Her Kindergarten is Full of Villainous Students-Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The rapid progress of He Lingfeng's studies was noticed by all the teachers at Starry Sky Kindergarten.

They were both astonished and delighted.

Those who had taken jobs at this kindergarten were once outstanding professionals in their respective fields. Seeing a child excel in learning brought them immense joy, more than anything else.

Doctor Lu, who was once an academic prodigy capable of gaining admission to an eight-year integrated medical program, volunteering to check the assignments of the five-year-old He Lingfeng. He was truly a gifted individual in his youth.

Ever since Su Jun resigned, He Lingfeng had been in review mode. This child had learned at an extraordinarily rapid pace previously, so Doctor Lu was concerned that he might have been merely cramming information. Now, He Lingfeng did extra practice problems and worksheets daily to solidify his knowledge.

Doctor Lu understood the importance of a solid foundation, especially for a potential genius like He Lingfeng who could go far in the future. Without a strong base, all efforts would be in vain.

Although He Lingfeng still resided at the kindergarten, he had completely transcended the scope of kindergarten education.

He had become everyone's darling, and whenever they had time, they would teach him.

Doctor Lu had recently ordered an exercise workbook online using his own funds.

Despite his young age, He Lingfeng genuinely loved learning. As soon as he began working on problems, he became fully immersed, exhibiting a state of complete absorption.

He had just finished a set of worksheets, with Doctor Lu supervising, when the educational expert Weng Lan approached them quietly and asked Doctor Lu in a low voice, "How long has this child been writing?"

Doctor Lu replied, "He has been writing for over an hour."

Seeing He Lingfeng complete a page, Weng Lan gently said to him, "Good boy, go rest and play for a while. Otherwise, your eyes won't be able to take it!"

He Lingfeng looked up and said in his soft, childlike voice, "Teacher Weng, but I want to keep writing for a bit longer!" At only five years old, his voice was so endearing that it was difficult to refuse him.

However, Weng Lan insisted, "Good boy, go out and run around or jump rope for a while. Learning isn't achieved overnight!"

He Lingfeng let out an "Oh" and reluctantly closed his workbook, discouraged at having his studies interrupted. He carefully picked up his jump rope and went outside.

Other children were naturally active, but he preferred working on problems.

This was no ordinary child; even adults lacked such concentration.

Weng Lan couldn't help but remark, "I initially thought he had suffered some psychological trauma, but I never expected him to be a little genius. No wonder he couldn't play with the other children."

As an educator and researcher, she had never encountered such a case before, and it was worthy of writing a research paper on.

Doctor Lu flipped through He Lingfeng's worksheets. Although the handwriting was still childlike, it was evident that the little one had written diligently, carefully forming each stroke. Moreover, all the answers were correct.

Doctor Lu was deeply impressed. Despite having seen many children in his clinic before, he had never encountered such a prodigy.

For someone with such a gift to come from that kind of family background, it was fortunate that Shen Wei had discovered him in time. Otherwise, this talent would have been wasted.

Doctor Lu joked, "This is a high school sophomore-level math worksheet, and he got a perfect score. If high school students knew it was done by a five-year-old, wouldn't they be deeply shaken?"

As they were talking, Liu Chef came over carrying a lunchbox and peeked into the classroom, saying, "Oh, it's just you two."

Doctor Lu and Weng Lan immediately stood up and greeted him, "Why have you come here?"

Liu Chef replied, "That child studies so hard, I made some delicious food for him."

In this day and age, everyone understood the importance of education!

In reality, whenever a family had a child who excelled in academics, neighbors would shower endless praise upon that child.

Liu Chef didn't have such an outstanding student in his own family, but seeing He Lingfeng as a promising seedling, he doted on him as if he were his own child.

He was afraid that He Lingfeng's nutrition might not be sufficient.

Especially when the child first arrived, he was as thin as a little chick. Having previously suffered from malnutrition, Liu Chef tried various ways to supplement his diet.

While he couldn't help in other areas, he was determined to take charge of providing nutritional support.

Thus, he voluntarily took on the responsibility of supplementing He Lingfeng's nutrition.

When Doctor Lu heard that Liu Chef had prepared a special meal for He Lingfeng, he couldn't help but ask, "What did you make?"

"Pork brain stewed with wild ginseng. This dish is highly nourishing. You wouldn't know, but I had a friend specially procure this wild ginseng from its place of origin. It's amazing!" Liu Chef explained.

Even Doctor Lu was taken aback, as this dish was typically used to nourish adults rather than children.

Liu Chef continued, "But don't worry, the dosage is not high. The portions for children are different from adults. By the way, Doctor Lu, weren't you a doctor before? Do you have any good recipes to share with me? I'll follow them next time. Shen Wei has allocated a separate food budget for He Lingfeng, so his nutrition needs are of utmost importance."

