I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor-Chapter 242 - Tidal Wave (9)

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Chapter 242: Tidal Wave (9)

Translator: Dreamscribe

Kang Woojin established the acting standard for the entire cast of ‘Leech’. That too, at this audition with the core actors of ‘Leech’, where several top actors participated. Even though the place was full of big shots, in the eyes of everyone, in the minds of everyone, the first-year actor Kang Woojin firmly planted his flag.

This performance would become the benchmark for ‘Leech’.

A solid performance.

It wasn’t even a bluff. Woojin merely played the supporting role and pierced everyone’s core. He made the top actors present silent with his performace. Director Ahn Ga-bok, watching Woojin, made that judgment.

Naturally, a keen miscalculation.


‘Haha, that justified confidence is astounding.’

Regardless of the situation, it was also a moment when a new path was being paved for the voyage of ‘Leech’.

‘I can sufficiently pull this off even by myself.’

If the great actors awaken because of this, the quality of ‘Leech’ would soar several times.

‘So, analyze thoroughly and strive even harder.’

At this moment, Director Ahn Ga-bok, along with great actor Sim Han-ho and other judges sitting in the same row as Woojin, were all watching Kang Woojin. It was as if the words were stamped above his head.

‘I am the average.’

That’s how indifferent Kang Woojin’s face was as he returned to his seat. Despite dropping a nuclear bomb in this small theater, he remained unfazed. He just silently looked down at the script.


The film company CEO and the casting director exchanged glances.

‘He’s handled so many roles without a single mistake?’

‘He’s gone through countless emotions and returned as if nothing happened, it’s unbelievable.’

Nevertheless, the silence in the entire theater remained unbroken for some reason. Even though it had been several seconds since Woojin returned to his seat, no one spoke.



The common factor was that everyone was watching Kang Woojin. What is this? What’s going on? Naturally, Woojin also felt the piercing stares. That’s why he pretended to be looking down at the script to buy some time. At the same time, Kang Woojin slowly recalled the auditions where he had watched the opposing actors.

‘Was there any problem? There wasn’t.’

It was certainly not bad. The power of the void space couldn’t be wrong in the first place. To avoid any potential noise, he didn’t even put all his effort into the roles he would take on, like Park Ha-sung. Especially for the other roles, he withheld more than 30% of his strength.

‘Is it a bit odd that I acted in other roles?’

But even that wasn’t 100%. He definitely didn’t go overbaord. Still, since it was a audition, he didn’t do it roughly. Since it was a place full of great and top actors, performing too weakly would be rather unnecessary, right?

‘Everyone can do this much at least.’

But no one in the theater knew Woojin’s true intentions. So, they thought what Woojin showed was his maximum. Despite holding back, he had far exceeded everyone’s common sense.

The conclusion of Kang Woojin and the others clashed with each other due to misunderstanding.

However, there was no problem. There was no need for Woojin to correct it.

Although the situation was filled with errors, it wasn’t bad in the long run.

The power reserves Woojin lightly considered would have a stronger impact when revealed later. Of course, Kang Woojin wasn’t calculating that. He had a truly pure mindset.

At that moment.


There was a change in the quiet small theater. Director Ahn Ga-bok stood up. He approached Kang Woojin at the end of the row. Then he murmured to Woojin.

“While solidifying your authority as a ‘judge’ for everyone, you’ve set the benchmark for ‘Leech’ on the side.”

Sim Han-ho’s eyes widened slightly. The film company CEO and the casting director were even more surprised. The previously silent staff started to murmur. The managers visibly shocked.

The atmosphere in the previously quite small theater quickly became lively.

On the contrary, Kang Woojin was the epitome of cynicism.


Of course, only in appearance.

‘Benchmark? What benchmark? Benchmark! That thing? Why is that coming up here?’

Without a change in expression, Woojin silently looked up at Director Ahn Ga-bok, but internally, he sensed that something had gone awry. No, more precisely, he detected the familiar and fragrant scent of a misunderstanding.

‘Authority as a judge? Benchmark for Leech? What nonsense is this old man talking about?? I just performed as the supporting actor.’

In fact, his actions were slightly intended to take it easy. But the insightful Director Ahn Ga-bok brought out something unexpectedly profound.

“Yes, all of them are veterans in acting theory, so they must have understood your true intentions.”

What is this? The sweet scent of misunderstanding is overwhelming. Upon closer inspection, the surrounding people seemed to be in agreement, as they remained silent. Woojin realized that this had already spread. However, having endured countless misunderstandings and misconceptions, Kang Woojin wasn’t flustered.

In times like this, maintaining a composed and nonchalant concept is crucial.

Clearing his throat lightly, Kang Woojin took the action suitable for the current situation. What could that be? He kept his voice as calm as possible.

“I just did what I could.”

Director Ahn Ga-bok smiled, his face wrinkling. The managers of the actors whispered conspicuously. There were various words, but they all converged into one conclusion.

“Ha- now I understand why Director Ahn Ga-bok cast Kang Woojin as the lead first.”

