Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 61 - - Risky Move And Skill Level Up

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During that whole time, Talon's eyes never left the missile for even a split second as he dashed forward, following its trajectory. His enhanced focus made it easier for him to pinpoint the exact place where it was going to fall.

Using all of his senses, he predicted the trajectory with amazing accuracy. Reaching the location, he looked up again. The missile was now barely a few dozen meters away from the building.

A few more seconds and it will explode.

'Not time yet…' Talon thought to himself.

Seconds passed like an eternity for Hyun-Jae as she intensely watched what Talon was about to do.

'Not yet…'

The missile was now barely 30 meters away from exploding. That's when Talon's eyes suddenly widened as he crouched down. Then, focusing all of his strength on his legs, he suddenly sprang up explosively.

His jump easily exceeded 15 meters in height. When he reached that peak, he immediately channeled his aetheris.


[You have activated 'Tear Of Reality'.]

Then, without hesitation, he clawed with his right hand as he swung it horizontally in the missile's direction.

His fingers sliced through thin air, ripping the fabric of reality off with ease. Since this was his second time doing it, Talon knew how to rip the fabric faster than before. Not to mention the fact that he used more Aetheris points in this one which was bound to make the effect even more destructive.

'Here goes nothing!' Closing his eyes, Talon waited for the inevitable.

A split second later, the effect of the tear manifested in the world and what happened because of it was simply mind-blowing.

Strong, invisible vibrations emerged from within the tear and flew up toward the missile. The sound of something ringing echoed in the vicinity right before contact. When the vibrations hit the missile, the object shook violently as its metal exterior was peeled off and its interior was wrecked.


[Your active skill 'Tear Of Reality' has leveled up.]

It didn't even last a second under the relentless attacks and the damage it sustained.


The missile erupted in the middle of the air as flames flew everywhere. The sound of the explosion reached every single corner of the campus.

Talon found himself facing the glaring, hot flames as he was descending. The temperature in that split second reached an unbelievable degree and Talon felt his skin burning.

"Blurgh!!!" He coughed a mouthful of blood which made him lose his balance mid-air.

"Talon!" Hyun-Jae quickly rushed toward him, her expression was a mix of worry, confusion, and shock.

She had seen what happened but she didn't understand anything at all. Talon had weirdly moved his hand and suddenly, the missile exploded. That made no sense at all to her even though she knew that it was some kind of skill he acquired.

Quickly reaching him before he hit the ground, she cushioned the impact with her arms. At the same time, flames rained down on them from all places.

Using her sword, Hyun-Jae fended off the flames that were going to fall on them. However, that didn't stop the entire ceiling from turning into a huge furnace.

The temperature rose quickly at a rapid pace.

'We need to go down quickly.' Hyun-Jae clenched her teeth as she looked down at Talon.

"Are you ok? Can you move?"

"Yeah… Hah, I'm fine… Let's go…" Standing up, Talon gazed at the place. The good news was that he stopped the missile and so the building was still intact. The bad news was that he had no idea how he was going to stop these flames from making the ceiling collapse.

"Move!" Hyun-Jae tapped his shoulder as she rushed forward. "The ceiling will hold on till the flames die!"

He knew that fact, but there was still a high chance that the ceiling wouldn't be able to stay intact.

"Fuck…" Cursing under his breath, Talon ran after Hyun-Jae.

The military jets were still flying over their heads, but it seemed like they stopped bombing after what happened. Talon was sure that the pilots were completely confused which was good.

'Hopefully, that makes them stop bombing!' He thought to himself as he rushed ahead, dodging the rising flames. At the same time, Hyun-Jae, who was ahead of him by a good distance, reached the ladders and was about to jump down when her ears caught another noise.

A noise that she heard less than a minute ago and it made her heart stop for a second. Looking up, her eyes fell on one of the jets that flew over their heads and dropped another object.

'Another missile!!' Her eyes widened as she looked at the falling rocket.

"What?!" Talon's eyes widened when he saw that.

'The bastards dropped another one?!' He didn't expect them to drop another one this quickly.

