Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead-Chapter 264 - 258, The Slave Who Sold Himself 1

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Chapter 264: Chapter 258, The Slave Who Sold Himself 1

Translator: 549690339?????????????? —

Eira was already preparing breakfast as he made his way down the stairs.

The maids had also started their chores.

“Good morning, master,” the busy maids greeted.

“Good morning,” Fang Hao glanced toward the kitchen. “Make breakfast simple, Eira, I have to go out later.”

“Yes, master.”

As Fang Hao came downstairs, he was also mulling over the information relayed from the slave trader.

Upon careful consideration, he decided to make a trip to the Manim Market to observe the development of Bronze Bull, and also to increase the number of maids.

The demand for maids was growing as businesses in Lyss City began to move forward.

Local shop assistants could simply not compare to the efficiency and obedience of these maids.

Soon, breakfast was served.

Anjia was woken up by Eira and brought downstairs, just as Demitrija came in. After a quick meal, Fang Hao, with both of them on the Bone Dragon, headed straight for Tauren City.

Tauren City was initially Zhang Bin’s city, later shifted to the west by Fang Hao. It’s now managed by Bronze Bull.

Fang Hao then directly renamed it as Tauren City.

As the Bone Dragon landed, Bronze Bull with a few Tauren guards approached to greet them.

My lord,” Bronze Bull saluted, his bull’s eyes looking curiously at Demitrija. “Hmm, this is Demitrija, a newly joined hero. Say hello to each other,” Fang Hao introduced briefly.

Both of them nodded in acknowledgment, considered as their greetings. Walking straight into the City Lord’s Mansion, Fang Hao sat down and asked, “How’s everything recently? Any difficulties?”

“No, my lord, everything is going smoothly. The business in the Manim Market is also getting better. Many villages are coming here for trade,” Bronze Bull replied.

The Manim Market improved significantly compared to before.

Bronze Bull also analyzed that a significant part of the reason was the accelerated construction in Manim.

The roads were smooth, the market area was classified, food stalls were set up, and not just anyone could lay out a cloth anywhere to sell their goods. freё

All these changes caught the eye of other villages. The fame of the Tauren Clan was rising, and more people were willing to do business here or exchange what they needed.

“Good, this is a positive sign. But it’s just the beginning of the plan. I intend to turn Manim into a business city for the Orcs,” commented Fang Hao.

Business city?

Manim is already an orc market, how is it supposed to be constructed?

Bronze Bull was a bit puzzled about Fang Hao’s plan, but still, he didn’t ask further.

It’s a good thing for him and his tribe if Fang Hao is willing to invest resources in the Manim Market.

“Yes, my lord,” Bronze Bull responded.

Fang Hao thought for a while and continued: “From now on, you’ll manage Tauren City.”

He opened the Book of Lords, looking for the “City Transfer” function.

“Should ‘Tauren City’ be transformed from a subordinate city to an original city? After the transformation, the ‘acting governor’ will not be able to use the functions of the City Lord’s Book (including but not limited to recruitment, upgrading, production, etc.), but the city’s buildings and soldiers will be preserved.”

City transfer is something Fang Hao hasn’t attempted.

Gazelle Bull has been doing well, and there has been no new city lord found to take over this place, so he might as well give it to Bronze Bull.


“Transfer successful!”

“You can ‘here’ name the city, the city lord’s mansion can set up the ‘deputy governor’, and you can check the information of the governor in the Book of Lords at anytime.”

Next, Fang Hao wrote “Tauren City” in the city name field and “Bronze Bull – Tellock” in the Governor’s field.

“Settings completed!”

“Tauren City”

“City Level: Level 5 Original City”

“Attributes: Tax +10%, Tauren breed +5%, Ranching +5%”

(Description: A city with attributes can bring all kinds of benefits, accelerating the city’s construction and development.)

As the subordinate city became an original city.

It also gained special attributes.

The attributes should be based on the race of the appointed governor, not based on Fang Hao’s faction.

An original city can be upgraded.

However, it cannot use the Book of City Lord. Simply put, if Fang Hao wants to upgrade, he needs to make a trip personally using the Book of Lords.

If it’s a regular subordinate city, the city lord can use the Book of City Lord to upgrade.

