I Stream DC on Marvel-Chapter 361 - Reed Richards Definitive, This Guy’s Crazy, Gwen’s Sin and A Normal Day for Allen Walker.
Chapter 361 - 361 Reed Richards Definitive, This Guy's Crazy, Gwen's Sin and A Normal Day for Allen Walker.
Henry, who had been supervising the Sentinels' progress for the last week, was nervous. He had been watching Allen Walker's stream and knew he was about to return.
"Young Reed, you shouldn't rush to finish..."
Reed was standing in front of a floating cube that gave off a terrifying sensation. He had a tablet in his hands and was typing at great speed.
He wore a lab coat with the sleeves rolled up, protective glasses, and had a lollipop in his mouth.
Reed worked hard, ignoring Gyrich. He then let go of the tablet, which was suspended in the air as if it were in space.
Reed smiled and walked toward the cube while adjusting some gloves with glowing lines on them that resembled electronic circuits. He placed his hands on the cube, which reacted instantly as the circuit lines on his gloves connected with the floating cube. Suddenly, the cube began to vibrate, and the entire lab shook as if it were about to collapse.
Gyrich was scared; he didn't know what kind of profane experiment Reed was conducting, but it seemed like something that could end all life on Earth.
"Reed Richards, if you kill us, I'll tear your head off," Gyrich thought nervously.
Gyrich didn't escape; even if he didn't trust Reed Richards, he could admit that he was a genius in every sense of the word. He bet that the cube would stabilize, and sure enough, it began to do just that. Gyrich swallowed hard, a mix of nervousness and fear, while Reed smiled broadly as he removed his protective glasses.
"I did it! I'm a damn genius!" Reed shouted.
The cube opened, revealing a black can inside. Reed pulled it out as if holding a treasure.
Gyrich felt foolish; he was sure Reed Richards had been working on the Sentinels, but why did it suddenly seem like he was just holding a regular soda can? Was he wrong about something?
"No, this kid is a genius; that thing can't be just a soda no matter how it looks! There must be something more, something that an inferior mind can't comprehend!"
Gyrich refused to accept what his eyes were seeing. For a week, Reed Richards had worked tirelessly on that mysterious cube. A week during which Gyrich watched him sweat for hours, making calculations, soldering parts with the help of robots, creating components with nanotechnology, and much more that Gyrich couldn't explain. Moreover, Gyrich himself had set aside all his activities to be there...
"Hahaha, finally!" Reed laughed and proceeded to open the can in his hand, taking a huge gulp. Reed's eyes widened. "The taste is designed to saturate your mouth with a sensation that lingers; every bubble seems to give you a massage while releasing an incredible amount of pleasure... it's perfect! OH! IT'S F*CKING PERFECT!"
"Huh?!" Gyrich walked like a zombie. "Hey... what about the Sentinels?"
"Hm? Oh, that," Reed Richards, a young Caucasian with brown hair and black eyes, shrugged and pointed to the other room with a cheeky look. "That's been ready for several days."
Reed Richards is an identity that has been at the center of countless problems, a man who often leaves people wondering whether he causes more good than harm.
His inventions are incredible, from portals to travel through the multiverse and time machines to a chair capable of breaking the laws of life and death to go to the realm of the dead to bring someone back to life.
He was a man who could be a great ally—
Reed pulled out a gun and shot Gyrich in the stomach. The man fell to the ground, screaming, unable to believe that the kid wouldn't hesitate to attack him.
Reed was annoyed. "Huh?! Listen, idiot, do you think I need more than ten minutes to understand the simple design of a Sentinel and improve it?! Do you think I'm like all those dumb versions of myself from the multiverse? I'm the damn new era; I'M THE REED RICHARDS DEFINITIVE!"
Reed kicked Gyrich.
"Shut up! I'm the one who should be shouting! You almost made me spill my elixir!"
Reed kicked Gyrich once more and took another sip while his face turned red and his body shook like someone drunk.
"Ahhh, so good!!... Also... unlike your Sentinels, which are no better than my science project at nine years old..." Reed pointed to the cube, "This creates the perfect soda. I've gathered information from approximately 12,456 different timelines, and this is the ultimate soda..."
