I Became a 6★ Gacha Character-356 - Side Story - The Nun of the Temple

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356 - Side Story - The Nun of the Temple

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: Posted in discord

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Religion is a powerful force.

Throughout history, wars have been waged and lives lost over non-existent gods. On the flip side, righteous believers have achieved remarkable feats while nearly sacrificing themselves. This shows how faith can move people blindly.

But here, there wasn't a non-existent god, but a real Goddess.

A true Goddess watched over the continent, giving oracles to prepare for disasters like famines or floods, curing plagues with divine energy, and sending priests to prevent civil wars born from misunderstandings.

"Oh my, it's the sister. Would you like an apple?"

"We've got some new grain in stock. I've set aside the best quality for you!"

"I knew you'd be coming, so I saved the good stuff."

The nun of this Goddess faith had been taking care of orphans at the temple and doing household chores in this neighborhood for years. The market street folk showered all sorts of favors on Irene, who'd become like a neighborhood mascot, always taking the same route through the market.

Of course, these favors weren't lewd, but rather the generous hospitality of the aunties and uncles of the market street, trying to give away fresh fruit or quality grains for free.

I came along to help with the shopping, but before we could even open our wallet, we received a basket of fruit for snacks, a chunk of meat for dinner, and a pouch of grain so high quality it could be eaten raw.

"Are you always welcomed like this?"

"Yes. I've come here so often that everyone remembers my face."

"Well, I suppose they can't help but remember."

A beautiful blonde, blue-eyed nun taking care of orphans. With looks so stunning they'd be etched into your mind after just one glance, it'd be strange not to remember her after years of market visits.

So this was why she called me instead of Han Se-ah with her inventory when shopping. The goods received as extras were so plentiful that it wasn't just a matter of strength, but the sheer volume made me embrace an armful.

At this point, it might've been more beneficial to rent a cart from the market. With pouches hanging from my forearms and baskets cradled in my arms, Irene smiled brightly and tried to take some of the load, but I stopped her.

"I can carry this. Just lead the way."

"But Roland, you won't be able to see where you're going like that..."

"Even if I can't see, I can avoid obstacles. Don't worry."

I couldn't let those delicate arms carry this load. Rationally speaking, it would've made sense to hand over some of the pile that was reaching up to my face, and Irene, being a 5★, would have no trouble with it due to her strength stat... But are men rational creatures in front of beautiful women?

Pouches dangled from my forearms, sacks and bags full in my arms. Unable to see ahead, I waddled along, sensing the crowd with high-level perception. Irene couldn't stop smiling, clearly finding my clown-like appearance quite amusing.

Yet even as a burly man next to her carried a mountain of goods that obscured his face, fruit kept finding its way into Irene's hands. In the end, she ended up holding meat skewers forcibly given for the children and snack bags packed for the nuns to share.

"Isn't it heavy?"

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"The seasoning is a bit sticky, which is uncomfortable, but I'm fine. Besides, I don't think you're in any position to worry about me, Roland..."

"Hey, I haven't bumped into anything even once. We're heading to the temple now, right?"


We chatted and bantered lightly while carrying our shopping down the market street. As we walked side by side to avoid the crowd, even the occasional brush of our arms was delightful.

People gave way when they saw the precariously stacked pile of goods, allowing us to arrive at the temple without much fuss. It must've been break time, as the children cared for by the temple rushed out with a loud cheer when they saw the walking mountain of goods.

"Sister! Sister Irene is back!"

"Big brother, what's all that?"

"Dummy, it's food for when you go on adventures!"

"Idiot, you can't fight if you carry that much on an adventure!"

Despite the strict education they received at the temple, they were at an age where they were bound to be noisy. A flood of chatter poured out, their voices truly rivaling goblins, and not in a derogatory sense.

Of course, the nun aunties weren't about to let this slide. Kindly-faced aunties came running with washboards and brooms at the unexpected commotion, herding the children away like a flock of sheep to the playroom and classroom. Perhaps this was why religions referred to children as lambs.

With the children swiftly subdued and led away, only one nun remained. The... what should I call her? The head nun? The one I saw last time.

"Oh my, welcome back. You must be tired from wandering around the tower."

"This much is nothing."

"We picked up some groceries on the way. I'll put them in the kitchen, so please sort and use them later."

"Is that so? Thank you as always, dear. I've kept your room vacant, so go in together if you'd like."