At this point, great actor Sim Han-ho, whose face had stiffened, asked Kang Woojin, who was sitting next to him. His tone was unusual.

“Woojin-ssi. How much time did you spend interpreting Chairman Yoon Jung-bae?”

Time. Honestly, he hadn’t spent much time, but Woojin chose his words carefully. Adding a bit of toughness while maintaining politeness.

“I just did it from time to time.”

“…… From time to time. While interpreting both Park Ha-sung and other roles?”

“Just enough not to be lacking as the audition partner.”

At this, something flashed through Sim Han-ho’s mind. No, he realized it.

‘He’s didn’t do it seriously. It means what I saw today isn’t everything.’

At that moment, a gentle female voice was heard from the back.


So, everyone’s gaze, including Kang Woojin’s, moved. A woman in a hat was walking towards them. It was Oh Hee-ryung, the actress confirmed for the role of Yoo Hyun-ji. The managers’ eyes widened slightly, realizing she had arrived, and Director Ahn Ga-bok gave her a small greeting.

“You’ve arrived, Hee-ryung-ssi.”

Oh Hee-ryung, who approached closer, smiled brightly.

“Yes, Director-nim. I was able to make it on time.”

After greeting Sim Han-ho, Oh Hee-ryung met eyes with Kang Woojin at the end and slightly bowed her head. Her smile deepened.

“Nice to meet you, Woojin-ssi. It feels strange—like seeing a celebrity.”

No, it’s the opposite, actually? To Kang Woojin, who was ordinary citizen at heart, Oh Hee-ryung was the real celebrity. She must be in her 50s, but her beauty was at the level of someone in their 30s. Truly ageless beauty? Moreover, she exuded a kind of elegant allure. Her posture and speech were refined.

‘Wow- damn, to think I’d see her today.’

Despite his overflowing amazement, Woojin hid everything and stood up to greet her.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Kang Woojin.”

Well done. He maintained a dignified tone without his voice trembling. Soon, Oh Hee-ryung, who had approached Woojin by a step, extended her hand.

“I know, who in Korea doesn’t know Woojin-ssi these days?”

“Thank you.”

“I watched your acting, I felt like I really need to be on my toes. Honestly, I was surprised. A lot. A feeling of ‘as expected of Kang Woojin’?”


“This benchmark. I understood it completely.”

Kang Woojin, Oh Hee-ryung, and Sim Han-ho. The core actors of ‘Leech.’ However, the weight of their experience was incomparable. Compared to the two great actors with nearly 30 years of experience, Kang Woojin was very inexperienced.

Choi Sung-gun, who had been standing still, was moved deeply by this sight.

‘To be on par with them in just one year. Even overwhelmed them from the first scene. What a monstrous guy.’



Feeling that the atmosphere had somewhat settled, the veteran Director Ahn Ga-bok recited to the entire small theater. He issued something like an announcement to the staff and the managers of the actors.

“Although prior notice has been given, I hereby declare that all aspects of today’s audition must not be disclosed to the outside.”

To keep silent about what they had seen, heard, and felt. It might not stay hidden forever, but things would be quiet for a while. The managers who gave appropriate responses began to leave the small theater one by one. They had to take care of their respective actors.



Sim Han-ho, who had his long gray hair tied back, politely spoke to Director Ahn Ga-bok.

“I think I’ll head in first as well.”

Director Ahn Ga-bok, smiling, nodded his head.

“Sure, you worked hard.”

Sim Han-ho, bowing slightly, glanced at Woojin briefly before exiting the small theater. Next was Choi Sung-gun, who was standing awkwardly.

“Uh… Director~nim. I’m sorry, but Woojin also has another schedule to attend to.”

Director Ahn Ga-bok gestured for them to go quickly.

“Oh, sure. Woojin-ssi, you worked hard too. And thank you.”

Woojin bowed his head. Then, Kang Woojin also left the small theater with Choi Sung-gun. Watching Woojin’s back, Oh Hee-ryung asked Director Ahn Ga-bok softly.

“Do you think Sim will be okay?”

Director Ahn Ga-bok, sitting down slowly, nodded.

“Isn’t he Sim Han-ho? He’s not someone we need to worry about. Let’s see what he comes back with.”

The film company CEO sitting to his right scratched his head, looking slightly perplexed.

“But because Woojin-ssi’s impact was so huge, the audition evaluation ran rather- strangely.”

On the other hand, Director Ahn Ga-bok’s smile deepened.

“No, rather, it appeared more definite to me.”

About 10 minutes later, in a waiting room.

Although the ‘Leech’ audition had ended, some people still remained in one of the actors’ waiting rooms. The woman sitting on the sofa was Han So-jin, who was filled with fierce determination.


She was staring blankly at the script on the table. Originally, there was a somewhat decadent atmosphere around her, but now it was even more pronounced. It was hard to tell what she was thinking.

‘That was really- the first time I saw something like that. What about the other actors?’

Of course, Kang Woojin filled Han So-jin’s mind.

