Descent of the Demon Master-Chapter 930: Welcoming the Guest (5)
'You shouldn't have done that, though…'
Bak Hak-Gi wasn't in a great mood at the moment.
He always felt this way whenever things didn't go as planned. And how should he describe this feeling? Like his stomach not agreeing with the breakfast he had earlier? He felt bloated and just a little bit nauseous.
Today's event had one positive and one negative aspect to it.
The positive aspect this time was that the event itself wasn't complicated. The solutions were simple enough, and those involved were easy enough to identify. The odds of this situation ballooning in size until crap hit the fan were low… As long as Bak Hak-Gi did his job properly and kept a close eye on the aftermath, that was!
Basically, he only needed to gag the people involved, and that would be a job well done.
So, what would be the negative aspect? That would have to be the person involved in this event.
Was Bak Hak-Gi thinking about Choi Yeon-Ha? After all, having someone like that involved was never a good thing. As a top-tier celebrity, her words could create far more ripples than those of an average Joe off the street.
But no, Bak Hak-Gi wasn't thinking about her. He could think only about the one and only… Master of the Round Table!
'This is the first time since the founding of our nation that a big fish like him has stepped foot on our land…!'
Obviously, many, many "bigger" fishes had entered South Korea in the past. However, they were all people from the surface world. For instance, various Presidents of the United States have regularly popped in for a visit throughout the decades, now haven't they?
However, this was the first time a big fish of the hidden world voluntarily chose to enter South Korea. It was also the first time the system of responses existed as nothing more than a manual for decades, finally seeing the light of the day.
But the problem was that those responses had been drafted far too long ago and couldn't be applied to today's event. That was why everyone here was acting on instincts and responding in a way they thought was appropriate for the situation at hand!
What made their task even harder, though, was… The Master of the Round Table was not some random big fish either!
Bak Hak-Gi would rather deal with the head of the EU coming to visit instead. Sure, the European Union didn't have an official boss or anything, but it still had a top representative, didn't it? Someone like that paying a visit would've been more relaxing to Bak Hak-Gi and Co.
After all, those people would at least be mindful of the media's scrutiny. However, that didn't apply to the folks of the martial world.
They stayed in the shadows, never revealing themselves. That made them much more dangerous. And that also made them totally unreasonable creatures. Unlike the people from the surface world, who naturally thought about saving face from the public and the media's attention if something untoward happened, the martial artists went straight for swords and firearms, no questions asked!
'A bunch of barbarians, that's what they are!'
Bak Hak-Gi thought that label was appropriate, a bunch of barbarians that didn't belong in modern times.
Unfortunately, these barbarians weren't the same as the surface world's idea of barbarians who didn't hold much sway in society and could only push through with their stubbornness. No, these people wielded incredible, world-ending powers, much to Bak Hak-Gi's chagrin!
Getting on these people's bad books was dozens of times more dangerous than angering the leaders of the surface world!
'That's why we must not create problematic situations here.'
Bak Hak-Gi only had one job to do, and that was to ensure the Master's visit began and ended without any issues. The Martial Assembly's people and their antics were beyond Bak Hak-Gi's control, but at least he could try his utmost best to prevent any mishaps from occurring in other areas.
But things have gone awry from the get-go.
'Bloody hell… At your age, you probably weren't thinking about scoring with a girl, so why did you have to go and do something unnecessary?'
Bak Hak-Gi knew he shouldn't say this out loud. However, it should be fine to think about it, no? Didn't the old saying go that even the most patriotic person might insult their own country while no one was looking?
Still, that line of thinking was a good indicator of how flustered Bak Hak-Gi felt right now.
He and his people barely managed to secure this place and shut the public out, so why did the Master have to go and invite Choi Yeon-Ha to pass customs together?
The first problem came from Bak Hak-Gi's agents, who had failed to remove Choi Yeon-Ha from the vicinity quickly enough. After he received the report on the matter, Bak Hak-Gi kicked the living daylights out of his subordinates' shins, but that wasn't enough to vent his anger.
How could these idiots handle this sensitive situation so unprofessionally!
'Fuu-woo… Damn it. I wish I could smoke…'
Bak Hak-Gi slipped his hand inside his pocket and silently toyed with the cigarette packet. Despite his hankering, though, he knew he couldn't smoke right now.
With the era being what it was, he wouldn't dare smoke inside an airport. The designated smoking area was too far away, and it was unthinkable to vacate his position for a quick smoke break when he was supposed to keep an eye on the most important VIP in Korea's history.
'I mean… We're finally doing something worthwhile, after all!'
This chapter is updat𝓮d by freēnovelkiss.com.
The government viewed the martial world as the "special" management target. That didn't mean it tried to directly influence the martial artists, though, as the people in that neck of the woods extremely detested the idea of the government controlling or restricting them. And this uneasy situation didn't only apply to South Korea.
Even the leaders of the United States and the European Union dared not control or restrict their nation's respective martial societies. Only in dictatorships with extremely frail martial societies could such a thing even be attempted and succeed to some degree.
In that case, how could the Korean government even think about controlling these martial artists? With what method?
