Heaven, Earth, Me-Chapter 13 - . Academy’s origin and entry exam.

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Chapter 13: Chapter 13. Academy's origin and entry exam.

Cecile having relaxed completely said with her clear and cold voice like she was reading it from a book "The Rising talent academy is an independent state that appeared one day 1700 years ago between the three empires occupying one-tenth of each of them. At first, they tried to take it back, but, when the headmaster descended on the battlefield the three Emperors of that time decided to retreat"

Cecile continued "It is said that they thanked the heavens that she only took one-tenth and that she wasn't a vengeful person. For the next months, a ton of congratulatory presents arrived from different empires and nearby sects, and like that, The Rising talent academy was established."

Seeing that they were paying attention she continued in a monotonous voice "It accepts disciples from everywhere in the world, and is very famous for gathering a lot of talented youths from the surrounding Empires, Kingdoms, and sects. The facilities are one of the best of sky continent, having training areas for all elemental attributes."

"They have a ton of resources and have always entrance slots in almost all the secret realms that appear in the Sky continent. This is thanks to the Headmaster, Elders, and teachers who have a lot of strength and control different businesses in the different empires and kingdoms, providing alchemy pills, formations, and blacksmith products."

Cecile said a little thoughtfully "It is said, that this makes everyone hate and love the academy at the same time. There isn't anybody that wants to provoke them for fear of getting blacklisted and deprived of their products." novelbuddy.co(m)

Cecile then explained the infrastructure of the Academy. "The academy state is divided by mortals and cultivators, and inside the cultivator section, there is the Cultivation branch, alchemy branch, formation branch, and the blacksmithing branch. There is also a student list in each class and you can get more resources the higher you are ranked. There are tournaments, excursions, secret realms explorations, cultivation areas for each element, and a mission hall."

"The Contribution Points or credits, are the currency in the academy and can be gained by different methods: beast nucleus, rare plants or metals; bets, advancing in the Sky piercing tower, setting stalls, every time you reach a new position in the student list, finally, completing missions." Yasenia was amused by this block of ice tirade. She looked very cute in her tirade.

Cecile was a little flustered by Yasenia's teasing stare but continued, "The living quarters at first are shared. Then, you can get better accommodation either by paying credits or advancing in the class levels. The class levels are like the rainbow: red lowest then orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet or purple being the best class. Cultivation classes are always in the morning and the others are in the afternoon."

Yasenia laughed and Oliver looked at her stupefied. 'We didn't ask so much!' Oliver stuttered a little and said "T-Thank you for sharing" Cecile answered with a nod "En." Yasenia continued to laugh a little and asked "What class are you in?"

Cecile said "Violet Cultivation class" Yasenia opened her mouth completely surprised "So you are a genius cultivator!" Cecile calmly spoke, "I'm not."

Yasenia was not convinced so asked, "What rank are you inside your class then?" Cecile again said with a deadpan expression "First" Yasenia and Oliver looked at her imitating Cecile's deadpan expression, thinking seriously about opening her head and wanting to see how her brain works!

Anna and Eve looked at them and had a mischievous glint in their eyes. They thought for themselves 'The surprises are just starting miss!'

After some hours they arrived at the residential zone and dismounted the carriage. Anna waved her hand and stored it. Then she fed the rank 2 horses and send them to a nearby stable. Meanwhile, Eve guided the three of them towards the inn where they have made reservations before.

All the people around were looking at Yasenia, be it for her tail or beauty. This made Cecile slightly uncomfortable and she didn't know why, because she herself was used to receiving people admiring or jealous looks. She thought about covering her with her body, but looking at her 187cm of heigh or her longer than 2m tail that was swishing lazily she gave up.

Yasenia saw that Cecile was bothered by something and asked gently "Are you okay? Do you still have symptoms from the poison?" Cecile was slightly startled that someone was able to see through her expressionless face but answered normally and honestly "No, don't worry. I don't like the stares that people give you that is all."

Yasenia looked at her deeply and said while patting her head with her tail, drawing gasps from the mortal people around "Thank you for caring. I'm already accustomed so don't worry" Cecile feeling the soft tail caressing her head answered with an almost imperceptible natural smile "En."

Oliver said "Is something that surprising for little sis to have a tail? I've grown up with her so I don't think that is strange at all. I think that it elevates the charm of little sis!" Cecile nodded thinking 'En is super soft and warm, I like being patted by it'

Yasenia patted Oliver's head with her hand saying "Didn't you hear Cecile that even in this ginormous Academy there aren't other people with beast-like traits?" Oliver said "Don't worry little sis! If anyone dares bully you because of that, I will beat them up!" Yasenia laughed gently and said "En, I'm counting on you"

Anna caught up and hearing their conversation said with a bloodthirsty smile, sending her imposing aura around "If someone dares bully Miss because of this little thing, this maid will deal with them don't worry" Everyone shuddered and averted their eyes.

