Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 147 - - Vendetta (Part 3)

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In a normal fight, 30 people vs one single person usually had one single and very logical outcome… The complete and utter defeat of that person. After all, the total strgth of a large group crushes that of an individual.

Well, that was the logic wh the world was still normal. After the integration and wh the human limit of power was brok, that rule was no longer a rule anymore.

Holding the spear with both hands tightly, Talon stared at the group with a cold expression. The veins on his arms expanded as he channeled his Aetheris. A blue hue sured his body and his aura expanded powerfully.

Th, using 0 points of strgth, he swung the spear.


The swing st a giant shockwave across the tire supermarket.


The guards were thrown off by the hit, falling on top of each other like stacks of dominoes.

"What the fuck?!"

"What did he do?!"

"I saw nothing!!"

"He swung his spear and suddly, it's like a goddamn tornado had be unleashed here!"

Amidst their total chaos, Talon pulled his spear back as he took the same fighting stance. Seeing that, the guards felt a chill run down their spines.

'He's about to do it again!!'


A weird glint flashed across the young man's eyes as he slashed with the spear again.



The second shockwave st everyone stumbling back. Shelves fell to the g, burying some of the guards under them while items of all kinds flew off everywhere.

"D-Don't let him swing his spear! Quickly, sur him!" One shouted in disarray.

Ev though Talon's hits had pushed them back and injured some of them, they wer't lethal at all. That made them think that he couldn't really gerate any deadly attacks. fгeewebnovёl.com

So, with that in mind, the guards quickly stood up and attacked him with all their might. The ones with guns stood behind the lines as they aimed their guns and bows. The guards who can have long-range abilities channeled their Aetheris as they slowly formed their attacks.

As for the melee fighters, they sured him again as they attacked with no regard for their gigantic number.


Bullets, arrows, fireballs, and all kinds of other projectiles were launched at Talon at the same time.

But, ev in such a clearly bad situation, the young man kept completely calm. He quickly changed the grip of the spear to one hand before he dashed forward at top speed, taking everyone by surprise.


[You have activated 'Dash'.]


[You have activated 'spearmanship.]


[You have activated 'Future Sight'.]

In quick succession, he activated three of his best abilities in the Dimsion Harvester skill. Wh that happed, his tire fight style changed in a split second.

Closing the distance betwe him and his first target, Talon easily dodged their attack as he stabbed the man with the sword, piercing his heart.


[You have killed a level human.]

Ignoring the notification, Talon pulled the spear out before he swung it a at the perfect time, decapitating another guard before they could ambush him. Th, in a swift and fluid motion, he grabbed the spear with both hands and spun it in front of him.

All the projectiles came rushing toward him before they smashed against his spear, getting either deflected or destroyed completely.

Dealing with those weak long-range attacks was nothing to him. Meanwhile, the other guards tried to quickly overwhelm him.

At that momt, Talon's eyes flashed with a glint of understanding as his brain saw a glimpse of the future. That was all he needed to know what was going to exactly happ in the next second.

'5 behind me, 3 are going to try and stab from behind the lines and 4 more will jump over them.' He thought to himself as his eyes moved a like a flash. 'I can stop them all with one single move.' His eyes flashed with a terrifying glint as he wt into motion.

'The more he grows stronger, the more strgth blds in and loses its importance. What becomes important at the highest level where all individuals are almost equal is information and cleverness… Those who have more information and know how to use that information to their advantage will always win.' Acrypha thought to herself as she watched Talon change his approach again almost instantly.

Crouching down, the young man extded his leg as he slid it at a 360-degree angle.


In a momt, many guards were swiped off their feet and fell to the g. That small mishap caused the tire group to fall into chaos again. Some of the m who tried to stab Talon in secret ded up stabbing their own frids instead because of the sudd movemt.


Th, Talon quickly stood up as he summoned the Aetherial Blades. The two flying weapons emerged from his storage as they quickly moved into action.

Flying away, they attacked the guards ruthlessly. Because of their extreme sharpness, with simple contact, the blade could tear through the skin and ev muscles, leaving behind a terrifying laceration.


Screams of pain echoed in the tire supermarket as guards fell to the g, unable to ev react to the sudd appearance of the Aetherial Blades, many were stabbed.





[Aetherial Blades have leveled up.]

[Aetherial Blades have leveled up.]

A series of notifications popped up in Talon's retina as the Aetherial Blades wt on a murder spree.


"What the fuck is that?! Flying swords?!!!!"

"Stop them!!!"

"Anyone do anything, goddammit!! We're all gonna die!!!!"

The guards tried to stop the Aetherial Blades using all the means possible. However, how were they supposed to stop two flying sharp blades that move a very fast? It was simply impossible.

Meanwhile, the young man stood there, watching the tire sce with terrifying coldness. The strong smell of death permeated the air a him and made it almost suffocating to breathe. The sight of blood splashing everywhere as guards fell dead like ants filled his vision.

Yet, not ev for a second did Talon feel anything at that momt. Seeing all these pieces of filth dying slowly one after the other only gave him a sse of satisfaction. He didn't know why, but ev wh he was clearly killing humans, people of his kind, it didn't bother him at all.

His heart was as calm if not calmer than usual seeing all this carnage. That thought made Talon question his sanity.

'Am I turning into a murderous psychopath?' He asked himself casually as he squinted his eyes.

He was already aware of how numb he was to the idea of killing humans. Ever since he put an d to Terr's life, he found himself with a lack of reaction to it.

He would be lying if he said that it didn't bother him. After all, the last thing Talon wants to lose without realizing is his humanity. Ev if he becomes the strongest creature in existce, capable of feats that this world can't ev imagine, he still wants to remain himself. Someone who joys simply sitting on a couch watching TV with some snacks next to him or spding time with his loved ones.

He wanted his life to remain simple no matter how big he became.

But, that same imagination of his future slowly overlapped with the bloody image of ts of m lying on the g dead. Before he ev realized it, all the guards were dead. The Aetherial Blades were simply too overwhelming to handle.

"..." Pursing his lips at the brutal sce, Talon sighed. "Well, I suppose it could've not be any less bloody than this."

"What the hell is going on he-..."

After all of that ruckus, people naturally would be attracted. Many more guards rushed to the sce wh they heard the screams of pain.

The sight they were met with upon reaching the place made them freeze in their places in pure shock and terror.

Corpses upon corpses of their peers stacked on top of each other, filling the tire trance of the supermarket. Some were decapitated while others were stabbed to death in the chest.

Th, their eyes fell on one young man still standing on his feet in the middle of that bloody sce. Just a single look at him made their souls shake in fear. He had no noticeable expression on his face… Just calm and sere like a mythical being staring down upon mortals.

"Ok, list here, idiots. You have two choices at this very momt. Either get Cha Kwang to come out here on his own or I will kill every single one of you, no exceptions. I don't like having to search for that scumbag." The young man oped his mouth and said coldly. "I've already killed ough of you."


No one dared to speak for a good few seconds. After all, how could they believe that this one young man had killed 30 of their people on his own? That simply sounded ridiculous.

"You have 30 seconds to decide. I don't like slow thinkers either."

Hearing that, the guards flinched as they looked at each other. Their expression was dark and pale.

"What should we do?"

"I don't fucking know… Where is the boss?"

"He's with his wom… He said nobody should disturb him."

The group talked amongst themselves as they tried to figure out their next step.

"What is all this ruckus, bastards? Did a bomb fall in he-?"

At that momt, a fully naked man appeared in front of everyone, catching their atttion… Including Talon's.

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RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts