I’m A Wasteland Giant-Chapter 296 - 295: First Hearing About Special Task World!

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Chapter 296: Chapter 295: First Hearing About Special Task World!

Translator: 549690339

Standing under a locust tree, Du Gang waited quietly at the location which they had agreed on as their first circle center in the second phase.

After a short while, Tao Xuanzhu arrived.

“No tail, right?”

He habitually asked.

Tao Xuanzhu offered a faint smile, “None!”

“Do you want to see the data I brought back first?”

“I’ll take a look first!”

Soon, Tao Xuanzhu began confidently to recount what she had observed.

They had carried out this process many times, always smoothly.

She had thought that this time, as usual, the data would serve only as a record. Yet to her surprise, Du Gang frowned as soon as he heard it.

“What’s up?” Tao Xuanzhu asked curiously. She somewhat understood the method of data analysis, so she looked to Du Gang for his interpretation.

Du Gang glanced at her, his brow furrowed. “Lan Zhize went west, Kou Yingwu went north, you went south, and Jia Xiangming went east…”

“Under normal circumstances, your data and that of Jia Xiangming would remain basically unchanged… The red line I mentioned will continue to move northwest…”

Tao Xuanzhu understood that part and nodded. “That’s right, you also said that if we encounter a circle in a different direction, it means that the child of destiny has appeared…”

Her eyes sparkled, and she quickly asked, “Does this mean, Du Gang, that there’s something wrong with the data I brought back?”

Du Gang shook his head, “It’s hard to say. Your data has indeed shown some changes when compared to previous rounds, but it’s not definitive. The data brought back by the other three may also have problems!”

“Anyway, let’s wait for their data to come back and then compare.”

Although he said that, he had a feeling that they might really have found it this time.

Have we found the child of destiny?

He was a little confused. In his imagination, this would involve some hardship and setbacks. Yet it was easier than expected.

However, wasn’t it a little too easy?

While he was thinking about it, Kou Yingwu returned.

“Oh, I’m the second one back again!”

He sighed. He had always tried hard to leave the others behind, but he still returned late every time.

Du Gang did not engage in much small talk and directly asked him for his data.

Shortly after, Kou Yingwu’s data was released, and interestingly, it was the exact opposite of Tao Xuanzhu’s.

“How is it?”

Tao Xuanzhu asked nervously.


Watching this scene, Kou Yingwu was stunned for a moment but quickly snapped back to reality. Excitedly he exclaimed, “Du Gang, is the data different? Have we found the Child of Destiny?”

Du Gang took a glance at him and pondered, “It’s not that we’ve found him, but the second phase is going smoothly. We narrowed down the area in the first circle location!”

“However, we need to wait for the other two to return before we can confirm the exact location!”

“That’s great!”

Kou Yingwu couldn’t help but punch his fist in excitement, expressing his joy, “Once we find the Child of Destiny, our mission will be completed, right?!”

In his eyes, the child of destiny was fairly vulnerable. The challenge of this mission wasn’t in killing, but in finding the target!

With this thought, he looked at Du Gang with a sense of relief.

It was fortunate that they had run into him. Otherwise, if they had to find the person themselves, it might really follow his initial guess. That is, they would have to kill everyone in the entire world.

That would be too difficult, equivalent to a hell-level challenge!

The three of them waited for a while, and as agreed, Jia Xiangming also successfully returned.

Du Gang quickly collected the data.

“How is it?”

This time, all three were extremely excited, looking at him and waiting for the results of his analysis.

Du Gang nodded, “We can identify the location now!”

Actually, with this kind of data, conclusions could be drawn from just three sets because once two similar sets and one different set appear, it means the unseen data from Lan Zhize must be consistent with the two similar sets.

The identification of the location was equivalent to connecting two points in a line, then adding a point to the east of it, eventually forming a triangle.

“We can confirm now, that the Child of Destiny is within this triangle!”

Du Gang expertly drew a triangle from the first red-heart circle location on the map.

This triangle constituted a small section of the circumscribed circle.

“Well done, Du Gang!”

Kou Yingwu couldn’t help but praise him!

