How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World-Chapter 310: Isaac (4)

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Chapter 310: Isaac (4)

After my conversation with Arwen, the rest of the networking passed without incident. Most of the faces were familiar, making it awkward to pretend to be friendly. If no one was watching, we might have chatted freely, or I might have felt more out of place.

The most challenging part was dealing with Cecily. Her usual playful nature was in full force, claiming she didn’t know I was Xenon, and now she understood why I spoke so well at the academy, among other things.

While Marie, Arwen, and a few others gave her disapproving looks, Cecily remained unfazed, continuing her teasing.

However, I didn’t forget to drop hints for my upcoming announcement. Cecily looked at me with eyes full of affection, saying she would never forget this favor. Anyone perceptive enough would realize that Cecily had romantic feelings for me and that she was likely to make a bold move soon.

Given the good reason of repaying a favor, people would see it as natural for Cecily to marry me. Since Descal was still in good health, if we got engaged, we’d likely live together for a while.

But when the time came for her to inherit the throne, she might leave. The catch is that this could be hundreds of years away, as Descal is still young by demon standards.

While there might be a push for a quick succession to promote generational change, I doubt Cecily would go along with that. She would probably be too busy clinging to me until she became queen, and that life would start the moment our engagement was announced.

“Sir Isaac, regarding the writer Mary, whom you cherish. When do you plan to introduce her to us?”

Cecily, continuing our friendly conversation, suddenly asked about Cherry. This piqued the interest of others, who turned their attention to me. Mary, as you know, is Cherry’s pen name, and she is a rising star following “Xenon’s Biography.” She almost got her start stifled, but I managed to save this talent.

Currently, I have the drafts for two volumes ready, but due to recent busy schedules, I haven’t been able to help much.

“I plan to introduce her when she feels ready. We need to respect her wishes since she’s quite shy.”

“I see. Have you all read the works written by Mary?”

“Of course! ‘Xenon’s Biography’ is great, but I also enjoyed ‘Once Again at the Red Sunset’.”

“The story about turning back time to achieve one’s desires was really fascinating. Her writing skill is as excellent as Xenon noticed.”

“But the second volume is coming out so late. I can’t wait to read it.”

As expected with romance novels, it’s quite popular among women. Although men show some interest due to the time-travel aspect, it’s not as strong as the women’s enthusiasm.

I didn’t feel bad about the conversation shifting to another work while I was present. In fact, I too wished Cherry’s work would be published soon.

“The second volume will be out soon. It’s just a matter of sending it to the publisher, so please be patient.”

“Really? That’s a relief.”

“This is the normal pace. ‘Xenon’s Biography’ was released unusually quickly.”

“Wasn’t it because of a gift from the demons that the writing speed increased? What kind of gift was it?”

During the conversation, someone mentioned the masterpiece typewriter gifted by Helium. When the subject came up, I glanced at Cecily. Her pride was evident as she lifted her head high.

Despite the development of printing technology, this world still has professional scribes due to the imbalance in their technology. Thus, a single typewriter could revolutionize the printing industry, making it a historically significant invention.

“It was indeed a fantastic gift. It made me realize how advanced demon technology is. Can you believe that pressing a button with a letter engraved on it prints that letter on paper?”

“No way. Is that possible?”

“Wouldn’t that be magic?”

“Even with magic, you’d need a certain level of technology, wouldn’t you?”

As the admiration for the typewriter grew, Cecily’s pride swelled even more. She crossed her arms, which highlighted her ample chest even more.

Cecily easily brushed off personal compliments, but praises directed at the demons made her happier than compliments about herself.

However, there was someone who grew increasingly displeased with the ongoing praise for the demons, and that was Arwen, who stood a little distance away from me.

She was currently conversing with Rina but occasionally glanced in our direction, indicating that she was eavesdropping on our conversation. Her long ears twitched, making it clear she was listening. Considering the topic had shifted to race, it was natural for her to be concerned.

“People used to think of demons as monsters before ‘Xenon’s Biography’ was published, but now they seem just as admirable as the elves. They have a certain noble quality.”

“That’s true, but aren’t elves more elegant? They were the first to establish civilization and are the origin of everything. The inventions from Helium could easily have been made by the elves.”

“I agree with that.”

Somehow, a debate that had been a hot topic among humans recently emerged. It was akin to the age-old tiger vs. lion debate but in this world, it was elf vs. demon.

Despite the presence of Helium’s royalty and Alvenheim’s queen, the humans engaged in this discussion, oblivious to the potential diplomatic implications.

