Immortal of the Ages-Chapter 404 - Guilty Verdict!

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Chapter 404 - Guilty Verdict!

Yun Xiao glanced at Tian Zhixiu with a look that could chill hearts.

Tian Zhixiu was a big fish in the Primordial Ruins' pond, about the same age as Yuan Wu but with the cultivation to put Yuan Wu to shame. He had an aura of decay about him, like he'd been flirting with death, likely meaning he was in the Early Five Decays Realm.

When Tian Zhixiu spoke, his voice was as steady, but with an undertone that implied he wasn't to be trifled with. Behind him, the talented descendants of the Three True Immortals and academy students of the three ruins were giving Yun Xiao the kind of look usually reserved for an unruly dog.

It was clear as a bell; they were all about putting Yun Xiao in his place, an outsider who didn't play by their stringent laws.

Yun Xiao simply cracked a smile and pointed at the teachers. "Didn't they say I did a great service exposing this treachery? By destroying the Life-Burning Gu and saving over a hundred lives, I became qualified to become a Level 2 Ren disciple on the spot."

Tian Zhixiu didn't fuss over the details. "Fine, you're one of us now, so you play by our rules. We're hauling you off to the Mystic Zenith Temple until the law decides what to do with you."

The message was as clear as daylight—to them, Yun Xiao was undoubtedly in the wrong for playing judge, jury, and executioner. The way they saw it, he was doomed no matter what. So, it didn't matter what choice he made right now. In fact, letting him choose was showing fairness in their eyes.

"A guilty verdict already, huh?" Yun Xiao shot back with a look of disgust. "I saved over a hundred people and offed a villain. By my math, I'm ahead. This whole circus saw what went down. So, you haul me off to the Mystic Zenith Temple, what then? What crime have I committed?"

Tian Zhixiu gave a smirk that could slice through ice. "The Temple's got its ways of sorting things out that'll make a believer out of you. No use arguing with me. Just come along."

Huyan Pin couldn't help but snicker from the sidelines, her words dripping with sarcasm, "Really thought you could flash that pretty face around, hide behind Lian Xi's favor, and run amok in the sacred halls of the Primordial Academy?"

Her jab was a two-fer, skewering Yun Xiao and taking a not-so-subtle dig at Lian Xi's tastes.

Lian Xi's eyes turned icy, her frustration biting at her lip enough to show a hint of fang. "Should I...?"

"It's fine, let's just go with them," Yun Xiao said, the calm in his voice like the eye of a storm.

Lian Xi nodded, her mind racing for a way out. Though they called it an escort, with her there, the academy's enforcers wouldn't dare get handsy.

Here was Yun Xiao, a hero who'd saved lives, now paraded as a criminal for a so-called moment of madness. The disciples who'd seen it all unfold were a mix of emotions, their hearts a tangled mess.

"Brother Yun!" Yue Molin struggled to his feet, reaching for Yun Xiao as he passed by, a desperate grab at his sleeve.

The rescued newcomers, now clued into the truth, watched Yun Xiao with tearful eyes, their hearts heavy with gratitude and sorrow.

"Thank you for saving us," Yue Molin said, his young eyes swimming with tears.

"It's what I do," Yun Xiao replied with a gentle smile.

Then, with a sudden seriousness, Yue Molin asked, "But why did you have to kill C?"

Yun Xiao's voice took on a weight, as if carrying the burdens of the world. "Because I was born to challenge the rules and the powerful. That's my mission." With another smile and a reassuring pat on Yue Molin's shoulder, he added, "But that's just me. Don't try to learn from my example. You'll die."

"Mission..." By the time Yue Molin snapped back to reality, Yun Xiao had already left the academy's front gates, trailing behind the solemn procession of the academy's enforcers.

"Take a breather. We'll continue the third round, the Demon Prison, tomorrow. Best of luck," Uncle River announced, rising to his feet.

"Got it!" Yue Molin and the others nodded, their eyes lingering on the path Yun Xiao had taken, wishing they could speak up for him. But deep down, they knew their voices were but whispers in a storm, unlikely to sway any outcomes.

"Also, detain Song Ze for questioning," Uncle River declared with an icy edge.

Song Ze took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and resigned himself to his fate.

As the crowd of onlookers dispersed, some already buzzing about heading to the temple to catch the next act of the drama, Uncle River squatted by the Demon Prison gate, lost in thought.

"That kid, breaking through the Demon Prison gate... he's got some tricks up his sleeve."


On the road, the enforcers led the way, casting cold glances back now and then. Yun Xiao and Lian Xi followed a few steps behind.

"Once we're in the temple, they'll call the shots. I'm worried they'll lock you up somewhere dangerous," Lian Xi said, her voice tinged with anxiety.

In contrast, Yun Xiao seemed to take it all in stride, leisurely taking in the scenery of the academy before pointing ahead. "We'll be passing by the Primordial Pagoda, right?"

"Yes," Lian Xi gritted her teeth, frustration evident in her voice. "These folks from the Three Immortal Lineages are really getting on my nerves!"

"Three Immortal Lineage?" Yun Xiao inquired, the curiosity clear in his voice.

Lian Xi shot him a look, her lips pursed in a pout. "I'm about to tell you something important, but you have to promise not to talk about it openly."

Yun Xiao rolled his eyes, "Come on, I'm your right-hand man, aren't I?"

