Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 102 - - Knowing More About The Beauty From Another Dimension

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The grey clouds kept accumulating and covering the entire sky casting a gloomy veil of darkness on the world.

The wind grew stronger that night and the temperature dropped heavily as if it was winter again. The weather was really bad on every single level. In fact, it became so bad, that the students that usually would guard the entrance to the gymnasium were called inside to protect themselves from the cold.

The lightning strikes grew more menacing and even stronger. Luckily, students were able to stay protected from all of that for the most part.

Meanwhile, Talon left the building again and headed back to the same spot he was before. After talking with Hyun-Jae and informing the students that the plan was continuing as it was, he rushed back to where he was to keep an eye on the research center and the forest.

He knew that the girl wasn't going to stay still and let them do whatever they wanted.

"It's going to be one hell of a night," Talon murmured as he sat down and put an umbrella on top of his head. Because his body was now far stronger than before, he didn't feel that cold at the moment.

This strong wind was akin to a pleasant spring breeze. But, that didn't mean that he was enjoying his stay there since the situation was really bad.

"Is she going to make a move, I wonder." He murmured as he watched the forest silently.

"Who knows? Though because she's also in a bad situation like you are, she doesn't have many choices." Acrypha said as she sat down next to Talon.

"Yeah, I guess that's one good thing about this entire situation. If the expansion hits, then it's going to hit everyone."

With that, time slowly moved as Talon watched the forest. Seconds turned into minutes and then minutes turned into hours. Meanwhile, the forest was the same as always, nothing was out of the ordinary as much as he could see.

*Drop* *Drop*

As he was like that, he heard a tapping sound on top of him. Looking up, he could see droplets of water had dropped on the umbrella slowly. The droplets kept increasing in frequency and strength till the entire surface of the umbrella was completely wet.

The sound of rain filled his ears as the world around him turned a little blurry. For one reason or another, Talon found this to be calming rather than stressful. He was always a fan of rain. Something about the sound and atmosphere it creates feels special to him.

Even in his bad days, if it rains, then he feels that all of that sadness would wash away just like how rain washes away the impurities in this world.

"It's raining…" He murmured as he looked slowly to his side. There, Acrypha was sitting close to him with her eyes closed. He didn't know what she was doing since she said she didn't require sleep at all.

"What are you doing?" He decided to ask.

"Stabilizing my body." She replied calmly.

"Stabilizing your body?"

"Yes. I have suffered some problems with it before coming here so I'm slowly restoring my strength."

"Wait, you're injured?" Talon blinked in surprise.

"In a way, yes, I am. I can't use a good 60% of my strength. But, I'm slowly regaining it." She replied.

Talon went silent for a few seconds. So far, the only thing he knew about Acrypha was that she was from a medium-S dimension, he didn't know exactly what her background was but he knew that it was far from normal.

'To think that something could injure her…' Just trying to imagine what could be the reason made him frown. It was probably something that could erase him out of existence in a split second.

That thought alone made him realize how far away he still was from actually being considered 'strong'. By this world's standards, sure, he was indeed strong, but when the scale goes up, his true power gets dwarfed by the true monsters.

Acrypha was one of those monsters that could kill him with a thought. If it wasn't for the fact that the Core Dimension was protecting him and every other existence in lower dimensions, they would've been long gone.

"And how long would that take? To restore your strength, I mean." He asked eventually.

"Depends. If things go well, a few years. But, if things don't go as intended, a few hundred years give or take."

"A few hundred years?!" Talon blurted out in shock.

"Yes, it's not easy to recover from heaving injuries like the one I have. But, with your help, I might be able to recover in a shorter time than I ever expected. You seem to enjoy breaking my expectations, after all." Acrypha smiled with her eyes closed.

"Hmm, is that so?" Talon hummed quietly as he looked ahead again.

Then, the two remained silent for a while longer before Talon opened his mouth again. "By the way, Acrypha."


"Do you have a family?" He asked.

His question came rather abruptly and out of nowhere which made Acrypha open her eyes and look at him.

"And where did that question come from?" She asked casually.

"Uh, just curious. You never told me anything about your past, so I just thought I could ask." Talon explained. "You don't have to answer if I'm prying too much."

However, Acrypha shook her head. "No, it's fine. I don't mind talking about it. You can ask me anything and if I can't answer something, I will tell you." Then, she turned her head to stare at the rain dropping around them. "Well, the short answer to that question is yes, I did have a family."

"You did?" Talon squinted. "So, they aren't alive anymore?"

"No, not really. Hmm, how should I explain this… Let's say, they're alive and dead at the same time. And yes, I know it sounds confusing. But that's the only way I can explain it to you without making your brain explode with information." She said.

"Alive and dead? How… Not very much, I don't want to know. So, I guess your goal is to help them?" He asked.

"No, they don't need my help nor do I wanna help them." She replied in a rather cold tone.

Acrypha couldn't hide some hatred from leaking through her tough front and Talon felt it clearly.

'I guess her relationship with them isn't as simple as familial love.' He thought to himself.

"Hmm, then… Do you have a lover? Or did you use to have a lover? Maybe a husband?" He asked after thinking for a second.

His question made Acrypha's cold expression vanish in an instant as she looked at him. A small smirk started slowly forming on her gorgeous face.

"And why is that important now?" She asked, teasingly. "Are you perhaps trying to give it a chance?"

Talon smiled back as he lifted his hands. "You got me. I was intending to confess my endless love to you right here and now. A rainy weather, we are alone, it's the perfect place for a romantic confession, no?" He replied with a joking tone.

"Hahaha, indeed, you chose the right place."

The two laughed for a while before Acrypha finally exhaled. "Jokes aside, though. The answer is no, I never had a lover and was never interested in romance in the first place."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Mainly because I was too busy with other things and also, I never thought I would ever find a good partner." She explained.

"I feel you." Talon sighed. "Finding someone who can understand you is a hassle. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack."

"So you never had a lover before?" Acrypha asked curiously.

"I did actually. But, it was years ago and it didn't work out well so we separated and went our own paths."

"Why is that?"

"Hmm, I guess it was simply that our goals didn't align and we knew that keeping this up would only do us more harm than good, so we just broke up. Though, I never regretted any of that."

Even though it was a short period of time, Talon only had pleasant memories from that time. There weren't any lingering feelings, but if he met her again, he wouldn't mind befriending her.

'I wonder if she's still alive today, though.' He thought to himself.

"Mr. Charming is really amazing, isn't he? You're truly a ladies' man."

"Spare me, please. I'm really bad when it comes to such stuff. You're the first woman I properly talked with in years. Then, there is Hyun-Jae too. So, in total, I only know two." He sighed in exhaustion.

'I'm so bad at this and I probably won't get any better soon.'

Meanwhile, Acrypha looked at him with a silent smile. Knowing that he wasn't aware of what kind of effect he had made it even more amusing.

'Well, it's good that way.' She thought to herself. For some reason, she felt rather at ease knowing that he wasn't interested in romance either.

As they were like that, Talon's ears suddenly picked on a small noise coming from the distance.

(A//N: Thanks to everyone who supports the book with power stones and golden tickets, you guys are the best:) )