I’m A Wasteland Giant-Chapter 305: 304: When the Map Ends, the Dagger Appears!

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Chapter 305: 304: When the Map Ends, the Dagger Appears!

Translator: 549690339

The valley path surrounding the Seven Gods Palace had turned into five battlefields where dozens of people were engaged in fierce combat.

In the first battlefield, Kou Yingwu was being besieged by four Nine Tribulations God Spirits. At this moment, they had completely gained the upper hand, driving Kou Yingwu into an incessant retreat, causing him to be in an incredibly sorry state.

“Get lost!”

In the heart of the battlefield, Kou Yingwu was roaring in fury, continuously sustaining injuries. His armor was already in tatters, and he seemed to be on the brink of collapse, like a crossbow at the end of its string.

“Ha-ha, this time, we’re going to win!”

“Kid, surrender now!”

The four God Spirits were extremely excited. After fighting this long, they were assured of victory. The merit of killing the strongest enemy was not a small feat.

Kou Yingwu, on the other hand, was feeling extremely helpless.

Dammit, if it weren’t for Du Gang’s restrictions against killing Nine Tribulations God Spirits, he would have had a hard time holding back!


The fury he was displaying was genuine, but he was only revealing a portion of his true strength.

Everything should be done for the sake of the big picture, anyway!

That was the only thing he could remind himself of.

The other four battlefields, similar to Kou Yingwu’s, were all seeing one person being besieged by a large group.

However, the difference was, the number of casualties on these four battlefields was significantly higher.

For instance, in Tao Xuanzhu’s battlefield, where the number of attackers was the highest, totaling over twenty people. However, in the end, she managed to kill over ten of them.

This was only because she was exercising restraint, otherwise, the death toll would have been even greater.

Jia Xiangming and Lan Zhize also displayed signs of imminent defeat, but the number of enemies they had killed was over ten between them.

Only Du Gang had not killed anyone. It was not that he did not want to kill, but rather, it was because he was powerless to kill his opponents.

“Du Gang, when can we retreat? I have a feeling that a lot of people are watching us…”

Amid the fighting, Kou Yingwu secretly communicated with Du Gang.

“Almost time!”

To his surprise, Du Gang responded with these words.

Immediately following that, Du Gang’s voice came through again.

“You can start killing now!”

“Get ready to unleash your full power. Kou Yingwu, kill two Nine Tribulations Spirits and make your escape…”

“Lan Zhize, Jia Xiangming, wipe out half of them. Similarly, retreat once you are done!”

Du Gang paused before speaking again. “Tao Xuanzhu, you stay with me for now. Once they’ve managed to escape, follow my orders!”


All four were taken aback, not understanding his intentions. However, as the situation presently stood, they did not have the luxury of asking questions and complied with Du Gang’s instructions.

After issuing his commands, Du Gang privately sent a message to Tao Xuanzhu.

“Do you know why these guys are attacking you so aggressively?”

Tao Xuanzhu, still vigorously engaging with the enemy, asked back, “Why?”

Without beating around the bush, Du Gang said directly, “It’s because a special cultivation technique in their land allows them to absorb part of the cultivation level of a special physique…”

A day ago, when he discovered that Tao Xuanzhu was trapped in the boundary, he became really puzzled.

This was because Cang Yu’s previous actions did not involve exerting a lot of effort to attack others, yet he used a special boundary attack against Tao Xuanzhu.

It was clear that something secretive was happening.

Consequently, after he and Cang Yu had separated, instead of regrouping with the others, Du Gang secretly investigated the reason why Cang Yu had attacked Tao Xuanzhu.

In the end, his efforts paid off and he found some clues.

In Jin Biao’s small world, there existed a cultivation technique that turned women into cauldrons for Qi absorption. This technique, rumoured to be a heretical technique, was prevalent many years ago, but seemingly disappeared over time.

However, Du gang knew that this disappearance wasn’t permanent. Any technique that Jin Biao learned would inevitably resurface in the world sooner or later.

