I Became a 6★ Gacha Character-Chapter 6: Beginner’s First Steps 1

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Chapter 6: Beginner's First Steps 1

After shaking hands with Han Se-ah, I completed the quest and received an unusual reward.

[Form a party with streamer 'Han Se-ah' 1/1 CLEAR]

[Reward: Access to Han Se-ah's Forum]

Although I was eager to connect to it, I didn't know how, and the camera drone before me was persistently observing me.

It might be excessive caution, but it was best not to arouse suspicion by looking around aimlessly and getting caught on camera.

Besides, I was also observing Han Se-ah's eye movements, wondering if she was looking at the status or chat window.

Before my arrival in this world, there were numerous instances of individuals targeting women.

In Japan, a stalker discovered an idol's residence by analyzing the reflection in her eyes from a selfie.

Similarly, in Korea, various stalkers scrutinized every minute detail about female streamers.

It wouldn't be surprising for someone as attractive as Han Se-ah to have multiple stalkers.

"If I have the qualities of a mage, what should I do now?"

"Return to the Adventurer's Guild and learn some basic protective spells... and then try venturing to the first floor of the tower."

"Protective spells?"

"Newbie mages who become adventurers typically join small parties and explore the tower, so they need to learn protective spells that uses the staff like a blunt weapon. A mage's magic isn't infinite, so they need to conserve their magical power in certain situations.

For example, when a severely injured monster breaches the front line and charges into the rear, it's difficult to react instantly. If the monster is on the verge of death, using magic would be wasteful.

So, they learn basic staff techniques to temporarily stall the enemy until their party members can finish them off."

In the past, there was an incident where a panicking rookie party was ambushed by a few goblins. The mage, instead of swinging the staff, recklessly fired off prepared magic, accidentally injuring a comrade who was trying to help.

Fortunately, a senior adventurer was present as a guide, so no one died, but both the warrior with a burnt face and the traumatized mage eventually retreated to the countryside.

This story became famous among veteran adventurers, often shared during drinking sessions.

And although it might be premature to explore the tower on the first day, I have no choice.

[Acquire the lowest-grade magic stones with Han Se-ah in your party 0/10]

A new quest had appeared.

It was an unfriendly quest window that didn't even reveal the rewards, but I couldn't ignore it since I knew that it was a real quest.

After roughly finishing my explanation of why mages learn staff techniques, we arrived back at training ground.

The log I had dragged and fixed was still firmly in place, seemingly untouched.

"Um, should I hit this log?"

"Let's get basic equipment first."


"Right. If you have prepared equipment, that's fine, but otherwise, the guild has second-hand equipment for beginners in the warehouse. It's best to start your adventure with that and then save up money to buy new gear."

"Wow, the Adventurer's Guild is really nice to beginner adventurers."

In reality, it's a collusion between the Adventurer's Guild and the Blacksmith's Guild, utilizing secondhand equipment.

Most adventurers attempt a large-scale equipment upgrade when transitioning from beginner to intermediate level, and the guild purchases the difficult-to-dispose second-hand equipment at this time.

Of course, the arrangement is a rental, so the period is short.

If you have enough funds, you can get new equipment, or you can buy secondhand equipment and hold out until you acquire better gear.

Most beginner adventurers end up buying second-hand equipment.

It's not like the rural newcomers who arrive in the city with dreams of striking it rich can afford a full set of brand-new, shiny equipment.

In a game-like setting, realism curiously dominates in such situations.

That's how the fundamental market logic of buying cheap and selling expensive is fulfilled.

After saying that, I left Han Se-ah, who was absentmindedly standing in front of the logs, and headed for the counter.


Raei Translations


"I need to use the warehouse."

"I saw you leave earlier. Weren't you going to buy equipment for your lovely junior?"

"I went to the Magic Tower. She has the potential to be a mage."

"Oh my, she's not just a pretty face, then. I should pay more attention to her from now on."

Ellis, still at the counter, smiled beautifully.

