Heaven and Hellfire Compiled-Chapter Ten: The Sun Soul Warriors
Relma awoke, and her head hurt
Her vision was blurry, and as she tried to get her bearing, she felt the floor swaying. It was also rough like wood. She was on a ship of some kind, and as her vision cleared, she saw a cloudy sky. Moving around the deck around her were a variety of men. They were all large and muscular, wearing little more than loincloths. Though a few wore more elaborate clothes of white and blue. Many wore clubs at their sides of elaborate make.
Closing her eyes, Relma focused on Aunt Pan's lessons. She could feel the drugs within her veins and began to work to get through it. Purifying her bloodstream, she, at last, opened her eyes. Now, where was Lightning Trail?
She could not feel it near, but looking up, saw a man wearing a feathered cloak with a staff. Lightning Trail was at her side. Gradually, he turned to her, and Relma closed her eyes as he approached. Best to feign sleep.
"Is this her, Quxilang?" asked a rough voice.
"Yes, the Heir of Kings," said a younger voice.
"I sense within this one a powerful soul, greater than any I have yet seen outside of gods," said the older man. "You did well to seize her.
"How many men did you lose?"
"Five," said Quxillang. "We drew off the main force of Jaguars, but three of us were caught and killed. Of the squad we took to seize the Heir of Kings, we lost three to the guards. We were unable to escape unnoticed."
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"Well, they have reached the heart of the sun," said the High Priest. "There is no greater glory than that."
"High Priest..." said Quxilang, voice doubtful. He stopped short, however.
"Yes, speak freely, Quxillang?" asked the High Priest.
"Are we certain of this?" asked Quxilang. "Saving Durag from this one? I do not question your authority, but to protect that monster..."
"It is necessary," said Quxillang. "Durag may care only for extending his own life. But he has prevented us from being conquered for centuries. So long as his dead hold the rivers, no true invasion can be launched against us.
"What if he is killed?
"His undead would be swept away, High Watch would be able to attack us. So would the Dragon Empire. And the Conquista would surely begin attacks. Our way of life is preserved by his presence.
"In time, we shall gather enough strength to reclaim the lands stolen from us.
"But that day is not today."
"Are we not strong enough now?" asked Quxilang. "Our numbers have swelled. More pyres are rising throughout the villages than ever before.
"It has gotten to the point where the willing sacrifices outnumber the war sacrifices."
"The day shall come soon. I hope in your lifetime," said the High Priest. "For now, we must ensure that the flame of life does not die out. Our responsibility is to ensure the survival of this universe. And through it, every race and being that exists. Sacrifices must be made.
"Now, remain focused. We are very near to Bryag's River. As soon as we reach it, we will disembark and journey through his lands."
"What of our obligation to Durag?" asked Quxilang.
"Durag wishes a meeting with Adrian Wrynncurth. Wrynncurth will surely be drawn here by the loss of his companion," said the High Priest.
"What of Wrynncurth himself?" asked Quxilang. "If we were to burn his soul-"
"A tempting target, but not worth pursuing," said the High Priest. "His soul is not his own. When I saw him from the underbrush, I knew it at once. What we saw was no more his body than a marionette is the body of a puppeteer. The true Wrynncurth is elsewhere."
"So I'm captured by the Sun Soul Empire," thought Relma to herself. "I'd better not let them know I've woken up. At least Estela and Ajax got out alright."
"Look there, ships of the Conquista!" cried someone.
Risking opening her eyes, Relma was able to see the men scurrying this way and that with the sails. Something plunged into the water near them, sending a spray over Relma. As she watched the chaos, she worked her hands to try and get out.
"Make for the reefs," said the High Priest, motioning with his staff. "That kind of vessel cannot follow ours."
Relma wished she could see the other ship. The sound of muskets and other noises like thunder resounded. She saw a man fall to the ground, dead, while others launched arrows in return.
"They are gaining on us," said Quxilang quickly. "We should fight."
"No, they are far too many," said the High Priest. "We must be sure to reach the shore."
On the chaos went, as more shots could be seen regularly. As Relma worked within her bindings, she wondered how it was that they had come all this way. The drugs on her must have been very strong.
Little by little, she got free.