Aside from this, he also paid special attention to the presence of special physiques in the small world.

Upon investigating, he discovered that women with special physiques, which had been numerous in the small world earlier, faintly disappeared over time.

Clearly, they did not disappear naturally, but were more likely to have been exploited and used by others.

Hence, he speculated that Cang Yu might have learned the heretical technique.

If Cang Yu had learned this technique, was it possible that others had learned it too?

Given the behavior of his opponents, he finally drew a conclusion.

They all possessed the heretical technique that transformed women into cultivation cauldrons.

“So, that’s why!”

Tao Xuanzhu finally understood. She found it strange that the men here seemed to have an inexplicable urge towards her. She initially thought that they had never seen a heavenly beauty like hers.

However, in hindsight, she was naive. After all, these people were God Spirits, who saw all kinds of women every day. The only thing that could truly evoke their impulses was the prospect of increasing their cultivation.

She quickly asked a question, “So your decision to keep me here is related to this?”


The moment Du Gang nodded, in the other battlefield, Kou Yingwu and the others were already starting their full onslaught. They fought as if they were burning their life energy, causing a terrifying onslaught that shocked the entire battlefield. They did not wait for the others to react. Instead, the three of them quickly fled towards a distant place.

They were not fools. They chose a direction away from the Seven Gods Palace to escape. Just as Du Gang had anticipated, nobody intercepted them along the way.

On the contrary, some people who had ambushed their escape path even pretended not to see them and quietly moved away.

Because all these people hidden in ambush were the real members of Cang Yu’s God Slayers Alliance.

The main reason they had come together was to eliminate the Four Gods and become the main ruler themselves.

At this critical moment, on one hand was the opportunity to become the Main God and on the other were the outsiders who were not strong enough. It was evident who was more crucial.

“Stop them!”

At this moment, the Four Gods couldn’t sit still and shouted out loud.

However, none of those hidden in ambush responded. They all watched the situation unfold silently, waiting for Cang Yu’s orders.

Meanwhile, in the central area, where Du Gang and his team had been fighting the remaining twenty or so strongest fighters, there were some who broke off in the direction that Kou Yingwu and others had fled.

“These guys…”

The yellow-robed Main God watched the gods hidden in the shadows,

A frown appearing on his face.

However, Cang Yu, who all this time had kept silent by his side, was growing increasingly excited. novelbuddy.cσ๓

“Now is the time!”

Suddenly, Du Gang sent an urgent message to Tao Xuanzhu. “Explode. We aren’t aiming to kill, only to escape. Let these bastards pursue us!”

Upon hearing this, Tao Xuanzhu, without hesitation, chose to trust him and exploded with power immediately.


A terrifying suppression was released, and all the people who had been persistently attacking her were swept back several meters, like leaves in a gust of strong wind.

At that moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly streaked through the air.


Du Gang, who had been on the defensive and unable to counter-attack, suddenly exploded with terrifying speed. In an instant, he appeared next to Tao Xuanzhu, grabbed her sleeve, and they both took off swiftly in one direction.

“Chase them!”

At this moment, the remaining twenty or so people without further thought, pursued Du Gang and Tao Xuanzhu.

Upon seeing their actions, both Cang Yu and the four Main Gods did not intend to intervene. In their eyes, these people were fighting on their side.

“Why the sudden change of plan?”

As Tao Xuanzhu followed him, she asked in a low voice.

Compared to their current peril, she was more concerned about Du Gang’s thinking and decision-making process.

In her eyes, compared to these irresistible forces, Du Gang’s method of thinking was the most valuable lesson.

Du Gang did not hide anything and laughed, saying, “I originally thought the Four Gods would watch the show, but who knew they couldn’t resist and gave the order to chase…”

“This means that in their hearts, the god-slaying alliance is already insignificant, the urgent task at hand is to eliminate us foreigners!”

“In reality, it was just as I guessed. Those lurking guys are under Cang Yu in the third layer of logic. This means that these guys will ignore the orders of the Four Gods…”

“Ignoring the orders means that the hidden cards will become public!”