Reed kicked Gyrich once more. "This is damn art, idiot!"
Gyrich's expression changed completely, 'What's wrong with this kid?! He's completely insane!!'
Gyrich had thought Reed Richards was an eccentric kid due to his love for listening to rock while playing with his nuclear reactor, but now he just saw him as a complete mad scientist.
Reed finished his soda, threw the can into the air, and pulled out a pistol that shot a laser ray, disintegrating the can.
"Come on, Gyrich, in about one hour and thirty-two minutes, Allen Walker will return to this world," Reed Definitive, as he calls himself, smiled with a mix of savagery and craziness. "We must be ready to kill him!"
"You... ahh!"
Gyrich wanted to refuse, but the pain from his wounds wouldn't let him.
"Tsk, you're such a drama queen..." Reed was annoyed.
"Bah, does that bother you?" Reed pulled out a pistol-shaped injector with a huge needle, and his drones held Gyrich down on the floor. "You're such a baby!"
Gyrich saw the injector filled with a green liquid of dubious origin, and when a drop fell to the ground, it started to melt.
"What is that?! What are you going to do?!"
Gyrich's fear was so great that, for a moment, he forgot he had been shot.
Reed smiled without the slightest hint of pity. "Just stay still... imagine you're at the dentist."
(How did we go from an elegant villain like Stanford to this madman ?... it's a mystery🍷🗿)
Reed took Gyrich, who was traumatized after a horrific experience. They were both traveling in a helicopter; Reed pulled out a lollipop and sat with one leg over the other, his lab coat gathered at the sleeves.
"First of all, I'd like to test the effectiveness of the Sentinels..."
Gyrich wanted to call Kally and tell her to screw off, that he wasn't working with Reed anymore, and that he'd return to SHIELD, but he had a feeling he shouldn't do that now, or Reed would throw him out of the helicopter.
"It's here!"
Reed stood up and opened the helicopter door, put on his protective glasses, and jumped out with his arms crossed, without a parachute or any safety gear.
Gyrich took a moment to understand what had happened.
Reed fell vertically at great speed. Just when it seemed like he was about to die, his sneakers turned into futuristic boots.
When he hit the ground, a bubble surrounded him and neutralized the synthetic energy, allowing Reed to land without feeling a thing.
People watched as someone fell from the sky in the middle of the street.
"Who are you?!"
Pyro, who had gone out to buy something while wearing a simple disguise, was surprised by this.
"A villain?!"
"A mutant?!"
People got scared, some screamed and people started to walk away.
"Tsk" Pyro grabbed his scarf and covered his face.
Reed smiled with interest. "John Allerdyce... better known as Pyro, a class four mutant with the power of pyrokinesis, currently a member of the Brotherhood under Magneto..."
Pyro was momentarily taken aback by Reed's words.
"I see; if you know who I am... I have no choice!"
Pyro took off his heavy trench coat, revealing his yellow and red suit underneath. He had a flamethrower integrated with two tubes connecting to his gloves!
"Heh, come on, Pyro, show that the original version is better than the copy~"
Pyro felt strange; the kid in front of him seemed a bit out of his mind. No matter; Pyro wasn't someone kind. Even if Magneto had forbidden them from starting conflicts for now, if someone wanted his head, he had to be prepared to die in the process.
Flames exploded around him as he pointed his hands at Reed.
"Don't regret it!"
Pyro increased the intensity of his flames. He couldn't produce fire, which is why he needed a catalyst like a lighter or his flamethrower, but in exchange, he could control and amplify the fire in volume and heat.
The flames rose to become a sea of fire that swallowed cars and traffic lights, and Reed himself, who, just before being engulfed, spread his arms wide as if embracing the fire.
"He's crazy..." Pyro murmured in disbelief, "Did that guy really let himself get killed?!"
"Kill me?" Reed's voice mocked, "You don't have that capability..."
The fire extinguished as Reed appeared surrounded by an energy shield, while behind him, a Sentinel stood with its arms extended as if they were tubes, devouring all the flames.
