Eternal Melody-Chapter 979 My Beautiful Monster Part 80

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Chapter 979 My Beautiful Monster Part 80


Even if Aki has been possessed, this is too much. There is something wrong here. The four men rushed forward and one of them tried to lung themselves at him. That one, was greeted by his shadows and engulfed in darkness. It didn't take long for him to collapse to the ground, face devoid of any life. The attacks from the other two ended up the same way.

The black haired one watched him carefully. "It's no wonder they call you the dark Lord, you truly are strong."

Lucifer casts him a suspicious look.

"I made sure to bring my strongest men, and you're still standing."

So, it's not Aki who brought them here?

"What do you want?" Lucifer said suspiciously.

"We simply want to take Miss Ibuki back. We were planning on taking you hostage so you could lead us to this base. We won't be able to get in without you after all."

Lucifer frowned at those words. He doubts that's all. "What else will you do with her?"

If they truly had good intentions, they would have brought Momoi Futaba with them or someone Sumire is close with. These men? He has never seen them with her.

"Just to experiment a little." The black haired man answered casually.

Lucifer growled. "Do you think I would let you?"

"Wow, he seems to be really into her," The orange mohawk guy stood up. He was covered in soot and cuts from his attack but he fared better than his other two companions.

"Indeed, and it seems Miss Ibuki returns his affections. At the very least she is fond of him enough to fight with the leader."

Lucifer blinked, surprised hearing those words. Narasaki mentioned that Sumire argued with Tsueno with her but even with Aki? He felt his heartbeat increase. Since when did she realize something was off about his behaviour? Even though he pulled that stunt by bringing Jian Hiriji to the studio- Lucifer recalled how the girl looked at him that day. There wasn't disgust, but a pained gaze.

She kept looking back at him during her show. Did, she want to speak to him? If Hiriji didn't come, would she have talked to him?

His thoughts break off hearing approaching footsteps.

"I think that's quite enough. The rest of you may stand by." A familiar voice said.

The black haired man sighed. "You could have left this to us."

"But that wouldn't be fun."

This voice, it can't be. But, there is no way.

"Don't tell me you have forgotten me dear brother?" A voice mocked.

Lucifer froze hearing that voice. He turned to see Aki step out from the huge crowd. It was Aki, no doubt. But that voice and that mocking grin on his face.

"Lennon?" Lucifer asked to make sure.

"Correct. I'm still not used to this body, but you made sure I couldn't reincarnate so this will have to do. It sure is better than my last host. Acting as a bodyguard was so difficult."

It takes Lucifer a moment to understand what he was talking about. A body guard? In Sumire's sixth life time, she was stabbed in the abdomen by a guard.

Could it be-? Has Lennon been following them around all this time?

"Since when?" Lucifer frowned.

If Lennon was in possession of Aki's body this entire time, he should have noticed sooner.

"Since before he even met her. I was in this world a bit earlier, a few years before you two. But I existed as a separate soul. I intended to live a more peaceful existence with this new host. However, I sensed you dear brother and then her- oh! When I felt her soul in this world again, I hungered for the taste of her flesh all over again."

The shadows surrounding his body shot out and wrapped themselves around Aki-Lennon's neck. Lennon laughed.

"You haven't changed at all, you're still so easy to provoke. Don't tell me you're still hung up over what happened seven centuries ago?"

Lucifer's gaze darkened and he tightened his grip with his shadows causing Lennon to cough. Lennon's subordinates stepped forward but Lennon raised his hand.

"Can you really harm this body though? Do you know what this man means to her? Because I do. Even though she doesn't say it. He is important to her."

Lucifer frowned. Of course he knew, otherwise he would have dealt with Aki a long time ago.

"In fact, I was just waiting for them to become a couple." Lennon sighed deeply. "They were so close too."

"Then it's unfortunate for you, she never had feelings for Aki."

"Indeed, but her drug training was quite a delight. I suggested it to him and for once he didn't argue with me. The taste of her skin was as delightful as I remembered."

If he wasn't angry before he was furious now. Lucifer assumed the girl went through some drug immunity training, since drugs never affected her. But, he didn't think it was Aki. That means Aki's touched her, long before Toh or anybody else did.

It would have simply frustrated him in the past since he always saw Aki as a rival. However it's different now, now that he knows Lennon has been in Aki's body. That means even though Aki is the one who touched Sumire, Lennon would have too.

Lennon laughed hysterically. "Your so foolish brother. This isn't the first time I have had her."

Lucifer froze hearing those words. He felt his heartbeat speed up. Lennon must be referring to what happened in the first lifetime, he must be.

"From the second to the fifth lifetime. I found my way to get her in my bed."

The second to the fifth? When he was still with her? How come he didn't notice again?

"Unfortunately that Yi guy noticed my presence in the sixth, and created a strong barrier."

How is it possible that Terashima noticed but he didn't? Is he really that clueless? Lennon always had a thing for Norah, and he suspected that it was something harmful. After Norah showed him her memories, he confirmed it. But even then, perhaps he underestimated how serious this situation was.

He can see it clearly now. This thread of obsession, no wonder Lennon was able to follow them into their other lifetimes even with a fractured soul. Lucifer lets his brother go.

"Fight me properly this time you bastard. I'll make sure not to make it easy for you."

Lennon laughed wickedly. "You're too confident. You have no idea. Why do you think you have always feared Aki? It's because you knew he was stronger than you."

'Indeed, I can't deny having those thoughts before. But, it's different now. I must defeat Lennon at all costs to keep Sumire safe.'