because of that.

Complaining about his hair not being straight, Min Woojin began driving while once again being cautious around Yooil.

After seeing that interview, it seems like he was really gearing up for it.

Seems like it.

It's not seems like it'!

Min Woojin looked at Yooil with a frustrated face.

In that short time, comments like Apologize to Kang Hyesung' started to occasionally appear on Yooil's Shasta.

Must be troubling for him.

Han Yooil was excessively calm every time there was a controversy, big or small.

No matter how strong someone's mental fortitude, truly being unaffected' is not easy.

First, the CEO said to meet tomorrow, so I'll come to pick you up in the afternoon.

I can go alone.


Seeing Min Woojin shaking his head vigorously, Han Yooil decided against going alone.

* * *

The next day, after waking up late and doing some light exercise, Yooil headed to the underground parking lot where Min Woojin was waiting.

How's your condition, Yooil?

Its okay."

As soon as he got home, Yooil had crashed. Min Woojin, who was driving, turned his head.

Uh? Yooil, your phone is ringing.

It was an unknown number.

Yooil hesitated for a moment before answering the call.


Ah, Yooil.

Narrowing his brows, Han Yooil soon realized who the voice belonged to.

Its Kang Hyesung.

I know.

He didn't expect him to contact directly.

Yes, Kang Hyesung.

Hearing Yooils voice, Min Woojin looked back with a stern face as if he saw a ghost.

Hang up! Just hang up!

Yooil, encouraged by Min Woojins silent cheer(?), slightly raised the corner of his lips.

It's okay.' freewebn(o)vel

As Han Yooil mouthed the words, Min Woojin, with a sour face, turned his head back.

Kang Hyesung continued speaking in a slightly hurried tone.

Youre doing well, right? I assume you are.

After talking by himself for a while, he got to the point.

Yooil you know that my doing that interview and all, it wasnt because I have a grudge against you, right?

His conclusion was this.

I was thinking, maybe we could have a meal together when you have time, to clear the air. It could be beneficial for both of us, for you and me.


The idea was to present a reconciliatory image, considering both were impacted in terms of image.

It seems intended to ensure controversy-free participation in the upcoming KVN Acting Awards.

Considering the discussion, even the interview seemed to have been aimed at this.

I dont like that.

Just as Han Yooil was searching for a response, his phone rang again. It was a missed call notification.

What do you think?

Ah, Im sorry. I just received an important call Ill contact you later.

What? What did you say? Wait a minu

Yooil quickly hung up and dialed the missed call.

Yooil, youll be arriving at the company soon, right? freeweb(n)ovel

It was CEO Jang Jaehyun.

* * *

As soon as Yooil entered the office, Jang Jaehyun handed him a hot cup of coffee.

I just received a new video.

A video?

CEO Jang Jaehyun nodded without a word, his expression inducing a strange unease.

Soon, a video appeared on the tablet he was holding.

This is


It looked like a video shot from a drama set monitor.

It was the scene where Lee Bin and Yoo Kwon first met in the drama.

It was the scene where the two characters crossed swords for the first time.

The moment Kang Hyesung mistakenly stepped and swung his wooden sword towards Han Yooil's collarbone. It was the day a serious accident nearly occurred had Han Yooil not deflected the wooden sword.


Wow, that was a close call.

In the video, after the directors okay sign, the relief and sighs of the surrounding staff were clearly audible.

Sh*t That scared the hell out of me.

And all of Kang Hyesung's irritated remarks were captured.

How on earth did you get this?

Seeing the question on Yooil's face, CEO Jang Jaehyun spoke up.

Actor Lee Bohee sent it to us.

Lee Bohee, the senior actor?

It was an unexpected name.

She said her manager used to film the set during every monitoring session.

CEO Jang Jaehyun continued smoothly.

The manager liked your action scenes, Yooil, and filmed them even when Bohee wasnt in the scene.


CEO Jang Jaehyun added, implying that things might conclude smoothly.

You just focus on your acting and the year-end award ceremony, Yooil.

But of course, thats not all.

Director Jang Jaeyi, who was sitting next to them, stood up. She smiled faintly as she looked at Yooil.

You didnt hear about this from Younghyun, did you?

Whatever it was, it seemed like he hadnt mentioned it.

When Younghyun left TO Entertainment, the CEO of TO Entertainment was under investigation for stock manipulation.


After that, they cut off loose ends and used money to prevent the news from reaching the press. It seems theyve been keeping it under wraps until now, but it's uncertain when it might blow up.

Han Yooil blinked slowly.

He remembered the stock manipulation scandal from a few years ago. It was covered in the news and extensively reported, so Yooil also remembered. There were many celebrities and politicians involved in the case, making it a hot topic.

So, it wouldnt be strange if it came to light now.

Is that possible?

If it hadn't been reported until now, it must have been tightly controlled.

At Han Yooils question, Jang Jaeyi's eyes sparkled.

Oh it's possible.

Jang Jaeyi added with a refreshed expression.

What do you think we did to get Younghyun out?

Both Director Jang Jaeyi and CEO Jang Jaehyun looked at Yooil with a sly smile.


For the first time, Yooil felt a bit intimidated by the two of them.

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