Reed pulled out a remote control with a big red button.
"Nothing like the classic Red Button!" Reed shouted. The sentinel's eyes turned red as Reed pressed the button.
Pyro felt chills at the sight of the Sentinel, a giant of metal in purple and silver with cold eyes and a humanoid appearance.
Pyro wanted to attack once more, but another Sentinel emerged from the ground and ensnared him with its metallic arms, wrapping around him like snakes.
Pyro activated his powers and exploded, "Burn, you piece of junk!!"
Reed laughed; this time, the fire was extinguished, not absorbed. Pyro watched as the Sentinel's metallic skin turned blue with wisps of vapor rising from it.
"Designed to understand, adapt, and improve..." Pyro looked at Reed with fear as he walked toward him, "They're junk, but they're my junk!"
Gyrich watched with a mix of astonishment and fear as Reed had found and neutralized a Class Four mutant. He immediately gritted his teeth; if that brat had acted a week ago, how many mutants could they have captured?
Now Walker was about to return...
A terrifying thought crossed Gyrich's mind: 'Could this kid be planning to face the final boss directly?'
'Is he crazy?! Doesn't he know how powerful he is?!'
"Exactly what I want to do, Henry..."
Reed Richards appeared behind Henry in the helicopter.
"How did you get here?!"
Reed raised an eyebrow, "Duh, I teleported? Do you think I designed a portable teleporter just to bring myself snacks?... " Reed shook his head and admitted, "Yeah, well, I did with that intention, BUT! I can also use it to move myself!"
Gyrich could only watch in silence; the kid had a screw loose, but it was true that his results spoke for themselves.
"Hey, shouldn't you be arresting Pyro or something?"
Gyrich noticed that Reed had left Pyro lying unconscious in the street.
"Couldn't you bring him with you?"
Reed smirked, "The guy weighs like seventy kilos; I'm a thinker, not a gym bro, do it yourself!"
Gyrich wanted to shout that he could have made the Sentinels carry him, but he decided against it; however, soon doubt lingered in his mind.
"Reed, where are the Sentinels you used? No, how did they appear out of nowhere?"
"I seriously start to doubt your IQ," Reed pulled out a device from his lab coat, "I can call the Sentinels to wherever I am and vice versa with this teleportation bracelet."
Gyrich's eyes fixated on the electronic bracelet with desire and greed, but he said nothing, nor did he show it in his demeanor. Before he could speak, a small hologram in the shape of a bird appeared, it sounded like an alarm.
"Damn, is it already time?"
Reed began manipulating the coordinates on his bracelet.
"Change of plans; the attack is postponed until tomorrow!"
"Huh?! What?! Why?!"
"I have things to do!"
Reed said nothing more and teleported away, leaving Gyrich bewildered.
One thing was certain: Reed Richards of this world was a strange, weird, eccentric, and crazy guy.
"That kid called himself the ultimate Reed... where are there more like him?!"
Gyrich wanted to take the opportunity to leave, but when he looked down at the street, there was Pyro. He had to weigh whether his hatred for mutants was greater than his disgust for Reed Richards.
(Even I don't know how we got to that kind of Reed Richard.... 🍷🗿)
Allen had a quiet day with his family. The night came and Allen slept peacefully after sharing intimate and intense moments with MJ and Gwen.
*Gwen's POV*
I have a secret...
Something I will probably never tell Allen or maybe I will at some point.
I met him over five years ago... no, it's better to say that I saw him for the first time five years ago.
It was a time when school life was simple yet cruel, where people would label you based on a physical characteristic, talent, or flaw, and you were doomed to base your life solely on that until graduation.
If you were smart, you made it into the honor roll, but if you were smart and unattractive, you were labeled a nerd. If you were athletic, everyone expected you to join a team, regardless of how much the teachers harassed you about it.