With a reluctant sigh, Lian Xi said, "These people from the Three Immortal Lineages are the descendants of the Three True Immortals. They've been creeping into the Primordial Academy over the centuries, snagging all the top spots. The Mystic Zenith Temple, that's their fortress, where they love to play the blame game, squeezing out anyone who doesn't abide by their rules. The Academy's turned from a place of learning and legacy into their personal power playground. Many good teachers and venerable elders have been dragged through the mud, their reputations shot, and some even got the axe."

"Not surprising," Yun Xiao nodded, his voice carrying a hint of expected disdain.

"The Pathseeker Society is basically their lapdog brigade. Don't underestimate these students; they're pros at slinging mud and pinning blame. Take Huyan Pin, her teacher was part of the Academy Faction, a great teacher I can personally vouch for. The Mystic Zenith Temple had him executed on some trumped-up charges of misconduct. Sure, they had so-called evidence, but there's too much they can manipulate behind the scenes," Lian Xi concluded, her lips puckering in frustration. "So, bumping heads with them today is going to be a real headache."

"A real pain," Yun Xiao agreed, his tone resigned yet resolute.

He had a clear picture now. The Primordial Academy was a battleground between the Three Immortals Lineage and the Academy Faction, the latter being the true bearers of the Primordial Academy's legacy, a mix of ancient inheritors and fresh talents from across the lower worlds.

Dean Yu and Uncle River were likely from the Academy Faction, with Lian Xi firmly on their side, while the Mystic Zenith Temple and Pathseeker Society were chock-full of the Three True Immortals' progeny and their cronies.

And outside the academy? Well, that was the Three True Immortals' playground.

"Stepping into the Mystic Zenith Temple's going to be a minefield. Should I get my master involved?" Lian Xi pondered, worry creasing her brow.

Yun Xiao shook his head, a light chuckle escaping his lips. "Can't be running to her for every little snag, can I? That'd be a bit embarrassing."

"So, what's the game plan?" Lian Xi pouted, her frustration palpable.

Looking up, a spark of determination in his eyes, Yun Xiao announced, "We've reached the Primordial Pagoda."

"The Primordial Pagoda at a time like this?" Lian Xi couldn't wrap her head around it. Why was Yun Xiao concerned about the Primordial Pagoda now?

"Yep." Suddenly, Yun Xiao wrapped an arm around her, whispering in her ear, "The Primordial Academy's Level 7 Ding disciples and above have the right to receive bail three times, right?"

"Yes, but..." Lian Xi was initially puzzled, then her eyes lit up with realization and delight. "I see what you're plotting. You're thinking of sneaking into the Primordial Pagoda to bump yourself up to a Level 7 Ding disciple?"

"Exactly," Yun Xiao nodded.

"Level 7 Ding disciples can indeed avoid being locked up in the Mystic Zenith Temple during the investigation period. But how did you know this?" Lian Xi asked, curious.

"There was a disciple's handbook on your desk. I took a quick read last night," Yun Xiao said with a slight smile. "What, you thought I was just a pretty face? No, ma'am. I'm bold but cautious. I took them on right in front of their eyes, and they couldn't touch me."

"That crafty, huh?" Lian Xi remarked, her expression suddenly darkening again. "But wait, even if you're not in the Mystic Zenith Temple during the investigation, if they decide against you, you'd still be punished. And if they sentence you to death..."

"How long is the minimum investigation period?" Yun Xiao raised an eyebrow.

"Going through the investigation and evidence collection takes at least five days," Lian Xi explained.

"The Mystic Zenith Temple sure is thorough, making everything seem all official and by-the-book," Yun Xiao chuckled.

"It's their way of promoting justice and strictness, giving everyone five days to prove their innocence," Lian Xi said.

"You've got it wrong. It's to give their own people a five-day window to clear their names or cook up fake evidence," Yun Xiao stated coolly.

It wasn't hard to see through their schemes.

Yun Xiao couldn't care less about the nitty-gritty of the Mystic Zenith Temple's trials. He had one clear goal in mind—become a Level 7 Ding disciple, and he'd have the run of the Primordial Ruins for five days before the trial, without a jail cell in sight, as long as he didn't flee from the ruins.

"But what can you do in five days?" Lian Xi fretted.

"To others, it might be a blink of an eye, but for me, it's an eternity," Yun Xiao quipped with a grin.

"Are you saying you're miserable with me? That time drags?" Lian Xi feigned anger.


"Ugh, you're awful!" she playfully threatened to scratch him.

Meanwhile, they frolicked at the back of the crowd, a stark contrast to the somber faces of the Pathseeker Society geniuses ahead. Glancing back, their expressions darkened further at the sight.

"Has he lost his mind? Facing death and still making a spectacle of himself?" Huyan Pin sneered.

Tian Zhixiu's eyes flickered ominously, but he remained silent.

As they passed the bustling entrance of the Primordial Pagoda, the crowd, already abuzz with the tales of Yun Xiao's daring deeds and controversies, watched in confusion. Here he was, about to be detained, yet cavorting openly with the goddess of many a disciple's dreams?

They couldn't make heads or tails of it.

"You know," Lian Xi's voice carried a hint of melancholy, "the first eight floors of the Primordial Pagoda test pure combat strength, and I can only reach the eighth. To become a Level 7 Ding disciple, you need to reach the fifth, which demands the combat strength of the Late Sacred Wheel Realm. Can you manage?"

"I'll fight and cultivate as I go," Yun Xiao responded nonchalantly.

This chapt𝙚r is updated by fr(e)ew𝒆bnov(e)