I've Become a Genius Actor-Chapter 54:

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Chapter 54:

Kim Suna briefly looked down at her feet. Her shoes were sparkling under the light.


It occurred to her that the only change since practice was her outfit. The weighty shoes increased the friction with the floor. Quietly gazing at her shoes, Kim Suna straightened up her back and headed straight towards Director Yoo Jaeho.


"Eh, yes? What is it, Suna?"

"Would it be okay if I performed barefoot?"


"Without shoes I think I might perform better."

Yoo Jaeho looked at Suna with a slightly flustered expression. Barefoot was an element he had not considered. However, there was no reason to reject Kim Suna's suggestion.

"Ah, of course! If that's what you prefer, Suna~!"

Yoo Jaeho immediately turned his head.

"Production team, can we get the floor cleaned up?" freewebnov(e)l.com


A few members of the production team quickly cleaned the floor with mops and wet wipes, and shooting resumed.

"Okay, let's roll the shoot!"


The hallway scene began again. Watching Suna start dancing barefoot, Han Yooil felt relieved.


It was distinctly different. Even though Yooil was not particularly knowledgeable about dance, he could tell that a performer' like her suited the dance better without shoes.

"Great!" Director Yoo Jaeho clapped his hands and exclaimed. "Okay!"

The assistant director quickly got up and began preparing for the next scene.

"Let's set up for the next scene~"

"Let's get the extras in place!"

During the short break given to the actors before the next scene, Kim Suna wiped her dirty feet and put her shoes back on. Even while putting her shoes on, she had a thoughtful expression on her face.

How about trying to dance barefoot?

How did he know?'

Han Yooil. He was someone she had barely even had a proper conversation with before. Her suppressed curiosity was piqued. She had not talked much with other actors on set. There was no reason to, and it should have been that way. Glancing around, Suna confirmed that her manager was not nearby. She turned her head slightly towards Han Yooil. She had intended to look secretly, but their eyes met.

"Thanks for earlier."

"No problem. The scene just now was really good, senior."

"You did well too, Yooil."

At that moment, Kim Suna stepped back from Yooil with a frozen expression on her face. Yooil saw it. He saw Kim Suna stiffen her face upon seeing a man who had just entered.

I think I've seen him during the reading session.'

A fairly aged, well-built man. He seemed to be Kim Suna's manager.

That's correct. At this point, Kim Suna's manager is a person who has been working as a secretary for over 8 years by the side of WW Entertainment's CEO, Lee Seokwoo.

The CEO's secretary?'

It was uncommon for a CEO's secretary to take on the role of a manager. Brion continued to answer his question.

CEO Lee Seokwoo is Kim Suna's stepfather. He remarried Kim Suna's mother 11 years ago and has been operating WW Entertainment ever since.

This was news to him.

Though it has never been publicized, most people in the entertainment industry are aware of this fact.

Yooil had read about it in articles. He knew that Kim Suna's mother had passed away a few years ago due to a chronic illness.

Has senior Kim Suna been with WW Entertainment since then?'

Yes. She has been with the same company for 10 years.

Yooil was unaware of this backstory. As he was sorting through his thoughts, Park Younghyun sat down beside Han Yooil. Since all the shooting scenes were piled up in the afternoon and he arrived early today, Younghyun had been waiting.

"Are you tired of waiting, senior?"


Park Younghyun responded in a low voice. Yooil hesitated for a moment before speaking up.

"Actually, I was surprised to hear that senior was taking on the role of Seunghyun'. I'm a fan of yours."

At those words, Younghyun's eyes hardened imperceptibly.


It was obvious without looking.

It's probably about "<Open, Magic Door>" again.

Park Younghyun moved the corners of his mouth to create a polite smile. But then,

"I really enjoyed <Our Night Never Ends>'."

Younghyun looked at Yooil with surprised eyes.

"That work didn't perform very well."

"I saw it in the cinema. At a late-night screening."

It was the first time.

Someone remembered him for something other than a Magic Door kid'.

Younghyun opened and then closed his mouth. He didn't want to make a fuss just because someone had complimented a movie he was in.