Liu Chef's demeanor showed that he took this matter very seriously.

Doctor Lu felt a bit awkward and said, "Let me look into it further."

His medical training was in Western medicine, so he wasn't very familiar with nutrition science. Now that he had ample free time, having voluntarily taken on the role of a security guard at the kindergarten, he could explore this area.

Doctor Lu added, "Perhaps I should get a certification in nutrition."

Such certifications were once popular but later lost their value due to unscrupulous training providers. However, Doctor Lu wasn't interested for career purposes but rather to genuinely learn and help the malnourished children at the kindergarten.

Weng Lan immediately responded, "Let me know when you sign up. I'll join you!"

After a while, they saw He Lingfeng return, sweating and with flushed cheeks from the exercise.

Upon seeing him, Liu Chef exclaimed happily, "That's right, children should exercise often. Grandpa Liu has made some delicious food for you. Come and eat."

From a young age, He Lingfeng had lived in a hostile environment, so he was very sensitive. Here, he could truly feel everyone's deep affection.

The little one's face turned even redder, and he grew shy, moving with an adorable clumsiness.

Liu Chef told him, "If you ever want to eat something in the future, just let Grandpa Liu know, and I'll make it for you."

As a former hotel executive chef, Liu Chef would only voluntarily cook for these few children at the kindergarten, an honor he bestowed upon no one else.

He Lingfeng said, "Thank you, Grandpa Liu. I love the food you make!"

"As long as you enjoy it..." Liu Chef smiled, his face creasing with wrinkles.

When he first came here to cook for the children, he felt that it was a waste of his culinary skills he had honed over the years.

But now, his mindset had completely transformed. Seeing the children's delight in his food filled him with immense satisfaction.

What more could one hope for in life than happiness?

He looked forward to going to work every day, humming tunes, even catching the attention of his wife.

At his previous workplace, he had to deal with constant scheming and infighting. Here, things were simple, with the lively and innocent children, a vegetable garden, and a fulfilling job. Liu Chef couldn't ask for more!

When Shen Wei arrived, everyone surrounded He Lingfeng, chatting with him.

But as soon as He Lingfeng saw Shen Wei, he expressed his desire to study.

Shen Wei patted his head and let him go inside.

The others praised He Lingfeng enthusiastically.

"I've never seen such a smart child before."

"This must be a genius! He's even more remarkable than the child prodigies I've seen on TV!"

Shen Wei advised everyone, "Let's not discuss He Lingfeng's situation online to avoid upsetting his parents."

Everyone immediately agreed, "Yes, yes, it's all destiny. Since he's come to our kindergarten, we must take good care of him. His healthy growth is paramount."

They quickly reached a consensus to keep this matter strictly confidential.

In recent years, the internet had become obsessed with sensationalizing child prodigies.

Once the fame of a child prodigy spread, reporters would come knocking one after another for interviews.

They would directly bring the parents and child into the realm of fame and fortune.

The child would inexplicably bear the expectations of many people.

If they didn't perform well, cold ridicule and scorn would come out.

The internet is full of spectators, people enjoy witnessing the birth of a genius, and also the downfall of one.

He Lingfeng's childhood was already not good.

If reporters were to dig up more about him, it would be unimaginable.

For now, everyone just wants to provide logistics support for He Lingfeng.

Doctor Lu, being a top student himself, personally selects textbooks and exercise workbooks for him, cultivating his calligraphy practice!

Weng Lan is responsible for chatting with him every day, ensuring his mental health.

As for Liu Chef, needless to say, he prepares exquisite meals every day.

The only one feeling pressured is Shen Wei.

Even Su Jun, her senior, couldn't teach him, and He Lingfeng is progressing too quickly, so she must find him a higher-level teacher, but where can she find such an advanced teacher?

Generally, those with a reputation are either out-of-town or in research institutions.

For teachers of that caliber, money alone may not be enough to attract them.

As she was worrying about this, the system's voice sounded in Shen Wei's head: "Host, would you consider university professors?"

Shen Wei was suddenly enlightened by the system's suggestion: "That's right, universities have many outstanding teachers!" Especially her alma mater.

Although her school was a third-tier university, it was an experimental joint-venture institution at the time, modeled after prestigious international universities.

It was an ambitious attempt to break the monopoly of public schools by establishing private schools.

However, the student quality was truly not as expected.

And with its short history, it eventually failed.

But even a skinny camel is bigger than a horse - those who could become lecturers at their university were no ordinary people.

Moreover, third-tier universities are quite relaxed. Outsiders could sneak in to teach classes, and as the daughter of a board member, she had even more convenient access.

She had originally planned to spend a large sum of money, but now she wouldn't need to spend a penny to find top-notch teachers.

Shen Wei was immediately excited.

She obtained a student ID card from her father, granting her access to the campus.

From then on, not only could she study, but she could also use the meal card and visit the library.

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