God Of Crafting
For five years, I've lived the life of a failure. Smashing my hands against the wooden target in hopes of entering a meditative state; a necessary step to becoming a cultivator.For five years, I've faced nothing but disappointment, looks of pity, and meager attempts at encouragement.But everything has to come to an end. An end, that for me, became a new beginning!Circuits, wires, and capacitors? Or maybe spirit powder, Spricur crystals, and Qi gathering formations?In a world where cultivation is, for most, merely a hobby and the worlds of mysticism and science are divided, I shall be the one to craft a bridge between the two!Why rely on ancient arrays to harness dense Qi? Isn't it easier to buy one of my converters, plug it into the wall, and be done with it?Is your gaming console malfunctioning, yet no tech shop can find the cause? Have you tried this the exorcising swatter 3.0?And you! Yes, you, the one whose reflection appears on the screen on your phone once you block it! Why would you buy static figurines if you can come to my shop... And get your hands on waifus that will actively flirt with you?Come all ye troubled souls, and allow this God to craft a solution to all your problems!
- C.269: A different kind of a ring
- C.268: Ring-o-wand finished!
- C.267: No one said crafting is easy
- C.266: Ultimate Slacker’s Tool
- C.265: Splitting the work
- C.264: How to turn one’s passion into one’s drag
- C.263: Given scale, even the simplest of tasks can become monstrous
- C.262: The first step of the crafting process, when there’s no inspiration to substitute it
- C.261: A cost much higher than we imagined
- C.260: Secret hidden within the luxury estate
- C.259: Jerome, the unlikely messenger
- C.258: Duking it out (part 2)
- C.257: Duking it out (part 1)
- C.256: A solution so simple, no one noticed it before
- C.255 Not even Leila?
- C.254 Awkward silence (see the author’s note!)
- C.253 Strength and Honor?
- C.252 The Cost of Leila’s Plans
- C.251 Provocateur?
- C.250 All but a stupid misunderstanding?
- C.249 An arrogant young master appears!
- C.248 The truth the guide didn’t warn us about
- C.247 Are we the baddies now?
- C.246 Hand by hand
- C.245 Just before we go back..
- C.244 Going supercritical
- C.243 The Power of Spirituality’s Law
- C.242 Lacking proper guidance (part 2)
- C.241 Lacking proper guidance (part 1)
- C.240 Everyone hates the 4th cultivation stage the most
- C.239 Surprising struggle of looking for the stairs
- C.238 Unforseen spirituality
- C.237 To find the truth all the way at the bottom of everything
- C.236 Vanishing
- C.235 Leila’s Garden
- C.234 The best part of the feast is to leave it
- C.233 Finally, reunion
- C.232 The patriarch arrives
- C.231 Unexpected allies
- C.230 It stings!
- C.229 Cruel beauty
- C.228 Sleep paralysis
- C.227 Another one?!
- C.226 This is going to be a massive pain in the ass, won’t it?
- C.225 Unexpected awakening in more ways than one
- C.224 Isn’t this what dual cultivation was for all along?
- C.223: Its alright for you but not for me?!
- C.222: Just like a call of the abyss
- C.221: Desperate times warrant desperate measures
- C.220: Is meditation but a crutch?
- C.219 Budding frustration
- C.218: Prancing Butterfly
- C.217: Emotional rift?
- C.216: Unpleasant silence
- C.215: Obnoxious is better than genius
- C.214: Elite Coterie
- C.213: To see a world in a drop of water
- C.212: Test of faith and cultivation
- C.211: Time constraint makes its grand return
- C.210: Two distinct advantages
- C.209: While it’s a joke, there’s a hint of truth in it
- C.208: A bus full of contradictions
- C.207: Bus-glider
- C.206: Tens of thousands of arrays
- C.205: Clan’s Town
- C.204: Debriefing with the Major (part 2)
- C.203: Debriefing with the Major (part 1)
- C.202: The one thing Claire could never have learned before
- C.201: By the books
- C.200 : Second Catalyst
- C.199: The man of the ancient order (double chapter)
- C.198: Unseen Arrangements
- C.197: Consequences
- C.196: Wrapping the case up
- C.195: I throw FIST!
- C.194: The matter of timing
- C.193: Slow and steady loses the race
- C.192: Race to the power-plant
- C.191: Whiplash
- C.190: Encounter in the white (2)
- C.189: Encounter in the white (1)
- C.188: Coup de Etat
- C.187: Trouble at the gate (4)
- C.186: Trouble at the gate (3)
- C.185: Trouble at the gate (2)
- C.184: Trouble at the gate (1)
- C.183: Worst possible timing
- C.182: First knob, first setting... call for green!
- C.12: Negotiating the partnership
- C.11: Are you into humiliation play or something?
- C.10: Are you an idiot, or do you seek death?
- C.9: Too good for my own good?
- C.8: It’s so flawed, I can’t help but get ideas on how to improve it!
- C.7: Crafting the mana-electrict circuit
- C.6: That will be three thousand eight hundred and fifty Esecs
- C.5: The first step
- C.4: What one needs to craft
- C.3: Immersion
- C.2: You fool of an old man!
- C.1: Talentless