Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 186: War (28)

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Realizing that he had attracted unwanted attention, Rain knew it was time to shift his approach. He ceased his ranged assaults and stopped doing anything, his mind racing to formulate a new plan. He had made a significant impact, but he couldn't rely solely on surprise attacks forever.

"Well, what now?" Rain rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I need to make them stop without making the others realize that I did something… I also have to erase all traces of my actions."

Rain realized that perhaps he had used his head and trained it a bit too little in the past… he could think of a bunch of things that he could do using his body, but not with his Mana alone.

It was a bit risky, but in the end, Rain could only try to snipe the enemies using one of the worst things that people from Earth had created… after focusing his senses a bit, Rain used his magic to fire a small bullet using the stones in the wall. He made it spin as much as he could to gain speed and piercing power before he fired. freewebnoveℓ.com

Much to his surprise, the stone bullet hit the enemy that he had aimed in the stomach with ease.

The enemy struck by Rain's precisely aimed stone bullet let out a strangled gasp, a mixture of surprise and pain escaping their lips. The impact had been sudden and severe, causing them to stagger and clutch at their abdomen, where the hollow point had hit its mark. Their expression contorted with agony as they crumpled to the ground, wracked by the internal damage the bullet had inflicted.

Rain's attack had been mercilessly effective, the hollow point causing catastrophic damage without the outward flow of blood that would typically accompany such an injury. The enemy's features twisted in a grimace as they fought to breathe, their strength rapidly draining away.

Despite the lack of visible blood, the internal injuries were insurmountable, leaving them in a state of dire vulnerability.

As Rain watched from his vantage point, a mixture of determination and discomfort flickered across his eyes. He hadn't taken the decision to use such a projectile lightly. The hollow point bullet had been a calculated choice, designed to ensure lethality without leaving a trail of bloodshed.

Yet, even as it achieved its intended outcome, Rain couldn't shake the sense of unease that accompanied its use.

The ethical implications weighed on his mind. Rain was conscious of the potential consequences of introducing such tools to this world, where his actions held far-reaching impacts. He was determined not to contribute to the development of weapons that could cause unnecessary suffering and destruction.

"Screw it, I won't use this…" Rain thought.

Even if he didn't leave traces behind, Rain still didn't like what he was doing. Rain found a sense of satisfaction in the synergy between his martial arts skills and his magical abilities. The combination held a promise of versatile self-defense, a way to enhance his techniques and gain an edge over his adversaries.

It was a fusion that seemed to fit naturally with his style, opening up new possibilities for creative and effective combat strategies.

However, as he reflected on the tactics he had employed, Rain couldn't help but wrestle with a sense of unease. The realization that his magical talents could be harnessed for more lethal purposes weighed heavily on him. The hollow point projectile he had used to incapacitate an enemy had been a stark reminder of the potential consequences of his actions.

"I don't have time for this since my allies are suffering here, and many more will die…" Rain thought. "Even if I leave traces behind, no one will be able to say that I was the one who did it."

Rain stopped overthinking and soon fired some water darts using the rainwater toward the enemies. Still, the projectiles lost some power along the way thanks to the droplets of rain, so he didn't kill many enemies… Those who got hit in the head fell dead, though. Those who got hit in the chest were forced to retreat due to the wounds.

Around the time Rain killed the twentieth target, the water snipers began to retreat, and he informed Branden. Some shields had been seriously damaged, and some royal guards had broken arms, but they didn't suffer any damage.

"They will probably send another tribe. Keep your eyes open," Branden said.

Rain saw several battalions moving… it was hard to say who they were, thanks to the rain and their cloaks. Still, they were slowly approaching, and it looked like something big was about to happen… Rain confirmed that they weren't humanoid when he saw some auras in the sky.

"Flying monsters incoming!" Branden shouted.

Just alerting Branden wouldn't do it, so Rain shouted. Before long, everyone was able to see shadows in the sky, but it was hard to see them with clarity… attacking them would be more than a bit of a challenge. Despite that, the soldiers in the walls still began to fall after being hit by invisible projectiles…

"They still have some other tricks up their sleeve?" Jori asked as he raised his sword and blocked the projectiles, thanks to his good senses.

Thanks to the Mana in his eyes, Rain was able to see the enemies and their spells… The adversaries Rain faced were unlike any he had encountered before in his previous life. These peculiar foes took the form of eerie blue bats, their wingspan allowing them to swiftly traverse the air. What made them particularly formidable, however, was their unique method of attack.

These creatures harnessed Mana in a way that seemed almost supernatural. Emitting a powerful sound wave that was laden with Mana, they cleverly allowed the rain to serve as a conduit for their magic. As the mana-infused sound wave collided with the rain, it underwent a remarkable transformation. The water droplets, now imbued with magic, coalesced into razor-sharp water blades.