I've Become a Genius Actor-Chapter 58:

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Chapter 58:

As the 6th episode of "The Missing Case of Saetbyeol High" unfolds, Seunghyun's character, previously bright and cheerful, undergoes a sudden change. Once always seen laughing and chatting with friends, Seunghyun starts to walk alone with a somber expression. What's more unsettling is that no one, except for Hojun, finds Seunghyun's transformation odd. Approaching a trembling Seunghyun, Hojun is met with averted eyes and a murmured confession:

"I I found a notebook. Under the dormitory bed"


"I left the notebook there but, I'm scared, hyung."

The day Seunghyun left these words to Hojun was the last anyone saw of him; he vanished without a trace. In episode 7, Hojun discovers the notebook Seunghyun mentioned and is struck with horror. It's a notebook written over 20 years ago, containing a list that serves as a kind of warning. Although it's just a brief insert in the drama, it's displayed long enough for viewers to capture. The owner of the notebook was a missing person from 20 years ago, and Hojun learns of similar disappearances from 20 years and 10 years prior.

With the notebook in hand, Hojun seeks out Yein, who sits nonchalantly on the school rooftop, gazing at the scenery as leisurely as a cat sunbathing. It's a scene that would have seemed peaceful in the past, but Hojun now knows the truth about Yein.

"It was you, wasn't it? The events 20 years ago, and 10 years ago"

Yein, flashing a fresh smile, responds, "Oh? How did you know?" before casually snatching the black notebook from Hojun's hand. After skimming through it with a hum, Yein loses interest and tosses it aside.

"Boring. Let's talk about something else."

As the final scenes of the drama approach

"Director after much consideration, you really did call for it."

The assistant director escorts a psychologist to the waiting room, privately deeming the director's decision to bring in a counselor a bit excessive.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

"Oh, Director. Actually"

The assistant director confides in a trusted lighting director. Despite understanding the importance of the scene, they question the necessity of a psychologist.

"So, you're wondering if it's really necessary."

The lighting director, after checking the surroundings, whispers, "You know the nature of the content"

"Why is it?"

"Parts of it could be sensitive for the actors."


Only then does the assistant director recall the family histories of the two lead actors.

"I see. So that's why"

Realizing the reason, the assistant director resumes their duties silently.

"Let's start shooting soon~"

"Please stand by~!"

Voices from the production team echo from the set beyond the waiting room.

"Everyone, let's not miss our cues!"

"Actors, please be extra careful to avoid injuries~"

The scene is set on the school rooftop, surrounded by chroma key screens for the drama's only scene requiring large-scale CG the very scene to be shot today. Yooil adjusts the rig attached to their body, a harness around their waist and groin a first-time experience, not having used wires even during "The Mysterious Garden." Yooil turns to see Kim Suna, who's expertly preparing herself.

"Actors, as soon as you're ready, we'll start shooting!"

And with that, filming begins.

* * *

"Do you think I don't know you, Hojun?"

Choi Yein grabs Min Hojun by the collar, pulling him close.


The youngest staff member of the production team watches Yooil and Suna with wide eyes, astonished. As Yein pulls, Hojun moves as if dragged by an immense force.

"It looks so real."

The power Kim Suna exerts seems magnified many times over, her performance enhancing the detailveins standing out on her hand, fingers trembling subtly.

Above all, it was natural.

So much so that one could forget Yooil had practiced countless times just for this scene.

Yein pushes Hojun to the edge of the rooftop. Standing precariously, Hojun meets Yein's gaze. The camera captures this moment from a high angle.

Choi Yein leans in close, her face reflected in Hojun's eyes.

Yein looks at him as if he's a most amusing toy.

"I know everything about you."

"What nonsense are you"

Suddenly, Yein's voice changes.

"Hojun there's something I need to tell you."

A voice filled with worry flows from Yein's mouth.

For a moment, the face of a young girl seems to morph into that of a middle-aged woman.