“Perhaps earlier on, they would hesitate, but now with the foreigners severely injured escapees, the faithful ones are also in great loss, suffering substantial casualties…”

“We’ve been tricked by Cang Yu!”

‘Fire’ Main God slowly revealed the truth, his eyes never leaving Cang Yu.

“When did you start planning?”

He wanted to know when this person lying hidden by his side had changed to the point of being unrecognizable.


Cang Yu gave a contemptuous smile. “You really thought you understood me?”

“When you told me about the plan to form the god-slaying alliance, I had already been considering the Yin-Yang Alliance!”

With his response, the previously scattered godly spirits also revealed their figures, surrounding the Four Gods.

“So that’s how it is!”

The Four Gods stood back to back, watching the people on all sides closing in.

“Unexpectedly, you guys have so many people!”

At this moment, the faction that was truly part of the god-killing alliance had over eighty members.

“A lot?”

At this time, Cang Yu let out a cold laugh once again.

Next, dozens of streams of light flashed pass.

Another group of God Spirit Level fighters wearing special uniforms joined the crowd closing in.

“Wild Gods?”

The yellow-robed Main God frowned. “How can there be so many Wild Gods?”

“Moreover, your levels of cultivation…”

He was somewhat baffled. The Seven Gods Palace’s crackdown on Wild Gods was relentless. Even if some fish slipped through the net, there couldn’t be so many…

Moreover, among the Wild Gods before him, there were even two who had reached the Nine Disaster Spirit God level!

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Cang Yu laughed. “My men comprise the entire oversight committee. Why do you think there are so many Wild Gods?!”

“Clap clap clap!!!”

At this moment, the Fire God began to applaud, his face not showing fear, but rather an appreciative expression.

“Worthy of being my man, quite capable, Cang Yu, if you have any other tricks, it’s time to bring them out. As you know, these numbers are completely incomparable to us!”

Looking at the four calm figures in the middle of the ring surrounded by over a hundred people, all the members of the god-killing alliance felt somewhat disheartened.

Could it be that they have some countermeasure that we don’t know about?

Just as everyone was feeling uneasy, Cang Yu’s body shook, and a Divine Power surged outward, followed by a powerful suppressive force.

“This is…”

The previously calm Fire God suddenly narrowed his eyes.

“You have mastered… the Wind God’s technique?!”

Seeing his shocked expression, Cang Yu finally smiled. “Didn’t expect that I have dual attribute talent, did you?!”


The Fire God stared at him and counter-questioned. “If you’ve already mastered the Wind God’s technique, why go through all this trouble? You could have easily joined us…”


Cang Yu gave a faint smile. “Are you joking with me?! Did you forget that a million years ago, when the Seven Gods lost several members, do you remember what happened?…”

“Do you want to see our trump card?”

At this time, one of the newly emerged Nine Disaster Wild Gods slowly uttered a sentence. Dressed in a temple servant’s attire, he was one of the people who conspired with Cang Yu.

At this moment, a powerful aura also surged around him, which was not weak compared to the Four Gods.

“Another one…”

The yellow-robed Main God’s frown deepened. He was growing increasingly worried.

With two appearing already, will the third be far behind?

The scenario that he did not wish to see still transpired. The third Wild God revealed himself, also releasing an incredibly powerful suppressive force. This was the third one!

As for Cang Yu, his smile became even brighter. “Joining you, there is a high chance of getting wiped out by you. But by eliminating you, our position will be stable!”

He said, turning to the others with a smile. “You’ve all seen it, the four Ascended positions are with them. If they die, you will have a chance!”

Upon hearing these words, the eyes of the observers, who were already glaring daggers, turned even more ferocious.

“I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time!”

“Even you four old things have this day…”

The crowd released cold mocking words. All their unspoken thoughts were finally spoken aloud.

At this moment, the whole scenario was laid bare as both sides had no route of retreat. Only one thing remained to be done: one side must live, the other must die!