D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad-Chapter 1469 - Road Trip Away from the Road Trip

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--- Callisto --- (MEANWHILE! Sylvie Alice and Penny are GOING ON A TRIP!)

"Urgh, who's idea was this," grumbled Vivian as they drove towards the theme park. She'd been driving all night long and was exhausted. Sure it was a long weekend, but to give the three girls enough time for two full days at the park she'd needed to leave at 7:00pm to get there early enough.

The plan was to explore Saturday and Sunday, drive back Monday, and praise the fact that she only had work to do at home for the rest of the week. It meant she could sleep in to recover.

"Yours. It was your idea," jabbed Callisto with her knife of cold logic.

"Noooo, I don't see why I'd do something that silly," insisted Vivian.

"Vivian, I do not sleep. Driving all night so that we could visit the park and use the weekend pass properly was your idea… and despite the fact I do not sleep and offered to drive we find ourselves in this situation. You, more than half asleep, while I have only been reading some novels while you drive," said Callisto.

"Why were you reading novels? Shouldn't you have used that time to sleep?" asked Vivian without really thinking. Callisto sucked in a deep breath as she rubbed her temples, trying to suppress the pain that statement caused her.

"Vivian… I do not sleep," stated Callisto.

"Oh… right. Then why am I driving?" asked Vivian while looking out the window. Callisto glared at Vivian for a second before putting her eyes to the road. Despite stating that she'd been reading it was a lie. She was watching the road to ensure that Vivian didn't nod off and cause an accident.

"This was meant to be a trip for you to get to know Alice's parents, and Penny's guardians but something came up at their work… allegedly. Originally I was not coming along at all. Now, the fact that it happened to both sets of adults called out at the same time is somewhat suspicious and I personally suspect they instead plan to use the weekend to have sex.

"When they were all coming along, the plan was for you to share the driving responsibilities so that none of you were too tired… But based on the fact that they never once spoke about how they planned to get a sufficient number of cars on the road for the extra three people I have to assume that this was their plan from the start. freewёbnoνel.com

Perhaps they coordinated after guessing the others had the same plan?" explained Callisto.

"Don't talk about sex, the girls will here you!" hissed Vivian.

Callisto gave Vivian a deadpan stare she wouldn't see as long as she kept her eyes on the road and glanced towards the back seat. There she could see the three girls, all completely zonked out. They'd built a massive pile of pillows with Sylvie on the left, Alice in the middle and Penny on the right of the pile. Though, in truth that description was slightly inaccurate.

Sylvie, the smallest of the three had been half dragged out of her seat and into Alice's arms who was now using her as a replacement for a stuff toys. On her other side Penny was covered in pillows, one of which Alice was leaning on, which allowed Penny to start chewing on Alice's blonde hair.

Callisto took a moment to grin at the scene. They were all adorable. Alice had her hair free and it was sprawled everywhere. Penny seemed to take exception to that, what with her attempts to chew it off. Sylvie seemed to be at peace with a big smile on her face, and all three of them had cute little pyjamas with bears on them. A lucky coincidence perhaps?

Or maybe the three planned it out beforehand.

Sylvie's pyjamas were pink with black teddy bears that all had wings with some purple lining around the ends. Alice's pyjamas were blue with teddies that had little hard hats and different construction tools in their hands, from rulers to hammers. Finally Penny was wearing a slightly off-white set where all the bears had differently shaped glasses on them.

"Pretty sure they're still asleep," said Callisto as she turned her gaze back to the road. "I really would not worry about it,"

"Don't they say that people can hear what you tell them in their sleep?" asked Vivian.

"I believe you are referring to the idea that it is claimed that someone in a coma can still hear you speaking to them. There is sufficient evidence to show that the idea is likely, but nothing has been truly confirmed in the sources I most recently perused," explained Callisto.

"Don't think you can trick me with your fancy words! I know your secret! You like to dress up as a maid!" insisted Vivian.

Callisto looked down at the maid outfit she was currently wearing and then back over to Vivian, before letting her gaze return to the road. "Vivian. We should pull over," insisted Callisto.

"Nope! Imma be the driver! I said I would," whined Vivian.

"Vivian, you are clearly completely out of it. Please pull over before we get into an accident. I can only react so quickly to any potential issues over here in the passengers side," said Callisto.

"No, no I can do it!" insisted Vivian.

Callisto paused for a moment as she considered her angle then it came to her. "But if you pull over that means you can sleep in the car just like Sylvie and the other two girls. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Yeah! That sounds awesome. Guess I gotta find a place to pull over. You sure you don't want to take that chance? I mean, I can drive you know, you could sleep with them?" offered Vivian.

Callisto rolled her eyes. "Like I said before… I don't sleep Vivian, you know this,"

"OH! Right yeah… sowwy," mumbled Vivian. Callisto just rolled her eyes as they pulled over into a small rest stop on the side of the road and hopped out. Callisto had to dash around to the driver's side as Vivian nearly fell down as soon as she tried to stand. *Why did I not force her to do this earlier? She is dead on her feet.

At least nothing bad happened. I'll have to ensure I am driving back.*

--- Callisto --- (Later that morning: The Theme park)

Callisto slammed the rear back down as the girl's took a lot at their clothes for the day. Sylvie had chosen a black dress that reached down to her ankles and proper boots. Alice was wearing a blue dress with Mary Jane style shoes and white socks, while Penny had decided to wear jeans fit for her size and similar shoes to Alice. They were all smiling and looking ready for the day…

In direct contrast to Vivian who was leaning against the car to steady herself, deep bags under her eyes and she hadn't noticed that the hat she was wearing was on backwards. Speaking of hats. Callisto plopped the ones she was holding down onto the girls heads before they could get too excited. They all had wide brimmed straw hats with a strap to keep them attached.

Sylvie's had a fake white flower on it, Alice had a blue bow on hers and Penny's had nothing special.

"Right. Vivian is tired from driving most of the night so I am officially in charge for the trip. I do have some breakfast materials around, but surprisingly the restaurants here are not actually too bad on price. So, it is going to be up to you three. Do you want to quickly have something now to give yourselves more time in the park?

Or do you want to go inside and eat something fancy?" asked Callisto.

Penny glanced around at Vivian. "Why does she look so tired?"

"The real question is why didn't you drive Callisto?" asked Sylvie.

Callisto let out a sigh. "Vivian had planned to drive because I was not originally coming on the trip and declined my offer of assistance once those plans changed,"

"Good, the people looking after me are dumb," grumbled Penny.

"Wait… you're saying Vivian is like this because you can't say no to her?" offered Sylvie.

"Hmm? Why would that matter?" asked Alice. "Vivian clearly made a decision and Callisto seems fairly well rested so didn't it work out in the end?"

"Callisto is a pushover when it comes to Vivian… and doesn't sleep. If she'd just driven the whole way nobody would be tired," explained Sylvie.

"Oh… well that's silly," agreed Alice.

"Yeah… why would you do that Callisto! You're normally so much smarter then that!" insisted Penny.

"Ah…" said Sylvie in sudden understanding. "Not only are you weak to Vivian's request but you also think she's cute when she's tired," Sylvie had come to this understanding when Vivian moved from leaning on the car to leaning on Callisto's shoulder and failing to bite into it.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," replied Callisto. Nobody believed her.

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