I Became a 6★ Gacha Character-365 - The Empire’s Hidden Strength 5

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365 - The Empire's Hidden Strength 5

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: Posted in discord

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Learning swordsmanship now seemed pointless, even if I gained sword skills from the Goddess. It would only cause trouble.

During my 11 years as an adventurer, it wasn't my swordsmanship that earned me embarrassing titles like "Indomitable" or "Unyielding" and even a fan club. It was my sturdy body and even sturdier equipment.

My shield and armor had maintained a flawless sheen for 11 years without a single scratch, despite only being cleaned of filth. And the warhammer, now as familiar as my own fist. These were Roland's default equipment from his character illustration in Heroes Chronicle before I possessed him.

Even when I took them off to rest, I always wore this gear on long adventures. Like modern people who feel awkward without their smartphones, I'd feel strange now without the hefty warhammer handle. What swordsmanship were they talking about?

"This old woman has said too much. ...If you have time, say a prayer before you go."

"Yes, I understand."

As I pondered this, the elderly nun finally finished her lengthy explanation. I wanted to return to the Kingdom immediately, but I figured I should pray before leaving.

They wouldn't send me all the way to the Empire just to hear stories of the past. This nun must have been in charge of explaining the backstory, and anything related to the Season 2 patch would likely be revealed in front of the Goddess statue. With the memory fragment and all, it seemed I'd have to go to the statue after all.

After the drawn-out chat ended, I was led to a small prayer room right behind the reception room. A modest setup caught my eye - a small table, a single chair, and a wooden Goddess statue. It looked like a personal space rather than one for receiving guests.

"No one will come to this room, so feel free to relax."


The nun who escorted me to the door with unhurried steps made the sign of the cross before disappearing. Han Se-ah's camera also temporarily returned to the magic tower.

It seemed she turned the camera away so I could pray in peace after hearing about the past. Thanks to that, I could look around the prayer room comfortably. Though there wasn't much to see in such a small room.

Ignoring the small table and chair prepared for reading the Bible during breaks, I approached the small wooden Goddess statue.

About the size of my forearm, it looked portable. Probably a sculpture made for priests and nuns embarking on pilgrimages.

'So what am I supposed to do now...?'

Thinking this, I strode toward the statue, but nothing happened. Last time, I just had to approach the Goddess statue and whoosh, I'd fly off. Maybe it was because I didn't have a quest item like the memory fragment this time.

Still, I expected some event to start since I came all this way.

After pacing in front of the statue, sitting in the chair for no reason, and flipping through the Bible on the table, nothing happened. I even closed my eyes tightly in front of the statue to pray, but still nothing.


Puzzled, I opened my eyes and scratched my head. That's when I noticed a subtle seam around the Goddess statue's waist. Not a crack from poor maintenance, but as if the statue could be opened like a capsule.

To hell with sacrilege, I thought I'd get nothing at this rate. Without hesitation, I reached out and grasped the statue's head. Figuring that ditzy Goddess would forgive this much disrespect.

Holding the head with one hand and the calf with the other, I pulled. With a creaking sound, the statue opened. It felt odd that a temple would blatantly use a Goddess statue as an item storage capsule. It was also like finding a clue in an escape room game, leaving me with mixed feelings.

[Obtained Fragment of Imperial Swordsmanship - Someone's Memory]

And what came out was a reward I didn't particularly want.


Raei Translations


After restoring the Goddess statue, I walked out of the Grand Temple.

While the Grand Temple itself was immense and impressively majestic, the surrounding city was an ordinary landscape created by ordinary people.

If I had to find a difference, it might have been the types of restaurants.

Unlike the adventurer's city that focused more on cafes and desserts than proper meals, the Grand Temple's city had many restaurants. Of course, I'm talking about shops reflecting modern civilization for players.

If the only difference between the Empire and the Kingdom was the ratio of restaurants, I supposed there was almost no cultural difference between the two countries. Thinking this, I entered a shop wafting with the savory aroma of fried food.

"Welcome! Table for one?"


"Right this way!"

