I Am A Prodigy-Chapter 704: Success or Flop?

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Since it was only the premiere, there were no commercial breaks between episodes, which allowed for an immensely enjoyable watching experience.

They watched the scene of the charging clash on television.

They watched as a character held a grenade in their hand and died along with their enemies in the hailstorm of bullets.

They watched as both sides held huge sabers and fought each other violently.

It was a shocking scene!

Li Tai and the others in the production crew felt their blood surging and got goosebumps as a result.

Eating was the last thing on their minds. Ye Lingchen was the only one who held up a big greasy leg of lamb in his hands and gnawed it with relish.

Everyone stared at the screen in shock and confirmed the facts over and over to themselves.

Was the television series really that good?

Was that the end result for their month-and-a-half of hard work?

Ye Lingchen gave Qin Baichuan a call and it took a while before the line connected.

“Old Qin, Drawing Sword is airing right now. What do you think? Would you like to see the results?” Ye Lingchen smiled.

There were many warriors in the Warrior’s Department, but unfortunately, they were all stuck in Capital New District. If not for that, they would definitely have gathered to watch the premiere.

“Something happened recently. I’m afraid I won’t be able to watch it. Take it easy, Kid. I lent you so many warriors, so don’t blame me if I’m mad at you for not being able to crush those little fresh meats!” Qin Baichuan threatened.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got it all settled! The way of the warrior will be promoted!” Ye Lingchen laughed., then asked in a low voice. “What’s wrong over there?”

“Nothing too serious. Once I’m done with this, I’ll see how the ratings are!” Qin Baichuan answered.

After hanging up, Ye Lingchen frowned slightly and looked in the direction of Capital.

Old Qin had been looking forward to the show. What could possibly have happened that forced him to miss the premiere?

At the same time.

Relentless Swordsman was also being premiered.

The scene was magnificent, with a deluge of special effects and swords in full swing.

“You’re no match for me.”

“We’ll never know if we don’t try.”

“I’ll give you three moves. You’ll have my respect if you end up surviving!”

“Hahaha, then I shall teach you the meaning of a ruthless sword technique with my Cold Sword Slash!”

Zhang Tao was clad entirely in black and held a long saber. His dominance was clear, and his opponent—who was also one of those little fresh meats—carried a long sword.

Many viewers’ eyes lit up. The show lived up to its title of a poetic saga. It was flashy in all aspects, whether in their attractiveness index, special effects fights, or their lines. It was certainly a work of conscience.

Discussions began pouring in on the internet.

[Ahhhh, Taotao is so handsome!]

[This costume is the most beautiful and no one can tell me otherwise!]

[Relentless Swordsman wins this wave!]

[Such a grand opening! They must have invested over 100 million in that scene!]

[It’s so satisfying!]

[A scene as spectacular as this can’t possibly occur in Best Time.]

On the other end.

Best Time premiered.

The scene was equally as beautiful and extremely poetic.

Conflict arose immediately after the chance encounter between male and female lead, following which they became enemies. The plot gradually thickened with charm and romance.

The comments were also being spammed.

[Wow, this is so sweet!]

[Huang Xing is really handsome. Such a dominant president!]

[This is the best idol drama. The one and only!]

[So romantic. My heart is going to burst!]

[It’s rare to have such good TV series. No wonder they were so confident to fight for the king.]

[Relentless Swordsman looks pretty good too.]

[It’s over. Drawing Sword will flop horribly.]

[Yeah, the traffic will definitely be drawn away by the other two dramas. No one else is going to watch Drawing Sword.]

The audience of Relentless Swordsman and Best Time were attracted by the plot, and almost everyone wrote off Ye Lingchen’s Drawing Sword. However, little did they know that those watching Drawing Sword were shocked to the core. The shock they felt originated not only from what they saw, but also from what their soul felt!

The audience was sent into a frenzy as they sat in front of the television.

“Damn it. This is just a freaking good show!”

“My initial thought was to give it a try and watch it, but once I actually started, it’s hard for me to leave my seat.”

“How many years has it been? How many years have I waited before finally getting such an amazing TV series!”

“It was shocking too. I cried when I saw Hu’zi rushing into the hail of bullets with a bomb wrapped around him.”

“When enemies come face-to-face, only the brave will emerge victorious! You are worthy of being called a soldier!”

“The peace we enjoy now was won by this group of people. We must never forget the blood that they shed!”

“Li Yunlong is the manliest man ever. Hahaha, he’s not a soldier—he’s a bandit.”

“It’s an amazing show. I laughed when they were having fun even though they’re clearly in a war. But after laughing for some time, I ended up crying…”

“Feel the passion. This is how true men are supposed to act, unlike that group of little fresh meat who probably can’t even carry a gun. All they know is to show off their pretty little faces all day long.”

“The plot is too tense. There’s no pause.”

“This was shot in a month and a half? How is that even possible!”

“This group of actors are the most masculine men ever. There aren’t any celebrities here and I feel that they’re all acting as their own self.”

“The fight was so exciting. Actual fist fighting. Real men!”

Two episodes of Drawing Sword were over.

Many viewers were left wanting more and they all looked forward to the next episode.

The ending song began playing.

It ended with the battle hymn of ice and fire.

Miracle Island.

Everyone stared at the television in a daze, and it was not until an advertisement popped out that they came back to their senses. All of them then turned simultaneously to look at Ye Lingchen.

Ye Lingchen smiled and said. “How was it? Was it good?”

Xiao Feifei exclaimed, “It was breathtaking. I’m a girl, but I can feel the hot-blooded passion when I watch it. I can’t bear to leave my seat.”

“Young Master Ye, this…were we really the ones who acted in this?” Li Jing asked in disbelief.

Ye Lingchen answered gleefully, “Of course it’s us! Don’t you recognize yourselves?”

“God Ye, why does it look so awesome on TV? I didn’t feel anything at all when I watched the live filming.” Hao Yun and Dong Miaomiao both stared at Ye Lingchen blankly.

“The scenes we filmed here were broken down into parts. You won’t feel anything if you only look at one single scene, but an entirely different effect will be produced when you connect several scenes to create a certain atmosphere,” Ye Lingchen explained. “The shots will have been integrated beautifully when they appear on TV.”

It was like watching two people fight. It might be fun, but if one party was beaten terribly before that, and endured the humiliation before getting experience and coming back to fight again, the feeling would then be very different.

Ye Lingchen did not follow a set rule when the scenes were shot. Certain times were more suitable for certain scenes, while certain days might be more appropriate for other takes. Things appeared as though it was a mess and it was hard to feel anything when looking at one particular scene alone.

Hao Yun could not help but say, “I want to watch the next episode.”

Ali was also anxious. “Me too! When will I make an appearance?”

“NO!” Ye Lingchen refused without hesitation.

“What? Why?!” Hao Yun stared at Ye Lingchen.

“It’s confidential. The show will be aired every day anyway, so you don’t need to binge it all in one go,” Ye Lingchen answered casually.

“Tch, I don’t care!” Hao Yun snorted playfully.

Everyone stared at the television with a complicated expression.

The next step was to wait for the ratings.

Whether it would be a success or a flop would be known the next day!