‘Chairman Yoon Jung-bae’s role is for teacher Sim Han-ho sunbae-nim, right? And he performed it casually in front of the sunbae-nim…’

But she couldn’t make a judgment. She couldn’t determine what kind of person Kang Woojin was. She kept thinking the same thing. An actor crazy about acting. At that moment, a man who seemed to be the team manager cautiously asked Han So-jin.

“······So-jin. How was it?”

Han So-jin, sweeping her long hair back and letting out a small sigh, answered.

“Ha- You saw everything too, manager.”

“I saw it. Kang Woojin going wild. But you experienced it firsthand.”

“Just… I understand now. Why people in the industry call Kang Woojin a monster.”

“Was it a bit- tough?”

“To be honest, it was the first time I froze because of a co-actor’s acting.”

“······Are you okay?”

“I think it’s fortunate.”


A smile spread across Han So-jin’s face as she suddenly stood up. Her fierce determination had once again increased her fighting spirit.

“It’s absurd, but he has to be at that level for me to want to struggle and win against him.”

Meanwhile, the other actors who had experienced Kang Woojin today were groaning.

“Wasn’t he just supposed to play as supporting actor??”

In fact, more than half of the actors who participated in the ‘Leech’ audition today couldn’t fully demonstrate their skills. They were overwhelmed by Kang Woojin’s presence.

“I was so flustered that I stumbled over my lines midway······Ha- No, it’s because Kang Woojin suddenly started acting as Yoon Ja-ho!”

Except for Han So-jin, most of them were top-tier or A-list actors.

“Kang Woojin is really crazy??!”

Nonetheless, they couldn’t handle it calmly. So what could they do? The actors had to blame themselves. Even while Kang Woojin was doing something crazy, there were actors who managed to keep their composure. For instance, Jin Jae-jun, Hong Hye-yeon, and Hwalin did.

Jin Jae-jun, from ‘Drug Dealer’, said,

“Wow- Woojin-ssi seemed like he had grown again in that short time.”

“That’s not the point. Are you satisfied with your performance today?”

“I don’t know, honestly, I don’t even remember it well. I think I managed to keep the character.”

Hong Hye-yeon, who had also watched Kang Woojin, said,

“It was different from ‘Island of the Missing.’ No, more than that, is it really possible to handle other roles in between all that? Even in such a busy schedule??”

Hwalin was the same. But Hwalin was in a slightly strange state.

“Hey, hey, Hwalin. Hwalin??”

“…… Uh- huh? Oh. What.”

“Why are you zoning out like that?”

“No. No, just.”

She kept staring into space. More precisely, she was recalling the face of her absolute favorite.

‘What I saw was Han In-ho from ‘Male Friend.’ When he plays different roles, Woojin-nim exudes that kind of energy…’

Having witnessed the explosiveness of her fangirling target up close, Hwalin seemed to be quietly satisfied.

‘Ha, I thought my heart was going to burst when he grabbed my shoulder in the middle.’

Meanwhile, in Kang Woojin’s van.

Woojin’s van had already left the parking lot of the theater building and was driving down the road. Time had long since passed into the afternoon. However, Kang Woojin’s schedule was not yet over. Woojin, with a stern face, was looking out the window.

A cynical atmosphere.

Of course, his inner thoughts were entirely different.

‘Well, it’s ended one way or another. This much is pretty smooth, right?’

Though misconceptions and misunderstandings had invaded, Kang Woojin casually ignored them. There was no major issue, after all. Just then.


Han Ye-jung, who had changed to a short black bob, called out to Woojin.

“Look at this. Japanese SNS is exploding with talk about you right now. And do you know this person? If you search for oppa’s name on Twitter, this post comes up a lot.”

Han Ye-jung handed her phone to Kang Woojin. Her phone displayed the main page of the Japanese SNS filled with Japanese text. Unable to translate it all, Han Ye-jung had passed it to Woojin. He then scrolled through the SNS posts that appeared in the search results.

One post was being explosively shared.

Soon, following the source of the shared post, Kang Woojin reached the original.


[Hello, this is Asami Sayaka. Today, I want to talk about something unrelated to my work….]

It led to the Instagram of a famous Japanese voice actress named ‘Asami Sayaka.’ It was a long post she had written herself. As he read it, Kang Woojin realized.


The girl in a wheelchair and her mother. This post was from that mother. The details of their situation were laid out in the post, making Woojin feel slightly embarrassed as he muttered to himself.

‘So she was a famous voice actress- that’s why that girl said she dreamed of being a voice actress?’

Woojin slowly nodded as he reached the end of the post. He almost said ‘Wow’ out loud without realizing it. The number of comments and likes was enormous. Even the shares were increasing rapidly.

Han Ye-jung chimed in at just the right moment.

“What’s it about? Anyway, it’s gone completely viral.”

At this moment.


Someone’s phone rang. It was Choi Sung-gun’s, who was in the passenger seat.


Checking the phone screen, he muttered.

“Woojin, it’s a call from PD Song.”


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