Unfortunately, that didn't mean the government could just sit on their hands and allow these unruly martial artists to run around and cause trouble for everyone.
In the end, it all came down to appropriate cooperation and agreements through concerted negotiations. And Bak Hak-Gi's duty was to be the middleman in that negotiation.
"Chief Bak?"
Bak Hak-Gi glanced at his subordinate. "Yeah?"
"The VIP is now heading toward the airport lounge."
"Got it. Escort him."
Bak Hak-Gi nodded slightly while observing his subordinate rush outside customs.
'No matter what, we gotta make sure absolutely nothing happens during this visit!'
Nothing could be done about the already spilled milk with Choi Yeon-Ha. But Bak Hak-Gi sure as hell could eliminate any potential source of trouble from this point on.
He must do everything in his power because… Today's event could very well be the turning point in his career!
Bak Hak-Gi was affiliated with South Korea's National Intelligence Service but wasn't an agent. At least not in the conventional sense.
More specifically, he did pass the qualifications test to earn the right to advertise himself as a member of the feared NIS, but his actual position made it a bit strange to say he was actually an NIS agent.
That was because his… "department" performed a completely different function than regular NIS agents, even though they were all ostensibly working in the same government entity.
The National Intelligence Service's domestic duties included ferreting out foreign agents hiding in the country as well as operating their own assets to investigate any and all groups threatening to overthrow the state. And it's international role was to keep a close watch on all enemy nations and manage the information flow coming from them.
However, Bak Hak-Gi's team didn't do that. No, his team only focused on… managing the relationship with the martial societies, both domestic and foreign!
That made his and his team's existence a secret even within the NIS. Such was the secrecy that many of Bak Hak-Gi's fellow NIS agents didn't even know he existed to this day. When nicely put, the level of secrecy had been admirably top-notch. When not-so-nicely put, though? Bak Hak-Gi's team simply didn't have a lot to do.
However, that situation made some sense. After all, his department was basically an entity-in-idea-only until recently.
The Korean martial artists were a surprisingly well-behaved bunch. Compared to their Chinese counterparts who went around in large groups to wage open war against each other, or the Japanese who manipulated Yakuza and even high-ranking politicians like puppets to solidify their power base, the Koreans were like angels from Heaven!
Not only that, but Lee Jung-Geol also greased enough palms in the political world and ensured they would always be on good terms. With such a man ruling over the Korean martial society, the government didn't really have a reason to keep a wary eye on him and his gang.
However, Kang Jin-Ho's sudden entrance changed everything. The government's wariness went through the roof when that man brought Lee Jung-Geol down and became the Korean martial society's new undisputed ruler.
Kang Jin-Ho was incomparably crueler and more violent than Lee Jung-Geol ever was. It'd be weird for a functioning government to ignore an individual like that. As such, it quickly reorganized the nearly-forgotten department and spent a sizable chunk of resources to monitor Kang Jin-Ho's activities.
That was when he got into that war with China's Crimson King. And now, even the Master of the Round Table was coming for a visit!
Simply put, South Korea went from the virtual rural backwater of the martial world to the center of attention in the proverbial blink of an eye. No wonder the Korean government was keeping a very close eye on the developing situation.
Bak Hak-Gi asked another subordinate near him. "Where is Kang Jin-Ho?"
"He's in the lounge, sir!"
"Mm…!" Bak Hak-Gi grunted grimly.
'The lounge, eh…?'
Just past the security checkpoint was the airport's VIP lounge. Since Kang Jin-Ho was already there… He and the Master should soon come face-to-face. Merely imagining that scene set Bak Hak-Gi's heart racing like crazy.
'Gee, whiz. What an incredible spectacle that's gonna be.'
On one corner was the Master of the Round Table that had ruled over Europe for many decades. And on the other corner was a rising star who appeared out of nowhere to flip the script on East Asia's unchanging and stagnating power dynamics in just one year.
Bak Hak-Gi's imagination wasn't rich enough to cook up what might happen in the meeting between these two titans.
'Yes, this is it…!'
Bak Hak-Gi tightly clenched his fists.
Until recently, his department was looked on with crippling contempt from the higher-ups. Bak Hak-Gi couldn't remember how many times he had to hold back his tears of blood whenever the higher-ups insulted his team for being a bunch of freeloaders who got paid for doing eff-all.
However, the situation had changed significantly now. Kang Jin-Ho's appearance made them do a 180, and Bak Hak-Gi's department was now treated as one of the most important in the whole of the NIS!
If Bak Hak-Gi managed to handle this matter well, his team's importance would only go up higher. Ditto for the treatment received, too. Knowing this, he swore to make this event as perfect as possible!
Bak Hak-Gi sharply gazed at his subordinate. "What about the surrounding area? Has it been sealed off?"
"Sir! Not even a rat can slip through now!"
"You better keep your wits about you. Because the first thing I'll do if we run into trouble is to put a bullet between your eyes. Got that?"
"S-sir? Maybe I should go and double-check."
"Do it, then! You brat!"
"Yes, sir!"
