Gacha Kingdom Building-Chapter 127: AOTG Battle: Mia’s Side
-This chapter is written using Mia's POV-
Only the strong can rule the Snow White Wolves... this rule is tradition for our tribe.
Background comes second to power... and when my father died, had Mom lacked the strength, she wouldn't have been able to claim and hold the title of chieftainess.
Few challenged her due to the responsibility and the dire nature of our circumstances during the war, but even if that was not the case, I doubt anyone could take the position from her.
Even while under unfavorable terms, she kept our enemies out for years, proving she fit the role like no one else.
This made the others create a lot of expectations about her daughter...
But compared to her... I was lacking.
She was much stronger when she was my age. She always showed potential...
As for me... I was weak. The abilities necessary for leading didn't come as naturally to me. As a fighter, I also couldn't view myself ever surpassing her...
It felt like she was so ahead of me... and seeing that even she was struggling, I became afraid.
If she couldn't do it, then there was no hope for me.
I hoped so much that she would be able to solve everything... I didn't want to be the last leader of our tribe. The one responsible for our fall.
While carrying these feelings... I also wanted to make her proud of me. I did my very best.
Every single day I would train until my limbs gave out. Even if my potential was lacking, as long as I tried harder than anyone else, I should at least guarantee that I'd obtain the position.
This mentality paid off for me.
I was progressing... hunting monsters in the forests, killing winged ones that flew above the island, and even cleaning the shores with others... Since our island lacked its own dungeon Gate, this was the only way for us to obtain levels... well, that and killing the Hamperlon soldiers.
My world came crashing down when I reached the age she had acquired her [Mark Of The Beast Lord]... a skill that all the leaders of the Snow White Wolves have acquired throughout our history.
This skill was seen as proof that a member of the tribe had the right to rule the others.
I tried to fight the anxiety this gave me... it was fine... I already knew I would be at most a cheap replacement... eventually it would appear...
But then months passed... and years... and nothing changed.
The skill never became available to me. It felt like a warning from the universe that this wasn't my destiny. That I should give up.
... I never did.
Being exposed to my worthlessness... Knowing only war... Losing my father... and seeing how much Mom was suffering from it all... So many things went down since I was born, and even though I couldn't control them... I felt like I was somehow at fault...
as if I was cursed.
But I couldn't give in to those feelings... I couldn't disappoint her. At least that... just so that she could have some peace...
I kept trying my best for her... and I prided myself in the trust she had for me, even though I was such a failure.
That was the case... until he appeared.
Alan: "C'mon missy, this is not worth dying for, yeah? What does the girl even matter to you?"
My opponent... talks a lot.
He shared his name, kept asking questions... and is now trying to persuade me to stop fighting.
But he cannot fool me. Behind that smile and friendly attitude... he hides the strongest bloodlust I've seen in this world.
I'm sure of it... if given the opportunity, this man would kill every single one of us with this same smile.
His argument is pretty solid. Given that this world only recently got access to others, it would be strange for me to have a deep relationship with anyone. At the very least it should not be enough that I'd be willing to wager my life.
And he's not wrong. At least when it comes to Miwen's sister... I don't know or care about her. With them being family, I'm almost positive she has a screw loose too. That, or she's a tremendous pervert.
But it doesn't matter. I'm not fighting for her sake anyway.
Mia: "...Is this world specialized in making annoying men?"
This guy is their recon... I've been trying to hit him for a while now and all of my attacks have been missing as he expertly avoids them.
I don't know about his strength, since he has yet to fight back, but he is not faster than me. I know that for sure.
The problem here is his technique, he has refined the ability to dodge attacks to an unreasonable degree...
And alongside that... it seems like his Gift enhances his senses.
He is an experienced fighter, so while talkative, he didn't give me clues about his power. I'm only certain about it because of my bloodline.
The people of my race are stronger than humans, and at the same level, our five senses should be better... and yet, his eyes follow me with incredible precision. Using my top speed, I can create a blindspot, but he reacts to the sound and smell, making it impossible for me to surprise him.
It's a great ability for a scout, but not that much for fighting. It's impressive that he has honed it until it reached this level.
Alan: "Sorry to say but I'm not falling for obvious provocations... All my senses are screaming that you are the strongest here, so it's better if I just gain some time until the others are done..."
The strongest...
Mia: "As I thought... Your Gift is really powerful."
To arrive at the truth with just a glimpse... he is good.
Well... at least if we're not considering Miwen.
That man... a degenerate scoundrel through and throughout...
When we first met, I had no consideration for him. I didn't even understand why Mom kept him locked up. If it was up to me, I'd have killed him on sight.
While he didn't have the same characteristics as the people from Hamperlon, he was a human, so I was sure that he was an enemy... but something was wrong with him from the start.
His level was very low. One can even find farmers in times of peace with higher levels.
And I was sure this wasn't a trick or an illusion either... his whole body showed weakness, I didn't even recognize him as a threat at all.
