Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 137 - - Waking Up The Sleeping Beauty (Part 1)

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After a few more tries, Talon finally stopped playing around and closed the storage window after putting the bag in it.

"Hahah, this is really good. Now, I won't have to worry about carrying stuff around. I could have everything I need within an arms reach." He smiled.

"Yeah, having a Dimensional storage space like that one is very invaluable later on. When you're going to start moving around, going to uncharted places. Carrying a Dimensional Pack is extremely important. That's why, the price to buy one in the Core Dimension is hefty." Acrypha explained with a nod of her head.

"Oh, so what I have here is priceless, no? Even though I only have 3 slots. From what I can see, it will probably unlock more in the future."

The rectangle was very big compared to the small three slots. So, unless the Core Dimension was simply creating a wasted space which was something that Talon highly doubted, it most certainly meant that the storage was going to expand.

He didn't know how that would happen yet, but he was sure that it wouldn't go long before he got his answer.

"Though, I don't know if I should hide this from the others or not…" He murmured.

Even though Talon trusted Hyun-Jae and the others, he wasn't dumb enough to show them everything he was capable of. He had to always keep something a secret in case something unexpected happened.

No matter how much he trusted someone, Talon knew that this world wasn't nice enough to go the way he wanted all the time.

"Just try to hide it. But, if someone knew, you can just brush it off as one of your skills." Acrypha suggested.

"Sounds good enough." Talon shrugged. "Ok, time to go back then."

With that matter done, Talon made his way back to the camp. The place was now bustling with activity after everyone woke up.

Since they weren't going to stay there for long, the students were trying to work as fast as they could so that they could start moving as soon as everyone could move.

But, that didn't mean that they actually had any idea where they were going to go. The decision wasn't taken yet.

Walking through the camp, Talon was thinking deeply about that point. There wasn't really much time left for them to relax. If they wanted to avoid getting attacked by another group of monsters, they had to start moving as soon as possible.

"Hey, psst!"

As he was walking, someone stopped him and made him look up. It was surprisingly Chin-Hwa. He had a serious look on his face.

"What's up?"

"Can we talk for a moment?"

"Hmm, sure…"

'The last time this happened, it ended weirdly.' Talon thought to himself as he followed Chin-Hwa till they were a little far away from the camp.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

Chin-Hwa turned around and looked at Talon seriously.

"I will cut to the chase, we need to go back to the warehouse as soon as possible. And by soon, I mean, tomorrow or the day after at most." Chin-Hwa said.

"Hm? Why? Did something happen?" Talon asked seriously.

"No. But, I left Shin-Il and Soomin alone for more than a week now. I'm worried they might get in trouble." He explained.

"Yeah, you do have a point," Talon murmured as he rubbed his chin.

Even though it didn't seem like it, a week had passed since Chin-Hwa arrived on the campus. Leaving behind Shin-Il and Soomin to fend off for themselves.

'The warehouse is a very eye-catching location for other survivors. If people with malicious intent arrive there, it could very quickly become dangerous.' The young man frowned.

"If we can move now, I would've pushed for it to happen as soon as possible. But, many students are still injured. Even more, are extremely exhausted and can barely move. Moving now, in this condition, is very dangerous." Talon explained.

Even with him around, keeping everyone safe from any potential threat was going to be extremely hard if not outright impossible during a trip like this. Talon is fast, but he can't be everywhere at the same time.

'We already lost too many students. I can't let even more people die.'

Chin-Hwa was already aware of that when he asked. So, instead, he decided to change the plan.

"How about I go back first to check on them? The group can follow after that whenever they're ready." He suggested.

"No. That's too dangerous too. You will get yourself killed." Talon denied it immediately.

'After the expansion, monsters are only going to get stronger and more violent. Going out alone at his level is foolish.'

"I'm not weak, Talon," Chin-Hwa replied with a slightly offended tone, thinking that Talon was belittling him.

"You aren't strong either. But, it has nothing to do with strength. I also won't do something as stupid as going out alone. Who knows what kind of abominations lurk where we can't see?"