Then something shot over her. Splinters landed around her, and a large portion of the far deck was smashed off. Someone was screaming, and Relma saw a man who had lost both legs. Others such smashes were heard as the ship shuddered and listed.
Finally, she was free.
But Relma didn't move yet. She knew very well that as soon as she got up, every single one of these men would be on her. Instead, she wrapped the ropes around her arms. Then she sat still, healing a cut from splinters as she did. Working her feet in her bindings, she managed to loosen them.
Suddenly there was a crashing sound, and a cheer resounded from the men of the Sun Soul Empire.
"We're free!" cried Quixilang. "The Sun shines upon our journey!"
"But there is the dark," said the High Priest, motioning over the side, Relma guessed toward the shore. "Look there, warriors of the Dragon Empire have marked us. They are sure to tell Bryag about what happened here. We'll have to land and soon."
"They may not know our cargo," noted Quixillang.
"Maybe not," mused the High Priest, "but they know our mission is important. Seldom have we gone to see in recent years.
"Bring us ashore at once."
And ashore they went, though it took some time.
The ship listed, and water leaked into it. The men had to throw water off it even as they neared it. When they finally came ashore, Quxillang looked to the High Priest.
"What now?" asked Quxillang.
"Leave the boat," said the High Priest. "And anything that can't be spared. Together we shall travel light through Durag's domain. And beyond, to the Sun Soul Empire."
"Durag may come after us," said Quxillang. "His word is not of worth." As he spoke, Relma began to stir, seeing the shore.
"We do not need to fear him yet. Get-" began the High Priest.
Then Relma sprang to her feet, snatched Lightning Trail from his belt, and sprang over the side. Landing in the water, she ran through the salty wetness.
"The Heir of King's! She has leaped overboard! After her at once!" cried the High Priest. "Put the bows down!"
Relma ran onto the shore and only then realized she was coming out of a river near the sea. On the one side was the Dragon Empire, judging from the buildings. On the other lay a blackened and rocky place, veiled in mist.
And behind her came the Sun Soul Warriors.
Relma knew that she would perish if she was caught here and ran for what seemed to be a ford. Even as she reached it, however, she saw soldiers of the Dragon Empire crossing toward her. One launched an arrow her way, and Relma turned to run.
Caught between the Sun Soul Empire and the Dragon Empire, Relma leaped into the river. And it was not a moment too soon. Even as she surfaced, she saw the two sides meeting in battle. Quxillang was wielding what seemed a club. It was tipped with steel blades and using it with vicious strokes. A man of the Dragon Empire fell dead; his skull had been cleaved, even as a Sun Soul Warrior was speared through the gut.
Stolen from its rightful place, this narrative is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.
The river was soon stained blood red, even as Relma pulled herself ashore, running for the hills. All hopes of crossing like this were bad; she'd be taken for a spy or deserter and killed for sure. Instead, she moved into the mist, and finding a ditch, threw herself into it. It was beneath the gaze of a huge cliff face.
From here, Relma could see the battle waging. The Sun Soul Warriors were far fewer. From the looks of things, they were being overwhelmed. Yet suddenly, out of the hills near her sprang many more warriors like them. They were dressed the same, but the warriors with them had paler skin and dead eyes.
More men from the Dragon Empire came. Relma guessed that Vanessa had chosen to reduce her population. Probably by invading Durag instead of Escor. Assuming there was not some other reason. Still, the Dragon Empire seemed to be having better luck here.
"That's my usual run of luck, I guess," muttered Relma, dusting herself off. "Though I don't have any food or weapons, so not as much as I thought. What do I do now? Well, I ought to head inland to get away from the Sun Soul Warriors.
"But perhaps if I got to the bridge, I could flee and meet Bryag?
"Does Nyx have any holdings here? Would she recognize me? I think she mentioned something about being in the Sun Soul Empire. No, best not to go into the lion's den. Not like this anyway."
And then she saw the dead.
They were walking out of the mist toward her, and their hands were outstretched. A panic came over Relma, and she knew she could not stay. Springing up, she rushed back toward the shore, then turned away from the battle. She hoped she might escape before someone marked her presence.
Follow along the river until she found a save ford; yes, that was the best plan.
Only the dead were coming out of the highlands all around her. And as the rate she was running, she'd be driven into the river. A glance back revealed that the Dragon Empire was now fighting the undead. The Sun Soul Empire had withdrawn, leaving the walking corpses to take the brunt of the fighting.
Now Relma realized she'd either be able to leap into the river and try to swim to the other side. Or be grabbed by the undead.
Taking her chances, she ran forward-
And then there was a flaring of light, and she fell back blinded. When the light passed, the High Priest stood before her. His staff was in hand, and with him was Quixillang and several others. "Seize her, at once."
And they did seize her. Relma knew better than to try using Lightning Trail for actual sword fighting. She'd only make a fool of herself.
"I suppose you think you're brave," said the High Priest.
"Actually, I'd say I'm more desperate," admitted Relma.
Well, she'd just have to talk her way out of this, then.
And then the dragons arrived.
You could hear their wingbeats long before you could see them, and Relma saw a score of them swooping down. The High Priest looked upwards at their coming and motioned to his men.
"Come quickly; we must get off this shore! The enemy is on us!"
Relma had her hands tied, and this time was forced to run. They quickly made their way into the hills. As they did, a glance back revealed the Dragon Empire was fighting through. The dead's armies were being burned to a cinder by the dragons as the infantry marched through.
"Let us stay behind! We shall hold them!" said two men.
"Now is not the time for that," said Quxillang. "We run for now, into the hills.
"Let these unfortunate creatures halt the advance for now."
The undead streamed past them as they ran into the hills. Relma tried to work her bindings off but reflected that it would be best to try negotiation. Even as they did, the Dragons could be heard pouring fire and roaring.
"They are persistent, aren't they?" asked one.
"Panthera may have notified them of what we are doing," said the High Priest. "I was not aware Queen Vanessa was so interested in this one.
"It changes nothing, however.
"Asuxil, Marsuma, you will remain here. The enemy will only be able to come up this point one at a time, and there will be a steep climb. The rocks will provide cover from the arrows. You must make a stand and keep them back as long as you are able."
"We hear and obey, High Priest," said Asuxil and Marsuma, saluting with their weapons. They then went to hide behind the rocks. Relma could see men of the Dragon Empire scaling up the hills.
If they were here to help Relma, she knew she ought to be grateful and remember it later. For now, though, she had to escape the men leading her away.
"Why are you going to all this trouble just to capture me?" asked Relma.
"We have no vendetta with you," said the High Priest. "Nor do we hold any vendetta with any living creature.
"However, it is our task to stop the decay of the universe. That may only be achieved by sacrifices, willing or otherwise. The efforts of mortals can only temporarily stave off the end of the universe.
"Our spirits, however strong, are not strong enough.
"But immortals, manifestations of ideals? Divine domains? Those exist outside of the physical world. You have within you the spirit of a powerful immortal, the Angel of Virtue. Consequently, you are high on our list of targets to acquire."
"You really don't want to do that," said Relma quickly. "There's an entire army waiting at the border of the Dragon Empire. If I die, they'll invade sooner or later."
"The Sun Spirit spoke to us," said the High Priest. "Though you are powerful, you are considered a threat by all. You will not be missed."
"Maybe not, but King Tyus will use me as an excuse to conquer more land," said Relma quickly. "My friends will be able to arrange a safe passage. Then you'll be facing the Dragon Empire, the Conquista, and an entirely new army with only Durag.
"Just because Tyus doesn't like me doesn't mean he won't jump at the chance to use me as an excuse for conquest."
The High Priest looked at her from under a careworn brow. He looked very tired, oddly enough. "You have little faith in your fellows, do you not?"
"I have faith in them. I just also know how they think," said Relma. "I'm more useful to you alive than dead."
"What do you mean?" asked the High Priest.
"Think about it," said Relma quickly. "I am the Heir of Kings, and I have a lot of influence over those armies. Escor, the place we came from, has been in a nonstop war with the Dragon Empire for centuries. We can't even speak their language while you can.
"If you take me to Durag, that will draw Wrynncurth to him and achieve his goal. Once we're all in one place, we can talk this out. I might be able to find a way for everyone to get what they want without any more violence."
"The Red Dragons do not cooperate," said the High Priest. "What they do not dominate, they destroy."
"Yes," said Relma, "but if things go as planned, they'll be surrounded. They'll have no choice but to make terms.