But then... without throwing a single punch or earning a single level. From the inside of a jail where he couldn't have any impact... he made his way up. He eventually made Mom recognize his standing to be the same as hers, and they ended up in an alliance.
He even set in motion a plan to kill one of the generals on the enemy side, using his own weakness as a weapon.
That felt so insulting to me... that a weakling like him surpassed me so easily and stood side by side with her as an equal.
It was everything that I wanted... and it was taken away by someone weaker...
I was jealous of him.
These feelings allowed Mom to blindside me, and she played the both of us, but still...
I felt defeated by the two of them. He was ahead... and he would only pull further ahead.
Without my home... power... or anyone... I thought there wasn't a reason for me to live at all.
I had lost everything... all of my efforts were meaningless. All the training and time spent hunting... they didn't change a thing.
I wasn't enough.
And then this fucker changed things again.
I was finally ready to give up, but in his honesty, he convinced me of an extremely small chance. For that though, I'd have to help him.
That pierced my heart... If all he needed was help from someone stronger, then yeah, I could do that.
I found this to be my purpose... and ended up helping him become stronger too.
This hateful guy didn't allow me to reflect or be alone with my thoughts for a second. Always, always coming up with something to make me mad... always distracting me...
I have no doubts he enjoyed every single second of it. But in his own way, again, weaponizing the worst he had to offer, he helped me.
Slowly... I began to see him in a better light.
He promised me... that he would make it all right.
And I believe him.
I believe in a man weaker than me.
He is strong in a way I could never be. It's not something that can be measured... it's unique to him.
And I don't see anyone being able to win against that. Me... Elizabeth... My mother...
We all fell for the same trap of underestimating him.
And I fell so hard that now I cannot phantom life without him.
To the point where I would gladly offer my own life if it meant saving his.
That I would shed tears, thinking about what might happen to him...
The pain in my chest... the jealousy in my heart...
I still can't believe he managed to change all of that into...ugh...
Hmm... into this...
Alan: "Perhaps I was wrong... Being so distracted, you're just asking to die you know?"
Mia: "I can afford it since my opponent is so weak."
He tensed up and gave me a death glare.
I might have hit a nerve...
...He's smart, if I try to provoke him further, he might notice my intentions.
I doubt I can get him to recklessly come at me either, but he seems to have at least a sliver of pride... this should be enough.
Sensing an opportunity, I rushed ahead. It's the same exchange we've been having. I try to hit from multiple angles, using my fists and my legs, and nothing lands.
Alan: "I'll play with you until you're begging for me to stop, kitty. And then, I'll kindly end your life. No need to thank me."
He finally revealed his true nature. Not that he could hide it from me anyway.
All this time, he kept one step ahead of me, doing so while looking casual about it... but this time, he made the first mistake of the battle by trying to hit me back.
If I tried to dodge his fist, I'm sure he would've at least hit my shoulder. What he probably didn't expect though, is that I was willing to take this one.
A single hit is all I needed.
His hand was so big... in a single punch, he broke my nose and cut my eyebrow...
It was disorienting, it had been a long time since I got hit like that.
But I couldn't let this chance go. I could take a thousand more of those... all I needed was the small windows he created.
So cautious and meticulous, and yet... a single light punch to his retreating arm. That was enough.
I focused solely on speed. I wasn't able to fix my form or concentrate strength. But it didn't matter. A hit is a hit, and my Gift was activated.
This battle should've been over long ago, but I tried to be careful and probe him, which made my Gift's timer run out... After that, I couldn't activate anymore due to this guy's focus on evading me.
But this would change one way or another. Had he not gone for this punch, I would've used magic to create an opening.
Once I had the effects of my Gift, he became unable to run from me. His ability to sense my attacks before they came was still annoying, as he managed to dodge my first few attempts. However, I knew his body couldn't keep up. I kept adding pressure, I didn't slow down for a second, and by maintaining him in close quarters, I eventually started to surpass his reaction speed.
Once the first punch landed, I sealed his movements with my ice magic. Then, my timer reset, and I managed to punch him more... and more... I was giving him the beating I had reserved for the next time Miwen called me his fiancée, but I'm sure he'll forgive me.
Still... this wasn't enough.
This guy...
Alan: "I didn't expect that I would resort to this... What a shame huh? You should have given up girl. Fighting to the end will only increase your suffering later."
As if he wasn't going to kill me anyway.
There's no choice when the alternative is death.
I'll never regret struggling...
While I miscalculated the effects of his Gift, this should still be fine.
His ability is not a simple increase to his senses... It seems capable of lowering them too. Perhaps, even blocking them completely.
This content is taken from fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm.
Even though I'm putting all of my strength into my fists, he keeps that grotesque smile of his, as if it's everything he wanted.
But I know it's having an effect. With every punch, I can feel his bones breaking on impact... There's no hiding it.
He's just blocking the pain... he plans on standing here, taking the beating of a lifetime until his allies arrive.
