Immortal of the Ages-Chapter 074 - Holy Son Chu!

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Chapter 074 - Holy Son Chu!

"Shake all of Sword Heaven? How?" Yun Xiao asked.

The graceful woman in the black dress chuckled lightly, radiating an assured confidence. "With my reputation as the Great Sword Venerable Venerable Ning Yan, I guarantee you'll soar!"

A collective thrill of surprise buzzed amongst the crowd at her words. For such a figure to make such a guarantee of success revealed that Yun Xiao’s performance had indeed captivated her.

"In this way, Yun Xiao has a mountain to lean on in Sword Heaven, and a big one at that!" Elder Wang felt a surge of joy within. fr(e)ewebnov(e)

"Could it be that the Great Sword Venerable Ning is showing extra concern for Junior Brother Yun due to the Sect Master?" Cai Maomao whispered jubilantly to those nearby.

"Shut your mouth!" Qin Tong leaped in fright. In reality, if it wasn't for the Sect Master, Ning Yan might have already aided Yun Xiao in slaying the demons of the Northern Wastelands! All eyes turned to Yun Xiao.

Pressing his lips together, Yun Xiao turned his gaze toward Zhao Xuanran.

Zhao Xuanran seemed considerably calmer. No longer perturbed by the woman, she gently took Yun Xiao's hand, her red lips parting slightly, "Junior Brother Yun, you must go."

"Why?" Yun Xiao gripped her hand in return, tightly.

"My father needs a Sword Tempering Pill within the next twenty days. Or else..." Zhao Xuanran did not lower her voice; she intentionally let the woman hear.

"Heh." Ning Yan turned her head away, scoffing coldly, "A Sword Tempering Pill? That'll be in your dreams."

"Anything else, Senior Sister Zhao?" Yun Xiao looked at her tenderly.

"Tell everyone that you are Zhao Jianxing's disciple!" When Zhao Xuanranspoke, she looked at Ning Yan. Her eyes were sharp, her aura imposing, showing no fear of the woman. It indicated that she'd come to terms with things, no longer caring. Indeed, after twenty-two years of holding out hope, she'd been thoroughly disillusioned.

"Hah." Ning Yan snickered, shrugging her shoulders, almost bursting into laughter.

Yun Xiao witnessed all this, his eyes adopting a three-degree chill. Sword Heaven? In his heart, there was only the Azure Spirit Sword Sect and the Sword Pavilion!

However, he still decided to go to Sword Heaven immediately. It wasn't for fame or glory, but rather for the sake of the Sect Master and his Senior Sister Zhao's vindication! And there was also one more important reason!

Who said I could only wait for Ye Guying to kill his way back at Azure Spirit? Yun Xiao mused, a cunning glint in his eye. There are still five days left, enough for me to block him at the Sea of Swords!

Although a battle was inevitable sooner or later, the dynamics were utterly different. The first option was waiting passively! The second was piercing the heavens with a single sword, fearless of gods and demons!

"Great Sword Venerable, I'll head to Sword Heaven early tomorrow," Yun Xiao stated plainly.

"Fine!" Ning Yan was somewhat disgruntled. What she wanted was to take Yun Xiao back this instant. If he went tomorrow, it meant she would have to return alone and empty-handed. She had come to fetch him personally!

Although Ning Yan was irked, she restrained her irritation given Yun Xiao's talents!

It was only when departure lingered on the horizon did she arch an eyebrow towards Zhao Xuanran, speaking with a languid grace: “Yun Xiao, the Sea of Swords is rife with beauties from noble swordsmanship families. They're born privileged, and possess a charm that can sink fishes and tumble swans. With your talents, you'd naturally be encircled by a cluster of fragrances. Why must your gaze be limited to a country bumpkin?”

“A country bumpkin, am I? Then what does that make you, an old brothel keeper? Aren’t you insulting yourself by insulting me?” Zhao Xuanran snapped back without a moment’s hesitation.

“You!” Ning Yan was enraged. Twenty-two years and not a glimpse! She didn't even know her own daughter's name! Yet with just one sentence, she came to know exactly what kind of personality she had.

“Yun Xiao, your Sword Soul will be tested tomorrow!” With that, Ning Yan spoke no more to Zhao Xuanran, intending to turn and leave.

“Farewell, Great Sword Venerable...” The members of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect spoke with complex expressions. They didn’t like Ning Yan either! But alas, Sword Heaven only welcomed her.