This compliment came from his heart: “Goodness, we really owe you for this one. Otherwise, it would’ve been extremely difficult!”

He intoned, “I’ve experienced eight miniature worlds. Seven of them were more or less about fighting and slaying. Although the enemies were formidable, they always fell in the end…”

Hearing that he was about to share his personal experiences, everyone was all ears.

For them, the other miniature worlds, as well as the subsequent missions from the Heavenly Court, were of prime importance.

“You mean, the other world is different from these seven?”

Kou Yingwu nodded, scanning his gaze across everyone before speaking up. “Didn’t I tell you before? I’ve accumulated a certain amount of merit and prepared to exchange it for a special skill. Ultimately, I managed to survive the mission failure using this merit.”

Du Gang immediately understood what he meant and frowned. “You mean the other unique mission was the one you failed?”


Kou Yingwu didn’t keep them in suspense and directly stated, “It was a strange mission; we were a team of seven, each one at the Peak of Nine Tribulations…”

“The mission stated that reaching the endpoint would complete the task and initiate the advancement program…”

Advancement program?

The other three looked at each other in surprise, but all of them were taciturn and did not interrupt Kou Yingwu.

“According to the Heavenly Court, the advancement program could get us directly upgraded from the God Spirit Level to the True God Level…”


This time, the three of them couldn’t help but express their shock in unison.

Does becoming a True God happen that easily?

The Heavenly Court actually has the ability to directly promote someone to the True God Level?

Kou Yingwu looked at everyone’s reactions and laughed, “I was even more shocked than you guys when I first heard, I didn’t believe it, but then I thought, why would the Heavenly Court lie to me…”

“Of course, this promotion process is not that simple, it’s probably quite difficult, and it also seems to require special qualifications…”

He raised an eyebrow, “I suspect that it has something to do with our cultivation level and the task worlds we have experienced…”

“I had been through seven task worlds. The eighth one turned out to be that special task, and the other six of my companions had all been through several tasks and were at the Peak of Nine Tribulations level of cultivation too.”

At this point, he added, “Oh and I heard from others that in the Heavenly Court, the difficulty of tasks gradually increases. The more tasks you’ve been through, the harder it will be, but the rewards will also be better…”

Jia Xiangming frowned, “You just said your task was the endpoint? Was the difficulty you guys getting through or hurrying on the way?”

“Getting through? Hurrying on the way?”

Kou Yingwu gave a bitter smile and shook his head, “If only it were that simple. We wouldn’t have been wiped out then!”

He lamented, “I still can’t figure out where the endpoint is…”

“Our task world was not like the current world but was a much more abstract one…”

Du Gang and Jia Xiangming both looked puzzled at the same time.

At this moment, Tao Xuanzhu on the side slowly spoke up, “Are you referring to those weird worlds?” freёnovelkiss.com

On hearing this, Kou Yingwu looked at Tao Xuanzhu with surprise, “You’ve been through such a world too?”

Hearing the two of them speaking in such a way, Du Gang and the other person became even more curious.

Tao Xuanzhu nodded, and said with remnants of fear, “That was my second world. After easily getting through the first world, I thought this place was my heaven, the place I could grow quickly…”

“Who knew that I would encounter such terror in my second world…”

She glanced at everyone and sighed, “At that time, there were nine of us, eight of whom were at the Peak of Nine Tribulations level… Uh, I was quite surprised at the time, wondering why they all were at Peak of Nine Tribulations level, while I was at the sixth…”

Sixth tribulation?

Du Gang’s eyelid twitched. He remembered Tao Xuanzhu mentioning that her level of cultivation was the Seventh Tribulation. Did this mean that she had gone up a level in just three worlds?

Jia Xiangming couldn’t help asking, “What exactly did you guys go through?”

Tao Xuanzhu shook her head, “I don’t know. It was a nightmare. We all lost our memories, or more specifically, had our memories sealed by that world…”

“That was a world with special twisted powers, where the powers were much stronger than those of normal worlds…”

She pointed up to the sky and said, “You know how our current world has the World Will? Well, at the time when the World Will looked down upon us in those worlds, I carefully sensed it and compared it to the World Will that I experienced in those worlds. It was like a child… a normal child!”