Keep calm.'

He swallowed dryly and looked back at Yooil, who still had a clear gaze on him.

Younghyun was not the type to initiate conversations if it wasn't in front of the camera. He didn't enjoy chatting and found it hard to be as affable as the other actors.

However, seeing Han Yooil's face he found himself speaking without realizing it.

"I heard that Yooil directly connected the director and the writer."


So the rumor had spread that far.

Yooil smiled awkwardly.

"The script was already good. It was only a matter of time before it went into production."

Younghyun quietly observed him.

Kim Suna was also sitting beside them by now. Her gaze was constantly directed elsewhere, but it seemed like she was listening to their conversation.

"Look, the actors there."

"They seem to have become close."

Their interaction was enough to cause misunderstandings among the people working on the set.

The director of the making film diligently captured the three of them with his camera. The image of the three 20-something actors sitting side by side under the shade was picturesque in itself.

Nice. Such pleasant faces.'

It was regrettable that this wasn't a romance.

There will be many fans feeling disappointed.'

"Alright, let's start the shoot~"

As the staff of the production team shouted, the set quieted down.

Soon, Director Yoo Jaeho, intently watching the monitor, spoke.



Saetbyeol High was a place where all students lived in dormitories. The intent was for students to focus on artistic activities, but this closed environment didn't seem to have a particularly positive effect on the artistic teenagers. Every year, 2-3 students transferred schools due to school violence, but the principal somehow covered it up and kept it quiet.

They must be making a tidy sum from the dormitory fees, I guess.'

Min Hojun thought cynically as he passed through the dark corridor and reached his room door.

A strange voice was heard from the other side of the door.


Min Hojun's face turned cold.

Today, too, it seemed his roommate had let his friend into the room without asking.


At that moment, Yoo Jaeho, who was watching the monitor, eyes shone.

Yes, that expression.'

When Hojun's eyes turned cold, those watching should feel the tension of something is about to happen'. That's why Han Yooil had been chosen for the lead role alongside writer Ki Juhyun.

The protagonist of this drama had to be both an object of sympathy and, at the same time, an entity that was somewhat creepy and unsettling.

It couldn't be expressed with mediocre acting.

That's it.'

Yoo Jaeho nodded in satisfaction.

In the monitor, Min Hojun frowns and reaches out to open the door.

At that moment,

"Hey, when is your roommate coming?"

"Ah, that zombie?"

Min Hojun unintentionally held his breath.

"How do you even sleep seeing his face every day? I'd have nightmares if I had to share a room with that guy."

"Ah, damn. That's hilarious."

The snickering of the two boys could be heard.

"Isn't it creepy? He looks like a ghost."

"Yeah, totally gloomy. Ah, damn! When can I change rooms?"

Min Hojun turned away, his lips set in a firm line, his eyes darker than before.

Director Yoo Jaeho clenched his fist lightly.


If we add suspense music here it would be perfect.'

Director Yoo beamed with contentment.


As if they had been waiting, applause erupted.

"Great work, everyone~"

"Well done, everyone~"

"Rest up and see you at the next shoot!"

Yooil kept his gaze fixed on the void even while drinking water.

Progress towards the third goal: 3.1%

It's increasing faster than when I practiced alone.'

He finished the water and wiped his mouth. Now, it was time to check properly.

* * *

Two days later.

Director Won Heesu, in charge of the production of <Jinhee>, was smoking in her office with the window wide open. It was possible because Oh Film's owner, Director Oh Gu, also loved smoking.

The ashtray in front of her was already piled high with cigarette butts.

"Director, please blow the smoke the other way."

"Ah, sorry."

Won Heesu obediently began blowing smoke towards the window.

"Ah Nowadays, it's hard to find decent male actors in their twenties."

Won Heesu, puffing on her cigarette, spoke to the assistant director.

"Who's coming today?"

"Actor Baek Junghyun and Han Yooil are scheduled to come."

"Baek Junghyun got it. But Han Yooil?"

The assistant director quickly displayed an image on the tablet and showed it to her.


Seeing the face, she understood. He acted with idols, right?