And he even seems to be enjoying it... What a fucking psycho.
Why did I have to get this troublesome guy... I swear my luck is just the worst.
Mia: "I cannot play anymore... I'll put you out of your misery, so you can thank me for this later."
Alan: "Missy... I told you we were going to play until you begged me to stop, right? Well, let's hear you begging then."
Nothing had hit me. I'm sure of this...
But I felt excruciating pain.
As if I had taken dozens of punches simultaneously, all over my body. I felt most of my bones breaking...
Using earth magic, he healed my feet and arms while he approached calmly... that disgusting smile still plastered all over his face. All the while I screamed in agony due to the shock on my body...
I underestimated him... there was yet another thing he could do with his Gift... the ability to share his senses...
He must've increased the strength of the pain in his body before sharing it with me...
It really felt like death would be a release, and seeing as he took out the weapon he was hiding all this time, it became clear to me that he was coming for the kill.
Ah... to have a challenging opponent... finally getting to be useful to him...
It's so fulfilling. It's the only thing I am good at, so I'm happy that he counts on me for this.
Actually... I can steal Claire's prey... and Licia's... and then he will like me the most, no?
Maybe I am actually a genius?
If all of them are like this... then he'll praise me a lot for finishing them all.
At the height of my power, I start allowing my body to revert more to that of a beast, with my fur, nails, and fangs growing... My size becomes bigger too and I break away from the bindings he created...
I could go further but... I would lose my rationality and end up putting everyone at risk... But this was enough... even though the pain had not subsided, with both my Gift and beastification active, I unleashed more might than ever.
It was time to finish this. Any superficial hit would only backfire on me. I had to put him out once and for all.
He noticed my intention and did his best to avoid me, but it was no use.
I managed to overpower him with my Gift active, and this form has a similar effect... with the two combined, he stood no chance.
Just to be sure, I used the skills that my idiot fiance gave me...
This is the combo that managed to destroy Elizabeth's barrier... If he managed to keep that smile on his face after this, I'd have to concede.
But with this last punch, forget the smile. He couldn't even stand anymore.
It was many times more powerful than the one he gave me, and he got knocked out there and then.
...Then, I felt another presence approaching.
I wasn't going to make the same mistake, whatever their Gift might be, it would be better to make use of this form and the timer to go all-out from the start.
These guys are not to be messed with.
?????: "His prediction was right on the money..."
Almost... I almost did something unforgivable...
Since Angelica just joined us I didn't recognize her scent, and almost attacked her...
This is the biggest problem with this form... I become way more feral and my thoughts come second to my instincts, making it hard to hold back when I need to.
Thankfully I managed to win without going over the edge...
if it's just this much, I can control it... Just gotta be careful...
Mia: "...So... what are you talking about?"
Angelica: " Miwen said that I should keep an eye on you since you were probably going to finish first. I thought Claire or Anna would win in a single hit but..."
Mia: "Who knew he could be so smart."
He is so confident in me... not that it makes me happy or anything like that...
Mia: "Hm... well, with you here I can activate my Gift at will, so let's go steal Claire's opponent."
Angelica: "Feel free to do that if you want, but there's something I need to do first."
Mia: "Hm?"
Angelica started to change, resembling more her dragon form. Her claws grew and her arm had scales in it... Her wings also started growing bigger and sprawling out from her back.
It's pretty similar to what I just did. And considering her lineage, It should strengthen her quite a bit, especially her claws as they seem capable of cutting through-
...through anything.
Including the skin of the man lying on the ground.
Unfazed, she took his heart and smashed it above her mouth.
She held the blood that dripped in her mouth... But instead of swallowing it, she spilled in her hands... a small orb.
Angelica: "It only works if I'm the one who kills... And I need to chew on a part of the body too... I'm sorry for such a disgusting sight."
She was only worried about how it looked... as for the action itself, it didn't concern her the least.
Mia: "...Does Miwen know about this?"
Angelica: "He ordered me to."
...It's as I thought then.
He is not going to show mercy tonight.
This is what Beatrice warned us about... what Elizabeth was so interested in...
I like the kind-hearted, caring Miwen the most... and while it pains me to say this... this side of his is what I need the most.
I need him to be able to go at least this far... when he wages war in my name... I want him to be merciless like this...
I'll use him... I'll take away the peace he enjoys... because I know what he does when he's forced into conflict.
For that dumb, ridiculous man... avoiding conflict is not a weakness, it's clemency.
He is true to himself... he knows that there are no bounds he's not willing to cross.
And as for those who dismiss that mercy of his... this is the result. Even the small one-time insult from the elves from back then gave him reason enough to allow Claire and Elizabeth to harass them... if face-to-face with the elf from back then, I'm sure only one of them would remain to tell the story afterward.
Hamperlon has unknowingly provoked a storm... and after he destroys them... I hope I can soothe his heart, and offer him peace...
It's the least I can do after I unleash the inner beast he tries so hard to keep off.