Director Yoo Jaeho stares at Kim Suna, surprised. The plan was to dub the voice separately. He had told himself not to worry prematurely.


Yoo Jaeho watches the screen intently, lips pursed. The lead actors' performance was flawless.

"Actually, mom has been seeing someone recently."

A voice filled with worry and warmth.

But the chill isn't due to the change in voice.

"How could you know that"

Min Hojun's face is flooded with shock.

"Mom's sorry she didn't tell you sooner. She didn't know how to bring it up and kept putting it off and it ended up like this."


That can't be right.

"Mom will explain okay?"

This is a lie.

"Mom's sorry"

His mother had died a year ago.

"Yes, Hojun."

Then, Yein continues with a sly smile.

"If you had just listened obediently back then, your mother could have easily avoided the truck in front of her."


Yoo Jaeho leans closer to the monitor.

All the emotions on Hojun's face are draining away as if sucked out by a syringe.

Hojun's hand, which had been gripping Yein's for support, gradually loses strength.

And Min Hojun's face becomes vacant.

Just have to perfectly finish the last lines here!'

Yoo Jaeho forgets to breathe, fixated on the monitor.

Yein's pink lips move.

"Understand? Your mother was someone who could have lived, she was"

That's when it happened.

The grip on Min Hojun's collar loosens unexpectedly.


Before anyone can react, the unthinkable unfolds.

"No, if he falls like that!"

The assistant director screams in shock.

Everyone is stunned, watching the scene unfold before their eyes.

But Yooil, who was expected to lose balance and fall, quickly grabs the edge of the rooftop and climbs up.


Even with wires, it was an impressive display of reflexes.

It's it's a relief!'

The assistant director, sweating profusely, rushes towards the actors.

"Yooil, Suna, are you both okay?!"

"That was close to being a serious accident!"

"I was really startled"

Safely standing, Yooil quickly responds.

"I'm fine."

His gaze is fixed on Kim Suna, who is gasping for breath, her face pale.

"I'll take a short break!"

"Suna, are you okay?"

Director Yoo Jaeho and the staff's attention is on Suna. Kim Suna, under the concerned gaze of dozens, eventually bows her head.

"I'm sorry."

She looks like she might collapse at any moment.

"It seems like actress Kim Suna is at her stress limit." f reenovelkiss.com

Yooil watches Kim Suna being supported by the staff to the waiting room.

"Until this project, Kim Suna's roles were mostly bright and spirited girls' in works like Banggulbanggul My Baby' and Arittaun Doryeon-nim.'"

Yooil ponders, Is there a reason?'

"Perhaps due to her agency's pressure, but it seems she prefers playing bright characters," adds Brion.

"It appears she's been seeking roles that differ greatly from her own situation."

How did she end up in this project then?'

"That's because of K2 Media's proposal."

Yooil raises an eyebrow at the mention of the unfamiliar company name.

"How are you feeling now?"

"I'm okay."

Kim Suna, biting her lip without realizing, looks down at the warm tea offered by the psychologist. The scent of chamomile gently wafts up.

The psychologist, with a warm smile, speaks.

"Take your time. I heard we still have enough time."

"That can't be right."

Kim Suna can't help but let out a wry laugh. Words meant to comfort an actor. She has never seen a film set where every minute isn't filled with urgency.

Especially "The Missing Case of Saetbyeol High," a drama airing in real-time.

Stupid. Why did I think of mom there?'

Kim Suna clenches her fist. Sharp fingernails dig into her palm.

"The loss of strength in my hand it's just a momentary lapse in concentration. There's no other reason."

"Is that so?"

Kim Suna feels a bit relieved at the soft response.

"I'm sorry to say this to the doctor, but honestly, I don't need counseling like this. It's better to finish shooting quickly. If I don't return now, the shoot might get extended"

then the agency would inevitably have to step in.