Won Heesu tapped Yooil's forehead in the photo with her finger.

"He's got a cute face."

After her brief remark, Won Heesu returned her focus to the script in front of her.

Soon, the door opened, and the first candidate entered.

A face that couldn't hide its inherent arrogance and confidence, even though it seemed slightly tense.

Won Heesu clicked her tongue inwardly and smiled.

"Ah, Baek Junghyun. Welcome~"

* * *

Yooil was slightly taken aback by the smell of cigarettes as he entered the office.

The interior of the office, to put it nicely, resembled an artist's room from the '80s, or frankly, looked like a raccoon's den.

That must be Director Won Heesu.'


Won Heesu was known for her relaxed shirts and her short hair with strands of white, a trademark look she had maintained for a long time, even during her long tenure as a university lecturer.

Today, Director Won was wearing a white shirt and navy pants.

"Hello, Director. My name is Han Yooil."

Won Heesu stared intently at Han Yooil, who bowed politely.

Her gaze seemed loose but was thoroughly scrutinizing.

Feeling the subtle tension, Yooil braced himself.

"Hmm, so you're the new face that's been gaining popularity lately?"

What's with that awkward phrasing.

As Yooil blinked in confusion, Won Heesu said,

"Take a seat for now."

As Yooil took his seat, he was immediately hit with a question.

"So, why <Jinhee>?"

The question came in an informal and relaxed tone. Won Heesu tilted her head slightly as she observed Yooil. Baek Junghyun, who had just left this office, had received the same question.

"I wanted to work with the director!"

He had answered with a cheerful laugh.

It was cute.'

But that wasn't enough.

Won Heesu's long-standing refusal to direct <Jinhee> wasn't without reason.

At least, I can't tarnish the reputation of Director Kim Soobong.'

She couldn't find a reason to remake that work at this time.

Yet, she harbored a dual desire.

If this work were to be brought into the world, she wanted to be the one holding the megaphone.

Casting had been a struggle.

Just as Oh Film had been courting Won Heesu, she had persistently pursued Seo Hyunju. Seo Hyunju, a woman in her forties, was an actress as elegant in appearance as she was superb in her acting skills.

But the choice of Seo Hyunju was for a greater reason.

It was because she was smart.

Smart enough to recognize and appreciate the mise-en-scne and true value of Director Kim Soobong's work.

Won Heesu looked at Han Yooil, seated before her.

Handsome, yes, but sitting there in plain clothes, not acting, Yooil seemed somewhat bland at first glance.

What answer will this young lamb offer?'

Just then,

"I wanted to become Kiwoon."

Won Heesu's eyebrows rose at that remark.

"You wanted to become Kiwoon?"


"And the reason?"

The assistant director noticed it. Curiosity was creeping into Won Heesu's indifferent eyes.

Yooil continued slowly,

"Watching <Jinhee>, I thought Kiwoon was more than just Jinhee's man."

"Then what is he?"

"Jinhee's pure past and dream."

And he added one more thing,

"And at the same time, Jinhee's wish ()."


Won Heesu's face showed amusement now.

"Kiwoon. Yes. Director Kim Soobong is a man who doesn't name his characters lightly."

She stubbed out her cigarette and shifted her position, leaning towards Yooil.

"So. How will you portray that? A person who is the past, the dream, and the wish?"

Won Heesu's gaze was fixed squarely on Yooil.

Han Yooil felt like he could hear her words even though she hadn't spoken them.

Prove it. Show me why you should be Kiwoon.

Receiving that gaze, Yooil closed his eyes.

Won Heesu observed every minute change on Yooil's face.

His eyebrows slightly lowered his eyelashes quivered finely.

Then, he opened his eyes again.

Eyes moistened, his gaze wandered aimlessly in the air.

Then, his gaze settled on one point.

Like a person who, after a long ordeal, has found light. His eyes conveyed ecstasy, joy, and also loneliness.

"My existence vanished without a trace. From the moment I met you."

!' f(r)eenovelkiss

Won Heesu found herself unwittingly opening her mouth wide in astonishment.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.𝒄𝒐𝙢

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