Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 180: War (22)

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The enemy raised his guard and waited for an attack from below since he knew that Rain liked to do that. Still, instead of that, he only saw a bunch of dirt covering Rain's arms… that should grant him some defensive power, but it will definitely slow him down. That usually would be true, but not when Rain can use Impulse…

Just like before, Rain crossed the distance in a single moment and punched the enemy's chin. He reacted in time to block the attack, but the punch had been heavy enough to push his arm back, and his chin got hit a bit. It didn't suffer any damage, but the enemy general still was caught off guard.

The attack pushed the head of the enemy backward a bit, and the hood was lifted for a short moment. Rain saw the face of a guy who didn't look older than twenty, and he didn't look like he had gotten hit many times either since he truly had a soft face. Aside from that, Rain only saw that the enemy had somewhat pointy ears.

"An elf?" Rain thought. "I didn't think that they were a thing here… maybe they are just a bit similar."

The enemy jumped backward insanely fast and then landed… Rain saw the aura of the guy changing from orange-red to almost light blue for a second… it seemed that he used his powers to increase only his speed for a moment… that was quite troublesome since the enemy would become faster than Rain while he used Impulse and he would be able to control his movements better as well.

Just like Rain had expected, the enemy suddenly began to run in circles at super speeds… even if that guy was increasing his speed by five or four times, it was insane that he could move around five hundred kilometers per hour.

"I will learn support spells no matter what… still, I can't realize anything considering his aura," Rain thought.

All of a sudden, the enemy suddenly attacked Rain's back and then backed away before he could turn around… the enemy only used speed and the weight of his own body to enhance that attack. Still, even so, it hurt Rain a lot despite his high health…

"In situations like this…" Rain thought and then began to focus.

It was only for a brief moment, but Rain could feel the vibrations of the footsteps of the enemy… still, the war behind him was messing with his senses. Still, Rain focused enough to use a blast of wind against his body and force it to turn around when he felt the Enemy's approach. While that was happening, he swung his arm to punch the enemy, but he backed away again.

"I guess you must have left your balls in your tent," Rain said, trying to piss the enemy off. "It is funny to see someone like you in your position."

"Your taunting skills need some work," The enemy said. "People who fight in wars and lead others aren't that prideful, at least from where I came from. You don't look like that either, so why are you trying to rile me up?"

The enemy was a lot more talkative than Rain had imagined… someone like that probably wasn't that battle-hardened, but that was weird considering what Rain said. The appearances also made the enemy look inexperienced, so Rain wondered if he could fool that guy with some tricks.

The enemy had plenty of chances to attack first, but he was too cautious of Rain even while he was thinking. Still, Rain couldn't let that chance go. In the end, he had an idea. To deal with someone that versatile, Rain had to be quick-thinking and also surprising.

Just like before, Rain used Impulse and approached the enemy instantly. That guy tried to run away, but Rain was quick to kick the ground and follow him… the enemy tried to keep his distance and wait for an opening, but Rain was stubborn. Even when the enemy kicked a stone that flew faster than a bullet toward his face, Rain just blocked it with the dirt around his arms.

The impact still made his whole arm tremble. freewebnøvel.coɱ

"He changed speed to speed and strength for a moment to attack… he might be a general because he is so skilled," Rain thought.

Still, after moving around so much while always trying to keep his distance, it made Rain realize his patterns. All of a sudden, the enemy tripped when he felt a sharp pain on his feet… Rain had emerged an earth spike that caught him off guard. When that happened, he used Impulse with all his might and attacked the enemy.

When he recovered, the enemy general saw Rain almost punching him already. The enemy changed his magic for total defense and planned to block the attack and then headbut Rain… still, he regretted that when both of his hands were pierced by something… he was surprised to see earth blades on Rain's hands instead of what he saw before…

"Ugh," The enemy grunted in pain.

Rain had hardened the dirt as much as possible, but it only pierced the skin of the enemy for a few centimeters. His defense was something else… Still, his attack didn't end there.

The enemy tried to run away by increasing his speed, but Rain erected an earth wall behind him, and when he tried to run to his right side, he was kicked in the face instantly… Rain had predicted that he would try to run in that direction because he was right-handed.

The enemy rolled on the ground for several meters before getting up with his face covered in blood, but he didn't find Rain. In the next moment, Rain fell from the sky and attacked him… still, even with the earth blocks, the enemy easily blocked them with his arms, and in the next moment, he grabbed Rain's arms and threw him against the ground.