Originally, I had planned to stop by the magic tower after visiting the Grand Temple, casually check out some Imperial magic items, and then meet Han Se-ah. But Han Se-ah conveniently got a mission.

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The mission was simple - Han Se-ah and I had to meet before sunset today. Han Se-ah was stuck in the magic tower and could only wait passively, but everyone seemed to think it was doable.

Well, assuming I was a normal NPC, the only things to see in this city were the Grand Temple and the magic tower. Unless I suddenly decided to abandon the Kingdom and become an Imperial mercenary.

"Will he come to the magic tower after eating? Hmm, should I open point betting again?"

-Oh, Han's house is open again? I'm still short on bullets

-LOL bastards, come at me. I'll take your points deliciously

-Soon a bunch of young dementia patients with amnesia will appear

-He'll probably come after eating anyway, so it's basically just guessing Roland's mealtime, right?

-He might check out a weapon shop, blacksmith, or alchemist in between, so think carefully

The viewers started chattering noisily, while Han Se-ah naturally sucked up donations, eagerly awaiting the mission money from the big spenders.

So I should go about 3 minutes after the mission ends when the sun sets. I'd enter the magic tower the moment the mission failure popped up on the hologram window.

Thinking this, I took the menu from the smiling waitress.

Familiar with ignoring the camera's gaze, I looked at the menu filled with various fried dishes. As expected for a player-oriented shop, the prices were higher than I thought. Well, fried food does use a lot of expensive oil, making it a luxury commoners can only dream of...

"I'll have this chicken leg set and a beer."

"Yes, order received!"

What a bizarre situation - praying to the Goddess in armor and then digging into chicken and beer. The viewers must have found it quite amusing too, given the flood of meaningless acronyms and icons in the chat.

It was understandable - a warrior who usually ate soup and stew served by nuns in fantasy-style inn dining rooms was now having chicken and beer for a solo drink. But judging by how quickly points were piling up in the betting pool, laughter would soon turn to tears.

As expected, the most points were on "within 2 hours". Many viewers had seen my habit of eating quickly, ingrained from college days through military service, as a returning student, and later as a mercenary and adventurer.

Slurping up broth without any chunks almost like drinking it. Even stew packed with meat - stuffing a whole chunk in my mouth, chewing vigorously, and swallowing. Honestly, it didn't even take 10 minutes, let alone 20. Having seen this daily through Han Se-ah's camera, over 70% bet on within 2 hours.

"Excuse me, this is on the house."


Unlike a typical inn dining room, this fried food shop was set up with modern single seats and 4-person tables. As I pretended to eat alone while actually watching Han Se-ah's stream on a hologram window fixed to the wall of my single seat, a plate of french fries was suddenly placed on my table.

Piled high on the plate and generously sprinkled with expensive cheese, this clearly wasn't just a service item. It looked like something that should cost at least a silver coin, so how could this be free?

Thinking this, I turned slightly to see a brown-haired waitress hiding her face behind a tray and a plump lady with a friendly smile.

With the same hair color and similar eyes, they must have been a mother-daughter team running this fried chicken shop.

"In that case, I'll have another beer."

"Oh, yes!"

No reason to refuse kindness I was used to. Seemed I'd found an excuse to tease Han Se-ah too. Setting aside the greasiness of the chicken leg, I couldn't grab the cheese-covered fries with my hands, so I picked up a fork and watched the waitress approach with my new beer.

Crispy batter, perfectly salted chicken leg meat, ice-cold beer that made my teeth tingle, greasily fried but not cloying potatoes, and rich, salty cheese.

They seemed quite skilled with fried food - this place must have been a fixture in the market street. Thinking this, I took out a silver coin from my pocket and spoke to the waitress.

"I have a question."


"Do you know this area well?"

I had no intention of openly enjoying a night with a waitress in front of the camera, but I could test Han Se-ah's patience by lurking around the magic tower. With this in mind, I made a request to the waitress who was staring intently at my face and the silver coin, nodding her head vigorously.

If there were any famous shops near the magic tower.

Not anywhere else, just around the magic tower.