Immortality begins with Becoming an Alchemy Grandmaster-Chapter 453 - 198: Ghost Mill Yin Bell, Who to Respect (Please Subscribe)^

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Chapter 453: Chapter 198: Ghost Mill Yin Bell, Who to Respect (Please Subscribe)^

As for “Soul-Refining True Technique”, Luo Chen had not cultivated it.

After all, it’s merely an incomplete cultivation technique, and if he tried to cultivate it, he would exist in a state between human and ghost.

Even if he managed to break through to the Foundation Establishment Stage with its help, he would still suffer from the after-effects of the fusion with a thousand souls, which would be an endless source of trouble.

However, these problems were non-issues for Bai Meiling, who was of the Yin Soul disposition.

She was already a Yin Soul, and there was no question of being neither human nor ghost.

Moreover, in the future, when she completed the Ghost Soldier Realm Finalization, she could attempt to establish her foundation using the methods in “Soul-Refining True Technique”.


Not a problem.

Bai Meiling’s symbiotic entity was a Ghost Mill, capable of crushing ghostly creatures.

With it crushing and grinding, the result would be the essence of the soul, which she could absorb directly.

If you had started cultivating earlier, I could have gone into the Ghost City to capture some Yin Soul Ghostly Matter for you to aid in your cultivation.”

Bai Meiling, who was pretending to cultivate, understood this.

She immediately got serious.

Luo Chen smiled wryly and refocused his attention on the storage bag in front of him.

“Well played, Duan Qiankun!”

“As expected of a clan with a lineage of tool casting, their familiarity with arrays is unparalleled, and the spirit consciousness restrictions they set are equally exquisite.”

This storage bag, it turned out, was a relic of Duan Qiankun.

It was previously in the hands of Wang Yuan,

Wang Yuan couldn’t break the spirit consciousness restrictions on it because he hadn’t reached the Foundation Establishment Realm, so he handed it over to Luo Chen.

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After reaching the Foundation Establishment Stage, Luo Chen had more than once tried to open this storage bag.

But each time, he was unsuccessful!

There was no other choice. Duan Qiankun’s skills in spirit consciousness were not weaker than his own.

If we only talk about restrictions, he was stronger by leaps and bounds. Mentioning this, we have to talk about the relationship between arrays and restrictions.please visit ” sitestorys(.)c0m ” maybe y0u will enj0y the captivating sh0rt st0ries.

Restrictions – using Spirit Qi as barriers, and Spirit Consciousness as constraints.

Arrays – encompassing various restrictions, combined to form an array. By borrowing the shape of objects, they are implemented as laws.

It can be said that any cultivator of arrays,

Begins their learning with the art of restriction.

Even when powerless, they can use their blood essence and magic tools to enact restrictions.

Only after learning enough restrictions can they form the various big and small arrays.

It can be said that any large array is composed of individual restrictions.

Finally, they borrow from the earth veins, the Heaven and Earth Qi, magic treasures, and even living beings to set up the array.

If they don’t understand restrictions and directly start working with arrays, they will encounter innumerable difficulties.

To give an analogy,

If we think of an array as a large net, then restrictions are the individual knots and meshes that constitute this large net.

If the mesh is sparse, then the large net won’t be able to catch fish.

Wang Yuan is a living example.

He didn’t understand restrictions and directly stole the idea of the Heavenly Craft Qi Snatching Array, incorporating it into his own secret technique of the blood path, resulting in the Evil Qi Spirit Snatching Array.

It seems like a stroke of genius, capable of plundering others’ foundations.

But in reality, when it came to the final step, he fell just short of success.

Even worse, he nearly trapped himself within it.

Only after he failed did he come to his senses.

In these years, while hiding in his cave beneath the lake, other than cultivating in seclusion to remove the lingering ill effects of the Soul Stabilization Oath, He was researching restriction arrays.

In this regard, thanks to Duan Feng’s support, he was barely able to get started. Seeing him struggling and living in hardship, Duan Feng simply helped him tidy up the cave. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been as neat as Luo Chen had seen it.

After several years of study, Wang Yuan had some accomplishments and started improving the Evil Qi Spirit Snatching Array.

I’ve digressed.

Back to the point.

Duan Qiankun, as the clan chief of the Duan Family, had been in contact with the method of casting tools since he was young.

He would, of course, have a deep understanding of the essential arrays that made up Magic Tools.

Even if his Divine Soul wasn’t strong enough to form arrays, he could still set up simple spirit consciousness restrictions.

Yet these simple spirit consciousness restrictions had become a major obstacle when faced with Luo Chen.

“In the short term, there’s no way for me to learn all kinds of restrictions from scratch.”

“I can only rely on brute force to gradually erode them.”

“Fortunately, after so many years have passed, the spirit consciousness restrictions on it have only a little bit left.”

Luo Chen was looking forward to what good items he would find in the storage bag of Duan Qiankun, who had been at the Foundation Establishment Stage for many years.

“Will the treasure Xu Ji of the Luo Yun Sect Inner Gate asked for be inside?” Something that could catch the attention of Xu Ji, and even Tian Xingzi, Surely couldn’t be bad!

This was also why Luo Chen, over many years, painstakingly eroded the spirit consciousness restrictions left by Duan Qiankun.

… The Luo Tian Creed’s plans to leave,

Could not be hidden!

Even the rogue cultivators picked up on the changes day by day.

Not to mention the large Foundation Establishment forces with their sizable numbers.

Not long after,

Three true Foundation Establishment cultivators successively arrived outside novelbuddy.cσ๓

Xiao Huan Mountain riding clouds.

The gate of the Universe Hall was closed again.

Inside the hall, Luo Chen, who had just come out of the Pill Room, leisurely sipped his hot tea.

Concerning the three people sitting across from him, who were showing some signs of anxiety, he seemed to be totally oblivious.

Finally, someone couldn’t bear it any longer.

Nangong Jin.

“Dan Chenzi, is your Luo Tian Creed really leaving?”

Putting down his teacup, Luo Chen nodded slightly.

This kind of thing couldn’t be hidden.

They had prepared a month earlier, which allowed them to sell some of their assets and territories at a normal price, so they had already made a profit.

As for how much of it had been bought up by the three powerhouses, that was no longer their concern.

Seeing Luo Chen nod his head, Nangong Jin anxiously asked, “Why is it necessary?”

“You’ve worked so hard to establish this base. Our four families have formed an alliance, which is very rare. Plus, the resources here are extremely abundant, and after a hundred years, won’t we all be incredibly wealthy?”