“Thankyou, my lord,” Bronze Bull saluted again.

He didn’t understand exactly what Fang Hao has done, but he guessed it had to do with the same mysterious power as before.

“Let’s go, let’s take a look outside,” Fang Hao stood up and headed outside. A group of heroes followed him into the city center, where they were received by a dense line of skeleton soldiers on both sides.

Here were stationed a million undead, acting as the first barrier, defending the east side of the main city.

While on standby, these undead would stand still like terracotta warriors, rigid in rows.

Even if there were white marks of bird droppings sticking to the helmets of two soldiers, they still did not move.

Fang Hao thought for a while, then reopened the Book of Lords and found the blueprint for the Troop Hiding Cave.

[Level 1 Troop Hiding Cave]

[Type: Special Building]

[Maximum Capacity: 10,000.]

[Construction Requirements: Wood 1500, Stones 3200, Iron 520, Metal Parts 80.]

(Description: Soldiers can be hidden here to achieve strategic objectives.)

He chose an almost suitable location and chose to build.

A glowing illusion rose from the ground.

After it dissipated, a stone stair leading underground appeared in front of several people.

Fang Hao took out a piece of Nightstone and went downstairs to take a look.

It looked quite like a parking garage in the previous world.

A Level 1 Troop Hiding Cave could accommodate 10,000 soldiers.

Fang Hao attempted to upgrade the Troop Hiding Cave.

[Level 2 Troop Hiding Cave: Maximum Capacity 20,000.]

[Level 3 Troop Hiding Cave:… 40,000.]

[Level 4….]

[Level 5 Troop Hiding Cave: Maximum Capacity 100,000.]

When it reached Level 5, the maximum capacity was already 100,000.

After discussing with Bronze Bull, Fang Hao built eight Troop Hiding Caves under the training ground of Tauren City, leaving behind the soldiers who continued to patrol, and the rest all went into the Troop Hiding Caves to standby.

After dealing with matters regarding Bronze Bull, Fang Hao did not stay for long.

Escorted by the Tauren soldiers, Fang Hao and his party arrived at the Manim Market in the afternoon.

The Orc Market was as bustling as ever.

Many orcs were shouting loudly to sell their goods. Seeing Fang Hao, a human, and a lizardman, they immediately came forward to peddle their goods.

Fang Hao did not pay attention to these people and walked straight towards the warehouse where the slave traders usually stayed.

Warehouse area.

The slave trader held a hand of cards, cursing lightly: “Another crap hand, is it my damn luck stepping in dog shit, such bad luck.”

A pair of eyes started to scan around, intending to find an excuse to stop playing and avoid losing the last few coins he had.

Searched for a reason, then saw a human walked in from the entrance.


He threw away the cards he held, and shouted excitedly: “Oh, my godsend has arrived…”

Without any hesitation, he dipped his finger into his cup, smeared some liquor, tidied his fur, and strode toward Fang Hao.

“Dear friend, welcome to your arrival.” The slave trader rubbed his hands, his face full of joy.

“Looks like you were playing cards, I hope I didn’t interrupt your luck!” Fang

Hao kept walking and casually said.

Even the best luck can’t stop me from entertaining my best friend.”

Fang Hao smiled, “Let’s go, let’s see your goods this time.”

“Yes, yes!”

The slave trader led the way ahead, and they quickly arrived in the warehouse.

Just as they entered the warehouse.

A beast clan girl was sitting on a wooden box eating an apple with her legs crossed.

The sudden arrival of people startled her a little.

She met eyes with the crowd, showing a slight embarrassment.

“Should I go back into the cage?”

After saying that, she crawled back into her cage, reached out through the bars, and snap! With a crisp sound, she locked the door.


This series of operations made Fang Hao somewhat baffling.

The beast girl was about 1.2 meters tall, like a young girl who hadn’t grown up yet.

Brown hair, a pair of beast ears.

Unlike Anjia, this girl’s upper body was close to that of a human. Outside of her brown shorts, her bare legs were covered in soft fur. ƒreewebηoveℓ.com

Her feet were bare, and her sharp fingertips were like beast claws. When sitting cross-legged, one could see the black pads under her feet.

“She’s a slave too?” Fang Hao asked.

“Yes, she’s a slave. She stopped us on the road and sold herself.”