Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 231: The Start of the Journey

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"I missed you all too," Leiah said while patting them. "You said that you were working on something, but I didn't think that it was something like that… you never stop surprising us."

"Well… anyway, sorry about this, Mom," Rain said after he scratched his head. "I told my friends that I would be away for a while and that someone would stay with the girls, but I didn't tell them. Still, I think it would be better if you don't show yourself outside."

"Don't worry, I got this," Leiah said and then took some maid clothes from her luggage. "It will be fine if everyone thinks that I am a servant right?"

Rain had a burning curiosity about why his mother was attired in a maid uniform. Yet, he couldn't muster the courage to seek an explanation, fearing that the answer might scar him for life. Sometimes, it is better to let certain mysteries lie dormant.

Roan, eager to accompany Leiah , had expressed his desire to come. However, the precarious state of affairs in their region made his absence from guard duty for a whole month a risky proposition. Duty and responsibilities weighed heavily on his decision.

Rain had already shared the news of the impending mission with his family. Despite their natural apprehensions about his safety, they placed unwavering faith in his skills and abilities. The potential threat posed by the magic people, as relayed by Branden, didn't deter their confidence in Rain's capability to overcome adversity.

In any case, on the day of the departure, Rain woke up when it was still dark since he had to leave with Braden and his fiancee before sunrise. It was better to leave without letting anyone notice since some spies could be nearby.

Rain looked for spies for weeks, but he didn't find anyone with the magic people's aura. Still, there was a chance that some inhabitants were selling information to the magic people while carrying favor in case the humans were defeated.

In times of war, it was common for some people to play on both teams while thinking only of serving themselves. In any case, Rain said goodbye to his mother and sisters, but since they didn't have to see him off and he was moving incognito, they soon returned to their beds.

Using his magic, Rain flew toward Branden's house, and thanks to that, not even the guards noticed when he passed above the area and then entered the building through an open window and then found Branden and Esmeralda waiting for him. They had a lot of luggage with them… now that Rain thought about it, were they expecting that he would act like their servant?

"... That is a lot of stuff," Rain said while looking at the five bags.

"Three of them are filled with spiritual potions for us; don't worry about it," Branden said.

Rain nodded as he pondered whether there would be opportunities to use potions during a battle. Nevertheless, both Branden and Esmeralda quickly hopped onto the Earth platform Rain had conjured. It seemed a bit slender, prompting them to wonder if it could endure the weight of all their luggage.

Despite their initial concerns, the platform exhibited no signs of cracking as it soared through the sky. Branden had always considered Earth magic to be the least practical of all the magical disciplines, as Earth mages hadn't garnered much fame in their world's history. However, during their flight, he couldn't help but feel that Rain might change that perception. ƒгeeweɓn૦

Before long, the group caught sight of the sun rising on the horizon. Its brilliance was a bit blinding as they continued in the same direction.

"Rain, can you slow down a bit? It is hard to keep our eyes open moving this fast," Branden said. "We have four days to reach the border, after all."

Turning around to not deal with the wind at this point was an option, but it seemed like a daunting prospect for all of them. After all, they were soaring a kilometer above the ground at a blistering speed of two hundred kilometers per hour. The idea of moving with their backs in the same direction wasn't particularly comforting.

With some time to spare, Rain opted to slow down their pace. This not only eased their anxiety but also conserved his mana. Speaking of mana conservation, Rain calculated that he could manage to transport both Branden, Esmeralda and their luggage for approximately three hours before needing to take a break.

"To obtain even more mana and mana regeneration, perhaps I should focus on leveling up the Sage's path," Rain thought. "Once I reach the max level, I should get a new class that will have similar skills."

As Rain approached the point of mana exhaustion, Branden handed him a set of potions designed to restore his mana. It was evident that Branden was determined to reach the border quickly, and this moment was the perfect opportunity to make use of these revitalizing elixirs.

Their journey ended up taking a bit longer than expected, primarily because Branden and his future wife weren't accustomed to traveling at such high speeds. They finally arrived around midnight, their swift flight leaving their hair tousled and unkempt.

"We can stop at Retia to rest… but I guess you are afraid of spies there as well?" Rain asked.

"Yes, it is better if we camp elsewhere," Branden said.

Rain scanned the surroundings, searching for a suitable place to set up camp for the night. Part of him wished they could just rent some rooms for the group, as he didn't want to feel like a third wheel on this journey. Yet, observing Branden and Esmeralda, he realized they weren't indulging in romantic distractions as he had imagined. Maybe he was overthinking things after all.

The group established their camp beneath a sturdy tree situated near a gentle hill. Rain skillfully manipulated the earth, creating a shallow depression to serve as a makeshift shelter. However, he couldn't fully enclose it; he needed to maintain a vigilant watch over the surrounding area.

Rain employed a combination of wind and fire magic to ensure that the camp remained warm and comfortable. As the others rested, he assumed his position on guard duty, ready to protect them through the night.