Fortunately, I managed to keep the discussion from becoming too heated. Nevertheless, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to tread carefully. This wasn’t just any gathering; a single careless word could lead to serious diplomatic consequences.

Previously, when Cecily and Arwen had a grand confrontation, it was a personal duel. But here, in an official setting, it could turn into a significant diplomatic issue.

Thus, those involved in the debate were mindful to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each race moderately. This was tolerable, but the problem was my presence.

“Sir Isaac, what do you think?”

“About what?”

“I’m curious whether you think the elves or demons are superior.”

I faced the man who had dared to ask the question. His face was unfamiliar, but his sun-kissed bronze skin and silver eyes were striking. Additionally, he had a tattoo resembling an Egyptian symbol on his right eye, and his gaze was devoid of any malice.

He genuinely wanted to know my opinion. Whatever I said would be accepted, but the challenge lay in the presence of the highest authorities of each race here. Both Cecily and Arwen were watching me with eager expressions.

‘I’m glad I anticipated this to some extent.’

This situation was predictable. “Xenon’s Biography” depicted not just humans but also other races. It’s natural for readers to have such questions, and there was no malice behind it, just pure curiosity. I had also prepared an answer for such a situation.

“May I ask your name?”

“I am Asala Band Saera from the Stavirk region.”

As expected, he was from Stavirk, known for its bronze-skinned people and silver eyes. This region is a minority group and a current headache for the Minerva Empire.

Known for their craftsmanship second only to the dwarves and their mastery of fire, they are often called the Fire People. I glanced at Rina while meeting Asala’s silver gaze.

Historically, minority groups striving for independence often face oppression from their governments. This phenomenon is common on Earth as well. As the princess of the Empire, Rina naturally wouldn’t view Asala favorably. She was already narrowing her eyes at him.

‘He’s risking his life by being here.’

He likely intended to forge ties with me for political leverage. Once connected to me, it would be difficult for the Empire to send assassins his way.

The Empire would need to maintain a good image with me, and news of Asala’s assassination would tarnish that image, making the Empire’s actions highly scrutinized.

Of course, that’s the Empire’s concern and doesn’t affect me. Since Asala’s question was genuinely curious, it was important to answer sincerely.

“First of all, Asala, you asked the wrong question. In my opinion, it’s hard to determine whether elves or demons are superior. The difference lies in their development patterns. Demons progress slowly and steadily, while elves remain stagnant for a period and then experience rapid growth.”

“Oh, I think I understand what you mean.”

“Indeed. Demons, aside from the risk of becoming devils, haven’t made significant mistakes unlike the elves.”

“We can’t be sure yet. Remember, Helium has only just begun engaging in diplomacy. On the other hand, elves, despite their internal conflicts, have always been a dominant power.”

This seemed to appease both parties. Cecily looked satisfied, and Arwen nodded slightly, seemingly appreciating the fair comparison.

After my response, the struggle for supremacy between the elves and demons did not cease. I quietly slipped away from the scene and moved to another place. Staying any longer would not benefit me, and the time for disbanding was approaching.

It’s a social gathering without even prepared drinks to uplift the mood. There are still many issues to resolve, and I can’t waste any more time.

“It must have been very difficult to answer, but you did well.”

Marie, who always stayed by my side, praised me in an admiring tone. When I looked at her, I saw a smile on her face. Seeing her smile, a mix of satisfaction and pride, I responded with a smile as well. I didn’t forget to ruffle her hair as a sign of affection.

Marie also seemed to be in a good mood with my display of affection, and she snuggled up closer, smiling.

‘There’s no threat from the devil worshipers… soon I’ll have to disband them.’

Although I hadn’t mentioned it to anyone, I had been secretly worried about signs of devil worshipers. For them, this would be the perfect opportunity to target me, but targeting me now would be the same as throwing away their lives.

Of course, there might be some crazy enough to attack even at the cost of their lives. But so far, no such signs had appeared. The entire performance hall, including the waiting room, had been declared a sanctuary by Kate, guaranteeing safety equivalent to a temple.

If devil worshipers were to invade, lightning would strike down on them immediately. More importantly, they might threaten my family and those around me instead of targeting me directly. I planned to thoroughly prepare for this possibility.

“Will it be busy at the academy as well?”

“Not only will it be busy, but you’ll also have to be surrounded by guards.”

Marie and I entered the break room for a moment of rest. When I sighed and complained, Marie responded clearly. As my mother had said before, life at the academy could become not just difficult but nearly impossible.

