Immortal Hero: I Can See the Success Rate-Chapter 44 - Medicinal Garden!

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Chapter 44: Medicinal Garden!

After several twists and turns, a ball of light finally appeared in front of Lin An.

The ball of light had seven distinct colors, and it looked very gorgeous in the fog.

It continuously rotated, like a planet made up of multi-colored light.

At that moment, Lin An didn’t hesitate.

He immediately walked straight into the ball of light.

In the next moment, Lin An opened his eyes and saw that he was in a new world.

He had entered the Sacred Dragon Mystic Realm!

As soon as Lin An stepped into the Sacred Dragon Mystic Realm, a sharp wail rang out from the thick fog outside the mystic realm.

One of the Heavenly Mystery Sect disciples had lost his life after he walked into the wrong section of the maze. He had been instantly killed after he stepped onto a killer formation trap, and his flesh and blood had been separated!

The disciple’s blood had immediately dyed the fog red, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

It was such a gruesome and terrifying scene. The rest of the disciples all covered their eyes in terror. Some had already used their cultivation techniques to avoid the filth caused by the cultivator’s exploding body.

On the other side of the maze, several disciples had used their spiritual energy to turn the fog into ice sculptures.

Suddenly, a gust of cold air spread out, and it brought a bone-piercing chill to the disciples in the maze!

The magic array maze was the first layer of restriction before entering the mystic realm, and it had already eliminated more than a hundred disciples.

This made the surviving disciples fear for their lives.

However, there were still some talented cultivators who had found some clues in the dense fog.

After close to forty minutes, Lin Dong finally found the entrance to the Sacred Dragon Mystic Realm.

The disciples from the Heavenly Mystery Sect gathered around the glowing ball of light. However, many of them were injured, and their appearance was extremely disheveled. They no longer looked as noble as when they had first arrived.

In the Sacred Dragon Mystic Realm, Lin An had already explored the first level.

Since he had the success rate system, he could accurately get the information he wanted wherever he looked. The exploration process was extremely fast.

The first level of the Sacred Dragon Mystic Realm was not vast. It was only a few miles in circumference, and Lin An only took ten minutes to scan it.

There was nothing noteworthy on this level. The medicinal herbs it had harbored had already been harvested, and there were only a few hundred-year-old medicinal herbs left.

The Sacred Dragon Mystic Realm opened once every one hundred years. The first level was easy to access, so the disciples who had entered the mystic realm in the past had naturally explored it, and they had already picked all the precious medicinal herbs.

When he looked at the soft green grassland in front of him, Lin An had no desire to pick the remaining herbs.

To him, the scene was even worse than the rocky grasslands on Bixiao Peak!

After strolling through the first level, Lin An spotted a door that led to a charming medicinal garden.

He immediately walked through the doorway and entered the second level.

The disciples from the Heavenly Mystery Sect had already entered the Sacred Dragon Mystic Realm one after another.

The sight in front of them surpassed their expectations. There were several spiritual herbs, and even though they were only one-hundred-year-old medicinal herbs, it was still worth digging them out and taking them back to the sect to cultivate them properly.

At that moment, Zhang Ling also led a team of Jiuxiao Sect disciples into the first level.

Thus, the two teams began to explore the first level together.

Because there weren’t many valuable treasures at the initial level of the mystic realm, there was no conflict between the two sects.

Everyone wanted to preserve their trump cards and obtain opportunities in the depths of the Sacred Dragon Mystic Realm.

Once Lin An had entered the second level, he encountered a thick fog. The fog seemed to have its own spiritual power, making it hard for him to see through it.

Abruptly, a string of characters appeared in Lin An’s eyes.

[If you move 200 meters to the east, you will have a 100% success rate of obtaining a 200-year-old Indian Spirit Root!]

[If you move 500 meters to the west, you will encounter a medicinal spirit beast. You have a projected 100% success rate of killing it!]

[If you move 2000 meters to the left, you will encounter a medicinal spirit. You have a projected 1% success rate of collecting it!]

[Ahead on the right…]

When he saw the success rates in front of him, Lin An couldn’t help but frown.

Qian Yi had taught him a lot about medicine, and he knew that the medicinal spirit had immense value.

It could tender to all medicinal herbs in a garden, and it could even catalyze the growth of the herbs!

Although he only had a 1% success rate of collecting it, the advantages of possessing such a valuable treasure enticed Lin An. If he subdued the medicinal sprite, then he could manage all the herbs on Bixiao Peak. In the future, the entire peak would be rejuvenated!

Therefore, even though the success rate was very low, Lin An was willing to collect the medicinal spirit.

After he weighed his options, Lin An immediately walked to the left.

The second floor of the Sacred Dragon Mystic Real was like a forest. Lin An stealthily walked past several herbs as he approached the medicinal spirit.

Just as Lin An neared its location and took out his dagger, he noticed that the medicinal spirit had actually moved, and its speed was gradually increasing.

It seemed to have sensed that he was approaching it.

“Damn it! It must have discovered me!”

Seeing this, Lin An couldn’t help but curse.

Some intelligent life forms couldn’t be easily captured because of their high level of alertness.

Lin An had been quietly moving forward, and his movement had been as stealth as a cat.

Nevertheless, the medicinal spirit had still detected him.

When he reached the initial location where the medicinal spirit had been resting, Lin An carefully observed the surroundings.

There was an ordinary-looking small herb that seemed to be a few decades old. However, Lin An noticed that the leaves of the small herb were glowing with starlight.

“It must be the work of the medicinal spirit!”

Suddenly, the small herb began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

[Your success rate of obtaining a 60-year-old opportunity herb is 100%!]

[Your success rate of obtaining a 64-year-old opportunity herb is 100%!]

[Your success rate of obtaining a 72-year-old opportunity herb is 100%!]

[Your success rate of obtaining an 85-year-old opportunity herb is 100%!]

As soon as he saw the herb’s rapid growth, Lin An couldn’t help but be greatly surprised.

The medicinal spirit could speed up the ripening of any herb. Without a doubt, that was a god-level skill!

If Lin An needed a one-thousand-year-old medicine, and the medicinal herb he had cultivated was only nine hundred and ninety years old, then under normal circumstances, he would still need to wait another ten years.

But with the medicinal spirit, the process could be shortened!

In fact, he could even obtain a one-thousand-year-old medicinal herb in the blink of an eye!

Therefore, the importance of the medicinal spirit was engraved in Lin An’s heart.

Even though there was a very slim possibility of success, he was determined to subdue it.

However, the medicinal spirit seemed to have disappeared.

For a hundred years, no being had entered the Sacred Dragon Mystic Realm. However, after Lin An had set foot into the second level of the mystic realm, the medicinal spirit had sensed that it was in danger, so it had immediately fled to the depths of the Sacred Dragon Mystic Realm.

Lin An shook his head in disappointment.

There was no other treasure worth exploring in the second level.

Immediately, he headed in the direction of the grass and wood spirits.