Deities: Starting From Goblins-Chapter 89 - 64: Fusion of the World! Unimaginable Harvest! [4k]

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Chapter 89: Chapter 64: Fusion of the World! Unimaginable Harvest! [4k]

Translator: 549690339

The Department Chief had no idea how much damage this decision would cause in the future!

Within the Endless Void,

The T04 World Region,

The Sub-Dragon Strongman, which had been rapidly pulling the Dragon Taming World Fragment, began to slow down just before reaching the Dust World.

Although they were a higher rank than the Void Powermen, they evolved from the Void Powermen and specialized in hunting, dredging, and operating the world.

There shouldnโ€™t be any colossal blunders like โ€œunable to stop, world collisionโ€.

Logan kept his eyes on the Hyperdimensional Forum. He wasnโ€™t worried about the safety of his parents; he knew about the Spatial Sanctuary There would be no danger to life before Zow City fell.

โ€œDamn it, why now?โ€

Logan felt a bit anxious, but the messages popping up in the Hyperdimensional Forum didnโ€™t have a life-and-death feel to them, which somewhat soothed his racing heart.

He looked down, trying to find information related to Zow City,

โ€œI didnโ€™t believe it when I saw the message earlier, saying that the entire District 2 was experiencing a large-scale descent of high-level spatial rifts, but nowโ€ฆโ€

โ€œWho would have thought, Blue Star has been peaceful for quite a while, high-level spatial rifts of this size havenโ€™t appeared in a long time!โ€

โ€œI remember the last time, District 21 was facing an invasion from the โ€˜Ancient

Divine Beast Worldโ€™. Back then, the Abyss of Nothingness descended and Dominator Level monsters emerged!โ€

โ€œRight, large-scale spatial rift groups of high ranks are a precursor to the Abyss of Nothingness, damn, weโ€™re in District 2โ€ฆโ€

โ€œDonโ€™t say that, itโ€™s possible. Luckily, we have a [Holy Seat] Level Dominator in District 2, and itโ€™s even a Holy Seat Dominator who received a core lineage from the Immortal Civilization. We should be able to hold on!โ€

โ€œCanโ€™t you speak properly? The way youโ€™re talking makes it seem like we only have one Dominator in District 2!โ€

โ€œOur city should be fine, we have already made estimations, only five Transcendent Monsters should descend.โ€

โ€œWeโ€™re worse off, weโ€™ve estimated one middle-level Transcendent monster and thirteen lower Super Rank Monsters!โ€

โ€œOur place is one of the largest cities in District 2, we are estimating three high-ranking transcendents, thirty-three middle-grade transcendents, and six hundred and thirty-seven lower-grade transcendents!โ€

โ€œDamn, that many?โ€

โ€œYeah, how is that possible, what kind of world can breed so many monsters?โ€

โ€œInterestingly enough, there have always been rumors that these monsters arenโ€™t actual beasts from the Endless Void, but are โ€˜disastersโ€™ sent by the

Endless Void as a punishment for the existence of the Hyperdimensional


โ€œBy the looks of it, while the numbers may seem large, remember his city has both the Kingโ€™s Throne and the Dominator. These monsters canโ€™t cause much trouble!โ€

โ€œYeah, for them, isnโ€™t this equivalent to a military drill?โ€

โ€œOn the other hand, for our smaller cities, even the descent of three to five lower Super Rank monsters is a matter of life and death.โ€

โ€œStop mentioning it, Iโ€™m in Zow City. The estimate is three lower Super Rank monsters. Fortunately, a Department Chief of the Guard Department is permanently stationed here, along with three invited Transcendents. Unless there are unforeseen circumstances, there shouldnโ€™t be any problems, but itโ€™s still going to be a significant disaster!โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t say that, usually when such things are said, accidents happenโ€ฆโ€

โ€œDamn it, shut up!โ€

Only when he read this, did Logan breathe a sigh of relief,

โ€œIf they can hold on, thatโ€™s the best.โ€

Logan nodded slightly,

โ€œJust, I hope it doesnโ€™t turn out like what the last guy, that harbinger of doom,

said about some accident happening!โ€

After his worries had subsided, Logan looked at the rapidly approaching Dust World.

From above the Dust World, he felt an unusually vital connection, as if he were looking at another version of himself.

After all, his will was engendered and intertwined with this world!

Under his will, there was no repulsion between the two worlds, and instead they exhibited an attitude of mutual acceptance and fusion!

At this moment, all the members of the Goblin Tribe in the Dust World, the

Lancaster Spirit Race and the Dragon Tamers, Tamed Spirits in the Dragon Taming World, all went into a prayer stateThe world, was Loganโ€™s world.

In the process of fusion, praying to Logan naturally led to receiving blessings from the โ€œSpiritโ€!

As for the damage that the wild Dragon Tamers, Tamed Spirits and the ferocious beasts in the Dust World would sufferโ€ฆ

If they had ample time, then perhaps Logan could deal with them one by one.

But now time was pressing. All he could do was pray to the Spirit of Fate. After all, Logan was still of Totem Entity rank and couldnโ€™t make very precise operations,

โ€œNext timeโ€ฆโ€

โ€œThis time, the most I can do after the fusion is to bypass the Grit Class with the Dust Class world fragment and directly reach the Boundary Island Class.โ€

โ€œNext time when I upgrade from a World Fragment to a full World or Planet, I should have the ability to carry out super-precise operations and there wouldnโ€™t be any losses.โ€

After dismissing these thoughts, Logan gave a command to the System,

โ€œSystem, can I merge certain compatible special effects into the world during the fusion process to make the world stronger?โ€

โ€œI still haveโ€ฆโ€

โ€œTwo million Faith Points left!โ€

โ€œEven if I have to consume all the Faith Points, I must strive to create the best Boundary Island Class world possible under the current conditions!โ€

Transforming a world is virtually a bottomless task, especially since Logan wants to create the bestโ€ฆ.free(w)

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