As if a dam had been opened, she continued, “My impression of that world was one of ruin, or more precisely, the World Will there was corrupt… sick… mentally ill…”

Kou Yingwu nodded, “I didn’t expect you to have encountered such a world too!”

He looked over at Du Gang and Jia Xiangming and explained, “In such a world, there are completely different world rules!”

“There, you might remain the same, or you could directly become a mortal, or something else…”

“Besides, the world laws there are totally different from what we’re used to, their rules are quite bizarre!”


Upon hearing this, Tao Xuanzhu affirmed, “It really is a bizarre world!”

“The tasks inside felt extremely strange, completely confusing…”

At this point, Kou Yingwu suddenly snapped back to reality, “Wait a minute, Tao Xuanzhu, are you saying you’ve actually made it through that special world?”

Du Gang and Jia Xiangming also quickly turned their heads to look at her. After hearing about the bizarre world through the two’s descriptions, they had already formed a preliminary impression of this special world.

This seemed to be a crazy, terrifying, extremely difficult world.

Tao Xuanzhu sighed, “We were nine in total, we had to get through the places similar to the Door of Life and Death…”

“That is, a passage with no known position or direction. When we reached each bifurcation, the Door of Life and Death would appear!”

“Those who entered the death door died, those who entered the life door lived…”

Jia Xiangming was a bit confused, “Couldn’t you just avoid entering?”


Tao Xuanzhu shook her head, “This special task world, it’s more accurate to say that the tasks are mandated by the World Will rather than bestowed by the Heavenly Court…”

“In short, It set the precondition for us, that is, if we didn’t reach the next position within a certain period of time, someone would die randomly…”

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At this point, Du Gang interrupted, “So, the only choice for you guys was to compromise as soon as possible. You could only continue to move forward at Its command to avoid losing opportunities…”

What he referred to as opportunities were actually people’s lives. There were nine of them, and each one less meant one less chance…


Tao Xuanzhu was somewhat surprised, she didn’t expect Du Gang to be so sharp-minded. He had never been there but managed to analyze their situation.

“At that time, after one of us died, we quickly realized the problem at hand, so everyone started drawing lots to decide the order. Every time we reached a fork, one person would have to open the door…”

At this point, she fell silent for a while, and after a long pause, she finally said with a complicated expression, “All eight of them died. I was lucky and reached the destination just when death was about to hit…”

Du Gang squinted his eyes and asked, “Were your cultivations sealed at the time?”

Tao Xuanzhu nodded, “Yes, all of us had our cultivations sealed at the time, and even my special physique was sealed…”

Her “special physique” was the charm that made others naturally submit to her.

“What was your reward?”

“It was one Merit point!”

Tao Xuanzhu didn’t hesitate and answered directly, “My reward was one Merit point. I immediately exchanged it for cultivation, so I advanced from the Sixth Tribulation Spirit Level to the Seventh…”

Du Gang slowly nodded, and then asked, “Did you feel anything different about your cultivation level being promoted by the Heavenly Court?”


Tao Xuanzhu shook her head, “Merit was far more powerful than I had imagined…”

“Well, at that time, I thought it was the power of the Heavenly Court, but in reality, it was a kind of force from between the heavens and the earth that was bestowed on me, raising my cultivation level…”

She pondered for a moment, and then said, “Comparatively speaking, I felt, on the matter of raising cultivation, the Heavenly Court seems to have borrowed the power of the heavens and the earth, a very natural and harmonious process…”

Du Gang nodded, “In that case, it seems our cultivation enhancement basically has no side effects…”

After he finished speaking, the other three didn’t say anything further, clearly all lost in thought.

A special task world…

One reward being one Merit point. No denying, the reward was very rich, but from what they implied, the difficulty was extremely high, with the death rate close to 99%. It was truly a case of one life in a thousand deaths.

At this moment, Lan Zhize finally returned. This time, his clothes were ragged and he looked like a beggar.

“Damn it, I finally made it back. You have no idea what I’ve been through…”