I’m A Wasteland Giant-Chapter 293 - 292: The Position of the Seven Gods!

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Chapter 293: Chapter 292: The Position of the Seven Gods!

Translator: 549690339

“The Mother Goddess has given her decree; there is an invasion from outsiders!”

The Seven Gods Palace, the ultimate center of power ruling over Jin Biao’s small world.

Within the splendid, golden palace, there are seven supreme golden thrones.

At this moment, three of the thrones are empty. The owners of these thrones are already dead.

The remaining four are the strongest in Jin Biao’s small world.

The Main God, who leads them, is wearing a bright red robe and a five-colour crown. He looks very divine.

But now, in his brow, there is no calmness, only deep sorrow.

“The one who made the Mother Goddess give her decree for us to kill must be someone from that organization!”


The second-ranking Main God sighed, shook his head, and said, “If it is indeed that organization, how can we resist?”

The other two also looked grim and uncertain, filled with anxiety.

At this moment, the man sitting on the seventh throne is dressed in a yellow robe. He complained, “Where did this Heavenly Court organization come from? Doesn’t anybody from the outside world manage them?”

They, as the seven Main Gods, were ranked according to their abilities. He was ranked seventh, meaning he was the weakest among the seven.

As he spoke, he looked forward. The first three seats among the seven thrones were empty!

“The people from the Heavenly Court, who came last time, killed off the first, second, and third…”

“If it weren’t for the fact that they looked down on killing us, we might have not been able to escape at that time…”

The man on the sixth throne, dressed in a green robe, shook his head. “According to the reports from our subordinates, this time the Heavenly Court is coming with five people, and even…”

He paused, looked bitterly at the others and struggled to say, “Even… someone saw a fairy flying…”

Upon hearing these words, the other three were completely silent.

After a long pause, the red-robed Main God said sadly, “According to ancient records, beings capable of flight are of a far higher cultivation level than us, equivalent to the power of a Creator God!”

The yellow-robed Main God swore softly, “Damn it, don’t these Creator Gods have territories of their own? Why do they have to come and snatch ours!”

They knew very little. The tidbits they knew about the outside world were all from the lips of the Heavenly Court visitor last time.

Tao Xuanzhu, flying upon her sword, was in their eyes a True God, equivalent to their Creator God in power!

“That’s not right!”

At this point, the red-robed Main God shook his head, a light flickering in his eyes.

“Fourth brother, what’s wrong?” asked the green-robed Main God quickly.

The red-robed Main God frowned, “Do you remember the message that the World Will transmitted to us?”


The other three bowed their heads in deep thought.

The World Will was still very weak and its communications were incredibly subtle. They had to infer its messages through emotional signals.

Last time, they sensed emotions of fear, anxiety, and panic from the message sent by the World Will.

At the time, they thought they had misinterpreted the signals or that the World Will was ill.

But while they were discussing who to send to probe the intentions of the Heavenly Court’s visitor, the visitor had attacked them.

Despite all being nine-tribulation spirit gods, the seven veteran gods were defeated by a single opponent.

Not only were the three strongest Main Gods beheaded, but they, the remaining four, had to flee the scene covered in dust and grime.

If they had not learned from the World Will that the Heavenly Court visitor had left, they would not have dared to return to the Seven Gods Palace.

“Fourth brother, maybe we should run!”

The yellow-robed Main God, filled with urgency and fear of another attack, stood up, ready to leave at any time.

This guy…

The red-robed Main God sighed.

Before the invasion, the seven of them were sworn brothers, but in actuality, they were at each other’s throats, full of hostility and incompatible as fire and water!

But now, with the invasion, the four of them remaining have become united. Even titles like ‘fourth brother’ that hadn’t been used for many years made a comeback.

Without indulging in nostalgia for long, the red-robed Main God said decisively, “You all know very well the feeling of helplessness from the World Will we experienced last time…”

The sourc𝗲 of this content is freēwēbηovel.c૦m.

“But this time, it’s not the same!”

“This time, the emotions transmitted by the World Will, although still fearful and anxious, I believe it may be worried about the world changing hands…”

“And besides these emotions, I also felt anger and revenge!”

With excitement, the red-robed Main God proposed, “Under normal circumstances, the World Will would not ask us to throw our lives away. But now, it wants us to chase and kill those outsiders. Could that mean that the people coming this time are not from the Heavenly Court, or at least, weaker than the guy from last time?”

“Yes, yes!”

The yellow-robed Main God, who had already been about to leave, perked up. He nodded enthusiastically, “The World Will would not let us die. So, what you are saying is highly likely!”