Ordinarily, one would have to fill out a few documents and follow a procedure to take out items, but as a well-known senior adventurer in the city with a connection to the guild receptionist, such formalities can easily be bypassed.

The commission I earn every time I take a request is worth more than dozens of these secondhand equipment for beginners.

"I'll leave the paperwork to you."

"Only with words?"

"I'll treat you when I take my junior out."

"I heard there's a new cafe in the shopping district, and it's quite popular with female adventurers."

She laughed and handed me a key.

I nodded in acknowledgment, grateful for the useful information to win Han Se-ah's favor, and took the key.

There's nothing interesting in the warehouse full of old items, so I quickly selected a small-sized leather armor set and a plain, long staff for her slender figure.

It's nothing remarkable, but what can you do?

Beginners who show off with their equipment only end up as monster fodder.

You hear all sorts of stories about human figures in the adventuring world after rolling around as an adventurer for over 10 years.

There's the case of a rural newcomer who insisted on a cape because he admired the hero knight in stories, only to be torn to pieces when his cape got caught in a bush; or the novice mage who, claiming to be a powerful sorcerer, climbed the tower in a robe and ended up with a shattered spine after being hit by a rockfall.

In this world, the more you expose yourself, the higher your defense.

I wrapped the equipment in a piece of cloth I found in the warehouse and returned to the vacant lot, where Han Se-ah was looking at me with sparkling eyes.

Her excitement for the secondhand equipment was slightly overwhelming.

"I've brought some in a suitable size for now... The blacksmiths worked on it, but it's secondhand equipment, so don't get your hopes up too much."


Han Se-ah seemed captivated by the armor itself as she unfolded the old cloth like it was a gift from Santa.

What emerges is a leather armor that clearly doesn't prioritize style.

Nevertheless, it was a well-maintained piece that had been polished with oil since it was the best option available.

In reality, leather armor would be considered inferior to cloth and metal armor in terms of advantages.

However, this is a fantasy world, one set in a game.

There are plenty of monsters that provide leather without the need to kill livestock, so it doesn't lose to cloth armor in terms of production.

Also, since mana exists, its defense can be enhanced.

"If you weren't a mage, you'd have to wear leather armor over cloth armor. But as a mage, you don't need to wear cloth armor."

Leather armor doesn't fully cover the body, leaving some parts exposed.

But in a world with mana, magic can compensate for the exposed areas.

As a mage who will stay in the back, she could rely on shield magic and only needed to protect vital points from sudden attacks.

Draping the leather armor over the novice equipment-like cloth garment made her look like a stunning female warrior, ready to be featured in a game advertisement.

"Is there any discomfort?"

"None at all! You must have a good eye since it fits perfectly!"

The armor might have automatically adjusted to her body shape thanks to the game system.

From broadcasting terminology not being heard by others to things like an invisible stat window and camera drones for filming I had experienced the slums with my strong body as a foundation, but Han Se-ah seemed to be enjoying a fantasy life with the assistance of the game system.

Well, it's only natural in this world where just the equipment of intermediate adventurers gives the feeling of being in a game.

Novices have to wear cloth armor and helmets, fearing goblin poison stingers and stone-throwing, while fighting dehydration.

However, starting from intermediate levels, they use cool and attractive equipment.

Take my armor and shield, for example they are dazzling with their high-quality engraved patterns, and the magic imbued within them.

"I'm not an expert in staff techniques, so let's learn the correct posture later when we hire an intermediate adventurer. First, let's get used to our weapons and armor, and then enter the tower."

"Okay, understood!"

"Excuse me."

A bald warrior with a hammer, who had been staring intensely at us for some time, started to talk.

"I heard that you're looking for a staff technique instructor, Sir Roland."

One hand held a blunt weapon and a large shield, while the other was covered in clanking plate armor.

His fierce appearance contrasted with his shy expression.

"I'd like to help What do you think? Oh, I'm not asking for any compensation!"

Is he a fan of mine?


Enjoy the chappy!

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