Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 204: Ceremony

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"Since it doesn't use mana, it consumes stamina to enhance one's physical parameters. Usually, one would need medicine to be able to increase their capabilities like that," Rain thought. "However, that guy had so much control over his body that he could push his body beyond its limits just like that with his own will. It is some kind of doping effect."

Sports organizations and governing bodies often ban these substances or techniques due to the unfair advantage they can provide and potential health risks, such as Anabolic Steroids. These are synthetic variations of the male hormone testosterone. They can increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance, but they also have significant side effects.

Stimulants as well. These substances, like amphetamines or caffeine, can boost alertness, energy, and focus. They may increase heart rate and blood pressure and can have dangerous effects on the cardiovascular system.

There are also blood doping and beta blockers. The first involves increasing the number of red blood cells by infusing extra blood or red blood cell products into the body. It aims to enhance oxygen delivery to muscles, improving endurance. The second substance can help control heart rate and reduce anxiety.

They are banned in some sports due to their potential to improve steadiness and accuracy in activities that require precise control.

Rain was well aware of them since he participated in some competitions and knew people who used them and were banned.

Rain could only think that doing that without help at first was impossible, and people would need some assistance of medicine or herbs to be able to pull that off. However, Rain couldn't afford to do that.

In the end, Rain had to try the hard way and try to obtain full control over his body, even on its most basic functions. To be able to do that, Rain added some new exercises to his training routine. Aside from a breathing technique in which he tried to feel his whole body receiving oxygen, he did some exercises that used all of his muscles.

He would need all of them to avoid suffering damage by pushing himself to his limits.

A few days later, while Rain was engrossed in his tasks, there was a knock at the door of his new residence. Curious, he put down whatever he was working on and went to answer it. To his surprise, a messenger stood there, holding a carefully wrapped package.

The messenger explained that it was a ceremonial armor meant for Rain and that all members of the organization were expected to wear something similar when attending official events at the castle.

Rain took the package and thanked the messenger, closing the door behind them. As he unwrapped the package, he couldn't help but marvel at the craftsmanship of the armor. It was intricately designed and adorned with ornate patterns and symbols that held significance to the organization and its history.

The armor itself, however, was not meant for combat—it was more like a symbol of status and unity among the members.

The armor was a full plate, one red and golden; the red could be found in most of it while the golden could be seen on the borders… it was way too gaudy.

"What a pain…" Rain thought after a long sigh. "Why only in moments of peace do I think of leaving the organization?" freē

The next day, during the afternoon, all the mercenaries gathered at the organization's headquarters. It had been a few days since Rain had last seen his friends, and they were all buzzing with excitement and energy, dressed in the ceremonial armor that they now wore.

As Rain looked around, he realized he might be feeling a bit old compared to his younger friends. Their enthusiasm and vigor reminded him of his own youthful days. Their stories of recent battles filled the air, with animated voices sharing their victories and close calls. Rain joined in, sharing his own insights and experiences, feeling a strong bond with his comrades.

Even though he felt a bit like a "mental boomer," Rain was proud to stand with his fellow mercenaries. They were a diverse group, each with their own strengths and perspectives. Despite any age differences, they were all united by their common goals, and today, they were going to celebrate their recent success.

"His Majesty didn't make a public appearance in ten years, and we are going to see him and the entire royal family… I can't wait! Jori said.

"I wonder if they will show up more often now that the war is over," Terra said while looking around. "The whole city is expecting that."

Rain pondered the situation and found it quite logical. Despite their absence from the public eye for many years, the royal family still held a significant amount of respect from the people. It was interesting how that respect seemed to transcend time and circumstances.

However, Rain couldn't help but question this phenomenon. He mused about why people held such deep reverence for the royal family. After all, they were just individuals who happened to be born into a particular lineage. There wasn't any inherent superiority that separated them from the rest of society.

In Rain's eyes, it seemed unjust that some individuals were elevated to a higher status based solely on their birthright. He believed that true worth and respect should be earned through actions and character rather than an accident of birth.

In any case, when Branden showed up, wearing the same armor but also equipped with a blue cape, the group began to march toward the castle. Once again, a lot of people cheered for them.

Jori and Reca glanced around, their eyes meeting those of curious strangers. They exchanged friendly waves and warm smiles, embracing the attention they were receiving. Meanwhile, Liss, Asche, and Terra maintained their composure. However, the appreciative whistles from a group of unknown men did catch their ears.

A mix of amusement and bemusement danced across their faces as they processed the unexpected attention.