"Then what…"

"Our best bet is to wait for the students to get ready and then move. We already made Shin-Il and Soomin wait for over a month, making them wait a few more days shouldn't be a problem." Talon said as he turned around.

'Hopefully…' He added in his head. 'I wonder why I have such a bad feeling about this.' He scrunched his face.

With that, he walked back to the camp and then headed straight toward Hyun-Jae's tent. He hadn't met her since yesterday evening when she had to leave to get healed.

"Hyun-Jae… Are you awake?" He said as he stood in front of the closed tent. But, he didn't receive a response.

"Hyun-Jae, it's time to wake up." He said as he tapped the tent again. Yet, no response again.

'She's really deep asleep, isn't she? She must be exhausted.' He thought to himself as he felt bad about trying to wake her up.

However, with their current situation, they had to act quickly. He needed to talk with her and see her insight on their next step. Even though Talon was considered the leader, Hyun-Jae was far better than him in terms of strategic planning, in his opinion. She has a keen eye for small details and knows how to handle certain situations perfectly.

"Hey, psst, excuse me." Deciding on what to do, Talon saw a girl walking by.

The girl turned around, and when she saw who was calling her, she was taken aback.

"L-Leader? Do you need me in anything?"

"Yeah, could you help me out if you can?"

"O-Of course." The girl approached him quickly.

"Thank you." Talon gave her a small, soft smile that made the girl blush furiously as she averted her eyes.

"No problem."

'Ah, I need to get a hold of myself! I'm acting like a complete idiot.' She screamed in her head.

"Ok, so, Hyun-Jae is asleep and she isn't waking up no matter how much I call her name. Can you please go inside and wake her up?" He asked.

Even though Talon knew that Hyun-Jae didn't like interacting with people that much, especially when she was asleep, he had no other choice. He can't just go inside himself since in the end… She's still a woman.

"Huh? Why don't you go inside yourself, leader?" The girl tilted her head confusedly.

'Aren't they dating? Surely waking her up isn't a big problem? I heard they even shared the same room before.'

"Huh? Of course, I can't." Talon replied as he blinked.

The two stared at each other for a few awkward seconds, not knowing what to say. That's when the girl's eyes suddenly shone with a bright light.

"Oh! I see. So that's why!"


'The leader is actually feeling shy, isn't he? Hehehe, I never thought he had such a cute, innocent side to him. As someone who respects both of them, I must make sure their relationship flourishes!' The girl giggled in her head before she looked at Talon with a determined look.

"Don't worry leader! You have my support." She said with a smile.

"Again, what are you talking about?" Talon stared at her.

"Just take a deep breath and walk inside. I will leave you alone then."

Then, before Talon could even ask her again what she meant, the girl stormed off.


The young man stood there, flabbergasted. He didn't know what to do at that point. Looking around him, he couldn't see anyone else he could call for help.

'Goddamit! Where is everyone when I need them the most?!' Clicking his tongue, Talon slowly turned around.

"Are you going to go inside?" Acrypha asked curiously.

"Do I have another choice? Oh man, I'm so going to regret doing this." He murmured.

'Why am I even nervous? This isn't the first time I saw Hyun-Jae asleep. It shouldn't be a problem.'

Shaking his head, the young man finally pulled the tent's cover away slowly as he peeked inside. There, he could see a silhouette sleeping with a thin blanket.

Making sure that she was still indeed asleep, and dressed somewhat properly, Talon made his way inside quietly and closed the cover again. He didn't want anyone else to see Hyun-Jae asleep.

'Ok, this was easier than I thought.' Turning around, he finally took a clear look at Hyun-Jae.

The girl was deep asleep, her head was leaning to the side and her hair was messily spread everywhere.

However, even in such a state, Hyun-Jae's beauty was still as stunning as ever. No matter how much Talon looked at her, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, if he didn't count Acrypha since she wasn't a human.

She had an allure unmatched by anyone else he met before. An allure that doesn't diminish no matter where Hyun-Jae is.

Now, he had to wake that sleeping beauty up from her slumber.

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