"No, no, no, no! Move, Hyun-Jae!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. He quickened his speed as he dashed toward the place of the missile.

'Can I even handle another Tear Of Reality?' He touched his chest. The sheer amount of blood he just spat out was terrifying. He knew that if he did another one, he wasn't going to simply come out of it like that.

However, a second later, he realized an even bigger problem. Hyun-Jae was still standing in her place, not moving.

"What are you doing?!"

However, Hyun-Jae didn't reply as she instead dropped her sword and looked down. Her shocked expression faded away as it was replaced by a calm composure. Then, Hyun-Jae lifted both of her arms to chest level as she slapped them against each other.

The moment she did that, a sizzle-like sound emerged from that contact as white lines appeared and disappeared across her hands. The strings of lightning grew in size and intensity as she slowly parted her hands away.

Between her palms, a chaotic ball of lightning was created. The ball was floating in the air with its tentacle-like shiny strings sticking to Hyun-Jae's hand. Carefully, Hyun-Jae moved her hands left and right as she made the ball bigger and brighter.

'I practiced this skill for the past few days… I think I can do it.' She thought to herself with a serene expression.

Even though Hyun-Jae has been really busy with many things, she never neglected to practice her new powers and level up as much as she could. In fact, in the last 3 days, she leveled up 4 times, reaching level 12 with extremely high stats.

She also kept constantly practicing her Lightning Manipulation skill and made it reach level 3 which opened many new ways for her to use it. One of those methods was the lightning ball she was creating at that moment.

However, because it was the very first time she was trying that technique, she didn't know if it would work out or not.

'There is no time to hesitate.' She thought to herself as she looked at the ball. Its size was now as big as her hand.

Feeling satisfied with what she made, she looked up at the missile. Even though it felt like an eternity for Hyun-Jae, barely two seconds passed.

Taking a deep breath, Hyun-Jae released one of her hands, letting the ball rest on the other. Then, with a strong glare, she extended her arm back and threw it forward, using all of her power.


The ball of lightning flew through the air as it sizzled violently. In a split second, it reached a few dozen meters in the air. The missile and the ball met halfway as they smashed against each other.

The moment that happened, the ball dispersed across the entire body of the missile. The strings of lightning assaulted the missile from all angles, wrecking its body and interior.

It didn't take long for all of that accumulated damage to make the missile detonate.

The explosion sent a huge shockwave across the area, as big as the previous one. Flames rained down again relentlessly.

"Wha…" Talon's eyes widened. He never expected Hyun-Jae to have such a trick hidden under her sleeve.

"Move, Talon!" The girl in question yelled as she moved toward the stairs quickly.

Talon shook those thoughts away and rushed after her, avoiding the flames as much as he could.

Reaching the stairs, he started descending down while swinging his spear. Bits and pieces of hot metal coming from the missile kept landing on top of him. Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it.


Suddenly, Talon heard a very loud screech coming from the top of the ladder. Looking up, he frowned when he saw the screws that were holding the ladder intact starting to break quickly. A second later, one of the screws finally loosened completely and the ladder tilted to the side.

"Woah!" The duo found themselves losing their balance. The ladder couldn't hold its weight for long.

"Move, Hyun-Jae!" Talon said as he continued going down quickly.

"I will hold it, just continue descending!"

The moment she reached the bottom and quickly tried to hold the ladder fixed with her strength. Her teeth clenched as she used every ounce of strength in her body. The ladder, being made out of metal, weighed easily a few hundred kilograms which was too much for Hyun-Jae to handle for too long.

"Come on…" She groaned as she tilted the ladder to the side a little.

Meanwhile, Talon continued descending as he fended off the flames falling him. Even with his skilled moves, he wasn't completely unscathed from the explosion. Some burning shards of metal fell on his skin and burned it. The pain was naturally intense but Talon clenched his teeth and continued going down quickly.


At that moment, out of nowhere, the ladder snapped completely, detaching itself from the wall as it started falling to the ground.


(A//N: Thanks to everyone who supports the book with power stones and golden tickets, you guys are the best:) )