I've Become a Genius Actor-Chapter 90:

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Chapter 90:

In a field of blooming canola flowers swayed by the wind.

The sight of the lovely yellow flowers dancing was unrealistically beautiful.

It was Kiwoon who had brought Jinhee here, following her wish to see a canola field.

With their backs to the camera, a gentle and beautiful melody plays. However, occasionally, the dissonant notes of a string instrument grate on the ears.

It's beautiful.

Yooil's comment is met with silence from Jinhee. Her gaze fixated on a lone white butterfly, Jinhee finally speaks.

From now on, don't come looking for me.

With that line, the irritating music suddenly stops.

Silence, where not even the slightest noise can be heard.

In that quiet, Kiwoon's eyes tremble slightly.

After that, Kiwoon is absent from Jinhee's life for a while. And after his departure, Jinhee starts experiencing odd occurrences. Socks start disappearing one by one, and chopsticks vanish every time she tries to eat.

Jinhee's daily life begins to creak and sway like a table with one short leg.

Kiwoon reappears when Jinhee is barely managing her lopsided life.

You've been waiting for me.


At that moment, Lee Byungsoo takes a quiet breath.

The camera captures Kiwoon's face in a close-up, shaking slightly. More unsteady than the camera are Kiwoon's eyes and the emotions swirling within them.

Joy peeking through the unease. And affection, swelling up like a balloon. All of it seems visible through Yooil's pupils.


A small laugh escapes Lee Byungsoo's lips.

An unbelievable performance.

From that moment, Lee Byungsoo gives up analyzing and just watches.

After the night when Jinhee and Kiwoon fully share their hearts, Kiwoon truly disappears.

Following his disappearance, Jinhee, who compulsively cleans the house, reads a novel she wrote. And she is shocked.

[She met a man. That man rejoiced in everything he did with a woman, loved everything.

That man's name was Kiwoon.]

For quite a long time.

Because I have been waiting for you. fr(e)ewebn(o)vel

Every word Kiwoon said, and every word she herself said, was in the novel she wrote long ago.

The novel ends with Kiwoon and Jinhee meeting in front of a mansion late at night.

You've been waiting for me.

Remembering all that Kiwoon said to her, Jinhee loses her sanity.

From the moment she realizes she loved a fictional character, Jinhee begins to crumble.

Always wearing neat and elegant clothes, Jinhee chooses a bright fuchsia dress she had only kept in her closet.

Jinhee Miss?

Those around her are surprised by her appearance.

You look different today.

To them, Jinhee only offers a smile. A bright and pure smile, yet fragile as if it could shatter any moment.

Jinhee where are you

One day.

Her husband, oblivious to everything, calls out to Jinhee in a voice that seems on the verge of breaking.

Jinhee, about to leave the house without a word, stops in her tracks. Then she quickly approaches her husband.

After looking down at her husband for a moment, Jinhee removes all the tubes connected to his body.

Her husband looks up at Jinhee with incredulous eyes. But Jinhee looks down at her gasping husband with indifferent eyes.

And at the climax of the movie, Jinhee sets the house on fire.

She lies on the bed, tightly clutching the white handkerchief Kiwoon gave her. The fire starts to spread.

Then, Kiwoon, who has been absent throughout, reappears.

Kiwoon, with a pale face, runs towards the burning mansion, seen from a bird's eye view angle as he approaches the fiery estate.


Gasps could be heard throughout the audience.

Those who thought Kiwoon was a figment of Jinhee's imagination were once again thrown into confusion.

And then the movie shifts back to the past.

To a time before he was Kiwoon'.

A young boy enters the mansion on the request of the vacationing housekeeper, warned to be careful not to break any of the expensive items. While cleaning diligently in his worn clothes, the boy discovers a small notebook hidden under the bed.

He hadn't intended to read it from the start. The first page fell out as he picked up the notebook to put it away.

[There was a child who cried all night, not knowing it had been born safely.]

It was a novel.

As if enchanted, the boy began to read the novel. He swiftly went through a chapter, but due to the pressing cleaning schedule, he had no choice but to put the notebook back under the bed.

The boy continued to visit the mansion for cleaning.

Every time he came to clean, the homeowners were at the hospital, allowing him to secretly read the novel.

Chapter by chapter, sparingly reading the novel, the boy became a young man, and his posture and voice changed from before.

Over the months of reading the novel during his cleaning visits, the young man reached the last chapter. However, the novel had no ending.

It can't be.

Initially feeling empty, the young man began to feel anger.

He had already transformed himself into the likeness of Kiwoon from the novel. He could no longer even recall his former self.

You don't need to come here anymore. The lady of the house decided not to use a housekeeper anymore You found a new job, didn't you?

The face of Kiwoon, shocked and staring straight ahead, gradually overlaps with Kiwoon of the present.

Jinhee! Miss Jinhee!

Kiwoon embraces Jinhee, tears staining his face.

But Jinhee's breath had already ceased.

The mansion, burnt to black. The close-up of the burnt remains of the white handkerchief Jinhee held.

With the peculiar yet serene music that played in the beginning, the movie ended.


Lee Byungsoo sat still, silently watching the credits roll up.

Shot by shot. The rhythm of editing and sound. The flow of dialogue and modulation of intensity.

In his decades of being a critic, he had seldom fully enjoyed' a film.

The habit of meticulously examining every element of a movie had become as natural as breathing.

However, some movies require no analysis. A good movie naturally makes one feel all of its aspects.

I was wrong.'

This movie was a powerful punch, a gift to him who had expected disappointment.