It was as if the school environment was designed for every student to have an identity, whether good or bad. So, it was common to see groups divided
That was the jungle but I just wanted to study. It's not that I was only interested in that; I genuinely enjoy it, and my parents have given me so much love that I want to make them proud. So, even though I had the appearance to be part of the popular crowd, I chose to be a nerd—or at least that was the plan. It's funny how having a dad who could throw them in jail saves you from countless taunts and annoyances.
Since they couldn't pick on me for being a nerd and couldn't pick me up because I rejected them and they were afraid of my father, I ended up as the isolated cute girl that no one talked to. It's embarrassing to say it myself but that's what I heard them tell me.
The people like me, who don't integrate with others, end up isolated.
The advantage was that no one would mess with you; the downside was that no one would get involved with you—no invitations to karaoke, no party outings, no conversations beyond polite exchanges.
It was then that I saw him. It was curious how a young boy walked, avoiding the gaze of others. No, it wasn't that he was afraid of being seen; he walked in a way that hardly entered anyone's line of sight.
His height was similar to mine; for a guy, that's short. His body was thin, and his skin was a bit pale, like someone who wasn't used to going out much. His steps were so soft that they made hardly any noise.
That was my first embarrassing thought, and I took out my phone to snap a photo... that was the first picture I had of him...
When I left school, the seriousness of that boy walking among people still lingered in my memory, like watching someone proud of his stealth skills.
"What are you doing with your life?! Hahahaha!"
I laughed... I laughed a lot; it was the biggest laugh I had ever had in my life.
At that moment, I simply found it very funny, and I went home to tell my mom. She sat down and listened attentively with a smile, but my dad didn't think so; he seemed in a bad mood while I spoke... I didn't understand it then.
A couple of days passed before I saw him again. He was standing in the shade of a staircase around the corner while reading a comic. I was surprised he dared to do that; bullies have a knack for sniffing out geeks. I don't want to be rude, but that's the term they usually use for them.
I panicked for no reason when I saw the group of delinquents approaching that spot. I wanted to shout at him to put it away, but then I realized it wasn't necessary.
As if he had a sixth sense, he tucked the comic away, and the bullies passed by him without showing any interest.
I didn't understand what had happened, but the boy walked to the wall and removed a very small piece of mirror that was stuck to it with gum.
My jaw dropped... there was no doubt that at that moment I had underestimated the boy's skills... I took out my phone and took another picture.
I got home laughing and told my mom and dad what had happened; this time even they were surprised by what I said.
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"Sweetheart, your friend is so funny!~," my mom said.
"He's... very clever..." my dad frowned, but I felt that his opinion of that boy improved.
Wait, my friend?
At that moment, with my mother's words, I realized they had the wrong idea that he was my friend; I didn't even know him.
I felt embarrassed and ran out while my mom laughed and consoled my dad.
"Sweetheart, she's growing up~"
"I don't want her to..."
I decided to focus on my studies, but from time to time my attention was drawn to that boy. He always did similar things. Once, I saw him enter the janitor's closet and come out dressed like that, pushing a cleaning cart, just to avoid the seniors who had a reputation for being real delinquents, and rumors said they were part of real gangs.
I was scared.
It was the first time I felt concerned for someone outside my family. I wanted to step in, but unexpectedly, the disguise worked, and nothing else happened.
Time passed, a lot of time, and it became a habit to spy on the boy occasionally and take his picture. I would go home and tell my parents; they kept pestering me to bring him with me. I think my dad started to suspect that he wasn't real because I never mentioned the boy's name, and it wasn't that I didn't want to; I just didn't know it.
It was like being friends without being friends... and I was okay with that, but my mom was very annoying, insisting that I talk to him.
I don't know, I just liked to see it and just that... maybe we are not meant to be more than that. I naively thought so, but one day I noticed something I didn't like.
There was someone else besides me who was watching Allen; she was a pretty girl. She seemed nervous as she tried to talk to him but didn't dare to do so.
I felt fear for no reason, it was a state of panic I had never felt before.
I didn't know why I felt that way... no, I'm lying; I did know... For me, he was like a secret that only I knew, a treasure, my treasure, and I didn't want anyone to take him away from me.
The boy helped in the library as an extracurricular activity... I had known that for a while and saw him from time to time, but my interactions were merely cordial.
