I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With-Chapter 257: Alternative

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Chapter 257: Alternative


Stardust had been lost in thought for quite some time ever since she and Egostic had captured the strange creature known as the Knight of God.

โ€œWhat was thatโ€ฆWhatโ€ฆ?โ€

There were a lot of questions.

Why was there an Egyptian-style ruin sleeping beneath Korea, what was wrong with this powerful enemy.

And how the hell did Egostic know about this?


โ€ฆOf course, her pondering didnโ€™t produce any answers.

She even went back to the site of the ruins, but there was nothing there. It must have collapsed, so there should be some rubble left behind.

Of course, the easiest way to find out about this mysterious secret would be to ask Egostic himself, butโ€ฆ

โ€˜โ€ฆLater, Iโ€™ll tell you all about it.โ€™

Wellโ€ฆWhen would later be.

What was almost certain from the sound of his voice was that he was very hesitant when he said it. She could tell he was having a hard time putting it into words.

โ€˜โ€ฆYeah. Heโ€™ll tell me someday.โ€™

She thought, and decided to let it go for now.

Judging by his reaction, it didnโ€™t seem like there were any more of those weird things left in Korea right now.

Maybe one day heโ€™ll tell her.



The Heroes Association office in a sunny spot behind a window Stardus twirled her golden hair, glistening in the sunlight, with one hand, lost in thought.

During the battle in the ruins, Egostic kept barking orders at her.

The experience of acting on his word alone, trusting him completely.


It had been quite an experience for her, well, impressive. novelbuddy(.)com

Sheโ€™d never felt anything like it beforeโ€ฆ like she and Egostic had become oneโ€ฆ like their thoughts had resonatedโ€ฆ?

โ€œWhat am I thinkingโ€ฆ?โ€

She thought, and then muttered against her chest.

โ€ฆHaru, you canโ€™t have such thoughts about a villain, you have to get a grip.

Heโ€™s an evil, terrorizing villainโ€ฆ Meanโ€ฆ Well, not really evilโ€ฆ

โ€˜So, Iโ€™ve gotten some help from him after all.โ€™

She thought to herself.

Sheโ€™d been stopping all sorts of dangerous villains lately, all with the help of Egostic.

No, actually, not even recently. Ever since the beginning, since the HanEun Group or the typhoon at Moonlight Church she always had Egostic by her side.

Now, she canโ€™t imagine life without him.

And she was.

Well, she was very troubled.


Stardus sees herself as a hero.

Righteous, always punishing evil, dedicated to the people. A hero.

And the villains, to her, were all non-negotiable targets. The enemy.

โ€ฆWhich is why sheโ€™s always been so confused about what she feels for him.

She wants to hate him, but she canโ€™t. She should be angry at him, but instead, the corners of her mouth turn up. She canโ€™t imagine life without him anymore.

โ€˜Heโ€™s a villain. I shouldnโ€™t do that to a villain.โ€™

If only he werenโ€™t such a villainโ€ฆ


She left it at that, pursing her lips in thought, her cheeks slightly flushed with anger.

โ€ฆYeah. This is not the time to be thinking about, uh, no.

News. Yeah, letโ€™s turn on the news.

With that, she cooled her flushed face and turned on the television.

And there it was.


There it was, the breaking news.

[Egostic joins the East Asian Villains League!]

โ€ฆWhat the hell is he doing running around?

Her eyes widened in bewilderment as she saw a picture of Katana smiling and shaking hands with a smirk on her face.

South Korea was on fire with the story of the Trilateral Alliance of Villains, created at the initiative of Egostic.


Good morning, this is Egostic.

We are pleased to announce that I have formed an alliance with the Chinese villainous organization Fire Dragon and the Japanese villainous organization SamHyupPa.

We, the East Asian Villain Federation, will continue to move forward as brothers in arms. Thank you.]

(A photo of Egostic, Katana, and Li Xiaofeng clinking their glasses together)

This is all the original text posted on the Ego Stream website, but itโ€™s a bit of a joke!


[What is it really?]

[East Asian Villain Alliance mouthfulwwwwww]

[What the hell? Why are those three sitting in the same place smiling at each other? Katana is one thing, but when did the rest of them become friends?]

[The governments of the three countries donโ€™t get along, but the villains representing those countries get along well.]

