Doom Lord-Chapter 243: Searching

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Chapter 243: Searching

Cheng Yang did not pay attention to which party the other party belongs to Xiaocheng. He felt that this was not necessary. Vertex novel,

Avoiding the sight of these people, Cheng Yang is like a blue smoke floating in the jungle, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This area has been reclaimed. It can be seen that the power of the filial piety is very strong. Cheng Yang only took less than a minute to rush out for two or three kilometers, and all of this belt has been abandoned.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing, for the main city forces. These days are also the period of explosive growth of power. Most of the people who switched jobs in the previous period have advanced to the middle-level apprenticeship in these days. In this regard, the size of the main city is staggering. Around the main city, the strength of the magical beast is only a late stage, and a large number of middle-level apprentices are still very efficient in the land reclamation. What's more, the main city's comrades are not only middle-level apprentices, but some have reached high-level, they are the backbone of the land reclamation.

However, this high-efficiency land reclamation in Xiaocheng also paid a great price. Cheng Yang saw a lot of bodies on the road being abandoned on the roadside. They undoubtedly became cannon fodder for land reclamation, and eventually died in the demonized beast. The mouth.

Looking at this scene, Cheng Yang is somewhat dissatisfied with the leader who led this force to carry out land reclamation. In the last days, the population is an important resource, and it is also the foundation of human prosperity. But for this short-lived interest, this person has set aside his life, and such a person is simply sinful.

Cheng Yang spent more than half an hour here, and found a large group of comrades on a flat wasteland. There are no tall trees in this area. According to Cheng Yang's experience, there should be an altar of territory.

However, it is clear that the altar of this territory has now been occupied and it has just been occupied. The blood of the demonized beast that has not dried up on the ground illustrates this ǎn, and at this moment there are a large number of comrades who are cleaning the battlefield and burying the dead companions on the spot.

Cheng Yang did not have the idea of ​​staying here. Unless he can kill all the tens of thousands of servants in front of him, he can't take the altar of this territory from these people.

Next, Cheng Yang continued to fly south, and he must rush to the next exit channel as soon as possible to find possible territorial altars. He only hoped that the remaining altar of the Territory was not occupied. Otherwise, Cheng Yang can only choose to give up the filial piety, or choose to forcibly seize an altar of the territory. These two are not the results that Cheng Yang wants.

When Cheng Yang came to the south side of the city passage, it was already near dusk. The exit channel here has also been opened, and he has not had too much delay. I started the search directly.

Cheng Yang still has some skills in finding the altar of the territory. He knows that the altar of the territory is more than two kilometers away from the passage of the city, so he started looking directly from the area two kilometers away.

At this time, Cheng Yang also refused to save physical strength. He was flying forward at the fastest speed. Anyway, his physical attack power is also strong. He has a qualitative leap in endurance. This high-intensity running continues. There was no problem for half an hour.

When Cheng Yang extended the search to five kilometers, he still did not see the trace of the altar of the territory. This made Cheng Yang feel relieved a lot. Because the farther the altar of the Territory is from the passage of the city, the lower the possibility that the main city will occupy the altar. Of course, it is also possible that there is no altar in this direction, and the remaining altar of the territory is likely to exist outside the west side passage. And the exit channel there has not been taken. The possibility of occupation of the territory is even lower.

After pushing forward seven or eight hundred meters, Cheng Yang discovered a team of comrades, whose size is not smaller than the team of warriors who were seen on the east side.

This group of people is now fighting a group of demonized beasts, although the size of this group of demonized beasts is not small. But compared with the overwhelming team of comrades, it is a shame. The number of comrades is at least ten times that of the demonized beast.

Cheng Yang's mouth has a smile, if there is a real altar in this direction. It should also be in an unowned state now.

"Look again, if you don't find the altar of the territory within eight kilometers, go to the west to find it." Cheng Yang said secretly, then bypassed the battlefield and directly plunged into the jungle that had not yet been abandoned.

Perhaps it was God who took care of Cheng Yang. He did not spend much effort to find the altar of the territory one kilometer away.

After all, the location of the altar of the Territory is too obvious, and no trees exist within one kilometer.

Looking at the nearly 10,000 magical beast in front of him, Cheng Yang can't wait to go on. To know that one kilometer behind him is the battalion team of Xiaocheng. Cheng Yang does not want to compete with these people for the speed of clearing the field.

Waving a magic wand in one hand, Cheng Yang drove Xiaobai directly into the magical herd.

This time, the pot can be blown up, and countless demonized beasts smell like a sly cat. They come to Chengyangwei, and the huge roaring sounds through the space and drifts far away.

The ice thorns fall down, and all the nearby magical beasts are instantly spiked, regardless of their strength.

