I've Become a Genius Actor-Chapter 88:

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Chapter 88:

After finishing the meeting, Yooil headed straight to the gym after getting home and changing his clothes. As he was about to start his workout, a familiar window popped up in his vision.

Calculating Stage 3 Goal Achievement Rate

The message Calculating' lingered for a few seconds before being replaced by numbers.

Stage 3 Goal Achievement Rate: 99.8%

Stage 3 Goal Achievement Rate: 100%

Soon after, Brion's voice followed.

Stage 3 Goal achieved 100%.

Yooil exhaled the breath he had been holding.


The Stage 3 he started last October had finally come to an end.

It felt like he had overcome a huge mountain.

Now proceeding to Stage 4.

As Yooil got on the treadmill, he thought to himself,

The theme for Stage 4 was [My Own Thing].'

While Stage 3, Reinterpretation', had a visible path, Stage 4 felt much more challenging and ambiguous.

Dont worry, Yooil. I will assist you from the scenario selection stage onwards.


Yooil listened to Brion's voice and increased the treadmill's speed.

* * *

A week later, Yooil went down to the underground parking lot where Min Woojin was waiting. After finishing a backlog of tasks, going live briefly, and watching a movie with Jin Hayoung over the week, Yooil opened the car door with a bright face.

"How are you feeling, Yooil?"

"Good. How about you?"

Min Woojin replied as if he had been waiting for the question.

"Im so hungry I feel like my waist might snap, and my stomach is a bit queasy, but Im good!"

"We still have some time, so let's grab something to eat, Hyung."

At Yooils suggestion, Woojins eyes sparkled as he turned to Yooil.

"Yooil. I really like you"

Han Yooil smiled at Min Woojin, who was excitedly pondering the menu. After finishing a bowl of bean sprout soup each, they headed towards their destination. The first schedule on the list of promotional variety shows was <Space Train>.

The studio was bustling with about twenty staff members, including the director of photography and the lighting director.

"Have you been well, senior?"

"It's been a while."

Seo Hyunju, who they hadnt seen in a while, was dressed in a white tweed jacket and skirt.

She approached Yooil with a bright smile.

"I enjoyed the drama, Yooil."

"Thank you, senior."

"Thats not just lip service. I dont think anyone else could have played Yoo Kwon as well as you did, Yooil."


Yooil was taken aback by the unexpected compliment and finally managed to respond.

"Thank you."

"Things have been hectic for you lately, havent they?"

She continued calmly.

"That's just how this industry is. All sorts of people, all kinds of unbelievable things happening every day"

Thinking of all the events from the last two years up to the present made her words resonate deeply.

"Its okay, Im fine."

Yooil responded, his voice steady and calm.

Seo Hyunju responded to Yooil's expression with a faint smile.

"By the way, its your first time on a web variety show, isn't it, senior?"

"Yes, that's right. I haven't been on much variety, not just web variety."

Seo Hyunju continued with a smile curling at the edges of her lips.

"That's why I like it. I'm looking forward to it. In fact, I wanted to appear before but didnt have the chance."

Seo Hyunju answered with an unburdened face. Yooil felt as if he could briefly see the life she had lived as a mysterious actress' for over 20 years in her eyes.

Just then, the writer called them at the perfect time.

"Actors, we're ready for you now!"

As they exited the waiting room, a set decorated with a whimsical, fairy-tale-like atmosphere, reminiscent of an old cartoon, awaited them.

Contrary to the calm opening music, Wooju's (real name: Woo Hyeju) bubbly voice struck their ears.

"Choo-choo, puff-puff! The train everyone has been waiting for! The 83rd Space Train has arrived~!"

Wooju, shaking her trademark blue ombre bob, single-handedly carried the opening for over five minutes. Yooil, sitting with Seo Hyunju in the waiting seats signing autographs, was genuinely amazed at her rapid-fire speaking.