Kim Suna cautiously holds back her words. The psychologist stares intently at Suna and asks,

"Do you usually put others before yourself?"


Even at Suna's resolute answer, the psychologist's expression doesn't change.

"From what you're saying, it seems like you're more concerned about those around you."


"You said you're currently on medication?"

Kim Suna nods slightly, and the psychologist carefully offers a business card.

"Please feel free to contact me if you need help."

"Thank you."


She once dreamed of it. Waiting for a guardian angel to come and save her, saying, I've come to rescue you.'

But that was a dream she had long given up.

Kim Suna hides her bitterness behind a smile and tucks the business card deep into her bag.

However, when she opens the door, Kim Suna is startled.

Han Yooil is standing there, with a drink and a bottle of water in each hand.

* * *

Meanwhile, at the same time, Director Won Heesu was facing an unexpected challenge.

"Come on, I'm telling you I'll vouch for him. Don't you trust me, Director Oh?"

"Even so that guy hardly has any experience. I'm not so sure. There are many other talented actors showing interest"

"Which talented actors? You're not talking about Baek Junghyun, are you?"

Won Heesu looked at Director Oh with irritation.

Though Director Oh was much older, they had agreed to treat each other casually as fellow directors since 20 years ago.

Annoyed, Won Heesu tossed a lighter roughly.

"Ah, forget it. If you're going to be like that, I won't do it."

"Just think about it. Seo Hyunju's agency said the same. They're concerned if the co-actor is too young"

"What, does the company act? Actors act!"

Won Heesu waved his hand dismissively and picked up the remote. A 50-inch television in the office lit up, emitting a bright light.

"Look at that."

"What's this all of a sudden"

Director Oh, about to speak, closed his mouth as he watched the screen.

A dimly-lit drama featuring students in uniforms appeared.

It's that popular drama I heard about'

Director Oh wiped the sweat from his nose and adjusted his round glasses.

"Director Oh, you haven't seen that, have you?"

"You know I don't watch dramas much."

"Sure. That's something to be proud of."

The shift from cinema to OTT platforms was a natural progression for directors involved in theatrical movies.

Yet, for those who had long been part of the film industry, this change was overwhelming.

"Do we need direction in dramas too?"

Even now, professors in film studies often shook their heads, murmuring this sentiment.

Hence the saying, "Cinema is the art of the director, drama is the art of the writer." That's why Oh Film still insists on producing movies instead of OTT series.


As he watched his longtime colleague, Won Heesu clicked his tongue and pointed at the television. With no choice, Director Oh reluctantly shifted his gaze. A boy with a disheveled appearance, as if he'd spent months alone in a corner, appeared.

Ah, so this is Han Yooil.'

He looks nothing like his profile.'

Director Oh leaned back, crossing his legs.

Why are you like this?'

The boy was shaking another studentWon Heesu whispered, "That's Park Younghyun"who looked completely out of it.

You weren't like this before.'

The boy scrutinizes Park Younghyun's face, fear looming larger than concern in his eyes. Teachers and students, sensing something amiss, approach him. Amid attempts to reassure him that everything is fine, the boy explodes.

I know. I know it!'

The boy's cry was a plea for someone to understand.

[Please, I wish someone would understand]

The emotion in that shout was palpable.

And then the camera pans.

Showing the faces of oblivious students and teachers

Then the boy's face fills the screen.


Director Oh, who was initially indifferent, suddenly saw his eyes light up.

That expression'

Tears were welling up in the boy's black eyes.

Frustration and fear.

Yet, overshadowing all those emotions was something more intense.


A profound loneliness, as if left alone in the world.

The close-up of the boy's face was more terrifying than suspenseful music or eerie sound effects.

Without realizing it, Director Oh found himself rubbing his arms where goosebumps had formed.

Who is this kid?'

Seeing the bewildered expression on Director Oh's face, Won Heesu said triumphantly,

"If you still don't see it after watching that, you're really clueless, Director Oh."

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