With her neat attire without a wrinkle out of place, a benevolent smile, and wrinkles that matched that gentle smile, I couldn't help but be respectful.

After all, she was calling Irene 'dear'. She threw a mischievous joke, subtly trying to push us together, but Irene couldn't even refute and only blushed furiously. It felt like I was standing in front of a mother-in-law, but was that getting ahead of myself?

But then again, men are creatures that always get ahead of themselves in front of beautiful women.

"Where should I put this?"

"Don't bother organizing it, just leave it in the kitchen. The sisters will sort it out as they see fit."

"Oh my, these plums are so fresh. No one will be going to your room for a while. The children are in class, and the sisters finished cleaning the rooms this morning."

Irene fled, dragging me along, at the elderly head nun's teasing. Even as she escaped, she made sure to hand over the fruit pouch she was clutching. Her actions were unbearably cute.


Raei Translations


A large temple built in the city of adventurers.

While it might not have been considered grandiose due to the many orphans it cared for, the interior was cleaner than I expected. Then again, considering the city's characteristics, it would've been difficult for the temple to be poor.

For one, there were adventurers who faithfully tithed, thinking they were entering an unholy tower. Not to mention the hefty gold coins brought by vain nobles. Would nobles who burned a purse of gold coins for a single handshake to ride on my fame give meager offerings?

The wooden corridor, showing signs of age but well-maintained, didn't creak. The walls, though repeatedly drawn on and erased by children, were free of stains or filth. All the way to the entrance of the personal rooms, lined up like a dormitory without fancy decorations.

"Is this your room?"

"Yes, it's the room I've been using since I was little. It seems the sisters have cleaned it for me since I've been going to the tower with you recently."

As the wooden door opened smoothly without a squeak, I felt my body relax into a cozy sensation. Was it too perverse to say I was intoxicated by the natural lived-in feeling emanating from Irene, rather than incense or perfume?

A neatly made single bed, a small table with a candlestick and Bible, a wardrobe for storing nun's habits and casual clothes. The sparse arrangement of these three pieces of furniture reminded me of a dormitory. Well, it wasn't wrong if the neighboring rooms were used by other nuns too.

Thinking this, I looked around, and she sat on the bed, hesitating for a moment.

This was probably because there was really nowhere else to sit, as this seemed to be just a place to sleep. Although there was a table with a Bible and candlestick, it was truly tiny, without even a chair attached.

"It's a nice room, clean and gets good sunlight."

"Y-yes, right?"

So I strode over and plopped down next to Irene on the bed. Before she could feel uncertain, I sat right up against her on the small bed. Her cheeks, which had started to cool, flared up red again. If I were to remove that neat nun's cap, I bet even her earlobes would've been burning.

If the aroma that rose from our arms occasionally brushing as we walked side by side in the market was the scent of fresh youth, then what rose when we touched in this narrow, private room was a more mature, adult fragrance.

The pounding heartbeat was so intense I couldn't tell if it was mine or Irene's. I slowly reached out to remove her cap, and her golden hair cascaded down like a waterfall. As I smoothed it down and tidied it, cupping her cheek, her eyes closed gently.

Thinking that her hair and cheeks were so fair they seemed inhuman, I too slowly tilted my head.

"Mm, mmph..."

"Hehe, you can breathe, you know."

Though we'd spent a night in the tower, she was still not used to kissing, holding her breath with her little nostrils twitching. After lightly pressing my lips to hers and pulling away to admire her tense face, she let out a long exhale.

As much as I'd have liked to push her down onto the bed right then... the place wasn't right. We should eat dinner outside, buy some wine, and get a room.

Gently caressing her disheveled hair, flushed cheeks, and earlobes, exchanging tender gazes, I suddenly blurted out:

"If you guys keep watching like that, I'll catch you and call the nuns."


"H-how did you know?!"

As I spoke loud enough to be heard outside the door, our little uninvited guests scurried away. Judging by their voices and builds, they weren't children... more like big sisters on the verge of independence, or novice nuns perhaps. The girls, who seemed to be Irene's juniors, startled and disappeared down the corridor.

"Y-you guys...!"

"They've already run away, don't worry."

"B-but still..."

Not knowing much about adventurers, they thought they wouldn't be noticed peeking through the door crack just a few steps away? But Irene, having been quite absorbed in the kiss, reacted as if she hadn't noticed at all.

I held her close, her entire face now beet red, not just her cheeks and earlobes, enjoying the sunlight pouring in from behind.

...Hmm, should we just go get a room now?