First of all, there’s the issue of my wedding with Marie, and on top of that, news about my connections with many women, including Cecily, will burst out.

Just imagining the schedule gives me a headache, but since I decided to take responsibility for it, there’s no problem. I’m just worried about what kind of incidents might occur during the process.


“Yes, go ahead.”

“Do you think I’ll do well in the future?”

When I voiced this concern, Marie’s response was a masterpiece.

“If you’re feeling uneasy, do you want to touch my chest?”

“… …”

I wondered if Cecily’s playful nature had rubbed off on her. Marie spoke mischievously and leaned her face against my shoulder. I chuckled at the unconventional comfort and gently stroked her hair.



“I won’t mind if more women come into your life. It seems to be your nature.”

Marie’s words pierced my heart, but sadly, I couldn’t refute them. When I stopped stroking her hair, Marie turned her head to look at me directly. I also turned my head to face Marie’s beautiful face, her blue eyes shining brightly.

“Just promise me one thing. I always come first, and if my requests are reasonable, you’ll grant them. I’ll make compromises too, alright?”

“Of course, that’s a given. Were you feeling uneasy?”

“A little. Queen Arwen and Rina might come too, and they’re all more impressive and outstanding than I am. It made me a bit anxious. Even Adelia is stronger than me.”

“… …”

As Marie revealed her inner feelings, I looked at Adelia, who was guarding us. At my gaze, she bowed her head slightly and quietly left the break room.

Even though we had to keep guards for safety, the sanctuary declaration still held.

Even without Adelia, the likelihood of something happening is close to zero. Relieved, I spoke to Marie.

“Marie, as I’ve repeatedly mentioned, you are the most special woman to me. You were the first girl I befriended after I was born, and the one who confessed to me first. Despite being a noblewoman of a duchy, you have a down-to-earth personality. And you have a rather obstinate nature as well.”

“Could you leave out the last part? I’m not that obstinate.”

“Shall I replace it with a cat-like then?”

“That’s the same thing…”

“It’s cuter.”

When I called her cute, Marie’s face instantly turned as red as a ripe persimmon. This is Marie’s charm and the reason I love her.

She appears easygoing yet sometimes shows a fragile side, occasionally whines like a child, and at other times displays mature traits.

Her actions are diverse, but every single one is filled with endearing qualities. This is why I can’t help but love her and why I want to spend my life with her.

There is no one in the world as cute, beautiful, and lovable as Marie.

“Then it’s a promise, right? Luminous is watching us, so no backing out?”

“Of course.”


Seemingly reassured by my words, Marie spread her arms and hugged me tightly. A sweet scent filled my nose, and a soft sensation transmitted to my skin.

Though my mischievous inner self threatened to emerge, I held it back, deciding to let it out at night. I gently hugged Marie with a soft smile.


“Yes, yes.”

“Let’s continue to take care of each other. And, I love you.”

A heartfelt confession to a lifelong partner. In response to that confession, Marie poured her heart out in return.

“I love you too, Isaac. Never leave me, okay?”

“That will never happen. Even if I leave, it will be together with you.”

“What if the world tries to separate us?”

Why ask?

“I’ll stitch that world back together.”

Even if devil worshippers threaten us.

“No matter what happens.”

Even if unforeseen events occur.

“I won’t be separated from you.”

I won’t be separated from my loved ones.


About three days have passed since Xenon’s identity was revealed.

Until now, there have been many speculations about Xenon’s identity, such as being a sage or a future person. But all these speculations were put to rest…

[Xenon’s Biography is a story that came from his mind. Who would believe that?]

[What if he experienced another world and couldn’t perceive it due to ‘constraints’? That seems more realistic…]

[Saying it came from his mind means he experienced that world. Xenon never lied.]

[There are definitely ‘constraints’ placed on Xenon! He must be a regressor who came from the future…]

…but it did not end the suspicions. Instead, the doubts only grew stronger.

“Seriously, why won’t they believe me? The bigger problem is that this isn’t the end.”

[Breaking news. Xenon’s Biography Volume 23 will not be published in the Kingdom of Ters! Is this reliable news?]

[Citizens of the Kingdom of Ters are confused by the unexpected news…]

[According to news from a noble of the Kingdom of Ters, it is closely related to the recently released Volume 22…]

[The royal family of the Kingdom of Ters remains silent. What is happening to them?]

Expected chaos has come to the Kingdom of Ters.

Translators note: