I Became a Villain's Hero-Chapter 41: Once in a Lifetime Opportunity (3)

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Chapter 41: Once in a Lifetime Opportunity (3)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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Looking at them brought pain, but Song Soo-yeon couldn't take her eyes off them.

'Is it finally over?' she wondered repeatedly, glancing at them.

...But the end seemed nowhere in sight.

Min-Bom continued to weep in his arms, and Jung-gyeom wouldn't let her go.

Their embrace only deepened, it didn't lighten at all.

Now, they were completely entwined like lovers.


Another surge of pain stabbed through her heart.

Her face contorted involuntarily, and her hands clutched at her chest, feeling the pain.

The corners of her eyes began to moisten.

It was an instinctive response of her body.

She followed Min-Bom with empty eyes.

...What warmth was Min-Bom feeling now?

What kind of warmth that she couldn't let go?

"......Those damn heroes...."

Song Soo-yeon muttered through clenched teeth.

When the pain exceeded its limits, as always, those feelings turned into anger.

She couldn't bear it otherwise.

Weakly, she continued to mutter curses at the heroes, over and over, then buried her face back in her knees.

She wanted to separate them, by force if necessary.

...She wished she could control them at will.

How much time had passed?

The crying of Min-Bom, which she hated to hear, finally calmed down.

Song Soo-yeon lifted her head again.

Their embrace had ended.

Without realizing, she exhaled the breath she had been holding and moved her stiff body.

She was about to get up, but then... upon seeing the next scene, she slumped down again.

Jung-gyeom had placed his hand on Min-Bom's cheek again.

Anger sparked from the unending pain, this time directed at Jung-gyeom.

"....Damn it, are you a real pervert?"

She clenched her trembling hands tightly.

It took tremendous willpower to suppress the urge to scream.

"......Why do you keep touching her..."

Jung-gyeom moved his hand to wipe Min-Bom's tears.

Min-Bom quietly accepted it.

An invisible understanding was happening between them.

".....You never did that for me..."

Soon, Song Soo-yeon closed her mouth.

She knew all too well why Jung-gyeom never showed such affection towards her.

All the curses and threats she had defensively thrown in the past came back to haunt her.

Song Soo-yeon had to fight the urge to leave.

Although she was not one to run away from most things, this time was different.

But she stayed, driven by the single-minded thought that she had to see this through to the end.

She must intervene if those two start holding hands and walking back into the restaurant.

...Fortunately, that was it.

The calmed-down Min-Bom waved goodbye to Jung-gyeom.

He did the same.

Finally, Min-Bom, pretending to be a normal person, walked away from the restaurant.

Song Soo-yeon still watched Jung-gyeom from the darkness.

Jung-gyeom didn't enter the restaurant but watched Min-Bom's departing figure for a long time.

Only after Min-Bom disappeared did Jung-gyeom finally move his steps towards the restaurant.

And as Jung-gyeom disappeared... only then could Song Soo-yeon muster the strength to get up again.

Even after all this had ended, Song Soo-Yeon didn't let go of her phone.

Since she had called him, she didn't know when he might call her back.

Holding her smartphone weakly, she returned to the apartment.

Her body was exhausted.

It was a perfect day, ending in trash.

She raised her hand to open the door lock.


It was then she noticed the change in her body.

Bright purple energy swirled around her hand.

At first, she was so startled that she almost fell backwards, but she adapted to it strangely quickly.


She slowly turned her hand, watching it.

The purple aura followed, swirling and moving.

It felt as natural as if it had always been a part of her body, like taking out an old, cherished item that had been stored in a warehouse long ago.

The sensation was familiar and natural.

It felt like a new organ had sprouted in her body.

She intuitively understood how to move it, what this power was, without needing to learn it.

She had always wondered how ability users managed their powers... but now that she had this power, she understood.

You just know.


A hollow laugh escaped her lips.

Instinctively, she knew.

This was the power to control people.

The very ability she had longed for.

When the world treated her like trash, she had begged for the power to destroy everything.

...The power that hadn't emerged then, had manifested now.

But surprisingly, her first thought wasn't how to exact revenge on the world.

It wasn't her tormenting parents or the bullies that came to mind.

Their continual harassment, the despair she felt back then, didn't resurface.

........It was Jung-gyeom.

.....With this power.


Song Soo-yeon was shocked by the dangerous thoughts that had unwittingly arisen.

It was absurd.

She shook her head vigorously to dispel the thoughts.

And then, she quickly got up and entered the one-room apartment.



Song Soo-yeon washed her face and lay down on her bed.

She had deactivated her ability, so there was no longer any light emanating from her hand.

Having longed for superpowers, she had some knowledge about them.

People like her, who awaken their abilities later in life, are called 'Awakeners'.

These Awakeners, born at extremely low probabilities... their abilities usually manifest during intense stress, and in most cases, their powers are incredibly strong.

Shake, ranked number one among heroes, was also an Awakener.

Song Soo-yeon had become an Awakener as well.

But contrary to her expectation that awakening her ability would fill her with indescribable joy... she now felt a faint resentment: why did this power appear only now?

And it was ironic.

Was the stress she endured during all the harassment nothing at all?

