Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 216: Act

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Rain found himself at a crossroads, uncertain about his next move. The sight of the distant cloaked figures presented a dilemma – should he approach them to ascertain their identity or remain discreet and observe from a distance? The potential outcomes weighed heavily on his mind.

After a moment of contemplation, Rain opted to exercise caution and bide his time. While the possibility that his friends might be among the figures tugged at him, he recognized the need to be circumspect. The idea that they could have fallen under the sway of an external force, such as mind control, was a sobering reality he couldn't ignore.

Rain settled into a position where he could maintain his observation, allowing events to unfold before making any decisive moves. He understood that patience was an asset in this situation, allowing him to gather more information before taking action.

"What are you guys doing? I didn't find signs of battles, and I don't think that bitch is able to brainwash people from a distance…" Rain thought while furrowing his eyebrows.

Despite his keen sense of hearing, the constant sound of the rain acted as a barrier, preventing Rain from catching any snippets of the conversation among the cloaked figures.

While Rain's hearing was limited, his visual observation remained unhindered. He noted that the figures were in motion, appearing to exchange glances and gestures as if engaged in a conversation. The body language suggested some form of interaction or discussion, heightening Rain's curiosity about their intent and purpose.

As his thoughts churned, Rain entertained the notion of employing his magic to disperse the thick clouds overhead. With the reserves of mana at his disposal, he felt confident that he could accomplish such a feat. The idea held promise – clear skies would not only improve his visibility but also potentially reveal more about the situation at hand.

"No… my mana is lower than half. I can't risk it," Rain thought.

In the end, Rain just silently followed the group. Considering their behavior, it didn't look like a single person was being controlled. Still, when Rain went to use his Magic Eyes around, he found that aside from the auras of his friends that he recognized, he realized that the others were magic people auras.

The unfolding scene before Rain left him utterly perplexed. There was no logical reason he could fathom for his friends to be walking alongside these individuals on this side of the border.

He considered that perhaps his friends had been swayed by a compelling narrative, which, while unsubstantiated, might have tugged at their more trusting nature. Jori and the others had demonstrated a certain innocence, an openness that made them susceptible to believing in sob stories without solid evidence.

However, despite this possibility, something felt amiss. While Rain could comprehend Jori and Reca potentially falling for such manipulations due to their trusting dispositions, the inclusion of Liss, Asche, and Terra in the group struck him as incongruous. They possessed a different kind of skepticism, one that seemed less likely to be swayed by cheap or deceptive words.

In the end, Rain followed the group the whole day. They didn't do anything strange, but they were getting too far away from the camp… if they continued with that for another day, they probably wouldn't be able to return on time for the last day of the mission.

"They must have a good reason for that…" Rain thought. "Or maybe not."

As night settled in, the group found themselves in search of a suitable spot to set up camp. The continuing rain posed a challenge, preventing them from halting just anywhere.

Liss, utilizing her earth magic, ingeniously fashioned a shelter for the group. Her powers deftly moved moisture from the ground, creating a dry space for them. As the shelter took shape, the others set about the task of establishing a campfire, a vital element for warmth and sustenance.

Rain observed these activities unfold over the span of a few hours. His watchful gaze tracked their progress, noting how the cloaked figures seemed to seamlessly blend in with the group. Together, they prepared a meal and shared moments around the campfire.

The semblance of camaraderie and shared purpose was palpable, leaving Rain to contemplate the layers of deception and reality interwoven within this scenario.

However, as the hours ticked by, a shift in the dynamics became evident. The enigmatic figures began to move, their actions prompting an air of unease. Gradually, the group transformed, leaving only Jori, Reca, Liss, Asche, and Terra to keep vigil over the campsite.

After a long sigh, Rain decided to approach the camp, and it didn't take long for Asche to notice his approach. Rain wasn't trying to hide, after all. Besides, he wasn't that good at Stealth without magic. Before long, everyone could see Rain approaching.

"Hey, Rain… it has been a while," Jori said while looking away.

"The heck are you guys doing?" Rain asked.

"We are helping some refugees," Reca replied. "They are from some tribes that aren't taking part in the war, and the other tribes began to harass them after the last battle, to the point that they decided to leave their country before things could escalate further."

"And you guys believed it that easily?" Rain asked.

"We saw them being chased and attacked by some other soldiers from their side," Terra asked.

"It could have been just an act," Rain said.

"They fought back and killed some of the enemies. I confirmed that," Liss explained.

"That could be an act, too; who knows what kind of skills these people have?" Rain asked.

"I guess we can be as suspicious as we want, but we have a gut feeling that we are right in this one," Asche said. "We are going to escort them until they reach the sea, and then they will look for another place to live. Apparently, there are some inhabited islands in the south that they can use. Don't worry about it."