That evening.

A new review was posted in the critic's section for Jinhee'.


Finally found it. The Kiwoon that would break me down.

Wow, 9 points ;;


Why's this guy's rating so generous all of a sudden?

It's not guy', it's grandpa'..

Has this man ever given a 9 rating before?

At least not for a Korean movie

Saw this review and booked my tickets right away.

The one-liner by Lee Byungsoo became quite a topic in the community.

Lee Byungsoo, who had never given a movie a perfect score of 10, made 9 points practically the highest praise.

I'm not usually a fan of Director Won Heesu

[Curious about Jinhee since the reviews are good]


Didn't even consider Seo Hyunju and Han Yooil, but the trailer looked interesting..

This might be Won Heesu's magnum opus

Anyone watch the original Jinhee?



How was it?

A masterpiece

Not for nothing is Kim Soobong still called a legend

Check out the full video on O-Tube

Wow, thx thx, gotta go watch

But would it still be interesting after watching this?

The overall content is the same but the historical settings and details have changed

I'm going to watch it before going!

I was having a movie slump recently

[Watching the trailer for Jinhee cleared my mind.. I'm going to a morning show]

Really looking forward to it

From the premiere reviews, the direction and actors' performances are getting a lot of praise

While movie buffs were wrapped up in anticipation for the film, Han Yooil's fan club, Yooilmuui, was abuzz with a photoshoot released a few hours ago. freeweb novel.com

The photoshoot was a feature of Han Yooil and Seo Hyunju in the famous fashion magazine Piffs October issue.


Lee Hyejin looked at the photoshoot with a dazed gaze.

A studio set up like a forest.

Against this backdrop, Han Yooil and Seo Hyunju were seen sitting back-to-back or looking intently at each other with inscrutable faces.

Along with the couple's photoshoot, individual shots of the actors were also released. There were three individual shots of Yooil, but especially the one where he was holding a flower, looking languidly at the camera with a lazy smile, made the heart flutter more with each glance.

Should I even be looking at this?'

That dawn, unable to sleep after seeing the photoshoot, Lee Hyejin started a storm of uploads on BlueChat.

* * *

[@jinnnny (photo) (photo) (photo) This is paradise]

[@feyh_herev OMG, that second photo]

[@yuulll_33 Could Han Yooil actually be a fairy?]

Reading the BlueChat posts brought up by Brion, Yooil shook his head.

That's enough.'

The translucent window vanished instantly.

Yooil reminisced about the photoshoot.

The photoshoot with Seo Hyunju went smoothly.

The problem was the individual shots.

So the vibe is like I'm a spirit of the forest taking a brief rest!' Get it?

Of course, it was not something one could easily grasp.

Yooil tried his best to give a languid expression and the photographer shouted excitedly in response.

Yes, that's it!

Oh, it's so good right now!

Yeah, that's the one!!

Regardless, it was a relief that the results weren't bad.

While musing over the photoshoot, Yooil snapped out of it when he heard someone calling him.

"Please come this way."

Yooil followed the staff member, moving forward.

Today was the official release day of Jinhee', as well as the day for the stage greeting.

* * *

It definitely didn't feel like this before.'

Yooil looked around the audience seats with an unfamiliar feeling.



"Han Yooil is so handsome~!"

The excited atmosphere and the flushed faces of the people looking at him. Among them, individuals with bouquets and cameras were also noticeable.

Each time Han Yooil and Seo Hyunju spoke, sparkling gazes turned towards them. Each statement was followed by tremendous response.

Yooil recalled the times he went to stage greetings with Director Yoo Jaeho. He distinctly remembered that the atmosphere was different, more subdued.

Caught up in delivering his thoughts and greeting the audience, the allocated time for the stage greeting soon came to an end.

"Now, the actors have prepared a special gift for you~!"

The gift' referred to posters and special postcards with the autographs of the actors and the director.

After handing out the gifts to the selected audience members and returning to the stage, Yooil was caught by an earnest gaze.

"Th-this please take this."

A woman with a short perm sitting in the aisle cautiously handed something to Yooil.

It was a placard reading I love Han Yooil' and a pink headband with folded ears.

"Ack! Actor, this too!"

"Over here!"

Soon, Yooil returned to the stage laden with gifts, blinking in bewilderment. Most of them were bouquets and uniquely shaped headbands.

They gave it to me to wear, right?'

That's correct. The headband appears to be one of the characters from EBC children's show, Dangdangkong'

As Yooil put on the pink headband, cheers erupted here and there.

Is this right?'

Seeing Yooil tilting his head in confusion, Director Won Heesu laughed heartily and said,

"It's like you were born to wear that!"

Laughter also burst from the audience seats.

The convivial atmosphere continued till the end. Right before the last group photo, Seo Hyunju and Won Heesu also wore crown headbands and hats with ears, given by fans in the front rows.

"Actors, one last word before we finish?"

At the host's question, Yooil slowly met the eyes of the seated audience.

Those who locked eyes with him at this moment, and even those sitting in numerous theaters at this very moment, would be watching the movie he starred in and engaging in discussions.

"Jinhee' has been one of my favorite works for a long time. It was truly an honor to be a part of this work as the character Kiwoon. I hope you all enjoy the movie. Thank you."

After succinctly concluding his final remarks, Yooil slowly surveyed the people one last time before stepping away.

I hope everyone enjoyed it.'

* * *

And Jinhee' attracted 120,000 viewers on its opening day, securing the 2nd place in the box office.

The beginning of the Jinhee Syndrome' had commenced.

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