Just seeing Jung-gyeom with Min-Bom had triggered her ability.

...Of course, maybe Jung-gyeom and Min-Bom's embrace was just the last drop that made her accumulated stress overflow.

Still, she couldn't deny the absurdity of the situation.

Since when had she become so dependent on Jung-gyeom?

This wasn't like her.

She sighed heavily, trying to view the situation lightly.

She didn't even understand why she was overreacting so much.

Yes, it seemed she did love Jung-gyeom.

So what?

It was just love, another emotion just like 'anger' or 'sadness'.

There was no need to be swayed by such a feeling.

No reason to be stressed or angry.

Besides, to an onlooker, it might seem like Min-Bom and Jung-gyeom were lovers.

But Jung-gyeom was just kind.

She knew that already.

He was kind, so he hugged crying Min-Bom.

There's no deeper meaning.

It was nothing more than the kindness of tossing a coin to a begging beggar.

There was no need to be anxious.

She had spent more time with him than anyone.

Today too, they had created many memories together.

The rabbit ear beanie, the scarf.

All were gifts from him.

Min-Bom was incomparable to that.

Unlike her, a fellow loner friend, Min-Bom was just a passing acquaintance.

Song Soo-yeon took deep breaths to calm her mind.

As she was meditating like this, the phone rang, almost comically.

She quickly got up from the bed and grabbed her phone.

The caller's ID flashed on the screen.

'My Hero'

The name had no significance.

She had set it light-heartedly.

There was no need to be unsettled by him.

As said, it's just love, and that's all.

There's no reason to be shaken.

Song Soo-yeon swallowed and cleared her throat a couple of times before answering the call.


Soo-yeon, did you call?


As soon as she heard his voice, a surge of emotions welled up again.

Her nose crinkled, and she almost bit her lip.

She wanted to ask why he hadn't answered her call.

Why had he hugged Min-Bom?

Why had he called only now?

But she couldn't.

Song Soo-yeon restrained her emotions and continued calmly.

......Were you busy?

....Ah, yeah.

.....What were you doing?


He remained silent for a while.

To Song Soo-yeon, that silence felt like an eternity.

She didn't understand why he couldn't just answer honestly.

Jung-gyeom answered.

"......Just getting ready for bed."


Song Soo-yeon let out an incredulous laugh, her suppressed emotions bubbling up again.

Why was he lying?

Why hide his meeting with Min-Bom?

Was it something to be ashamed of?

Surely not.

There was no need to hide anything.

A sticky heartache and painful sorrow engulfed her.


"Oh, I just thought of something funny...."

She excused her hollow laughter.

And swallowed hundreds of questions.

She didn't mention her newly awakened ability.

.....Her instinct told her that this power should be kept a secret.

Instead, she chose her words carefully.

"....Mister, I had fun today."

"Haha, me too, Soo-yeon. It feels like we've become closer now that we're speaking informally. We've made a lot of memories, right?"

His warm words easily lifted her spirits.

His laughter almost made her smile.

But she pulled herself together.

There were important things to say.

"Yes. Um, Mister?"


".........Just a random question, but who are you closest to?"

It was a loaded question.

She wanted to hear a specific answer.

Jung-gyeom didn't take long to respond.

"....You. Who else?"

Song Soo-yeon felt a tingling sensation on the back of her neck.

She closed her eyes, savoring the joy from his expected answer.

Her anger seemed to melt away.

She teased playfully.


"Why the sudden sentimental questions? Where did your prickly side go?"

At his words, she recalled the image of Min-Bom and Jung-gyeom hugging each other.

She said.

"......I can be affectionate too, you know?"

Jung-gyeom laughed.

"Then show me."

"..........Anyway, we're the closest, right?"

".....What are you plotting now?"

"It's not like that."

A comfortable sigh came through the phone.

Jung-gyeom continued.

".......Yes. It's you."


Song Soo-yeon gathered her courage.

The anger she had felt earlier gave her strength.

There was no turning back now.

"....Let's stay close in the future too."

Her heart pounded as if it was about to burst.

Even though the words were spoken with courage fueled by anger, expressing genuine emotions was still very difficult for her.


Jung-gyeom remained silent.

As he didn't respond, Song Soo-yeon's brows slowly furrowed.

Thousands of negative thoughts flooded her mind.

Unable to hold back any longer, she spoke.


"-Thank you, Soo-yeon."

Jung-gyeom interrupted her.


"....For saying these things. I'm touched."

His voice was more sincere than ever.

Song Soo-yeon's heart, which had been pounding with anxiety, finally began to calm down.

Yes, this was the relationship she and Jung-gyeom had.

There was no room for a stone like Min-Bom, who had popped up out of nowhere, to wedge itself in.

There was no need to feel insecure.

She must not waver.

He said.

"......Don't worry. I also want to continue being close with you. I promised you, didnt I?"

"What promise?"

Song Soo-yeon pressed the phone even closer to her ear.

He spoke in a soft voice.

"......That we'd be friends for life."

Song Soo-yeon paused for a moment at his words, then tilted her head in confusion.


She couldn't understand why his tender words brought a sting of pain once again.