“And besides, I also sensed that. At first, I didn’t pay attention to these things and focused all my attention on the Heavenly Court and their numbers…”

“Right, I was the same. But now, after listening to the fourth brother and calming down, it might be true!”

After some discussion, the four of them, initially filled with sorrow, suddenly felt inspired.

“If so, should we take action?”

The yellow-robed Main God was now eager to test his strength. He had been frightened by the Heavenly Court visitor last time and was keen to achieve a revenge killing to cleanse his humiliation.


The red-robed Main God shook his head and said calmly, “We four brothers value our lives the most, there’s no need for us to be the first to act…”

As the saying goes, ‘train an army for a thousand days to use it for an hour’, it’s time for those guys below us to do something!”

“Let’s return to where we hid last time. After they’ve tested the waters, we can then make our decision!” His face was stern and ruthless, “If the tests show the newcomer to be weak, then it’s time for us to take action ourselves and avenge our first, second, and third brothers!”

“Exactly, that’s how it should be!”

“Avenge our first, second, and third brothers!”

At this point, the now somewhat calmer green-robed Main God hesitated and said, “These lower… gods, should we spare some…”

“No need to spare them.”

The red-robed Main God smiled faintly, “They’re merely lower gods. If they die, they die. If we resolve this external threat, we’ll have plenty of time to cultivate more sub-gods…”

“You must understand, if we four die or if the ownership of the small world changes, it would mean death for them too!”

“I understand, fourth brother.”

The green-robed Main God nodded. It wasn’t that he valued their lives, but he had gotten very accustomed to having these lower gods at his disposal. It was a pity to discard them…

No matter, if he had to discard them, so be it. Compared to his own life, it was insignificant. It was just a shame about the Goddess of Dreams. She had only just learned that posture…

“Since none of you have objections, then we should not delay. Let’s hurry and activate the Main God Order and have them dispatched!”


Very quickly, each of the four took out a colorful token from their bosom.

“I am the Main God of Fire, now summoning all the gods of the fire element…”

“I am the Main God of Water, now summoning all the gods of the water element…”

Each of the four consecutively transmitted their voices into the tokens.

Subsequently, the subordinate gods in other places all received the message and hurried over.

The so-called Main God Order was in fact a communication tool that enabled one-way mass messaging.

Even such a tool was a remnant of the now deceased Jin Biao. They were limited in number and tremendously precious!

“Everyone should leave a deity to supervise…” ƒгeewёbnovel.com

As everyone prepared to leave, the Main God in the red robe reminded them.

The others reluctantly left their deities behind in the Seven Gods Palace.

Frankly, even when they came here, they didn’t bring all their deities.

Each person only brought a maximum of four deities. Some even brought only two!

The rest of the deities were naturally concealed in various places in the world, ready for possible resurrection in case of death.

The Seven Main Gods’ skills were inherited from Jin Biao. Like the Primordial Continent, they naturally possessed deities and all their qualities.

“What on earth happened? They even employed the Main God Order!”

A Nine-Tribulation God was rushing towards the Seven Gods Palace while deep in thought.

If Du Gang were here, he would notice that the might radiating from this Nine-Tribulation God was very weak, even weaker than the Nine-Tribulation God he himself had once killed, or to put it another way, vastly inferior!

He was in charge of guarding the City of Gods and was not far from the Seven Gods Palace, so he arrived the fastest.

As soon as he entered the palace, he saw the four Main Gods sitting majestically at the end of the hall. Without a word, he knelt on one knee and saluted.


He was a Lower-Rank God under the Fire Main God. After hearing the command, he got up quickly and instinctively came to stand behind the Fire Main God. He then quietly asked: “My Lord, may I know the reason for this gathering…?”

“Stay calm!”

The Main God in the red robe didn’t explain immediately, but attempted to soothe him, planning to make the announcement when everyone arrived.

Seeing this, the Lower-Rank God couldn’t help but feel a chill, detecting a faint sense of foreboding.

Could it be that something shocking had happened?

That startled the four Main Gods?

He stealthily glanced at the other three Main Gods, noticing that their Main God Orders had also been taken out and used. They now sat dimly on their thrones.

This kind of transmission energy was extremely precious. Only through these seven thrones could it recover Divine Power.

Actually, these seven thrones were not created by the seven of them, but came into existence while Jin Biao was still alive.

The skills Jin Biao practiced were related to the Seven Laws. Combined, they formed a Mystic Level Art. If separated, each constituted a Mystic Rank art!

Despite seeming to relate to many laws, these skills were not particularly powerful due to their complexity and lack of focus.