When they reached the inn, Cecile said goodbye and she told Yasenia that she will be in the examination area on the day of the entrance exam. The exam was one week from now so Yasenia and Oliver had plenty of time to prepare.

The week passed fast, Yasenia didn't bother going out during this week because of the reactions of the people and she didn't want trouble before starting her evaluation. Before arriving, she thought that there will be more people with these kinds of traits and that she will be able to not gather so much attention, but reality slapped her hard.

What Yasenia didn't know at that time is that people with beast-like traits are normally influenced a lot by their traits and that a child with beast-like traits to appear between human intercourse was extremely unusual. This of course isn't known to the general populace because only female cultivators could give this kind of transformation to their children. Tatyana, also, didn't tell her because she didn't want her to worry about people that didn't have anything to do with her.

Tatyana wanted to rise her child normally and didn't want Yasenia to have self-confidence issues because she was different from the rest. Also, with Tatyana's 'persuasion' power she made sure that nobody tells her that there are other countries and continents that were habited by beast people rather than humans.

Thanks to this, and her education method, right now Yasenia wouldn't blink even if she saw an unrelated beast-person with a slave mark. It wouldn't be her first time nor her last seeing human slaves, so if she sees beast-slaves she would be curious at most.

This doesn't mean that she accepts slavery, but even if someone as strong as her mother bans slaves it would only change from slaves being sold normally to slaves being sold through dark channels and the slaves treated worse than now. At least, slaves nowadays are treated much better than before.

Because everybody understands this, the bottom line in the law right now is that slaves won't be too badly treated or forced into sexual relationships. When one buys a slave, they know if they are willing to have sexual relationships or not. This is done by the slave seal. If someone tries to force a slave the slave-mark will activate teleporting them back to the slave-house they were sold and the person will be banned from buying from all related slave dealers.

This is why people that don't know what to do with their lives, actually become slaves willingly to have food and a cottage. Finally, when a slave starts his or her cultivation path and reaches the Mental nourishing realm this kind of mark becomes ineffective and the slave can end the contract themselves.

Yasenia didn't know all of this but right now even if she learned about it, she would be interested and nothing more. Yasenia wasn't a hero nor a villain, she had her own interest and she won't deviate a lot from them for unrelated people.

Yasenia went out of the inn with Oliver and they went to the Cultivation branch of the academy. During these months Yasenia has tried learning formations, alchemy, or blacksmithing but she wasn't talented in either of them. So, she will concentrate on cultivation and learn the general knowledge and how to defend against them.

When they reached the exam site it was filled with people, participants as many as stars in the sky. There were a lot of tables doing the preliminary selection, they were checking age, cultivation realm, level, and constitution. The attributes are considered part of the skill set of the cultivators and they let them have secrets.

They put themselves on the shortest line and waited for their turn. After some hours it was finally their turn. First, it was Oliver. "Fourth level of the body modification realm, age 22 years old, constitution [Sea freezing wolf]"

"Not bad, the fourth level of the second realm and he is so young!"

"His constitution is rare, second strongest in the freezing wolf category, only bested by the [ocean freezing wolf]"

The murmurs continued for a moment until they set their sights on the next person. The tall female walked towards the tables with her long legs, her face carrying the natural air of seduction with a slight smile on her lips. Behind her, the slowly swishing tail made S-like slow movements.

She reached the front of the table and spoke "Will you begin my evaluation senior sister?" The senior sister responded stuttering "Y-Yes please put your hand here" Yasenia gave her a small smile and did as she was told.

The one who was in charge of announcing opened his eyes and said "Second level of the Body Modification realm! 19 years of age! Constitution [Celestial Yin and Yang body]!" The people around directly exploded.

"Second realm and 19 years old!? Is something wrong with the measuring device!?"

"This is the first time I hear [Celestial Yin and Yang body]! Does anyone know about this?"

"I want to know her attributes! If they are good, she will be an absolute monster!"

Yasenia calmly turned and went where Oliver was. Then, they entered the examination ground, then started looking around for Cecile. 'Didn't she say that she will be here? She wasn't at any of the tables and she isn't in here either...' Since Cecile wasn't here, she started to speak with Oliver while waiting for the examination to start.

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