Bak Hak-Gi groaned under his breath at the sight of yet another of his subordinates rushing outside the customs area.
'Hah… Once this situation wraps up, I better recruit more competent agents.'
Bak Hak-Gi's department never really received quality newbies when it was still seen as a joke within the NIS. However, now that the government was properly supporting it, Bak Hak-Gi figured it was about time he recruited competent new blood to join the team.
However, even though this event would lead to a bright future for Bak Hak-Gi, he was in no mood to feel relaxed and happy about it. As a matter of fact, his lips and throat had been feeling parched and cracking for a while now.
That was because he was nervous about meeting Kang Jin-Ho face-to-face. He might have seen countless photos and videos of that man. Hell, he even got to observe Kang Jin-Ho from afar in the past, too. However, none of them were even remotely comparable to being in the same room as Kang Jin-Ho, now was it!
The idea of breathing the same air as the man called East Asia's Demon King placed incredible strain on even the usually tough-as-nails Bak Hak-Gi. Even though he knew Kang Jin-Ho wouldn't even spare a thought about him!
What a history-making event this was, the meeting between Kang Jin-Ho and the Master of the Round Table. And it should be an indescribable honor to be here to witness it personally.
'When we go through those doors…'
...History would be made!
Before that could happen, however, Bak Hak-Gi suddenly grew worried about something. He could see the Master and his entourage up ahead, followed by…
'...The unwanted guests.'
Two "impurities" that didn't belong here had somehow become involved in this event.
"Please hold," Bak Hak-Gi called out to Choi Yeon-Ha and Han Eun-Sol again.
She turned her head and shot an irritated glare in his direction. "What is it this time?"
"Miss Choi. Once you go through the gate, do not look at your surroundings and keep walking, please. Our agents are right outside the gate. They will escort you safely out of here."
"...You don't want me to look at the surroundings?"
"There is no one waiting for you over there, miss. As such, I recommend you don't pay attention. Also…" Bak Hak-Gi bared his fangs just a little as he stared straight at Choi Yeon-Ha. "You're an actor, so it should be easy for you. Be like an extra and keep walking as if nothing is happening. There cannot be any interference with the meeting in the lounge. Do you understand, Miss Choi?"
"Seriously? Now you're asking me to do what?" Choi Yeon-Ha shot back in pure irritation. "Listen, Mister NIS Agent. I'm also supposed to meet someone right outside, you know?"
"That's none of my concern, Miss Choi. All I care about is you walking straight past the lounge, no questions asked. And I must warn you ahead of time. You are not to express any form of dissatisfaction to the person waiting for you outside and give them the impression that something funky happened in here. Please remember it. We will do anything to ensure the continued prosperity of our…"
"Yes, yes! I got it already!" Choi Yeon-Ha sharply yelled back. "I'm deaf, mute, and blind, okay! So I can't see or hear anything, never mind speak! Are you happy now?"
"More or less, yes."
Choi Yeon-Ha didn't bother to wait for Bak Hak-Gi's approval and spun on her heels to leave. She was clearly simmering in irritation, but…
'If you were going to do this, why didn't you stop that old gent from asking us in the first place?'
Although her frustration was threatening to spill over, there was no helping it this time. Even Choi Yeon-Ha could tell that that NIS agent wasn't making empty threats.
One should be mindful of people who always talk about doing whatever it takes for the sake of their country. They might be just crazy enough to make good on their threats, after all!
Finally, the gate opened up. And then… Bak Hak-Gi's eyes opened wider.
'...Kang Jin-Ho!'
He could see it. He could see two men beyond the open gateway! One of them was unmistakably Kang Jin-Ho. His figure was being half-obscured by the Master's dignified back.
'And, and! I'm here to witness this historic…'
That was when the catastrophe happened.
Choi Yeon-Ha, who had been obediently following along behind the Master's entourage… suddenly stood up straight and quickened her pace.
'What?! That crazy woman…!'
Even though he warned her not to get in the way!
Bak Hak-Gi belatedly realized he made a massive mistake by not getting rid of Choi Yeon-Ha. He only left her alone to not rouse the Master's annoyance, but that had backfired on him. However, before things could escalate…!
Bak Hak-Gi hurriedly rushed forward to grab Choi Yeon-Ha and yank her back. However!
That was when Kang Jin-Ho suddenly moved.
Even though all he did was take a step forward, it was still enough to glue Bak Hak-Gi's feet to the floor. The NIS agent didn't dare move a single muscle at this overwhelming and crushing presence.
As for what happened afterward…
"Euph, euph, euph!" Choi Yeon-Ha gestured to her mouth as if to say she was gagged and couldn't say anything.
"…?" Kang Jin-Ho stared at her in a slight flabbergast, but his expression eventually stiffened a little. He exchanged silent gazes with Choi Yeon-Ha before his head cocked to the side. And his gaze zeroed in on Bak Hak-Gi next.
When Bak Hak-Gi saw Kang Jin-Ho's withdrawn eyes, he instinctively realized something. And that was…
'Dammit. I'm screwed.'
Although he had no idea what just happened, one thing seemed clear.
He was definitely screwed now!