Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen-Chapter 260 - The Letter (3)

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Chapter 260 - The Letter (3)

After spitting out my concern, I wait for the court to absorb my words. I turned the situation in my favour, showing how the supposed late appearance of this letter should concern his majesty and his protectors.

This doesn't just discharge me of any accusation of treason, but it also shows that someone hid it from his majesty.

Now, the only thing left is to prove that my claims are founded.

?Months?? the Emperor murmurs. He looks at the paper and crooks his mouth, confused. This is a surprise, isn't it?

I'm a few steps ahead...

?Yes, your majesty. The letter is months old,? I reply. ?What can be the reason for asking me only now??

Oh, the reason is simple. The Empress had the missive in her hands only a few days ago. She delivered it to the Emperor as soon as possible.

?Why was it kept secret?? I continue.

It wasn't kept secret for the simple reason that it didn't exist. Yet, the Empress can't know it.

I've used old paper to write it. I've also thrown some dust on the sigil while it warmed down to make it look older.

However, the Empress can't know this.

She's made the mistake of challenging me in the open, and this mistake will cost her much.

?Months?? the Emperor repeats. He clenches the armrests of the throne and glares at the woman. ?What does it mean, mother??

His voice thunders in the hall, and the nobles look at each other at a loss.

?Have you kept it secret to use it to your advantage?? he continues. ?Ignoring the threat you yourself read in it??

He gets up and observes the woman from above. He's in front of the throne, a few stairs from the Empress.

?Were you hoping that something would happen in the meantime??

?I... I'm not...? she stutters. ?It's not true!?

She clenches her gowns and returns to her normal self. In control of her expression and gestures. She's good, but I can tell she's nervous with a single glance.

?I didn't know this letter was that old.?

?Oh,? the Emperor sighs.

?There's a date on it, your majesty,? I point out.

?It's from last month,? the Empress says. ?Look at the date, your majesty!?

She runs up on the stains and delivers the missive to his majesty.

I refrain from laughing and just wait with patience. They will ask for an explanation.

This is so fun that I'd stay and look forever.

?It's true,? his majesty acknowledges. ?The month is the sixth. Which is June. It's from the beginning of June...?

I open my eyes wide and feign surprise.

?It's from June?? I inquire. ?I'm not sure when I wrote it, your majesty. It happened so much ago that I've forgotten. And since I wasn't plotting anything, I didn't deem it so relevant as to remember the details...?

?All right,? he says. He delivers the missive to one of his aides, and it reaches me without delay.

I spread the paper and look at it as if months passed; as if I didn't remember every single detail of it.

?Oh!? I utter. ?It's a misunderstanding!?

I deliver the paper back to the aide and look at his majesty.

?I can explain.?

I adore dragging this longer. They will be so sorry after hearing the truth.

?I've used Asteria's method for printing dates. Month and date are inverted so that this wasn't written in June but on the sixth of January. Months ago.?

?Asteria's custom indeed is weird,? the Emperor realises. ?You used that one since you were writing to someone living there; it makes perfect sense.?

There's something different in the way the Emperor is looking at me. It's as if he was seeing me for the first time. His eyes are hiding some hints of respect, but I don't care about this aspect.

I'm more focused on finding out whether he'll trust me ever again. Someone capable of planning like this is dangerous, isn't it right? Yet, I'm Alexander of Kyre's wife. What was he expecting, a naive little lamb?

?So, this is how you felt six months ago,? he comments, analysing the letter some more. Maybe, he's looking for details out of place. Anything that would make him believe that the letter is fake.

He might even believe that I actually wrote it during the winter and that I kept it with me for the whole time, waiting for the right moment to use it.

That would be completely crazy. Oh, Alexander is capable of something similar, for sure. But I am not.

I'm still new to plotting.

?Yes, your majesty. That letter is sincere but outdated.?

?And how do you feel now about all you complained about??

?I've accepted my place, as you can see,? I reply, caressing my stomach with light fingers. My smile is as motherly as it can be, and my eyes don't show any hint of aggressiveness.

I'm just that: a young, loving wife and soon a mother. Not a threat to an Empire!

?My role isn't less now that I don't have a crown. On the contrary, I feel like what I can do is even more than before. After all, being the Duchess of Kyre isn't inferior to being a Queen of Polis by any means. I can see my gain, now.?

?I'm relieved you've accepted your role, Duchess. It makes things easier for all of us.? 𝒇r𝙚𝙚𝓌𝙚𝑏𝗻𝑜𝘷𝗲𝘭.c૦𝑚

?I didn't thank your majesty for the beautiful gift last year. I'd like to do it now. Letting me marry Alexander of Kyre was such a blessing...?

I don't need to act to say this. I'm grateful, for real.

It took me time, months, to realise how lucky I am. But now that I know, I won't let anyone take this happiness from me.

?Thank you for saving my life, your majesty. And thank you for making me the wife of my husband. For this, your majesty will have this Duchess's eternal gratitude.?