Except that once, it wasn't like that... I don't know what happened that day, but when I returned a book, I commented on a difficult question from the last exam out of nowhere. Was it biology or science? I don't remember, but before I regretted my actions, the boy told me the correct answer.
I was surprised because I didn't know he was a good student.
My heart raced, but I didn't show it; I just smiled the whole time like my mom did. I appreciated that it worked because he looked at me for quite a while.
That day, I became his friend... that day, I saw the girl run away while crying...
I did something very wrong...
I opened my eyes while lying on the couch with Allen; he had returned safe and sound, spending the whole night "apologizing" for worrying me. Unfortunately, he also "apologized" to another girl, a beautiful redhead who was clinging to him just like I was on the other side of the couch.
It was a tough rock-paper-scissors battle to determine who would spend the first night with him. I don't know if it's coincidence or fate, but it was precisely MJ.
I looked at the girl smiling while hugging the man she loved, both of them looked peacefully asleep.
I took out my phone and snapped a photo I have thousands of photos of Allen, but lately, many of them include other girls.
I sighed and looked at Allen's sleeping face. I had a dream that reminded me of my sin... I don't even know who she was...
Allen opened his eyes and hugged me without knowing why I was crying, so I pretended it was out of relief for having him safe...
I'm sorry...
*End of POV*
Allen walked with Gwen and MJ on the way to school; he wasn't wearing any disguise or changing the color of his hair. Allen wouldn't use such a silly method to go unnoticed anymore. Instead, using the Skill of intrusive telepathy, combined with his demonic power and magic, created a powerful spell that prevented anyone who was not close to him from associating his face with the public Allen Walker.
Just in case, the system also used fragments to increase the effectiveness of this spell.
Now Allen could walk around with his usual face, and he would only be recognized when he turned on the stream.
"Hmm?" Allen looked up at the sky as a giant robot fell, seemingly with someone in a lab coat riding on its head.
"Allen Walker, I am Re--!!"
Allen narrowed his eyes and cut the robot in half. The robot exploded, and the guy with it was swallowed by the blast. Allen created a black hole with Void's powers that swallowed the colossal robot parts and the explosion so it didn't damage anything when it fell.
"What was that?" MJ looked at what had just happened with disbelief.
"Who knows..." Allen replied with a lazy look.
Gwen had sweat on her cheek. "Allen, isn't your reaction a bit too simple? A giant robot just fell from the sky..."
Allen shrugged and wrapped his arms around both girls' waists. "I just faced an evil version of myself through time, space, and reality while being trapped who knows where... I don't know if a giant robot falling from the sky should surprise me..."
MJ smiled, forgetting what had just happened, and Gwen blushed, unable to argue.
[Initializing Phoenix program...]
In Reed Richards' lab, a cryogenic suspension capsule lit up, and a naked Reed Richards opened his eyes and kicked the door.
"That son of a b*tch killed me!" Reed shouted in discontent. "And the worst part is that he didn't even let me finish my sentence!!!"
"I don't care! Initiate anti-walker response plan number nine!"
[Sir, are you sure?]
"Huh?! Do you have a problem with plan number nine?!"
[No, but there are eight more plans before the ninth...]
"Oh, that's right! Very clever of you I'll give you a raise!"
[Sir, I'm an AI... you don't pay me...]
"And that's why I love you and you deserve two raises!!"
Reed Definitive is a guy with superior thinking, so much so that normal people can't understand how he thinks.
A/N: Reed is so smart that he looks stupid to our eyes. 🍷🗿
PS: I noticed that a lot of you guys dislike Reed Richard, I'm glad so there won't be a problem with him being an antagonist, although I don't know if this Reed is something you expected.
PS 2: For those wondering why "Reed Richards Definitive" and not "Definitive Reed Richards", it's because this Reed is so self-centered that he wouldn't allow a word to come before his name. lol xd
PS 3: Someone asked me not to forget Alice and Lord Meowington, don't worry, Alice and her family have a free pass through Allen's houses so they will pop in from time to time.
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