Without changing her expression, Wooju filled the audio tirelessly and, receiving a sign from the writer, smoothly wrapped up her lines.

"Now, that aside the passengers havent arrived yet! Ah! Here they come!"

At her words, Han Yooil and Seo Hyunju stood up and walked towards the set. As they handed over the train tickets given by the production team, Wooju playfully punched a hole in the ticket.

"You would have missed the train if you were any later~ Hurry and take a seat, hurry!"

"Ah, sorry."

As Yooil bowed his head in apology, Wooju added with a teasing tone.

"As long as you know!"

As Wooju spoke, Seo Hyunju began to laugh, and Min Woojin, watching from behind the production team, also burst into laughter.

"Then, our train is departing!"

With that, the shooting for <Space Train> began in an excited atmosphere.

* * *

In the lounge of a company located in the heart of Seoul, an office worker was eating fried rice from a Lock&Lock container while waiting for a YouTube video to be released.

Specifically, they were waiting for the video to go live.

The office worker wasn't usually keen on web variety shows, but today was different.

It was understandable. It was a variety show featuring Han Yooil.

Ah! It's out!'

The office worker had even packed a lunch box just for this occasion. They clicked the video while trying to suppress their rising cheeks.

Episode 83 of <Space Train> started with Wooju's smooth yet slightly chaotic opening lines. The faces of Han Yooil and Seo Hyunju, watching Wooju speak alone with wide eyes, were shown in cross-editing.


[Like seeing a new life form]

Especially Yooil's face, looking at Wooju, was as serious and curious as if he were a scientist observing a research subject.

Watching the actors enjoy the set and concept of <Space Train> was fun, but the banter between Wooju and Han Yooil was also an entertaining element.


As long as you know! [Sassy]

Under Yooil's face, which widened in surprise again, a small shocked puppy face was edited in.


The viewers in the live comment section seemed to share the sentiment.


Look at Han Yooil's expression

Ah, classic Wooju LOL

In the meantime, Seo Hyunju is just so beautiful

So, these two are in the same movie now, right? (Excited)

Now, everyone, you're passing through the Milky Way where filmography falls like stars!

Wooju, receiving a star-shaped cardboard through the window, spoke with a bright smile.

"Let's start with Seo Hyunju~!"

Soon, she cheerfully removed the sticker concealing the content. A legendary commercial capture from over 20 years ago appeared.

The woman with glass marble eyes!

Oh my.

As Wooju mimicked the pose from the commercial and exclaimed, Seo Hyunju covered her face, embarrassed. Then the camera closed up on Yooil, who was smiling and looking at her.

The editing went a step further, overlaying a pink filter and background music between them.

Wait a minute! What are you doing now! Dont turn this into a romance scene right here! Whats with those eyes!


Ah! No! Dont look at me like that either!

After reviewing Seo Hyunju's significant filmography one by one, Wooju now turned her sparkling eyes toward Yooil.

Next is Yooil! Yooil's first filmography is!

The office worker watched Woojus fingertips ready to peel off the sticker, guessing what the photo inside might be.

<From the Ground>? Or a music video? No, maybe <Sing in High School>'

With anticipation in their eyes, the office worker's eyes suddenly widened.


It was something neither the office worker nor anyone else in the Yooil Unique' fandom had seen before.

In the photo, Han Yooil was on stage, kneeling before another female actress, wearing a fluttering ivory shirt. Despite the blurry image quality, his expression was unmistakably that of someone in love.

What play is this?!'

However, Yooil in the video seemed as surprised as the office worker.

How did you get this?

You remember this time, don't you?

Of course.

The sentiment reflected on Yooil's face was a subtle longing.

It was the first time I acted. The play was called Romeo in Wonderland.'

And Yooil played Romeo, right?

That's right.


A play before <From the Ground>!

The office worker wished they could find even a video of it if possible.

Then, the office worker's fan moment was interrupted.