"And if it doesn't work, you just do whatever you were going to do in the first place.
What do you have to lose?"
"The Sun Spirit warned us of you," said the High Priest warily. "Your words are said to put a spell on men."
"Well, my Aunt Pan once told me to never use a spell when asking nicely will do," said Relma quickly. "Does anything I'm saying not make sense?"
The High Priest halted, then looked to his men. "...We'll take her to the village.
"Once there, we'll communicate with my brothers and decide on a course of action. Solidifying our borders may result in a greater extension to the universe in the long term. More than putting her on a pyre."
"Thank you," said Relma. "May I know your name?"
"I am Montazus," said the High Priest. "Quickly, we have to move."
Their journey was not a pleasant one. There seemed to be little life in this land, but many corpses. Almost all of them were walking in endless rows as they went to war. Relma wondered how anyone could find so many bodies.
"...Where did all these corpses come from?" asked Relma.
"Many places," said Montazus. "The Road of Ancient Stone has innumerable bodies within it. The people of these lands have long since taken to burning their dead. Yet Durag continues to bolster his ranks.
"We have not yet discovered his secret, nor do we wish to.
"Such knowledge would only be a temptation and would be useful for no good purpose."
"Wouldn't knowing how he is doing it help destroy the source?" asked Relma.
"Perhaps," admitted Montazus. "However, the bodies of the dead have souls within them. They are a ready source of power for our pyres. When our quotas are not filled, we may use them as a supplement."
Relma shuddered as they passed beneath a gray crag. "You mean...
"But I thought that undead were reanimated corpses. They're held together by the power of Withering."
"Some of them are," said Montazus. "However, the souls within the corpses here are not like those of men. They are decayed and filled with mindless hunger. They are a danger to all around them.
"Burning them is mercy."
"Eternal torment is mercy?" asked Relma.
"Pain and torment are not the same things," said Montazus. "Life is pain.
"There is no pain that a being cannot endure, should they have the will. And through enduring that pain, you gain enlightenment. All souls that are burned within the sun will gain enlightenment through pain.
"And by that enlightenment will we halt the end of this world."
"What if they don't?" asked Relma.
"Then they would not have gained enlightenment anyway. They would be cursed to destruction, even without our efforts," said Montazus. "Torment comes from ignorance, not pain."
"Are you sure?" asked Relma.
"No more questions," said Montazus. "I haven't the time for this."
"High Priest, Bryag is coming!" cried Quixillang suddenly. "See there!"
Sure enough, there was Bryag, more an island in the sky than a creature. His flaming breath scorched miles of terrain with a swing of his head. His wingbeats shook the ground beneath their feet.
"Quickly, to the tower!" said Montazus.
Sprinting, they rounded a bend and came before a great tower. Beyond it, they saw a green country with many farms around it. No undead were near it, and Relma hoped Bryag wouldn't go there.
Montazus made for the tower, and they sprinted into the open doors. A moment later, Bryag came, and a blazing inferno descended around them. Relma thought for sure the tower would melt around them. The heat on her face sent her and the others staggering back. Yet some magic held the flames away.
"What magic is at work here?" asked Relma.
"This tower is specially designed to defend against dragons," said Montazus. "It was forged in ancient days when the Sun Soul Empire ruled these lands. Unfortunately, those days are long past; now they are but a shelter. Tended to by the dead."
He motioned to a walking corpse, sweeping away dust.
Suddenly there was an ungodly shrieking as the flames passed. Relma looked and saw dozens of creatures around Wrynncurth's size flying toward Bryag. The huge dragon turned in midair, trying to roast them with his breath.
"There are Durag's gargoyles now! Bryag can't fight them all!" said Quixillang.
"He can certainly fight a lot of them," said Relma as many of them were melted to slag.
"Well, what do you expect?" asked Montazus. "He's Bryag."
At last, however, Bryag turned and, with a final roar, flew away. The movement outpaced the gargoyles that returned to the hills beyond. Relma took care to note the direction Bryag was heading. The information could be useful if she had to make a run for it.
"We should move on; the village is not far," said Montazus.
For once, Relma agreed. She just hoped she could get her hands freed. She'd need to be able to make a run for it if this went badly.