Thus, more and more Lower-Rank Gods entered the Seven Gods Palace. After saluting, they all quietly stood behind their respective gods, waiting silently.

They all were quite clever. Those who arrived later generally behaved themselves. They quietly stood with the others once they had paid their respects.

Not much time had passed, around an hour or so, and all the Lower-Rank Gods belonging to the four persons had gathered. There were about a hundred in all.

Among them, the Dedicates who originally served under the four of them were closer, while those who had been taken in from the three deceased Main Gods were somewhat distant.

At this moment, it had been a year since the three Main Gods died. The Dedicates they left behind, who used to be active on the altar among gods of the same level, could now only watch from a distance.

The Main God in the red robe stood up conscientiously, turned around and scanned the crowd.

All the Lower-Rank Gods who made eye contact with him instinctively lowered their heads, not daring to meet his gaze.


The Main God in the red robe was pleased with everyone’s compliance. He nodded and started speaking, “Today, I have summoned you all here to assign a task!”

He didn’t waste time and quickly went on, “Some time ago, during my battle with the Water God, I accidentally broke a piece of space, causing some cracks in our world…”

“These cracks seem to connect to another world, or in other words, some people from other worlds have accidentally strayed into ours…”

His tone was very calm, “These people have already blended in, disguised as our own people, making them hard to find…”

The gods seemed suddenly to understand.

So, it was a mission to find people. They initially thought there would be some sort of review meeting. They couldn’t help but feel relieved.

Clearly, they hadn’t thought about the worst-case scenario.

Then, one who considered himself the Main God’s favourite, softly asked, “My Lord, might I ask about the strength of these visitors from these other worlds?”

The Main God in the red robe casually replied, “They’re not strong. The space crack we broke limits the amount of power that can come through, so no one too powerful could have come…”

“According to reports from below, these visitors from other worlds are estimated to be between Lower-Rank God and Middle-Rank God…”


“In that case, we’ll make them rue the day they came!”

“Exactly! These people must be quite unlucky. They might be deities in their own world, but here, they’ll soon be nothing but wandering spirits…”

At this moment, the Main God in the green robe raised his voice to remind everyone,”If you can capture them alive, try to!”

“Behind them lies a small world – a new world – and a chance to open a New God Era for us!”

He knew the Main God in the red robe was lying to these people. Had they known the truth, they would likely have been combat-shy and sought to avoid danger.

His addition, however, dispelled any lingering reservations those with a cautious nature might have had!

In reality, there was a significant disparity in power among these Dedicates.

Early Three-Tribulation deities were classified as Lower-Rank Gods, Middle Three-Tribulation deities as Middle-Rank Gods, and Late Three-Tribulation deities as Upper-Rank Gods.

Among the hundred or so Dedicates, there were the most Lower-Rank Gods, around fifty. Then came the Middle-Rank Gods, more than thirty in number.

There were also more than twenty Upper-Rank Gods present. Of these, eight had reached the stage of Nine-Tribulation Deity, sharing the same cultivation level as the Main Gods!

Despite having the same level of cultivation, their strengths varied greatly. The main reason for this was their respective skills.

The seven Main Gods practiced Mystic Level Art.

On the other hand, these Dedicates only had Yellow Grade skills to cultivate. In translating to the limit of Divine Power skills, there seems to be only a two-fold difference, but in actual combat, the disparity was immense.

However, this did not mean the four of them could easily dominate these people. If these Dedicates joined forces with others to attack, the four of them might not necessarily emerge victorious.

As such, they gave them the necessary respect and alleviated their concerns.

“My Lords, rest assured. This time, we will definitely capture the invading deities from the other world!”

The Main God in the red robe, worried they might still not put in the effort, increased the stakes.

“This time, it involves a new world, a tremendous opportunity…”

“Therefore, after consulting with the other three among us, the divinities of the other three Main Gods will be granted to those who perform remarkably and have outstanding achievements!”

The whole palace buzzed at this announcement.


Everyone was beyond excited, their faces red with anticipation.

The three Main Gods had been dead for a year already. To say they did not long for their position would be a lie. Thus, they had been eagerly waiting for it.

Little did they expect it to be offered on this occasion.

That represented the Supreme position in the world!

In Jin Biao’s world, with a population of over a hundred billion, only seven Main Gods stood at the top.

However, they knew that under normal circumstances, the four of them probably wouldn’t offer up these positions. But now, the new world was related to whether they could improve or not.

Thus, they fully believed this explanation given by the four Main Gods!

“My Lords, wait for me, I’ll be back soon. I will certainly capture those evil deities!”