I’ll Quit Being a God-Chapter 87

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PS: Several people (I found five people this week) deliberately corrected the original right sentences to wrong sentences... if you don't want to help, you can just ignore the sentence polishing function.

Chapter 87: I'm Not Good at Drinking

As the sun gradually sank into the sky, stars appeared in the gray sky.

Lu Heng and his group were still walking on the road. The red-haired woman was still leisurely following behind them maintaining a short distance.

In the quiet mountains and forests, the sound of insects on both sides of the road could be heard.

The red-haired woman who followed behind them, although very far away, the sound of her footsteps were clear. It was clear that she was telling Lu Heng and others in front of her that "I'm still following".

At this time, even Lu Heng couldn't help being curious about what the red-haired woman wanted to do.

But seeing that the other party didn't speak for a long time, Lu Heng couldn't help feeling a little funny in his heart.

Since you don't speak, I won't speak either. Let's see who can't hold it first.

Thinking like this, Lu Heng stopped thinking about talking to the woman.

After arriving at the roadside post station in front of them, Lu Heng and others went directly in and planned to stay here tonight.

And the red haired woman followed in without accident.

As soon as Huo Feng cut down a tree and dragged it in, the red haired woman pushed the door open and walked into the house.

At this time, Xiao Ai just cut the trunk into neat firewood with both hands, and Huo Feng was responsible for igniting the fire.

After the red haired woman came in, she didn't say anything. She walked to the other corner of the post house and sat down.

Then in the wary eyes of Huo Feng and Xiao Ai's indifference, the woman stretched out her hand, and a tree outside the post office suddenly broke silently, and the tree's body flew directly towards the post office.

When the leafy tree flew under the night sky, the branches on it crackled and fell off voluntarily.

In the end, only the bare trunk flew into the post house.

In the stunned gaze of Huo Feng, the red haired woman laughed and snapped her fingers. The trunk of the tree that flew to her side broke into sticks and firewood out of thin air, crashing behind her and stacked neatly.

And some of the wooden strips fell in front of her. The moment this part of the wood fell, it was ignited, and the warm and yellowish fire instantly lit up the figure of the red-haired woman.

And she looked at Lu Heng with a smile and raised her eyebrows.

At this time, Huo Feng was still trying to ignite with flint.

Being so provoked, Xiao Ai stared at the red-haired woman coldly, and pointed out her right hand. The firewood that hadn't been ignited for a long time flashed, and it also burned.

Although Huo Feng hurriedly withdrew, he was still burned by the flame to his eyebrows and hair, and immediately looked miserable.

But he looked at the cold-faced little girl beside him and the smiling red-haired woman not far away, and found that he could provoke no one. So Huo Feng was speechless for a few seconds, and stepped aside to sit down.

Xiao Ai went outside the door and peeled the civet she caught on the roadside in the afternoon, preparing to cook dinner for Lord Wolf God tonight.

The red haired woman leaned leisurely against the wall, humming strange songs with her mouth, shaking the gourd in her hand, and pouring a mouthful from time to time.

In this way, seeing that the atmosphere in the room seemed to ease a little, Huo Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He carefully took out the dough cake in his bag and ate in small bites with water.

Lu Heng, who was lying on the side of the fire, closed his eyes, and seemed to be indifferent to all the movements of the outside world.

Although the red woman's skill of controlling fire and objects she revealed was superb, Lu Heng didn't pay attention to her at all.

The more provocative the woman was, the more he wanted to laugh.

The other party's behavior is like a naughty girl who deliberately makes trouble and wants to attract the attention of adults. It's too interesting.

After Xiao Ai treated the blood and internal organs of the civet, she walked in and sat by the fire to bake it.

In the post house, there was a temporary calm.

Until around midnight, the night was deep, and the meat in Xiao Ai's hand had given off an attractive aroma, while the nearby road was full of noise and footsteps.

"Brother, there is a post office ahead."