Just as the crowd's collective sigh hung in the air, change rolled in like a tempest! From within the clouds above, the whistling of a Sovereign Sword fiercely resounded! That Sovereign Sword whipped up a stormy cloud vortex, its aggression palpable!

“Forbidden Tower's Holy Son Chu descends upon the mortal realm! Lesser beings, hasten to pay your respects!” A robust and authoritative roar trembled through Dark Abyss Mountain, whipping up waves upon the blood sea.

KLANG KLANG! Two mighty sword rays tore through the clouds, piercing the earth!

HUM! Those sword rays morphed into two silhouettes, standing atop the highest peak of Dark Abyss Mountain, their intense eyes casting downward, sweeping over the members of Azure Spirit. The aura was startling!

“Elder Fan?” Yun Xiao immediately recognized him!

This golden-haired elder with a lion-like mane now appeared in front of the crowd. His eyes were solemn as he respectfully stood behind a figure. The announcement just now had come from him. Accompanying Elder Fan was a youth in splendid attire!

With hands clasped behind his back, the slender and tall youth's eyes gleamed and exuded an astonishing poise.

“Forbidden Tower, Holy Son Chu!” Upon hearing those words, the folks of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect collectively inhaled sharply, faces paling, heads bowing, not daring to meet the gaze of the youth!

“A person from the Forbidden Tower?” Yun Xiao noted everyone’s reverence, understanding that this Holy Son Chu was no ordinary character. “He must be a genius Sword Cultivator from the Sea of Swords,” he mused silently, observing him.

“Are you all not going to pay your respects?” Elder Fan once again bellowed, his eyes sweeping over the crowd.

“We greet Holy Son Chu...” The crowd hastily spoke.

Elder Fan’s status was enough to sit as Sect Master of Azure Spirit Sword Sect. Yet, he was still reverent in front of Holy Son Chu. So, one could only imagine the amount of pressure the crowd from the Azure Spirit Sword Sect felt from the presence of this youth.

For now, the three thousand Sword Cultivators could only bow their heads once more! Today, they were demon-slaying heroes. But alas, against the illustrious Sea of Swords—a sanctuary of swordsmanship, paralleling the entirety of the Grand Wasteland—resistance was futile.

Satisfied only when the heads of the people from the Azure Spirit Sword Sect bowed, the lion-maned Elder Fan and the impeccably dressed Holy Son Chu surveyed the scene, peculiar expressions playing upon their faces as their gazes flitted across the demon corpses strewn about. Their eyes lingered momentarily on Ning Yan, though no greetings were exchanged.

“Who did this? Step forward!” The young man in lavish attire, Holy Son Chu, commanded, his gaze stern and somewhat intimidating as it swept across the members of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect.

The Sword Cultivators of Azure Spirit were momentarily baffled, struggling to comprehend his implication.

“Holy Son Chu is asking who amongst you was slaying demons in the Northern Wastelands?!” Elder Fan stepped forward, his fierce eyes fixating upon Yun Xiao. He was inwardly astounded by Yun Xiao’s actions but did not reveal his astonishment. For now, Yun Xiao was his focus.

“I did. What of it?” Yun Xiao stepped forward, his expression stoic.

“Heh!” Holy Son Chu's icy gaze locked onto him. Turning to Elder Fan, he directed, “Kill him, and send his head to the Grand Wasteland Demon Lord!”

“Yes!” Elder Fan bowed slightly in acquiescence.

The faces of the Azure Spirit members turned pale, a collective expression of perplexity upon them.

“Stop!” Chen Dong and Li Chenlong stepped forward urgently. “Holy Son Chu, this cannot be!”

However, Elder Fan paid them no heed, bearing down on Yun Xiao.

“Junior Brother Yun has carried out a meritorious service by slaying the demon. What crime has he committed?” Zhao Xuanran's eyes gleamed with hatred towards Elder Fan and Holy Son Chu behind him.

Holy Son Chu shook his head, a cold smirk gracing his features. “His mistake lies in his ignorance.”

“And how am I ignorant?” Yun Xiao’s gaze chilled.

“The Forbidden Tower and the Grand Wasteland Demon Lord have signed the Grand Wasteland Pact! Sword Cultivators and demons shall not violate each other! This very pact has granted peace to the mortal world for decades! And you, driven by reckless bravery, dared to cross boundaries and slay demons! When the Demon Lord, having suffered such a great loss, is inevitably enraged, and if he declares war by tearing up the pact, you, then, will be an eternal sinner! Tell me, how are you not in the wrong?” Holy Son Chu's eyes glinted with disdain as he spoke with a chilling sneer.