[Thinking about it, why is that?]

[On the Chinese Fire Dragon side, they wrote outright that they were grateful to Egostic for giving them a good opportunity.]


[Korea-led Villain Federation]

[Katana was close to Egostic in Korea, so sheโ€™s close to him, but sheโ€™s not close to that Chinese villainโ€ฆ]

[Long live Mangostick, go color all of East Asia with mangosticks.]


[Egostic โ†If you think Iโ€™m not playing, Iโ€™m going to kill you.]

I thought you were playing because you donโ€™t terrorize and donโ€™t broadcast.


[Likes bumped]

[Koreaโ€™s largest villain group, Ego Stream x The best villain organization, SamHyupPa, which even has a conspiracy theory that it ate Japanโ€ฆIs this a true story? Awww, my heart goes out to youโ€ฆ]

[This was also reported by foreign media, but itโ€™s the first time Iโ€™ve seen a coalition of this scale of villainous organizationsโ€ฆ]

[(Breaking news) This is announced and the ranking of the Epic Villain rises by 2 levelsโ€ฆ]

[Are you trying to become the Mangostick king East Asia]

[We are living in the age of the mango]


โ€œItโ€™s quite a ripple, isnโ€™t it?โ€

On the roof above the Ego Stream mansion I, who had stretched out my legs there and listened to the reactions of the people Seo-Eun was reading to, muttered with my arms supported behind me.

โ€œYes. There are already a lot of articles from overseas. I guess itโ€™s because itโ€™s really unheard of for neighboring villainous organizations to form an alliance like this.โ€

โ€œI seeโ€ฆโ€

I replied, slipping on my sunglasses and chugging my smoothie.

Seo-Eun, who was up on the roof with me, smirked, pulled her knees up to her chest and put her phone down in a sitting position, and asked me.

โ€œDa-in, honestly, you donโ€™t care what happens now, do you?โ€

โ€œWhat do you mean, I care a lot.โ€

I replied, taking another drink of my smoothie.

Announcing the formation of the East Asia Villain Alliance is a big deal. First of all, itโ€™s now much harder for other countries to mess with Korea than before, because my personality is such that if Korea is attacked, Iโ€™ll step in, whether Iโ€™m a villain or a hero, and theyโ€™ll end up antagonizing all three countries.

Of course, if SamHyupPa and Fire Dragon are attacked, I will also have to step in, but the chances of that happening are small in the original game. Weโ€™ve grown too big to be touched by other countries since we united in the first place.

But thatโ€™s that, now itโ€™s time to rest.

I muttered, sucking on my smoothie as I laid down on a pre-arranged sunbed, enjoying the cool breeze on the roof.

โ€œJust taking a break, just taking a break.โ€


I killed a bunch of villains, slayed the Knight of God, created the East Asia Villain Alliance so maybe itโ€™s okay to take a break and have a smoothieโ€ฆ

Itโ€™s just that everything is centered around capturing the Moonlight Church leader, and Iโ€™ll feel so much lighter once I get him.

In the original story, which had a total of 4 parts, the final boss of part 2 was Moonlight Church, and the final boss of part 3 was Seo-eun, so I already dealt with that.

Of course, Moonlight Church is almost there now.

All that remains is to make the final preparations and the fateful day will come.

โ€ฆUntil then, of course, thereโ€™s the matter of preparation.

Letโ€™s get to work.


โ€œHm. Why?โ€

Seo-eun leaned her face on her knees and squinted her eyes, her white short hair slightly longer than before.

I think sheโ€™s pouting because I didnโ€™t listen to her read my fan cafe comments earlierโ€ฆ

I ruffled Seo-Eunโ€™s hair, who was still a child despite being an adult, and then stood up and took off my sunglasses.

โ€œCome on, why donโ€™t we go out, just you and Eun-wol, and walk around.โ€

โ€œโ€ฆReally? Where?โ€

When I asked her to go out with me, Seo-eun secretly looked in my direction and showed interest.

I looked at her and smiled sheepishly.

โ€œUh, shall we go to Seoul first?โ€

โ€˜Letโ€™s get a bunch of superpowered people to block the Moonlight Gate.โ€™

And so began the journey of the wandering villain, Egostic.

โ€ฆfor a month.

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