"Good! Let's all rest here tonight, everyone make a fire and cook so we can all have a taste of this big tiger."


In a burst of laughter, the caravan that Lu Heng had seen in the daytime came to the gate of the post office. Looking at their excited appearance and the tiger skin hanging on the back of the pack beast, the fierce tiger in the daytime must have been killed.

However, when the merchants came to the gate of the post office, they were all stunned.

In the post house with the door open, two campfires stand on the left and right. Figures beside the campfire were sitting in both corners of the room. Although there was little verbal communication, there was a certain atmosphere of tit for tat in the room.

The first three brothers hurriedly bowed and sweated heavily.

"We didn't deliberately disturb you. Please forgive us…"

While the three arched their hands and saluted, all the businessmen behind them also bowed their heads and apologized.

As they spoke, they secretly observed the performance of these two groups of people in the room.

Seeing that neither side responded, they stepped back cautiously.

They had walked back for a long distance, and they were relieved to see that the two groups of people in the house didn't catch up.

"Damn… Scared me to death…"

"The atmosphere in this post house is too weird, isn't it? I almost thought we couldn't get out…"

"The red haired woman smiled, but she was more terrifying than the big tiger we met in the daytime…"

"Stop talking, the little girl with silver hair and ears is also frightening. Looked at her cold eyes, I almost thought she was going to kill us…"

"How can we bump into such a scene… Go, go, and get away from here quickly. Don't be affected."

"It's so fucking scary…"

The businessmen retreated far away before they dared to whisper.

They felt too much pressure in the post just now. Even though this place was far away from that post, they still dared not stay. They all walked in the wilderness with torches and against the dark night, for fear of being chased out by the group of strange people in the post house.

Not long after the group of merchants left, Xiao Ai finally finished roasting the civet meat in the post house.

Looking at the White Wolf sleeping with his eyes closed beside her, she respectfully called, "Lord Wolf God, it's all done."

The White Wolf beside the campfire opened his eyes and nodded, "OK, Xiao Ai, thank you."

As he spoke, he sat up a little straighter.

Xiao Ai held the stick in her hand and handed the roasted civet to the mouth of the white wolf. Lu Heng opened his mouth and took a bite, then began to chew and enjoy the carefully roasted meat.

Unlike in the past, his current self has cultivation, so he doesn't have to worry about viral infections.

However, Lu Heng just took a bite. The red haired woman in the corner took the initiative to speak.

She smiled and said, "Isn't it half the fun to have meat without wine? I have a pot of good wine here. Brother Wolf, why don't you have a drink?"

With that, the woman untied another gourd around her waist and said, "I have drunk a pot by myself, and most of the wine is inferior. While the other pot is given to my friend, and the wine is good wine… Brother Wolf, are you interested?"

Lu Heng looked up at her, saw the other party take the initiative to talk, he also smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I'm not good at drinking, sorry."

Lu Heng's words were from the bottom of his heart. He neither likes drinking nor is very good at it.

Nevertheless, upon hearing this, the red-haired woman shook her head and said, "Brother Wolf's words are flimsy, which makes my heart bleed."

With that, she tied the wine gourd that was going to be thrown to Lu Heng back to her waist, sighed and shook her head as if she was very hurt.

Lu Heng said, "My words are true, not false."

However, the red woman seemed to have been discouraged. She sat there rather decadent, humming strange songs, and ignored Lu Heng.

Seeing that the other party ignored Lu Heng so much, Xiao Ai frowned slightly, and her expression was quite unhappy.

Lu Heng was much calmer. Seeing that the red haired woman didn't speak, he ignored her and turned his head to continue eating the barbecue handed to his mouth by Xiao Ai.

The post house fell into silence again.

Except for the occasional rustle from the fire, the only sounds were the strange ballads softly hummed by the woman in the corner.

Although the tune was strange, somehow it was a little melodious after listening to it for a long time.