There is a huge limit to the ice spur skill, which is the cooling time. Two seconds of cooling time allowed Cheng Yang to use ice hockey in the gap between the ice thorns. Of course, the cooling time of Cheng Yang's ice spurs can now be less than two seconds, because his attack speed is close to ǎn, which is equivalent to an increase of 20% attack speed. The original 2 second cooldown has become 1.6 seconds.

In just over ten seconds, Cheng Yang rushed directly under the altar of the territory, and then jumped up and fell on the altar. At this time, there is no need for a small white battle. It directly becomes a kitten and curls up in Cheng Yang's arms.

This Cheng Yang can have no worries, standing directly on the altar and pouring his skills.

The Enchanted Herd gradually diminishes at an inherent frequency, but the remaining Enchanted Beast knows that it is death when they rush, but they still have no hesitation.

The magical beast gradually dropped from the initial 10,000 to five thousand, followed by four thousand, three thousand, two thousand...


Wang Shunchang felt that today is his lucky day. A few days ago, he and the other three major power groups in Xiaocheng discussed and divided the four major city passages of the main city of Xiaocheng. As for whether there is a territorial altar outside the passage of the city, it depends on the luck of each person.

Three days ago, the garrison of the first major power group in Xiaocheng City, the former filial piety of the city, opened the exit channel on the north side by virtue of its extraordinary strength, and then found a territorial altar and incorporated it under its control.

Wang Shunchang did not agree with the other party's behavior. After all, it is not clear how to build a field station. What can the group hold on to the altar of the territory? This is why the other three major power groups have not started to go out of the city.

However, just at noon today, the forum uploaded news about how to occupy the field and told about some of the benefits of the field. One of the most attractive is the addition of professional statue attributes in the field. That is 7% of the full attribute! Who can resist such lure? In addition, the privilege of the lord of the territorial land to enhance the lord's strength of a small order is to make the leaders of the leading forces hot.

This news is not secret and spread to the whole city in a very short time.

The other three major power groups in Xiaocheng City could not sit still, and they contacted the forces attached to themselves. At the same time, they selected the high-powered people from their own direct units. After the people were fully prepared, they began to attack the city passage.

The first thing to do is Wang Shunchang and another power group. As for the weakest power group in Xiaocheng City, there is a certain lag in convening personnel, so the time for hands-on is much worse than them.

Wang Shunchang organized nearly 50,000 mid-level and above warriors, and launched a strong attack on the passage of the city. After paying the price of nearly 10,000 warriors, they took the south side of the city.

Wang Shunchang is also very sad about the nearly 10,000 warriors who died. It is also his men. But as long as I think of it, I will soon be able to occupy a wild resident. Wang Shunchang's grief will disappear into the clouds.

What's more, when he opened the south side out of the city passage, he also got a good thing, but this thing he can't use temporarily, only to wait until he occupied the station can play its value. Wang Shunchang is very much looking forward to this.

The danger in the wilderness jungle far exceeds his imagination, especially in the case of land reclamation at no cost. The loss of personnel is very large.

On the same day, when the area of ​​land reclamation was expanded to about seven kilometers from the passage of the city, he suddenly heard that there were countless demonized beasts in the distance, and it was definitely more than a demonized beast.

If his team was fighting a huge monster group at this time, he might have rushed over to find out.

Wang Shunchang is sure that the demonized herd of sudden anger must be related to the field station, because so far, only the wild resident will gather the magical beasts of countless different ethnic groups.

After spending nearly ten minutes, Wang Shunchang finally solved the group of magical beasts in front of him. He quickly rushed toward the sound of the demonized beast.

He can hear The voice of the demonized beast is getting weaker and weaker, and the frequency is getting lower and lower. It gives people the feeling that there is almost nothing left?

Is there another group of magical beasts rushing here, and this group of magical beasts broke out in the race of race? Did the two sides lose both sides? If this is the case, then it is really a good news.

As for other human forces to come and **** this wild resident, Wang Shunchang never thought about it. He was the first person to get through the passage of the city, and then he went all the way to the wasteland. Who can be faster than him?

Wang Shunchang has also paid attention to the forces of several surrounding main cities. There are few other main cities. The only thing that needs to be worried is the city with the city. Originally with the city's main city is also a very normal main city, but this morning, it is said that with the northwest direction of the city, the city of Luofeng Town, has sent troops to the city.

The result was that Wang Shunchang was the most reluctant to see it, and the various forces in the city actually compromised with the land of Luofeng Town. Such a compromise is equivalent to giving up the chance of a hegemonic party.

Of course, what Wang Shunchang is not satisfied with is not the opportunity to give up the hegemony with the city's forces, but the other party has thus completed the land of Luofeng Town.