Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 209: Finally

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Subsequently, Rain found himself in a role that was both commendable and somewhat monotonous. He was tasked with tending to the healing of individuals who had not received complete treatment in the aftermath of the war. Although he received more than proper compensation for his services, Rain admitted to a sense of ennui settling in. The repetitive nature of the work led to a touch of boredom.

Still, his dedication to aiding those in need prevailed, highlighting his selflessness even in the face of tedium.

In any case, the day to get his new equipment finally arrived, so Rain was really looking forward to it. When he went to Lotto's shop, he had a smile filled with pride when he brought the forearm guards and the shin guards.

"They are my best-forged item yet," Lotto declared. "They can absorb impact like nothing else, and only powerful attacks will be able to scratch them. They also will greatly enhance your magic when it comes to earth magic."

The forearm guards and shin guards crafted from basilisk hide possessed a striking and formidable appearance. The main material, the basilisk hide, was a testament to its source's legendary strength and resilience. The surface of the guards bore intricate patterns, a testament to the hide's natural texture, which seemed to capture the essence of both serpentine grace and potent protection.

However, the true mastery of the craftsmanship lay in the base, which consisted of meticulously layered steel. This blend of materials created a remarkable synergy between the mystical properties of basilisk hide and the time-tested sturdiness of steel.

The steel base contributed to the overall durability of the guards, enhancing their ability to withstand formidable forces while providing a solid foundation.

Remarkably balanced, the guards didn't exhibit a sense of excessive weight or an airy lightness; rather, they exuded a sensation of perfect equilibrium. This equilibrium enhanced the guards' usability and made them feel like a natural extension of Rain's own limbs.

Upon equipping the guards, Rain experienced an unexpected surge of empowerment. It was as though a harmonious connection had been established between the relic and his essence. This newfound sensation of potency was striking, even though his physical attributes remained unchanged.

"It is even better than I had expected; it also fits perfectly," Rain said and then tried a high kick.

Rain's kick made a wave of wind move around the shop, and while he kept his leg high, he didn't feel any strain on it. Still, it was better to work on strengthening his legs a bit more, just in case.

"I am glad that you like it. This relic can probably last for decades if you maintain it well," Lotto said.

"I will come to do some maintenance before and after the missions," Rain declared.

After that, Rain left the shop. Keeping the items equipped felt really good, but he decided to keep them hidden. It was better to make sure that information about him won't spread that easily.

Rain took a unique approach to his training regimen by gradually adding weights to his ankles. However, he pushed the limits to the point where, during less cautious moments, each step he took resonated with a noticeable clatter. The added weight had transformed his footfalls into an audible announcement of his presence, both a testament to his dedication and an inadvertent warning of his approach.

This innovation, while effective for his training, had its drawbacks. The weight he bore proved too much for the delicate wooden structure of the second floor of his home. The substantial load threatened the integrity of the wooden beams, leading Rain to avoid this area to prevent any unwanted damage.

As he engaged in his training routines within the confines of his home's garden, Rain discovered another consequence of his determined efforts. The increasing weight, coupled with his vigorous movements, began to leave deep imprints on the ground. Each step etched a mark into the earth, a testament to the intensity of his training. I

"Well, I can always repair it or reinforce the ground with magic," Rain thought.

In a seated position, focusing on the regulation of his breathing. This practice had become a significant aspect of his routine, and he was beginning to witness tangible advancements in this domain, too. As he inhaled and exhaled deliberately, he could perceive the sensation of his blood coursing through his veins, a sign of his growing mastery over his body's inner workings.

Encouraged by this progress, Rain resolved to challenge himself further. He decided to push his limits by attempting to manipulate his breath in a manner that would accelerate the flow of his blood. The hypothesis was that by influencing his breath, he could enhance the rhythm of his circulation. As he engaged in this deliberate experimentation, he observed that his assumption was proving correct.

His breathing adjustments were indeed influencing the pace of his blood flow, and he could sense a more rapid and invigorating movement of life within him.

An unknown skill leveled up.

The Fighter's Path obtained 700 experience points.

"Hehehe, finally," Rain smirked. "I can't wait to level this up and show who is the real boss in the next fights... in the next fights, huh?"

With a faint smile on his lips, Rain was attuned to the heightened rhythm of his heartbeat, its tempo quickening in tandem with his exertion. His body responded to the demands he placed upon it, with his stamina depleting rapidly as a result. The euphoria of the moment was underscored by the realization that his physical limits were being tested and expanded.

As he delved deeper into the technique he was employing, Rain couldn't ignore the telltale signs of his effort. His legs and arms, under the stress of this specialized approach, began to exhibit a subtle yet perceptible increase in muscle definition – a manifestation of the controlled strain he was subjecting them to.

This sensation mirrored the effects he had observed when the second general, a master of this technique, had demonstrated it.