Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 135 - - Endless Respect And Harvesting Cores

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Walking through the camp, Talon first went to the area where all the injured students were. He wanted to check on them and see how many were unable to move.

There, he found Iseul going around busily as she instructed her peers on what to do next.

"He still isn't out of danger yet, we need to- Oh, sir!" The girl turned around when she noticed Talon's presence there.

"Sorry for bothering you when you're busy, Iseul," Talon said with an apologetic look.

"Not at all, you're always welcome." The girl shook her head.

"Thank you. So, how are the injured students?" He asked as he looked around him.

Many people were lying down, groaning in pain or asleep. Their injuries varied in degrees of severity but they all needed medical care.

"We're… Somehow progressing fine. Most of them should be able to make a full recovery soon enough. As for the ones that lost limbs… Well, we can't do much about that." Gu Iseul explained.

Even with her healing abilities, Gu Iseul still had many limitations. Regenerating limbs or recovering lost organs was impossible for her at her current stage. It was frustrating, but she had to accept it and do what she could actually do.

"Don't think about it too much. The fact that you saved their lives is more than enough. You saved Hyun-Jae's life and my life too. We're all grateful for you." Talon tapped her shoulder gently when he noticed the gloomy expression on her face.

Gu Iseul nodded her head faintly as she shook her head. "Yes, I know. Thank you very much."

"No problem. In any case, if you need my help with anything, just tell me." He said as he started walking away.

"Of course."

With that, Talon left that area and headed toward the food area to get something to fill his stomach. Even after yesterday's dinner, his stomach still felt really hungry for some reason.

"Ugh, I hate being this hungry. I don't want to waste food pointlessly." He murmured as he grabbed his stomach.

Even though they raided the cafeteria a while ago, it didn't have endless resources inside of it. In fact, a few weeks after that, the students had to go out to search for more food since the stored food was running out quickly.

Even more now when they were outside. Talon would prefer not to waste food on himself unless it was necessary.

"Your body is recovering, so it requires more energy."

"I know. But still… Sigh." Exhaling a small breath, he stopped in the line of students who were getting their breakfast.

At the end of the line, a group of students were handing over plates. The line was considerably long since most people had just woken up.

"This is gonna take some time. I hope the monster cores weren't carried away by the wind." He murmured to himself. "What do you think Dimension Manipulator will be?"

Even though the class already had its description, it was so vague that Talon couldn't really get anything from what it said.

[Dimension Manipulators are beings capable of weaving the fabric of reality itself. To tread this path is to embark upon a journey where the boundaries of reality are not constraints but rather the raw material to be sculpted. With a move of your hand worlds change and with the other, creatures bow in utmost respect.]

No matter how many times he reads that description, it never makes any sense. The way the class was described was akin to a riddle of some sort. A riddle that he must uncover somehow. The second thing he didn't understand was the requirements put on the class.

Unlike his secondary classes which didn't need him to do anything, his main one had a very hard set of requirements he had to achieve before it could actually activate. Something that raised even more questions in his head. freeωebnovēl.c૦m

"It's really hard to predict what it could exactly be. But, if I have to take a guess. It will probably have something to do with going through dimensions. Perhaps it will give you the ability to open gates as you wish and move through them." Acrypha murmured as she rubbed her chin.

'If that is the case then it makes me question what the Core Dimension is doing even more. On the one hand, some people have already tapped into the ability to go to other dimensions as they wished and they're being targeted by the Core Dimension for it. On the other hand, it's potentially giving an individual the power to do that.

What is the meaning of this?' Even with all the possibilities in mind, Acrypha couldn't wrap her head around this logic.

Something was amiss and she didn't find it. One piece of the puzzle that could reveal everything and explain everything. If she could just find that last missing piece, perhaps things would change forever.

"Acrypha?" Snapping her out of her thoughts was Talon's voice.


"You had a very scary expression just now." He said.

"My apologies. I was just thinking."

"Yeah, it's fine. Though, as you said, I also think that this class will let me travel through dimensio-"

"Oh! It's the leader!"

As he was about to finish speaking, some students passing by noticed his presence and called him excitedly.

Their voices made everyone in the line look behind them.

"The leader is here?"

"I didn't notice his presence."

"Why is he waiting in the line?"

"Is he here for food too?"

"What? How can we make the leader wait in line? He has more important things he needs to attend to. Hey! You can take my plate, leader! I can wait!" One said as he approached the bewildered Talon and gave him his place.

"Hold on! He can have mine instead!"

Another got closer and put his plate in Talon's hands.

"So unfair! Please take mine~" A girl smiled seductively with a wink as she gave Talon her plate too.

With that, a few more students surrounded Talon and tried to give him their portions.

"Hold on, guys! I'm getting drowned here!" Talon peeked from behind the mountain of plates in his head. "I can't eat all of this! And I can wait in the line like everyone else. You don't need to treat me any different than anyone else." He said.

'I can't get accustomed to special treatments. If there is a line, I'm waiting like everyone else.' He thought to himself with clenched teeth as he struggled to balance the stack of plates.

But, unbeknownst to him, instead of making the students realize that he wasn't there to take their portions, his words had a completely different effect.

"So… humble…" One murmured with a touched look on his face.

"Even though he is far stronger than anyone else and could easily get what he wanted. He still wants to be humble."

"That's why he's the leader! He is so down to earth!"

"I love you, Mister Talon!"

From murmurs, it turned into excited cheers. Talon looked around him confusedly. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry at that moment.

'How did it turn out like this?'

"They really love you, don't they? Hehehe… Leader~" Acrypha chuckled amusedly.

"Oh come on, not you too. I really hate this Leader nickname I got. Just call me Talon like everyone else. I'm not a leader."

"Though, I have been acting like one for a while now. It's only because it's necessary for survival. When we find a safe place to settle down, I don't want to remain in the same position."

"Well, even if you don't want to remain their leader. They still respect and love you greatly. That's something many 'great leaders' fail to achieve. So, you are already far ahead of most of them. Just enjoy it while it lasts." Acrypha hugged him from behind as she picked something from one of the plates and ate it. But, she frowned visibly and looked away.

"This doesn't taste as good as the food you make." She murmured.

"I guess you're making a point…"

"I always make a point," Acrypha replied casually.

With that, Talon decided to simply take the portions and thank the students for their kindness. That made them even more excited since he accepted their gifts.

With that, Talon sat down in a secluded place and wolfed down the plates one after the other in quick succession. His hunger seemed endless at first, but, by the time he reached the last portion, he was completely full.

"Oh man… I ate like a monster…" He said as he looked at the empty plates next to him.

"You sure did."

"I feel a lot better. Now, I can finally move." He stood up and stretched his limbs. "Off we go!"

Then, he quickly left the camp after notifying Go-Young Soon in case Hyun-Jae or anyone else needed him. His trip wasn't going to take long so he assumed there won't be a problem if he left the place for a while.

Using his high speed, Talon was able to cross the distance between the camp and the battlefield in a few dozen seconds or so.

When he reached there, the area was still the same as he left it yesterday. except for the puddles of water that accumulated everywhere and the muddy soil.

In this open area, countless small shiny orbs could be seen lying everywhere. Their sizes varied and so did their colors.

"So many… I have never seen this number of cores in my life." Talon murmured to himself as he walked around the place. Picking up random orbs, he checked their condition.

"Hmm, they don't seem to have been affected by the attack. Weird, aren't they fragile?"

"They are fragile to physical force. Any attack made out of Aetheris most of the time doesn't have any effect on them." Acrypha explained.

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