“Decades of peace? Open your eyes and take a look at the thousand mortal nations, where is the peace of these decades? Can you speak with a straight face?” Yun Xiao laughed.

Such audacity! How could one be so shameless?

“Yun Xiao, your actions are inexcusable! You dare to contradict Holy Son Chu?! You're really asking to be killed!” Elder Fan roared, his voice reverberating, leaving everyone’s ears ringing.

"My actions are inexcusable? I'm asking to be killed?" Yun Xiao smirked. How familiar those words sounded! He recalled they were the first words spoken by Ye Guying upon appearing in the Cloud Nation's imperial capital. Indeed, it was quite fitting for the Forbidden Tower that had taken in Ye Guying. The two were birds of a feather!

“Elder Fan, you seem to be acting like a mad, yapping dog, jumping up and down,” Yun Xiao retorted with a cold chuckle.

Everyone looked on. Elder Fan, with his golden mane, glaring eyes, and flustered demeanor, did indeed resemble an enraged canine.

“You still have the audacity to spew insolence when death is at your door, do you?!” Elder Fan’s face twisted grotesquely. He was not Ye Tiance! Once, during the Eight Swords Conclave, his single stroke had the power to break through the Sword Sealing Formation!

At that moment, Elder Fan unleashed his Sword Soul with a sudden fervor. The Sword Soul transformed into a palm sword, over twice as broad as a conventional one. A dense array of thirty layers of Sword Aura cascaded along its form, emanating a rich, golden gleam, somewhat reminiscent of a majestic lion's steely needle-like fur. A lion's head motif adorned the sword's hilt, its malevolent glow momentarily apparent.

This was the Golden Lion Sword Soul!

Atop it lingered a Sword Ring, akin to lion's teeth, exhaling a golden mist. The demon magic coexisted harmoniously with the Sword Soul, clearly demonstrating formidable power.

"Yun Xiao has defied the inviolable laws of the Forbidden Tower; death is inevitable! Under the command of the Holy Son Chu, I shall behead him. Whosoever dares obstruct, shall share his fate!" Elder Fan bellowed, his voice a leonine roar, resonating across the vicinity, shaking the ears of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect disciples with a continuous hum.

"What a joke. You have this much power as a Sword Cultivator. But instead of going out to slay demons with it, you decide to slay the demon slayer?" Yun Xiao mocked, the gleam in his eye growing even sharper.

"When I was slaughtering demons, your father was but a mere twinkle in his ancestors' eyes!" Elder Fan scoffed. Clasping the hefty Golden Lion Sword Soul with both hands, he vehemently pressed towards Yun Xiao!

With at least the power of the Mid Origin Core Realm erupting from him, a golden energy wave swept across, forcibly repelling the people around Yun Xiao. Then, the sword swung down towards Yun Xiao's head with unrelenting force!

HUM! In that heart-stopping moment, a sleek, black silhouette abruptly materialized before Yun Xiao. It was none other than Ning Yan, the Great Sword Venerable!

"Fan Jing, do you assume my absence?" Ning Yan's voice was cold as ice.

Upon seeing her, Elder Fan could only retract his sword, remaining grounded.

Scratching his head and grinning sheepishly, Elder Fan remarked, "Apologies, I genuinely didn't notice Great Sword Venerable Ning!" Quick to anger, quicker to calm, he was unmistakably a sly one.

"However," Elder Fan, backed by robust support, spoke with a rather defiant tone, "I'm in the middle of capturing the sinner who violated the Grand Wasteland Pact under the Holy Son Chu’s orders. May I inquire why the Great Sword Venerable obstructs me?"

"Don't spin tales. The disputes between Azure Spirit and the Northern Wastelands are not within the scope of the Grand Wasteland Pact!" Ning Yan stated, gazing coldly towards the Holy Son Chu. "Holy Son Chu, I, Ning Yan of Sword Heaven, have taken a liking to this Yun Xiao!"

Holy Son Chu and Elder Fan paused upon hearing this. And then, they burst into simultaneous laughter. A laughter so hearty, so unrestrained! It caused Ning Yan's slender eyebrows to furrow tightly.

"What's so amusing?!" Her voice was like a chilling frost. 𝙛𝙧𝓮𝓮𝙬𝓮𝒃𝒏𝓸𝒗𝓮𝙡.𝓬𝓸𝓶

Holy Son Chu lightly chuckled, "Great Sword Venerable Ning, after such a prolonged thirst, could it be that you've taken a fancy to this pretty boy?"

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