"Uh, manager, I thought you dont watch Space Train'?"

"Just nothing else to watch."

The office worker tried hard to hide their expression. Telling their colleagues I've packed lunch, so I'll eat alone in the lounge today' was, of course, a choice made to indulge in their fandom comfortably.

"Manager, by any chance do you like Han Yooil?"


The office worker subtly avoided the gaze of the colleague, who seemed unlikely to know about fangirling, with innocent eyes.

"Yes. I think he's not bad among the actors these days."

"My sister also really likes that actor. She even joined the fan club! The name was "



The office worker realized they had almost given up pretending to be a casual fan. Fortunately, the oblivious colleague didn't seem to notice.

"Yes! She joined that and said she's going to some premiere or something"

The colleague added a few words about how his sister from Wolmyeong University had been following Han Yooil before standing up. freewebn(o)vel.com

"Ah, I've disturbed you too much. Sorry, manager. Enjoy your viewing!"


The office worker blinked slowly. They were more distracted than embarrassed about being caught fangirling. Suddenly, they remembered the first time they saw Han Yooil in the theater.

"Back then, finding someone I knew was much harder."

Not anymore.

For the office worker, this was the first time they had ever been so wholly enamored with someone beyond the screen.

Wow, Yooil~ You've really been working like an ox!

Not at all. There's still a lot I need to do.

Oh, come on~ You're just being greedy!

Over two years.

In that time, Han Yooil had participated in quite a number of works, each receiving favorable reviews. free(w)ebnovel(.)com

Really He's lived his life so diligently. My actor.'

The office worker felt a surge of affection for Han Yooil and refocused on the video.

Now it's time to talk about Jinhee'! A story about Jinhee, a woman who lived without knowing the joys of life, meeting the mysterious young man, Kiwoon, and the romance that unfolds. It's also a masterpiece by the legendary Korean director Kim Soobong.

That's right.

So, Yooil, why don't you start by telling us what Kiwoon thinks of Jinhee?

And then, at an unexpected moment, the office worker's heart skipped a beat.

Jinhee', to Kiwoon, is like his breath'.

Yooil paused for a moment, lowered his gaze, then lifted his head again. He stared intently into the camera as he continued.

Without Jinhee' Kiwoon wouldn't exist.

Was it the content of his words or the unusual look in his eyes?

At that moment, Han Yooil felt strangely unfamiliar to the office worker.


In a good way, of course.

Thanks to that, the office worker managed to stay alert through the afternoon without any caffeine.

* * *

Han Yooil and Seo Hyunju's episode of <Space Train> hit 1 million views in just three days.

Han Yooil, who had recently cemented his reputation with stable acting in <The Sun and The Moon>, and Seo Hyunju, the quintessential mysterious actress, contributed to the rapid rise in viewership.

Especially since Seo Hyunju rarely made public appearances outside of her work, her mere presence in the show was intriguing.

30 minutes flew by (Likes: 1.3k)

For the first time, actors who didn't get overwhelmed by Wooju's energy (Likes: 1.1k)

Isn't this Seo Hyunju's first variety appearance??? Wish she would come on more often (Likes: 341)

The chemistry between these two, what's going on (Likes: 236)

Naturally, there were many comments about Han Yooil as well.

Yooil is really like an ox (Likes: 1.4k)

How can Han Yooil's voice be so nice (Likes: 425)

But Yooil hasn't debuted that long ago, what's with his filmography (Likes: 286)

Plus, he's served in the military

His presence is calming

The fact that we can watch him continuously without any breaks makes me so happy

Ultimately, Han Yooil's decision to appear on <Space Train> was the right one.

The lively and cheerful program led by Wooju, combined with the amiable and entertaining conversation between two likable actors, naturally piqued people's curiosity.

And that curiosity expanded into anticipation for the movie <Jinhee>.

So, when is the movie releasing again? (Likes: 572)

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